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    20 February 2015, Volume 24 Issue 2
    Factors affecting understory herb community botanical composition in a dry valley ecotone in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Southwest China
    ZHENG Jiangkun, GONG Yuanbo, LIU Jinxin, LIU Jianbo
    2015, 24(2):  1-10.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150201
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    This paper investigates factors affecting botanical composition of the herbaceous understory layer in a dry valley ecotone in mountain forest in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River in Sichuan province of southwest China. Eight study plots were identified between 2588 m and 2692 m altitude and the vegetation cover (shrub or plantation forest), aspect, slope, and slope position (top, middle or bottom) characterized. Quadrat sampling (1 m×1 m) was used to determine importance of 68 botanical species recorded in the 8 plots and positive or negative correlations in occurrence among 9 dominant species determined by Jaccard index and χ2 test. A grassland quality index based on herbage mass and estimated palatability and certain other grassland pattern indexes were determined. Proximity of quadrats to animal grazing paths was also recorded and data were subjected to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to determine relationships among the various site factors and presence of particular species. Members of the Asteraceae were important among the dominant species and members of the Fabaceae and Poaceae less so, which indicated that the herbaceous understory layer vegetation is degraded by long-term grazing. The correlation analyses identified Artemisia lavandulifolia and Deyeuxia scabrescens as dominant understory species in plantation forest plots. Seven other species including Artemisia annua and Oxytropis kansuensis were dominant in shrub land. In CCA the first 3 axes accounted for 75.4% of the data variation with axis 1 strongly separating grazing path and shrub land species from forest species, axis 2 separating shrub land species of differing slope and slope position, and axis 3 further characterizing species associated with animal grazing paths. Factors affecting the grassland quality and pattern indices were complex and not clearly resolved in this study but it is likely that grazing-related degradation was an important influence on these indices.
    Evaluation of the production performance of C4 forage grass species under different cultivation methods in the coastal shoal
    XU Nengxiang, DING Chenglong, DONG Chenfei, ZHANG Wenjie, CHENG Yunhui, GU Hongru
    2015, 24(2):  11-21.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150202
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    The production performance of three C4 forage grass species (Pennisetum hybrid, Sorghum-Sudan hybrid and Zea mexicana) has been investigated under different cultivation methods in the coastal shoal at Jinhai farm in Yancheng, Jiangsu province. Three cultivation methods were set: film mulching, ridge forming, and film mulching plus ridge forming. The growth period was sampled at four intervals (24 July, 13 August, 3 September, 24 September). The analysis included leaf area, plant height, grass yield and traits related to feed quality such as water soluble carbohydrates, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. The film mulching plus ridge forming method was the most significant in terms of improving grass yield and feed quality. The Pennisetum and Sorghum-Sudan hybrids returned the best yield and quality when harvested on 3 September, while Z. mexicana yield and quality were highest when harvested on 24 September. The water soluble carbohydrates content of the Sorghum-Sudan hybrid and Z. mexicana was significantly higher than that of the Pennisetum hybrid. The plant stems rather than the leaves were the main organ of carbohydrate storage for the Sorghum-Sudan hybrid and Z. mexicana. For the Pennisetum hybrid the water soluble carbohydrates content was also higher in the stems than in the leaves, but not to such a relatively high degree.
