Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 40-50.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023382
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Li-fen HAO1(), Xiao-yang XU1, Yu JI1, Rui WANG2, De-bao WU1,3, Yu-yu LI1(
), Ke-jian LIN1(
Yu-yu LI,Ke-jian LIN
Li-fen HAO, Xiao-yang XU, Yu JI, Rui WANG, De-bao WU, Yu-yu LI, Ke-jian LIN. Comparison of the dynamic morphological and physiological characteristics of twin seeds during the germination of field sandbur[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(9): 40-50.
种子类型Seed types | 千粒重1000-grain weight (g) | 含水量Water content (%) | 萌发率Germination rate (%) |
M型种子M-type seeds | 7.73±0.08b | 4.38±0.07a | 83.89±0.92b |
P型种子P-type seeds | 4.50±0.09c | 4.42±0.07a | 56.72±1.73c |
刺苞内M型种子M-type seed in burs | 13.73±0.05a | 4.23±0.05a | 95.26±1.37a |
Table 1 Determination of 1000-grain weight, water content and germination rate of M-type seeds, P-type seeds and burs
种子类型Seed types | 千粒重1000-grain weight (g) | 含水量Water content (%) | 萌发率Germination rate (%) |
M型种子M-type seeds | 7.73±0.08b | 4.38±0.07a | 83.89±0.92b |
P型种子P-type seeds | 4.50±0.09c | 4.42±0.07a | 56.72±1.73c |
刺苞内M型种子M-type seed in burs | 13.73±0.05a | 4.23±0.05a | 95.26±1.37a |
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