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    20 April 2020, Volume 29 Issue 4
    Response of plant community structure and biomass to short-term rest grazing in an alpine meadow in Haibei Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai
    XU Tian-wei, ZHAO Jiong-chang, MAO Shao-juan, GENG Yuan-yue, LIU Hong-jin, ZHAO Xin-quan, XU Shi-xiao
    2020, 29(4):  1-8.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019312
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    This study explored the effects of short-term rest grazing on plant community structure and biomass, in order to provide a theoretical basis for decisions on the sustainable utilization of alpine meadow grassland. The plant community structure and biomass at three study sites (continuously grazed [CG], rest grazing for a growing season [RGGS], and not grazed for one year [NG1Y]) in Haibei alpine meadow were sampled and analyzed, in early September 2017. It was found that: 1) RGGS and NG1Y significantly increased plant community height, ground cover and species richness compared to CG (P<0.01). These treatments also increased the height of representative species such as Stipa aliena, Kobresia humilis, Gueldenstaedtia diversifolia and Medicago archiducis-nicolaii (P<0.01). 2) RGGS and NG1Y significantly increased litter fall and humus accumulation (P<0.01), significantly increased grass, legume and broad-leaved herb species biomass (P<0.01), and also significantly increased total aboveground biomass and high quality forage yield, compared to CG (P<0.01). 3) RGGS and NG1Y significantly increased 0-10 cm belowground biomass and total belowground biomass (0-30 cm) (P<0.01). Therefore, short-term rest grazing can be used to benefit vegetation community structure, improve high quality herbage yield and promote sustainable utilization of alpine meadow in Haibei Autonomous Perfecture of Qinghai province.
    Characteristics of the vegetation community and soil nutrient status in a degraded alpine wetland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    WANG Ting, ZHANG Yong-chao, ZHAO Zhi-zhong
    2020, 29(4):  9-18.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019378
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    In order to provide scientific data to inform decisions on the restoration of wetland on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a study was conducted of degraded alpine river wetlands in the source area of the Yellow River in Three-River Headwaters Region, and scattered sites forming a degradation time series were selected to represent the different wetland degradation stages. The plant community and soil physical and chemical characteristics across the alpine wetland degradation series were analyzed to elucidate the process of wetland degradation. Soil pH (0-20 cm soil depth) was 8.0 for undegraded wetland, but was significantly higher (8.5-9.0) in the various stages of degradation, though without any clear time-trend. With degradation, the vegetation height, coverage and biomass decreased gradually, the community structure became more complex; the soil salt enrichment layer gradually moved downward in the profile, the soil total carbon content and soil water content decreased significantly, and the alkali nitrogen content was reduced. Across the degradation series, the total phosphorus content tended to increase, while the available phosphorus content showed no significant changes. In general, the results show that the changes in soil moisture content were the main driver of degradation in the Maduo River wetland, and the degradation most affected the height of the plant community. With increasing intensification of degradation, soil water moisture and total carbon decreased significantly. Changes in soil moisture were closely related to changes in the community structure.
    Response of herbaceous plant community characteristics to short-term precipitation change in semi-arid sandy land
    Chelmeg, LIU Xin-ping, HE Yu-hui, SUN Shan-shan, WANG Ming-ming
    2020, 29(4):  19-28.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019155
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    Precipitation is a critically important ecological factor impacting on plant community characteristics and driving the species composition in semi-arid sandy land. However, there is still much that is not known about the response of plant community characteristics to precipitation changes. This study conducted controlled experiments in the 2018 during the growing season using field rain-generation and rain-reduction devices in the Horqin Sandy Land. In order to explore the relationship between community characteristics and precipitation changes. Treatments comprised: the drought commence in May or in June and lasted for 45 days, 30% or 60% reduction in natural precipitation, and 30% or 60% increase in natural precipitation. It was found that: 1) The rainfall reduction of 60% caused sandy land herb communities to move towards a less complex structure, with species richness index and diversity index showing a significant decline of 8.57% and 4.80%, respectively, and advantage index showing a non-significant decline trend of 1.36%, and an associated reduction in plant productivity. 2) Drought of 45 consecutive days from May had no significant effect on the composition, species diversity or community productivity of sandy land herb species. 3) Drought of 45 consecutive days from June affected multiple sandy land herb species, resulting in a decrease in species density. However, the effect on plant species diversity and community productivity was not significant. In summary, the plant communities in semi-arid sandy land have some resistance to short-term extreme drought events, but show a greater response to long-term drought events. 4) The increase of 30% and 60% precipitation treatments tended to increase community height, community coverage, and above ground biomass, but not significantly so relative to CK. These results help to build a theoretical basis for the understanding of mechanisms of plant community response to precipitation changes.
