Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 85-91.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020550
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Li-qing ZHAO1(), Zhi-gang HAO2, Xiao-yan CUI3, Xiang-yong PENG3(
Xiang-yong PENG
Li-qing ZHAO, Zhi-gang HAO, Xiao-yan CUI, Xiang-yong PENG. Effects of gibberellin and its inhibitors on growth and gene expression in Poa pratensis[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(3): 85-91.
基因名称Gene names | 正向序列(5′-3′) Forward primer sequence | 反向序列(5′-3′) Reverse primer sequence |
Table 1 Primer sequence of the key enzyme gene qRT-PCR for gibberellin metabolism in P. pratensis
基因名称Gene names | 正向序列(5′-3′) Forward primer sequence | 反向序列(5′-3′) Reverse primer sequence |
处理 Treatment | 叶长 Leaf length (mm) | 叶宽 Leaf width (mm) | 根长 Root length (mm) |
CK | 233.2±30.7B | 3.6±0.3a | 222.3±19.7b |
G50 | 234.0±33.6B | 3.3±0.2a | 233.0±17.3ab |
G100 | 315.6±34.3A | 3.4±0.3a | 268.0±19.1a |
X500 | 74.2±9.5C | 2.6±0.3b | 171.3±18.6c |
X1000 | 89.0±19.0C | 2.6±0.3b | 164.0±21.2c |
D500 | 87.2±13.0C | 2.5±0.3b | 138.0±31.7c |
D1000 | 85.2±15.1C | 2.5±0.2b | 139.0±22.6c |
Table 2 Effects of growth regulators on growth indices of P. pratensis
处理 Treatment | 叶长 Leaf length (mm) | 叶宽 Leaf width (mm) | 根长 Root length (mm) |
CK | 233.2±30.7B | 3.6±0.3a | 222.3±19.7b |
G50 | 234.0±33.6B | 3.3±0.2a | 233.0±17.3ab |
G100 | 315.6±34.3A | 3.4±0.3a | 268.0±19.1a |
X500 | 74.2±9.5C | 2.6±0.3b | 171.3±18.6c |
X1000 | 89.0±19.0C | 2.6±0.3b | 164.0±21.2c |
D500 | 87.2±13.0C | 2.5±0.3b | 138.0±31.7c |
D1000 | 85.2±15.1C | 2.5±0.2b | 139.0±22.6c |
处理 Treatment | 叶鲜重 Leaf fresh weight (mg·plant-1) | 叶干重 Leaf dry weight (mg·plant-1) | 叶干物质含量 Dry matter content (%) | 根鲜重 Root fresh weight (mg·plant-1) | 根干重 Root dry weight (mg·plant-1) | 根干物质含量 Dry matter content (%) | 根冠比 Root shoot ratio |
CK | 196.2±17.1c | 46.6±3.5c | 23.8±1.4a | 17.1±0.9c | 7.2±0.4c | 42.1±2.3c | 0.15±0.01b |
G50 | 251.4±18.2b | 57.2±4.1b | 22.8±1.6a | 20.8±1.4b | 8.1±0.4b | 38.9±2.5c | 0.14±0.01b |
G100 | 309.1±21.1a | 75.2±6.2a | 24.3±2.6a | 21.1±1.3a | 8.6±0.6a | 40.8±3.9c | 0.11±0.00c |
X500 | 137.7±12.3d | 27.4±2.8d | 19.9±1.9a | 12.3±1.1d | 6.1±0.5d | 49.9±2.4ab | 0.22±0.01a |
X1000 | 114.1±11.3d | 22.7±2.7d | 19.9±2.1a | 11.3±1.5d | 5.8±0.6d | 50.9±1.9a | 0.25±0.02a |
D500 | 133.0±12.7d | 26.9±2.8d | 20.2±2.0a | 12.7±1.2d | 6.2±0.4d | 48.7±2.2ab | 0.23±0.01a |
D1000 | 116.1±12.9d | 24.6±2.5d | 21.2±1.5a | 12.7±1.1d | 5.9±0.5d | 46.5±1.6b | 0.24±0.01a |
Table 3 Effects of growth regulators on fresh/dry matter accumulation of P. pratensis
处理 Treatment | 叶鲜重 Leaf fresh weight (mg·plant-1) | 叶干重 Leaf dry weight (mg·plant-1) | 叶干物质含量 Dry matter content (%) | 根鲜重 Root fresh weight (mg·plant-1) | 根干重 Root dry weight (mg·plant-1) | 根干物质含量 Dry matter content (%) | 根冠比 Root shoot ratio |
CK | 196.2±17.1c | 46.6±3.5c | 23.8±1.4a | 17.1±0.9c | 7.2±0.4c | 42.1±2.3c | 0.15±0.01b |
G50 | 251.4±18.2b | 57.2±4.1b | 22.8±1.6a | 20.8±1.4b | 8.1±0.4b | 38.9±2.5c | 0.14±0.01b |
G100 | 309.1±21.1a | 75.2±6.2a | 24.3±2.6a | 21.1±1.3a | 8.6±0.6a | 40.8±3.9c | 0.11±0.00c |
X500 | 137.7±12.3d | 27.4±2.8d | 19.9±1.9a | 12.3±1.1d | 6.1±0.5d | 49.9±2.4ab | 0.22±0.01a |
X1000 | 114.1±11.3d | 22.7±2.7d | 19.9±2.1a | 11.3±1.5d | 5.8±0.6d | 50.9±1.9a | 0.25±0.02a |
D500 | 133.0±12.7d | 26.9±2.8d | 20.2±2.0a | 12.7±1.2d | 6.2±0.4d | 48.7±2.2ab | 0.23±0.01a |
D1000 | 116.1±12.9d | 24.6±2.5d | 21.2±1.5a | 12.7±1.1d | 5.9±0.5d | 46.5±1.6b | 0.24±0.01a |
处理 Treatment | 叶绿素a含量 Chlorophyll a content (mg·g-1) | 叶绿素b含量 Chlorophyll b content (mg·g-1) | 类胡萝卜素含量 Carotenoid content (mg·g-1) |
CK | 1.23±0.07c | 0.38±0.02c | 0.34±0.05b |
G50 | 1.28±0.07c | 0.38±0.03c | 0.37±0.02b |
G100 | 1.32±0.06c | 0.39±0.02bc | 0.41±0.03a |
X500 | 1.70±0.05a | 0.43±0.01ab | 0.48±0.05a |
X1000 | 1.66±0.06ab | 0.43±0.02ab | 0.44±0.03a |
D500 | 1.57±0.03b | 0.44±0.02a | 0.47±0.04a |
D1000 | 1.63±0.08ab | 0.46±0.02a | 0.47±0.04a |
Table 4 Effects of growth regulators on pigments content of P. pratensis
处理 Treatment | 叶绿素a含量 Chlorophyll a content (mg·g-1) | 叶绿素b含量 Chlorophyll b content (mg·g-1) | 类胡萝卜素含量 Carotenoid content (mg·g-1) |
CK | 1.23±0.07c | 0.38±0.02c | 0.34±0.05b |
G50 | 1.28±0.07c | 0.38±0.03c | 0.37±0.02b |
G100 | 1.32±0.06c | 0.39±0.02bc | 0.41±0.03a |
X500 | 1.70±0.05a | 0.43±0.01ab | 0.48±0.05a |
X1000 | 1.66±0.06ab | 0.43±0.02ab | 0.44±0.03a |
D500 | 1.57±0.03b | 0.44±0.02a | 0.47±0.04a |
D1000 | 1.63±0.08ab | 0.46±0.02a | 0.47±0.04a |
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