    Partial replacement of chemical fertilizer by compound microbial inoculant and potential for promoting growth of intercropped Zea mays and Pisum sativum
    RONG Liangyan, CHAI Qiang, YAO Tuo, ZHANG Rong, FENG Jin, YANG Hao, CAO Lei, ZHU Qian
    2015, 24(2):  22-30.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150203
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    In recent years, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have become one of the most attractive strategies for the development of sustainable agricultural systems due to their eco-friendly nature, reduced consumption of non-renewable resources and lower cost. In order to investigate the effect of inoculant on growth and yield of intercropped Zea mays and Pisum sativum, five superior PGPR were screened by comprehensively analyzing nitrogenase activity, phosphate dissolving activity, 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) secreting capacity and ability to antagonise pathogens. The compound microbial inoculant was produced by mixing these five strains with a rhizobia strain (ACCC 16101) from P. sativum. A field plot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the compound microbial inoculant on growth and yield of intercropped Z. mays and P. sativum. The viable count of compound microbial inoculant after 210 d storage was greater than 3.0×109 cfu/mL, showing the quality of this inoculant complied with the standard for microbiological fertilizer of China (NY227-94). When the inoculant was applied in combination with 80% of the normal rate of chemical fertilizer, the root length of P. sativum at maturity was increased significantly (P<0.05) by 3.18 cm, and the root dry weight at full-bloom growth stage and maturity were increased by 0.88 and 2.39 g, respectively. The pod number per plant, seed number per pod, seed weight per plant and yield of P. sativum at maturity were increased significantly by 1.2 pods, 0.5 seeds, 0.63 g and 0.64 t/ha, respectively. The plant height of Z. mays at the flowering stage was increased (P<0.05) by 8.91 cm, while the cob weight and grain yield of Z. mays at maturity were increased significantly by 4.33 t/ha and 1.87 t/ha, respectively. From these data it can be calculated that applying the compound microbial inoculant to replace 20% of the chemical fertilizer normally used would increase the income from P. sativum by 972.00 yuan/ha and Z. mays by 3835.05 yuan/ha. Thus, partial fertilizer replacement with PGPR reduced the environmental impact of intercropped maize and peas by reducing consumption of non-renewable energy and protecting the agricultural environment, while also improving the food security.
    Nutrition effects on growth and endogenous hormones in kentucky bluegrass
    LIU Qiang, ZHANG Suoke, SUN Wanbin, YU Ling, MA Huiling
    2015, 24(2):  31-40.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150204
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    Nutrient application is essential in turf management. To help reveal the mechanisms of fertilizer improvement in turfgrass growth, field experiments were carried out testing different fertilizer combinations. The relationship between endogenous hormone content and growth of kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) was determined; turf quality was also evaluated. Fertilizer application (bio-fertilizer and citric acid) significantly affected turf quality. Fertilization significantly improved indoleacetic acid (IAA) and zeatin (ZT) content and restricted the synthesis and accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA).Post fertilization, IAA and ZT content increased with time (35 days). However, ABA content was relatively low and decreased after fertilizer application.
    The impact of herbicides on production and antioxidant properties of oats
    LIU Huan, MU Ping, ZHAO Guiqin, ZHOU Xiangrui
    2015, 24(2):  41-48.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150205
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    In order to investigate the effects of two herbicides (butralin and s-metolachlor) on kernel yield and physiological characteristics of oats, different concentrations of the two herbicides were applied to an oat crop (Avena sativa) Longyan 3 in a single-factor randomized block design. The weed control and kernel yield of the oats were investigated, and the superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) activities and membrane lipid peroxidation (MDA) products in different growth stages were also measured. Higher concentrations of herbicides had a better weed control effect. The oat kernel yield was increased compared with the control at all concentrations of herbicide applied, with the highest increase being 30.7%. Weed control and yield enhancement effects of s-metolachlor were better than butralin, and the high concentration of s-metolachlor had only a small impact on the various antioxidant enzyme activities, so it was safe for weed control of oats. Antioxidant enzyme activities in oat leaves following herbicide application were higher than those of the controls. Activities of different enzymes showed different patterns with increase in herbicide concentration or over time during the growth of the crop. POD and SOD activities were initially increased after herbicide application and then decreased as the crop developed. CAT activity was relatively stable, but the pattern was an initial decrease, followed by an increase. MDA content increased gradually with time.
    A comparison of the effect of three grass species on controlling non-point pollution in orchards
    GAO Xiaoye, ZHANG Xingxing, ZHU Jianguo, AN Yuan
    2015, 24(2):  49-54.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150206
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    Pastures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), chicory (Cichorium intybus) and white clover (Trifolium repens) were established separately to study their effects on controlling runoff and non-point pollution under the application of fertilizers in a peach orchard. Simulations of torrential rain were conducted. The results showed that the amount of runoff in the chicory, alfalfa, and white clover pastures decreased 41.6%, 35.0% and 58.4% respectively, in comparison with the control, but there is no difference between these three pastures. The relationship between runoff amount and pasture coverage was significantly negative, but relationships between runoff amount and density, as well as runoff amount and basal coverage of pasture, were not significant. Compared to the control, the content of ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in runoff significantly decreased in the three pastures with the application of fertilizers. This decrease was most pronounced with white clover, with chicory in second place. This study suggests that establishing pastures in orchards can help to control runoff and non-point pollution and that the effectiveness of this control depends on the types of pasture (e.g. plant species or coverage).
