Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 181-188.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023047
Jin-mei ZHAO1,2(), Guo-mei YIN3, Juan-juan SUN1,2, Yuan WEI1, Wei LI1, Mao-wei GUO1,2(
), Si-qi LIU1, Jia-qi ZHANG1
Mao-wei GUO
Jin-mei ZHAO, Guo-mei YIN, Juan-juan SUN, Yuan WEI, Wei LI, Mao-wei GUO, Si-qi LIU, Jia-qi ZHANG. The relationship between the transformation and transport of non-structural carbohydrates and cold resistance in Medicago sativa during cold hardening[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(12): 181-188.
组织Organization | 品种Variety | 对照CK | 降温CH1 | 低温CH2 |
叶 Leaf | 肇东Zhaodong | -12.46±0.82Ab | -14.65±0.87Bb | -24.35±1.29Cb |
赛迪10 Sardi10 | -7.04±0.53Aa | -7.56±0.64Aa | -15.34±1.33Ba | |
根Root | 肇东Zhaodong | -0.42±0.02Aa | -2.76±0.08Ba | -7.50±0.44Cb |
赛迪10 Sardi10 | -2.97±0.15Ab | -2.73±0.06Aa | -6.09±0.42Ba |
Table 1 Comparison of semi-lethal low temperature between two alfalfa varieties (℃)
组织Organization | 品种Variety | 对照CK | 降温CH1 | 低温CH2 |
叶 Leaf | 肇东Zhaodong | -12.46±0.82Ab | -14.65±0.87Bb | -24.35±1.29Cb |
赛迪10 Sardi10 | -7.04±0.53Aa | -7.56±0.64Aa | -15.34±1.33Ba | |
根Root | 肇东Zhaodong | -0.42±0.02Aa | -2.76±0.08Ba | -7.50±0.44Cb |
赛迪10 Sardi10 | -2.97±0.15Ab | -2.73±0.06Aa | -6.09±0.42Ba |
指标 Index | 项目 Item | LT50 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 淀粉Starch | ||
根Root | 叶Leaf | 根Root | 叶Leaf | 根Root | ||
LT50 | 叶Leaf | 0.803** | ||||
可溶性糖 Soluble sugar | 根Root | -0.728** | -0.601** | |||
叶Leaf | -0.587** | -0.387* | 0.700** | |||
淀粉 Starch | 根Root | -0.603** | -0.281 | 0.606** | 0.497** | |
叶Leaf | -0.329 | -0.612** | 0.117 | 0.017 | 0.178 |
Table 2 Correlation analysis among different indexes
指标 Index | 项目 Item | LT50 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 淀粉Starch | ||
根Root | 叶Leaf | 根Root | 叶Leaf | 根Root | ||
LT50 | 叶Leaf | 0.803** | ||||
可溶性糖 Soluble sugar | 根Root | -0.728** | -0.601** | |||
叶Leaf | -0.587** | -0.387* | 0.700** | |||
淀粉 Starch | 根Root | -0.603** | -0.281 | 0.606** | 0.497** | |
叶Leaf | -0.329 | -0.612** | 0.117 | 0.017 | 0.178 |
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