    Change in productivity of swards of different forage legume and grass species monocultures and combinations in the semi-arid region of Xinjiang Province
    XIE Kai-yun, CAO Kai, WAN Jiang-chun, WANG Yu-xiang, ZHAO Yun, ZHU Jin-zhong
    2020, 29(4):  29-40.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019314
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    The inter-species competitive and mutualistic relationships in mixed-species grassland are important to grassland productivity and stability. Ultimately, the cumulative effect of such factors is expressed by indicators such as yield and change in botanical composition in mixed-species grassland. In this study, monocultures of four most commonly sown forage species, smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis), orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and red clover (Trifolium pratense), were established as controls, and the forage yields and changes in species composition of two-species combinations (one legume and one grass) and three-species combinations were monitored for three years, and changes in productivity and factors affecting sward stability were analysed. For both monoculture and mixed-species swards, the biomass as hay was higher in 2017 than in 2018. The grazing biomass yields of mixed-species grassland were also significantly higher in 2018 than in 2017 and 2016, except for mixed-species swards of orchard grass and red clover. From 2016 to 2018, the proportion of biomass and density of smooth bromegrass increased significantly, and the proportion of biomass and density of orchard grass and red clover decreased significantly. The proportion of biomass and density of sainfoin gradually increased when sown with smooth bromegrass, but it gradually decreased when sown with orchard grass. In mixed-species swards of three forages, the proportions of biomass and density of smooth bromegrass and sainfoin increased significantly, while those of red clover and orchard grass decreased significantly. In summary, the variation of biomass over three years in mixed-species grassland in the arid conditions of this experiment was found to depend mainly on the annual average rainfall and the adaptability of the species present. From the changes in biomass and density observed in mixed-species swards, over time, smooth bromegrass and sainfoin gradually dominated while orchard grass and red clover were gradually lost and may disappear entirely in the longer term when included in mixed-species sowings in this region.
    Responses of the soil seed bank to simulated rainfall levels and anthropogenically introduced shrub encroachment in the desert steppe
    YU Lu, ZHOU Yu-rong, ZHAO Ya-nan, GUO Tian-dou, SUN Zhong-chao, WANG Hong-mei
    2020, 29(4):  41-50.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019306
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    This study explored the responses of the soil seed bank (0-5 and 5-10 cm soil depths sampled) to variation in precipitation and to encroachment by anthropogenically introduced shrubs (Caragana) in desert steppe grassland in Yanchi County, Ningxia Province. Simulated rainfall levels relative to mean annual precipitation of 290 mm (-60%, -40%, -20%, 0, 20%, 40%) were generated for eight otherwise similar sites with different vegetation categories: grassland fenced to preclude grazing (FY), grazed grassland (FM), and grassland with introduced shrubs established for 3, 12, or 22 years (3 sites, PY3, PY12, PY22) or at planting distances of 2, 6, or 40 m (3 sites, PS2, PS6, PS40). Species represented in the seedbank and their numbers were determined using germination counts after incubation of sampled soil in the field and in the greenhouse. A major finding was that in grassland with introduced shrubs, soil moisture for 0-200 cm soil depth was 8.14% when averaged across seasons and over PY sites, and 8.83% when averaged over PS sites, which was significantly lower (P<0.05) than corresponding values for FY and FM sites (16.00% and 13.00%, respectively). PS and PY sites also did not show higher soil moisture levels in spring than in autumn that were seen in FY and FM plots, and the soil moisture reduction at 40 m spacing was about 50% of that at 6 and 2 m shrub spacing. The number of species detected in the soil seed bank in field germination tests at the eight sites ranged between 4 and 7, comprising annual herbs, perennial herbs and shrubs, with total counts of 2965·m-2 and 2065·m-2, respectively, for FY and FM sites; 6198, 6465 and 5897·m-2, respectively, for PY3, PY12 and PY22 sites; and 3898, 5897 and 7698·m-2, respectively, for PS40, PS6 and PS2 sites. Of the total seed bank germination counts across the eight sites, 89.6% (range 87.12% to 96.55%) belonged to the annual herb Artemisia scoparia, and 70.04% came from the 0-5 cm soil layer. The number of species detected in glasshouse pot germination tests at different simulated rainfall levels, for samples from the eight sites, ranged between 1 and 5. For soil samples from all eight sites, the highest numbers of germinated seeds occurred in the +20% rainfall treatments and the lowest in the -60% treatment, while the +40% treatment was usually second lowest. For FY and FM sites the germinated seed density of the +20% treatment was 533 and 233·m-2, respectively. For sites with introduced shrubs, peak germination was 2266·m-2 and 1600·m-2 averaged over PY and PS sites, respectively. In summary, at these sites, introduced Caragana shrubs depleted soil moisture at depth, and the soil moisture reduction increased the dominance in the seedbank of the annual herb Artemisia scoparia, and tended to reduce species richness of the seedbank.