    The relationship of fatty acid composition and resistance of Artemisia sphaerocephala seedlings under water stress
    MIAO Xiumei, ZHANG Lijing, CHEN Xiaolong, WU Shujuan, NIU Decao, FU Hua
    2015, 24(2):  55-61.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150207
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    Physiological responses of Artemisia sphaerocephala to water stress were studied by treatment of 5%, 15% and 25% polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000). Results showed that, relative water content of leaves significantly reduced with the increasing concentration of PEG, the fatty acid compositions of leaves dramatically changed, PEG stress leads fatty acid of A. sphaerocephala leaves saturated. Under 5% and 15% PEG treatments, leaves lipid tend to saturated, which reducing the chance of peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acid and preventing damage of cell membranes; under 25% PEG treatment, lipid saturation led to membrane function impairment. Palmitoleic acid and Linoleic acid play important roles in maintaining certain membrane lipid unsaturation in A. sphaerocephala under water stress. The contents of two important osmotic adjustment substances, proline and water soluble sugar, increased significantly under water stress, however, this could not prevent the damage of cell membrane induced by fatty acid peroxidation.
    Effects of Flaveria bidentis invasion on soil nitrogen cycling and soil microbial biomass in different regions
    ZHAO Xiaohong, YANG Dianlin, WANG Hui, LIU Hongmei, QU Bo, HUANGFU Chaohe
    2015, 24(2):  62-69.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150208
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    The effect of plant invasion on soil ecosystems has attracted increased attention from ecologists. To study the influences of Flaveria bidentis invasion on soil nutrients, enzyme activities and soil microbial biomass in different regions, soils were sampled at three sites: in Jinghai County in Tianjin and in Xian County and Hengshui City in Hebei Province. Results indicate that the invasion of F. bidentis changed the soils’ chemical and biological characteristics, but that these changes varied by regions. Total soil nitrogen increased in Jinghai and Xian but decreased in Hengshui, compared to the control. Soil nitrate was significantly lower in Jinghai and Hengshui while significantly higher in Xian than the control. Changes in the Potential Nitrification Rate followed the same pattern as that of nitrate. Nitrogen cycling-related enzyme activities also changed differently across the three regions. Soil microbial biomass carbon increased by 27.05%, 57.62% and 40.31% in Jinghai, Xian and Hengshui, respectively. Soil microbial biomass nitrogen increased by 37.40% in Jinghai and by 106.48% in Xian. These regional differences may be related to soil nutrient status before the invasion of F. bidentis. This study suggests that different management strategies should be taken in different invasion regions.
    Soil microbial biomass and activity under desert shrub canopies
    CHEN Hongyang, SHANG Zhenyan, FU Hua, ZHANG Baolin, ZHANG Silian, NIU Decao
    2015, 24(2):  70-76.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150209
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    The effects of different size shrub (two groups of Reaumuria soongorica shrubs) on the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil properties were studied in the eastern Alxa Plateau. The soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were significantly higher in the nebkha (dune) beneath and at the perimeter of shrub canopies. No differences were observed for SOC and TN in nebkhas under shrubs of different size. However, soil water content of nebkhas increased markedly with increasing shrub size. Soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) were 55.23-113.81 mg/kg and 5.46-7.66 mg/kg, respectively. The soil MBC and microbial quotient (qMB) were significantly higher beneath the shrub canopies than at the perimeter. The soil microbial biomass and activity beneath the shrub canopy remained relatively stable. The nebkha under the shrub canopies contained more nutrients but was not affected by shrub size. The formation of nebkha played an important role in maintaining the stability and health of the soil microenvironment beneath shrub canopies.
