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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 58-69.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018258

• Orignal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A study of the relationship between phenotypic traits, stem mechanical traits and lodging resistance of oat varieties for alpine regions

LIANG Guo-ling, ZHANG Yong-chao, JIA Zhi-feng, MA Xiang, LIU Wen-hui*   

  1. Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences of Qinghai University, Qinghai Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Key Laboratory of Use of Forage Germplasm Resources on Tibetan Plateau of Qinghai Provence, Xining 810016, China
  • Received:2018-04-24 Revised:2018-07-05 Online:2019-04-20 Published:2019-04-20

Abstract: This research studied factors contributing to differences between oat varieties for lodging resistance, in order to identify major traits contributing to, and to further breeding for lodging resistance. Five lines or cultivars were selected for study: a recently bred hybrid (I-D line), its two parents [male Avena sativa cv. Qinghai (Q), female A. sativa cv. Qinghai 444 (Q444)], and 2 reference cultivars more and less susceptible to lodging, [Qinyin No. 1 (QY1), and LENA (L)], used as controls. Plants were examined during flowering and milky-grain growth phases, and fresh weight and a range of stem physical traits potentially contributing to lodging resistance were assessed. The ranking of the 5 studied varieties for lodging resistance was: L>I-D line>Q>Q444>QY1. Correlation analysis indicated that lodging index and phenotypic lodging score were positively correlated with ear length, ear position, plant height, height of the head centre of gravity, head fresh weight, and stem internode lengths; and where significantly or highly significantly negatively correlated with stem diameter and thickness, and stem mechanical strength traits. The second internode contributed more to lodging resistance more than the third one. It is suggested that stem diameter and thickness, stem wall penetration resistance, breaking resistance, bending moment and other physical bending parameters be used for evaluating oat lodging resistance. Plant height influenced lodging resistance more than ear characters. The stem diameter and thickness had the largest impact on lodging resistance, while the stem wall penetration resistance was the best indicator of lodging resistance in oats. The results indicate that it is important to enhance the stem thickness and the breaking resistance in order to increase lodging resistance in oats. Compared to their parents, the newly bred I-D lines had better plant height, stem diameter and thickness, internode length, and stem mechanical traits, resulting in better lodging resistance.

Key words: alpine area, oats, phenotype character, the stem mechanics, lodging resistance