    Effects of water and fertilizer saving techniques on soil nutrient levels and enzyme activities under two different seasons with contrasting rainfall patterns
    FENG Jun, SHI Chao, MEN Sheng-nan, Hafiz Athar Hussain, KE Jian-hong, Linna Cholidah, CHEN Jin-fen, GUO Xin, WU Hai-yan, RAN Tai-lin, XIANG Xin-hua, WANG Long-chang
    2020, 29(4):  51-62.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019508
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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of water and fertilizer saving technologies on soil nutrient and enzyme activities in a rapeseed crop. Six cultivation treatments including local cultivation (CK), water-saving cultivation Ⅰ (straw mulching), water-saving cultivation Ⅱ (furrow and ridge rainwater harvesting), fertilizer-saving cultivation (slow release fertilizer), and water and fertilizer-saving cultivation Ⅰ (straw mulching+slow release fertilizer), and water and fertilizer-saving cultivation Ⅱ (furrow and ridge rainwater harvesting+slow release fertilizer) were included in the present study. The effects of water and fertilizer saving technologies on soil nutrients and enzyme activities of rapeseed in different growing seasons with contrasting precipitation patterns (2016-2017, a rainy year; and 2017-2018, a dry season) were compared and analyzed. It was found that the influence of raininess on rapeseed growth was greater than that of seasonal drought. Water and fertilizer-saving cultivation increased yield significantly in the wet growing season and didn’t reduce yield in the dry year. In both wet and dry growing seasons, water and fertilizer-saving cultivation improved soil pH and organic matter content, reduced soil nitrogen leaching loss, and maintained a steady release of available nutrients. Additional benefits were delayed urease release, increased soil alkaline phosphatase, sucrase and cellulase activities, improved fertilizer utilization efficiency and soil fertility retention, all of which are conducive to environmental protection. Water-saving or fertilizer-saving technology alone could not fully support rapeseed production in this experiment. In summary, the combined use of straw mulching, furrow and ridge rainwater harvesting and slow-release fertilizer technologies benefited rapeseed production both in wet and dry years, and reduced negative environmental effects of cropping, so as to achieve the win-win outcome of simultaneously increasing crop yield and environmental protection.
    A study of factors affecting decision-making behaviour of pastoral farmers’ animal husbandry production under the grassland ecological reward policy
    GAO Ya-ling, LIN Hui-long, MA Hai-li, WU Ting-mei
    2020, 29(4):  63-72.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019328
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    It has been seven years since China implemented the policy of grant and reward for grassland ecological protection. Empirical analysis and in depth study of the policy’s impact on herdsmen’s decision-making behavior pertaining to production from their farms, is of positive value to inform the implementation of the second stage of the policy. This paper is based on a survey of 220 herdsmen in seven counties including pastoral areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas in Gansu Province before and after the implementation of the eco-compensation policy. A logistic model and negative binomial regression model are used to analyze the impact of the grassland eco-compensation policy on herdsmen’s production decision-making behavior. It was found that the policy of grassland reward has a significant positive impact on the production decision-making behavior of herdsmen in general, but the impact on the production decision-making behavior of herdsmen in semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas is higher than that in pastoral areas. The policy of grassland reward is not the sole factor affecting the production decision-making behavior of herdsmen. Besides the policy of reward, the other factors affecting the production decision-making behavior of herdsmen in pastoral areas are different from semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas. The analysis showed decision-making in the pastoral areas is mainly affected by the family situation, while in the semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas decision-making is mainly affected by external environmental factors. With respect to the scale of animal production and decisions about future expansion, herdsmen in pastoral areas pay more attention to availability of capital, the risk profile of the animal production system, and forage reserves, while herdsmen in semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas focus on income sources, market returns and forage reserves. Based on the data from this study, it is suggested that attention should focus on grassland types prone to desertification, comprehensive understanding of herdsmen’s family situations. Differential subsidies should be implemented, and targeted to meet herdsmen’s needs, positively direct the decision-making of herdsmen and maximize the wider benefits of the animal production industry.