    Influence of cropping system on enzyme activities and fungal communities in soil
    CHEN Danmei, CHEN Xiaoming, LIANG Yongjiang, HUO Xinjian, ZHANG Changhua, DUAN Yuqi, YANG Yuhong, YUAN Ling
    2015, 24(2):  77-84.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150210
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    The influence of different cropping systems on enzyme activities and fungal communities in representative yellow limestone soils in north Guizhou was studied over a period of 10 years in a field experiment. There were 4 cropping systems including flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) without rotation (T-W), flue-cured tobacco-canola (Brassica napus) without rotation (T-C), flue-cured tobacco-wheat-maize (Zea mays) rotation (T-W-M) and flue-cured tobacco-canola-maize rotation (T-C-M). Organic matter, microbial carbon and nitrogen, and dehydrogenase activity were increased significantly in the soil of the rotation systems, with resulting benefits to soil fertility and crop productivity. Rotation also greatly increased the number of 18S rDNA sequence, fungal phylotypes (operational taxonomic units), and the diversity index of the fungal community and reduced dominance index and the sum abundance of the top 20 predominant fungal phylotypes which suggests that rotation improved soil ecosystems. Higher diversity of fungi in soil ecosystems should prevent over reproduction of any single fungal taxon and so inhibit disease spread on a large scale. Conversely, compared with rotation, there were fewer fungal populations and a greater tendency for predominant phylotypes in soils continuously cropped under one system, which could increase the incidence of crop disease. Taxonomically, 75% of soil fungi could be assigned to Ascomycota and eight of 20 predominant fungi were commonly observed in all studied soils. Fungi in soil in the T-C system could be observed in the soils of the other three cropping systems after 10 years of the respective cropping regimes which suggests presence of those fungi is more influenced by soil environment than cropping system.
    Effects of exogenous nitric oixde on seed germination, physiological characteristics and active oxygen metabolism of Medicago truncatula under NaCl stress
    LIU Wenyu, YANG Hongwei, WEI Xiaohong, LIU Bo, WANG Gaoqiang, WU Weitao
    2015, 24(2):  85-95.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150211
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    Medicago truncatula seeds were pre-soaked with 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 mmol/L sodium nitriprusside [SNP, a nitric oxide (NO) donor] solution to study the effects of nitric oxide on seed germination, physiological characteristics and active oxygen metabolism of M. truncatula under 2.0% NaCl stress. Damage to M. truncatula seeds caused by 2.0% NaCl stress was significantly alleviated in the presence of 0.1 mmol/L SNP. The seed germination percentage, germination energy, germination index and vigor index were increased 333.40%,79.64%,171.93% and 100.00%, respectively; while soluble sugar, protein and proline contents in seeds were increased by 21.1%, 42.3% and 123.1%, respectively. Starch content was decreased by 17.7%, amylase activity was increased by 29.7%, and MDA and O2-· contents were decreased by 21.8% and 27.2%, respectively. Activities of SOD, POD, CAT and APX in seeds were increased by 28.6%, 43.1%, 56.2% and 60.3%, respectively. Seed germination, oxidative damage and the antioxidant enzyme activities in seeds decreased when seeds were treated with 0.3 mmol/L SNP. When the concentration of SNP solution was increased to 1.0 mmol/L, we observed an inhibitory effect on seed germination. Our results provide evidence that lower concentrations of SNP may alleviate damage to seeds caused by salt stress. Key components of the response are: decreased MDA and O2-· levels, increased proline level and antioxidant enzyme activities in seeds, with resultant promotion of starch and protein hydrolysis, expedition of seed germination.
    Seed-borne fungi infection of Siberian wildrye: Effects on seed germination and seedling growth
    CHEN Tao, NAN Zhibiao
    2015, 24(2):  96-103.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150212
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    We investigated seed-borne fungi in Siberian wildrye seed samples collected from Qinghai in five different harvest seasons (S1 to S5) and tested the effects of fungal infection on seed germination and seedling growth. Seed germination ranged from 56%to 80%. S2 had the highest seed germination (80%), significantly higher than S1 and S5 (P<0.05).The fungal infection rate of seed samples varied from 24% to 38% and declined with the extension of storage time.S5 had the highest infection rate of 38%, significantly higher than all other samples (P<0.05).17 fungal species from 15 genera were identified; the isolation rate ranged from 0.25% to 8.75%. Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. were the most common seed-borne species found and were isolated in all seasons. Pathogenicity tests showed that Fusarium avenaceum,F. monilifome,Fusarium sp.1,Drechslera sp. and Bipolaris sp. were the most pathogenic fungi, significantly reducing seed germination and seedling growth (P<0.05). Alternaria alternata significantly reduced seedling growth but did not affect seed germination. Pithomyces sp.,Aspergillus sp. and Bipolaris sp. significantly prolonged the mean seed germination period, while Fusarium avenaceum significantly shortened it (P<0.05).
