Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 79-90.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022141
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Shi-min ZHANG(), Jiao-yang ZHAO, Hui-sen ZHU(
), Kai WEI, Yong-xin WANG
Hui-sen ZHU
Shi-min ZHANG, Jiao-yang ZHAO, Hui-sen ZHU, Kai WEI, Yong-xin WANG. Effects of selenium on metabolic transformation and morphogenesis in different varieties of alfalfa during the germination stage[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 79-90.
Fig. 3 Effect of selenium application on sugar morphological transformation and nitrogen transformation in different varieties of alfalfa seed germination stage
处理 Treatments | 指标 Index | 甘农3号 Gannong No.3 | DS310FY | 中苜5号 Zhongmu No.5 |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽势Germination potential (%) | 90.50±0.58a | 90.25±1.71a | 82.25±2.06b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽指数Germination index | 206.55±1.77a | 208.07±3.89a | 161.77±4.17b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 活力指数Vigor index | 5.34±0.30a | 5.58±0.32a | 4.20±0.20b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase (μg NO2-·g-1FW·h-1) | 42.02±2.63a | 36.64±2.01ab | 33.71±3.40b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY2 | 胚芽长Epicotyl length (mm) | 35.94±2.14b | 42.32±2.18a | 43.95±3.82a |
GSY2, DSY4, ZMCK | 胚根长Hypocotyl length (mm) | 19.10±1.55b | 22.98±1.11a | 24.42±1.15a |
GSY2, DSY2, ZMY4 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 4 d (%) | 4.46±0.18b | 5.45±0.29a | 4.56±0.35b |
GSY2, DSY1, ZMY2 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 10 d (%) | 3.02±0.13b | 3.04±0.19b | 3.91±0.25a |
GSY3, DSY3, ZMY4 | 蔗糖Sucrose of 10 d (%) | 4.11±0.20b | 5.46±0.16a | 5.34±0.25a |
GSY1, DSY1, ZMY1 | 总氨基酸Total amino acid (μg·g-1) | 434.24±35.37b | 512.62±21.15a | 436.20±23.97b |
GSY3, DSY1, ZMY1 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar of 4 d (%) | 1.72±0.11b | 2.06±0.14a | 2.19±0.10a |
Table 1 Comprehensive comparative analysis of germination indicators of different varieties of alfalfa after selenium application
处理 Treatments | 指标 Index | 甘农3号 Gannong No.3 | DS310FY | 中苜5号 Zhongmu No.5 |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽势Germination potential (%) | 90.50±0.58a | 90.25±1.71a | 82.25±2.06b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽指数Germination index | 206.55±1.77a | 208.07±3.89a | 161.77±4.17b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 活力指数Vigor index | 5.34±0.30a | 5.58±0.32a | 4.20±0.20b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase (μg NO2-·g-1FW·h-1) | 42.02±2.63a | 36.64±2.01ab | 33.71±3.40b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY2 | 胚芽长Epicotyl length (mm) | 35.94±2.14b | 42.32±2.18a | 43.95±3.82a |
GSY2, DSY4, ZMCK | 胚根长Hypocotyl length (mm) | 19.10±1.55b | 22.98±1.11a | 24.42±1.15a |
GSY2, DSY2, ZMY4 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 4 d (%) | 4.46±0.18b | 5.45±0.29a | 4.56±0.35b |
GSY2, DSY1, ZMY2 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 10 d (%) | 3.02±0.13b | 3.04±0.19b | 3.91±0.25a |
GSY3, DSY3, ZMY4 | 蔗糖Sucrose of 10 d (%) | 4.11±0.20b | 5.46±0.16a | 5.34±0.25a |
GSY1, DSY1, ZMY1 | 总氨基酸Total amino acid (μg·g-1) | 434.24±35.37b | 512.62±21.15a | 436.20±23.97b |
GSY3, DSY1, ZMY1 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar of 4 d (%) | 1.72±0.11b | 2.06±0.14a | 2.19±0.10a |
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