    Effect of sowing date on cold resistance of different alfalfa varieties in Horqin sandy land
    ZHANG Yu-xia, WANG Xian-guo, TIAN Yong-lei, CONG Bai-ming, WANG Yue-lin, CHEN Wei-dong, GAO Kai
    2020, 29(4):  73-80.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019320
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    This study investigated the physiological response to sowing date in Horqin sandy land, of metabolites conferring cold-resistance in alfalfa crowns. The research was conducted in Chifeng city, in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the centre of the grass industry of the AruHorqin district. Three alfalfa varieties (Knight T, Gongnong No.1 and Optimus) were selected and sown every five days from July 1, 2017 to August 15. The contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, free amino acid and starch in alfalfa crowns were determined and sampling on October 11 and November 11, 2017, and the overwinter survival rate was evaluated in spring of the second year. The changes in the content of metabolites conferring cold-resistance in alfalfa crowns and their correlation with the overwinter survival rate were explored. It was found that the soluble sugar, soluble protein, starch and free amino acid levels in alfalfa crowns were decreased by later sowing time. The overwinter survival rate of alfalfa was positively correlated with soluble sugars, soluble proteins and free amino acids in alfalfa crowns sampled on November 11. The overwinter survival rate of alfalfa was positively correlated with the content of soluble sugar in alfalfa crowns sampled on October 11, and significantly positively correlated with soluble protein and free amino acid concentrations. The concentrations of soluble sugar and starch in crowns of alfalfa cultivar Gongnong No.1 was significantly higher than those of alfalfa cultivars Knight T and Optimus on November 11, and this observation is consistent with cultivar differences in overwintering survival rate. It is considered that sowing date is one of the important factors affecting the overwintering of alfalfa in Horqin sandy land. Soluble sugar, soluble protein and free amino acids in alfalfa crowns are metabolites conferring cold-resistance. In order to ensure safe overwintering of alfalfa in the Horqin sandy land, the ideal sowing period was from July 1st to July 16th, and the cultivar best suited to this area was Gongnong No.1.
    Allelopathy and invasiveness of Bidens pilosa and Mimosa pudica
    WANG Ju-hong, SHI Sheng-jing, CHEN Wen, LI Yun, CUI Xian-liang
    2020, 29(4):  81-91.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019480
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    This research aimed to determine the allelopathic effect of the invasion mechanism of the exotic plants Bidens pilosa and Mimosa pudica. The effects of extracts from the roots, stems and leaves of both B. pilosa and M. pudica on seed germination and seedling growth (root length, stem length and root∶shoot ratio) were studied using a petri dish filter paper method. It was found that: 1) B. pilosa extracts had a large concentration dependent effect on the seed germination of both B. pilosa and M. pudica, with leaf extracts being the most potent (67%-87% germination inhibition at the highest tested concentration). M. pudica leaf extracts at high concentration reduced germination of their own seeds by 21.7% but had no significant effect on germination of B. pilosa seeds. 2) Root, stem and leaf extracts (but especially leaf extracts) of both species all induced a concentration dependent reduction in root length of their own seedlings and of the other species. 3) Root, stem and leaf extracts of B. pilosa strongly reduced stem length of M. pudica at all tested concentrations. Only stem and leaf extracts of M. pudica at high concentrations showed any allelopathic effect on stem length of B. pilosa. Root and leaf extracts of M. pudica at medium concentrations enhanced stem growth of B. pilosa. M. pudica extracts had a moderate, concentration dependent autotoxicity effect on their own seedling stem length. For B. pilosa, only leaf extracts at high concentration reduced stem length of their own seedlings. 4) B. pilosa extracts (especially leaf extract) induced a strong concentration dependent reduction of root∶shoot ratio of their own seedlings while all three extracts enhanced root∶shoot ratio of M. pudica seedlings. M. pudica extracts caused only a mild reduction in root∶shoot ratio of their own seedings, but a substantial reduction in root∶shoot ratio of B. pilosa seedlings. 5) An index of allelopathic or autotoxicity intensity was calculated from the data. Autotoxicity intensity of B. pilosa on its own seed germination rate, root length and root-shoot ratio was greater than that of M. pudica, while the allelopathy intensity of B. pilosa on the stem length of M. pudica was greater than that of M. pudica on B. pilosa, and was also greater than its autotoxicity intensity. The intensity of allelopathic effects of M. pudica on the root length and root∶shoot ratio of B. pilosa was greater than the self-inhibition of B. pilosa, and was greater than its self-toxicity intensity. B. pilosa mainly inhibited the stem length of M. pudica to enhance its invasiveness, while M. pudica mainly inhibited the growth of B. pilosa roots to increase its competitiveness.
    Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on seed germination and seedling growth of Chenopodium quinoa under complex saline-alkali stress
    ZHAO Ying, WEI Xiao-hong, LI Tao-tao
    2020, 29(4):  92-101.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019307
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    Neutral salts (NaCl and Na2SO4) and alkaline salts (NaHCO3 and Na2CO3) were used to generate five pH values of complex saline-alkali solutions (7.33-10.39) by varying the proportion of alkaline salts. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200 μmol·L-1 were used as an exogenous nitric oxide donor to treat Chenopodium quinoa seed. The seed germination and seedling growth, as well as physiological characteristics of C. quinoa under the range complex saline-alkali stress conditions were analyzed. It was found that seed germination and seedling growth of quinoa were significantly inhibited by complex saline-alkali stress, and the seedlings rotted when the pH values were greater than 9.0. After pretreatment with different concentrations of SNP, the germination and growth were significantly improved, 100 and 150 μmol·L-1 SNP gave the best results. Compared with saline-alkali treatment alone, the maximum the root length was increased by 74.08% and 70.77%, the maximum fresh biomass was increased by 1.72 and 3.97 times, respectively, under A (NaCl∶Na2SO4=1∶1) and B (NaCl∶Na2SO4∶NaHCO3=1∶2∶1) treatments. Supplementation with SNP under C (NaCl∶Na2SO4∶NaHCO3∶Na2CO3=1∶9∶9∶1), D (NaCl∶Na2SO4∶NaHCO3∶Na2CO3=1∶1∶1∶1), E (NaCl∶Na2SO4∶NaHCO3∶Na2CO3=9∶1∶1∶9) treatments prevent some seed decay, and root length was, respectively, 1.03, 0.83, and 0.60 times that of CK, while fresh biomass was, respectively, 1.13, 1.13, 0.82 times that of CK. With increase in the SNP concentration, proline content and activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase initially increased and then decreased, while MDA content initially decreased and then increased. In conclusion, SNP promoted quinoa germination and growth under saline-alkali stress, and there was a clear concentration-dependent relationship. Key components of the response were increased osmotic adjustment and antioxidant enzyme activities, thus alleviating cellular injury, with resultant promotion of the seedling growth, and enhancement of the saline-alkali resistance of quinoa.
    Detection of chromosome ploidy level of wild Bromus inermis in Xinjiang Province
    SONG Jia-xing, TANG Feng, GU Li-li, ZHANG Shu-zhen, WANG Yu-xiang, ZHANG Yan-hui, ZHANG Bo
    2020, 29(4):  102-110.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019441
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    There are abundant Bromus inermis germplasm resources in Xinjiang Province, China. In order to select breeding materials with compatible ploidy levels, 18 accessions of B. inermis were collected from different localities. The chromosome number was microscopically determined as 28, using acetic acid magenta staining of root tip samples in a wild B. inermis accession (BL-01) from Qitai. As the basic chromosome number of B. inermis is 7, BL-01 was determined to be tetraploid (2n=4x=28). In order to quickly identify the ploidy level of other populations of B. inermis, flow cytometry was employed, and the peak value of relative nuclear DNA content in the leaves of BL-01 was used as reference. The G1, S and G2 phases and variation coefficients of the 18 accessions were used to calculate the cell cycle values of each. It was found that there were 12 tetraploid and 6 octaploid accessions (one of the Octaploids being ‘Wusu No.1’) among the 18 accessions tested.