    Seed morphology and effect of sheep rumen digestion on germinability of 28 grass of Tianshan
    YANG Jiejing, WAN Juanjuan, Narkes Wali, REN Aitian, LU Weihua
    2015, 24(2):  104-115.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150213
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    Seeds from 28 plant species belonging to the Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Alliaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Zygophyllaceae and Amaranthaceae, which are the main plant families present in the four grassland types on the north slope of Tianshan (regional indication would be good, eg. Northwest China), were collected, and their morphological characters recorded and germinability before and after sheep-rumen-passage determined. The seeds of the 28 plant species showed rich diversity in morphological characteristics, and their weights spanned a wide range, with the heaviest being 22 times the weight of the lightest. Similarly for dimensions of length, width and height, and the maxima and minima of the various species differed by a factor of 14, 24, and 22, respectively. A shape index indicated that in most species seeds were either markedly flattened or approximately sphericalin shape. For most species seed morphology was modified by adjacent structures, such as an awnon an adhering lemma in the Poacea, or fruiting wings in some herbs. Some seeds were borne in mucilaginous structures. Morphological characteristics of Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Fabacea were taxonomically diagnostic. Seeds of the remaining families did not show any phylogentic consistency in their morphological characteristics. The water absorption of plant seeds during germination can be divided into three stages: a fast water absorption phase, a slow water absorption phase and constant water content phase. The germination rate of legume seeds was very low, ranging from 4.2%-15.0%, while germination rate of Asteraceae species was up to 97%; the germination rate of 6 Chenopodiaceae species ranged from 41%-97%, and of 10 Poaceae species ranged from 53%-99%. After sheep-rumen-passage, the germination rate of Fabaceae seeds was increased, whereas the germinability of seeds of other families was decreased. However, despite reduced germinability after rumen passage, because of the survival of some seeds sheep browsing provides a possible pathway for seed dispersal. The germination rate of seed before rumen digestion was significantly associated with shape index and seed weight, while it was significantly correlated with seed shape index and seed length after rumen digestion. Additionally, there was convergence in germination behavior before and after digestion among seeds that have a close genetic relationship.
    The structures of tepals and fruits of Polygonaceae in China with a note on their systematic significance
    WANG Jingru, LIU Mei, RU Jian, CAO Dongling, CHENG Xinyu, ZHANG Xinxin
    2015, 24(2):  116-129.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150214
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    The structures of tepals and fruits of 64 species and 2 varieties representing 9 genera of Polygonaceae in China were studied using glycol methacrylate (GMA) section, peeling and separation of the exocarp. Features recorded included whether tepal margins were entire, undulate, or serrate and whether veins were trinervious, netlike or pinnate, although only one venation pattern was observed among species of any one genus. In most cases fruit shape was trigonous, biconvex, or nearly-spherical. In most of taxa, the exocarp consisted of stone cells which were usually arranged in an inlaid or paliform pattern. There were 7 types of stone cells: nearly elliptical with undulate wall, elongate cylindrical with undulate wall, nearly rectangular with protuberant wall, elongate cylindrical with protuberant wall, nearly rectangular with straight wall, nearly elliptical with protuberant wall, and elongate with undulate wall. The first five types were found in the subfamily Polygonideae and the sixth and seventh types in the subfamily Rumicoideae. Tannins occurred in the exocarp and mesocarp of the fruits. This study provides morphological information ontepals and fruit structure in the Polygonaceae, and from a taxonomic perspective supports the conclusion from molecular study that Polygonaceae is not a natural group.
    Fruit micromorphology of Brassicaceae in China and notes on systematic implications
    CAO Dongling, LIU Mei, RU Jian, WANG Jingru, CHENG Xinyu, SHI Chuanqi, WANG Chen
    2015, 24(2):  130-141.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150215
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    The fruit structure of 77 species and 6 varieties representing 9 tribes and 35 genera of Brassicaceae in China were studied using glycol methacrylate (GMA) section. The observations revealed that fruits were generally laterally or dorsally compressed. The fruits of Euclidieae and Matthioleae were glabrous; fruits from the remaining tribes were single-celled trichomes which included simple, T-shaped, furcate and stellate forms. The fruits of Lepidieae had wings which varied in size and shape. The mesocarp was composed of parenchyma cells and fibers in most taxa, lignified in some taxa (Arabideae, Lepidieae and Hesperideae). Vascular bundles were found in the parenchyma tissue of the mesocarp. The pseudoseptum of Arabideae and Hesperideae was lignified, whereas those of the other six tribes consisted of 2 layers of parenchyma cells. Anobvious pseudoseptum was not observed in Isatis costata and Pachypterygium multicaule. Usually, all of these features were endemic in the genus and important for taxonomy. The present study identified additional morphological features of Brassicaceae fruit and provided the taxonomic evidence to support the conclusion from molecular analysis defining the tribes and genera of the Brassicaceae family.
    Genetic transformation using an RNAi vector containing an ARF gene in potato and effects on physiological characteristics of microtuber
    PEI Ruifang, LIU Ying, LIU Bailin, ZHANG Ning, SI Huaijun, WANG Di
    2015, 24(2):  142-147.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150216
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    Using potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivar ‘Gannongshu 2’ as donor, 48 transgenic plants were obtained through an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method using an RNAi vector containing an ADP-ribosylation factors (ARF) gene. Testing of the transformed plants on a culture media containing kanmycin and PCR assay showed that the AFR gene had been successfully integrated into the potato genome. The analysis of real time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) data showed that the ARF gene expression declined to varying degrees in the transgenic plants compared with the controls, and interference degree reached 92.53% and 93.22% in the transgenic lines Z-11 and Z-12, respectively. The starch content of the transgenic plants increased by 4.29%-34.27%, the protein content by 1.47%-7.35%, the soluble sugar content by 1.44%-17.39%, and the sucrose content by 11.53%-53.84% compared with control plants; however, the glucose content of the transgenic plants decreased by 6.06%-21.21% compared with control plants.
    Effects of sludge/soil ratio on the remediation of PAH-contaminated sludge by smooth bromegrass
    WANG Wei, FENG Shengdong, YANG Zhixin, CHANG Ruixue, LI Yuling, WANG Xiaomin
    2015, 24(2):  148-160.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150217
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    Wastewater treatment plants produce large amounts of sludge that contain high concentrations of toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which would pollute agricultural soil and field crops if the sludge had not been treated properly. In this study, pot experiments with different sludge-to-soil ratios (W0%,sludge-to-soil ratio 0∶1;W25%,1∶3;W50%,1∶1;W75%,3∶1;W100%,1∶0) were conducted to determine the phytoremediation effects of Awnless Brome (smooth bromegrass) on PAH-contaminated sludge. The results show that increases in the sludge/soil ratio did not produce significant differences in the stem length of smooth bromegrass. However, biomass exhibited a pronouncedrising trend. In general, smooth bromegrass showed a strong tolerance to the presence of sludge. The absorption of 14 PAHs in total was the highest in treatment W100%, and the absorption of PAHs with 3 and 4 rings was higher than that with other-numbered rings. There was no significant difference in the removal rate of 14 PAHs in total between treatments W50%, W75% and W100%, and the maximal removal rate of 85.4% was found with treatment W75%. The removal of Pyr, Chry, BaA, BbF, BkF, BaP and InP was more effective than that of the other PAHs, with higher than 80% removal rates. Our results suggest that smooth bromegrass could be used as a plant resource for the remediation of PAH-contaminated sludge, given both its strong tolerance to sludge and its high uptake and removal rate of PAHs. A sludge/soil ratio of 3∶1 was found to be the optimal condition for remediation.