    Molecular cloning and expression of heteromeric ACCase subunit genes from flax
    YANG Ting, ZHANG Jian-ping, LIU Zi-gang, QI Yan-ni, LI Wen-juan, XIE Ya-ping
    2020, 29(4):  111-120.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019520
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    In order to study the biological function of flax heterogeneous acetyl-CoA carboxylase BCCP, BC, α-CT and β-CT genes, we used the gene cloning technology RT-PCR and bioinformatics analysis, to analyze four genes of flax accA, accB, accC and accD. It was found that the accA gene of Longya No. 10 encodes the α-CT subunit, and the CDS sequence is 2364 bp in length and encodes 787 amino acids; the accB gene encodes the BCCP subunit, and the CDS sequence is 1173 bp in length and encodes 275 amino acids; the accC gene encodes the BC subunit, and the CDS sequence is 1574 bp in length and encodes 527 amino acids; the accD gene encodes a β-CT subunit, and the CDS sequence is 1137 bp in length and encodes 378 amino acids. The proteins encoded by these four genes are all hydrophilic proteins with high fatty acid coefficients. RT-PCR results show that in different tissues of the three flax varieties, Zhangya No.2 with high oil content, Longya No.10 with medium oil content, and R 2-17 with low oil content, the four genes of flax accA, accB, accC, accD have different expression modes. During the rapid oil accumulation period of seed development (10-25 d), the expression levels of these four genes increased rapidly and reached the highest peak. Studies have shown that the heterogeneous acetyl-CoA carboxylase genes may regulate the accumulation of lipid in flax seeds during early development.
    The effects of adding lactic acid bacteria and molasses on fermentation of Broussonetia papyrifera and rice straw mixed silage
    FU Jin-tao, WANG Xue-kai, NI Kui-kui, YANG Fu-yu
    2020, 29(4):  121-128.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019325
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    This research evaluated fermentation quality of silage made from Broussonetia papyrifera and rice straw mixed in various proportions, with or without additives. B. papyrifera and rice straw were mixed in ratios by fresh weight of 10∶0 (Group A), 9∶1 (Group B), 8∶2 (Group C), and 7∶3 (Group D). The fermentation quality and nutritional quality were analyzed after 60 days fermentation with no additive (CK), or addition of molasses (T), lactobacillus (GLP5), or molasses and lactobacillus (T+GLP5). Compared with the CK silages, the pH value and ammonia nitrogen∶total nitrogen ratio of the T and, T+GLP5 silages were significantly decreased (P<0.05), and the lactic acid content was significantly increased (P<0.05). The GLP5 treatment significantly lowered (P<0.05) the pH and ammonia nitrogen∶total nitrogen ratio compared to CK, but less so than the T treatments. As expected, neutral and acid detergent fiber and cellulose and hemicellulose concentrations increased and crude protein fell with increasing proportion of rice straw. In general, for a given proportion of rice straw, additive treatments ranked CK>GLP5>T>T+GLP5 for fiber and cellulose levels and the opposite for crude protein, although some interactions between mixture proportion and additive occurred. In summary, the T and T+GLP5 silages with added molasses and a 9∶1 mixing ratio of B. papyrifera and rice straw are optimal for silage making with these materials.