    Effects of Trichoderma aureoviride fermentation on the growth and physiological characteristics of Trifolium repens
    ZHANG Shuwu, XU Bingliang, CHENG Lingjuan, XUE Yingyu
    2015, 24(2):  161-167.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150218
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    The effects of Trichoderma aureoviride fermentation on the growth and physiological characteristics of Trifolium repens were evaluated by seed germination in vitro and by pot experiments in a greenhouse. T. aureoviride fermentation was applied with different dilution rates and all dilution rates significantly increased the rates of seed germination, the germination index and the vigor index. The 100-times dilution had the most significant effects on seed germination rates, germination index and vigor index (94.42%, 13.42 and 9.52 respectively). In the greenhouse experiments, the fermentation of T. aureoviride with different dilution rates significantly promoted the growth of T. repens seedlings and significantly increased chlorophyll and soluble protein content, as well as the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The 100-times dilution increased T. repens root length, plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and root-shoot ratio by 37.09%, 13.18%, 57.73%, 54.35% and 20.89%respectively. It increased chlorophyll and soluble protein contents by 14.02% and 76.21% respectively, and significantly increased polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine (PAL) enzyme activities. The maximum activity of PPO, POD and PAL presented at 3 days after treatment, 1 and 4 days after treatment and 3 and 4 days after treatment, respectively. These results suggest that the fermentation of T. aureoviride has significant growth promoting effects on T. repens.
    Effects of ryegrass on growth, carcass traits and blood biochemical indices of Yangzhou geese
    ZHAN Jinshun, XIA Chen, LIU Sujiao, ZHOU Meilin, YANG Hongbo, LIN Miao, LIU Mingmei, ZHAO Guoqi
    2015, 24(2):  168-175.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150219
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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different proportions of ryegrass meal in pelleted feed on the growth, carcass traits and blood biochemical indices of Yangzhou geese. 300 healthy geese with similar hatch times and hatch weight were randomly divided into 5 groups (control group and trial groups Ⅰ-Ⅳ); each group consisted of 20 geese with 3 replicates. The control group was feed with a basal diet without ryegrass, while trial groups Ⅰ-Ⅳ were feed pelleted feed containing 8%, 12%, 16% and 20% ryegrass respectively. The trial lasted for 21 days, after which all geese were slaughtered and assessed. Average daily weight gain of the trial groups was significantly higher but feed intake/unit weight gain significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05). The average daily feed intake of groups Ⅱ and Ⅳ was significantly lower than other groups (P<0.05). There were no differences in slaughter live weight, carcass traits, leg muscle weight and leg muscle ratio among the five trial groups, but the slaughter weight of groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ were significantly lower than remaining trial groups (P<0.05).The semi-eviscerated weight, eviscerated weight, eviscerated ratio, semi-eviscerated ratio, breast muscle weight, breast muscle ratio and tibia weight of group Ⅲ were significantly higher while the abdominal fat weight and the abdominal fat ratio were significantly lower than other groups (P<0.05). Heart, spleen, liver, stomach, pancreas and thymus weights of all experimental groups were higher than the control group. Total protein and high density lipoprotein in the blood serum of group Ⅲ, and the contents of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase of group Ⅰ and Ⅳ were significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05).Triglyceride, cholesterol and low density lipoprote in content in the serum of group Ⅲ and the blood glucose and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase content in the trial groups were significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05). Alkaline phosphatase was not affected by the feeding regime. It was concluded that growth, carcass traits and blood biochemical composition of Yangzhou geese was improved by including ryegrass in the diet; the optimum proportion in feed was 16%.
    Principles for design of rotational grazing systems
    ZHOU Daowei, ZHONG Rongzhen, SUN Haixia, HUANG Yingxin, FANG Yi
    2015, 24(2):  176-184.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150220
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    To promote more intensive grazing management in the northern steppes of China, rotational grazing systems used throughout the world were investigated and 10 principles summarized. This study found that the stocking rate is determined by yield per unit time, stage of heading indicates a starting time for spring grazing where pastures are not grazed in winter, the interval between successive grazings depends largely on the regeneration or recovery time, and the grazing duration reflects desired herbage removal and residual herbage mass. This study also found that the number and area of paddocks should facilitate desired livestock feeding behavior, optimize forage quality and nutrition, and ensure adequate water supply for livestock. The rotational grazing system should be environmentally friendly flexible, and easy to operate. A typical grazing management schedule for a representative farm in the northern China was designed, and the goals and criteria for rotational grazing management are discussed. Finally, this study recommends a new approach for sustainable intensive sheep farming.
    Advances in utilisation of dual-purpose Triticeae crops
    TIAN Lihua, WANG Dandan, SHEN Yuying
    2015, 24(2):  185-193.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150221
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    Dual-purpose crops are often utilized as forage (grazing or cutting) during the vegetative stages and subsequently managed as grain crops. It is practiced a number of different countries and regions and most often involves utilization of Triticeae crops. The benefits include partial alleviation of the conflict between uneven seasonal forage supply and the relatively stable forage requirements of livestock, promoting sustainable livestock production. The economic advantage of dual-purpose crops is that grain production remains relatively steady while livestock production can be increased. However, forage and grain production is potentially negatively influenced by inappropriate management, consequently it is vital to undertake research which will help standardize management of dual-purpose crops. This review paper summarized the distribution and advantages of dual-purpose Triticeae crops world-wide and analyzed the influences of crop genotype, sowing date, sowing density, temperature and moisture conditions on the productivity of these crops. Four key recommendations were identified. 1) Triticeae crops can be lightly grazed or cut at the tillering stage without reducing grain yield provided the apical meristem is not damaged. 2) Genotypes with a strong vernalization requirement and delayed reproductive growth are less likely to suffer apical meristem damage; tall cultivars with a late flowering date should be selected for dual-purpose use. 3) Sowing date should be 2-4 weeks earlier and sowing density and fertilizer application rates should be increased slightly to maximize forage production. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied post grazing/cutting to replace removed nitrogen, maintaining grain production. 4) The economic viability of dual-purpose crops requires an annual precipitation (350-500 mm). There view identifies opportunities for further research on dual-purpose Triticeae crops in China.
    Occurrence and effects of Aegilops tauschii in China
    FANG Feng, GAO Xingxiang, WEI Shouhui, LI Yan, LI Mei, ZHANG Chaoxian
    2015, 24(2):  194-201.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150222
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    Aegilops tauschii (Tausch’s goatgrass) is a globally significant weed which has become an serious threat in winter wheat fields in China. It spreads rapidly and has caused huge economic losses. This paper summarizes the description of A. tauschii including nomenclature, classification, morphology, distribution and spread, biology and ecology, breeding applications, hazards, and management.
    Effect of different treatments on the growth and physiological characteristics of Alhagi sparsifolia
    GAO Huanhuan, ZENG Fanjiang, LU Yan, LIU Zhen, AN Guixiang, LIU Bo
    2015, 24(2):  202-207.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150223
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    This paper reports a study of the effects of different treatments (spring mowing, spring firing, autumn mowing, and a contrast test) on the growth and physiological characteristics of Alhagi sparsifolia in the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert. The results show that under autumn mowing the leaves were significantly thicker and had a higher ratio of leaf length to width, indicating increased capability to transfer energy and material compared to the other treatments. All the treatments reduced A. sparsifolia plant growth and regeneration. However, mowing in autumn showed the strongest regenerative capability of the three treatments. Autumn mowing produced leaves with significantly higher photosynthetic pigment content than the other treatments. All three treatments reduced the physiological damage to A. sparsifolia from the external environment, though mowing in autumn showed the strongest resistance. The paper thus concludes that autumn moving is the best management practice for A. sparsifolia.
    Effects of alfalfa meal on growth, body composition and immune enzymes in Apostichopus japonicus
    SONG Jian, HE Zhou, CHENG Long, PANG Yunlong, NING Junhao, CHANG Yaqing
    2015, 24(2):  208-214.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb20150224
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    To determine the appropriate proportion of Medicago sativa in the diet of Japanese sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus), the effects of five diets containing zero (A0), 5% (A1), 10% (A2), 15% (A3) and 20% (A4) M. sativa meal on growth, body composition and immune enzyme activity in A. japonicus (3.16±0.66 g) were assessed. The A2 diet produced the highest growth rate (0.73%), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and crude protein content (52.10%), significantly higher (P<0.05) than the A1 and A4 diets. The activity of catalase in sea cucumbers from group A4 (142.28 U/mL) was significantly higher than those in groups A0, A1 and A2 (P<0.05). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in A3 (136.58 U/mL) was significantly higher than the A0 group (P<0.05). Additionally, lysozyme (LZM) content in the A3 group (1.92 μg/mL) was significantly higher than those in groups A0, A1 and A2 (P<0.05). The results suggest that the optimum proportion of M. sativa in A. japonicus diets is 10%.