    Effects of different grape variety on proteolysis and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage made with added grape pomace
    DONG Wen-cheng, LIN Yu-fan, ZHU Hong-fu, ZHANG Huan, ZHANG Gui-jie
    2020, 29(4):  129-137.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019302
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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of pomace from different grape varieties on the proteolysis and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. The alfalfa (Medicago sativa) variety “Gannong No.4” was used as the base material for the silage, and pomace of three grape varieties Malbec (MC), Merlot (MT) and Cabernet gernischt (CG) were added at rates of 50, 100 and 150 g·kg-1, making a total of 10 treatment groups, including a control (CK) without added grape pomace. Silage fermentation quality, protein components, pH, activities of proteolytic enzymes aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase, microbial counts and aerobic stability were determined. It was found that all grape pomace significantly (P<0.05) reduced the silage pH when added at 100 and 150 g·kg-1. The non-protein nitrogen content decreased with increasing supplementation rate of the grape pomace. MC added at 150 g·kg-1 had the lowest non-protein nitrogen content (430.25 g·kg-1). Adding grape pomace reduced the content of peptide nitrogen in the silage, but peptide nitrogen content did not vary significantly with the rate of pomace added. MT added at 150 g·kg-1 had the strongest inhibitory effect on silage carboxypeptidase; enzyme activity declined from 17.56 μmol·h-1 to 6.51 μmol·h-1. Addition of grape pomaces increased the lactic acid bacteria count after silage fermentation, and inhibited the growth of mold. The highest lactic acid bacteria count was for CG added at 150 g·kg-1. The number of fungi in CK was 3.02 log10cfu·g-1, significantly (P<0.05) higher than other treatments. Addition of all three grape pomaces slowed down the rate of fungal spoilage during aerobic exposure and the MT treatment group was stable for the longest time before showing aerobic decay. The above results indicated that the pomace of all three grape varieties improved silage fermentation quality, inhibited activity of silage proteases and reduced the degree of silage protein hydrolysis, and improved the aerobic stability of silage.
    Stress tolerance signal transfer by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a white clover-perennial ryegrass mixture
    WEI Yong, WANG Xiao-yu, LI Ying-de, DUAN Ting-yu
    2020, 29(4):  138-146.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019305
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    Mixed sowing of white clover (Trifolium repens) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is an important pasture species combination. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can form common underground mycorrhizal networks capable of both intra- and inter-species metabolite transfer and signal transduction between plants. The signal transduction is mainly mediated by salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET). In this study, pure white clover and pure ryegrass swards were grown in separate pots, either linked by a 7 cm soil filled tube to facilitate formation of AMF bridges between white clover and perennial ryegrass plants in their separate pots, or with white clover and ryegrass pots unlinked to prevent AMF bridge formation. Acupuncture was performed on plants as described below to simulate aphid feeding and SA and JA were determined to study if a stress response signal was transferred between plant species through AMF bridges. Acupunture treatments on clover/ryegrass pot pairs included: no acupuncture; acupuncture of ryegrass with sampling of both species after 8 hours, and acupuncture of clover with both species sampled after 8 or 12 hours. These four treatments were implemented either with or without an AMF bridge present between clover and ryegrass (eight treatments, five replicates). The study aimed to provide theoretical information to facilitate the utilization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to improve the plant stress resistance. It was found that AMF bridges with white clover increased the shoot biomass of ryegrass by 9.97% (P<0.05) and the total biomass by 10.68% (P<0.05). However the AMF bridges had no effect on the total biomass of white clover. The peroxidase activity of ryegrass was decreased by 43.01% (P<0.05) at 12 h after acupuncture and white clover was increased by 104.09% (P>0.05). Meanwhile, AMF bridges reduced SA concentration of ryegrass and white clover by 12.99% (P>0.05) and 24.18% (P<0.05), respectively, at 12 h after acupuncture, and JA concentration increased by 44.69% (P<0.05) and 79.32% (P<0.05) respectively. In a summary: 1) In white clover-perennial ryegrass mixtures, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can link the white clover and perennial ryegrass through AMF bridges to achieve nutrient redistribution, therefore promoting aboveground growth of perennial ryegrass. 2) In the presence of AMF bridges, white clover and perennial ryegrass have different stress responses. 3) AMF bridges enable participating species to respond more quickly to stress. 4) AMF bridges can transfer stress tolerance signals between white clover and perennial ryegrass, and this process is mainly mediated by JA.
    Interactive effects of different densities of Pedicularis kansuensis parasitism and Epichloё endophyte infection on the endogenous hormone levels and alkaloid contents of Stipa purpurea
    BAO Gen-sheng, SONG Mei-ling, WANG Yu-qin, LIU Jing, WANG Hong-sheng
    2020, 29(4):  147-156.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019313
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    Root hemiparasites of grasses in the natural environment impose a biotic stress on their hosts. Conversely, Epichloё endophytes enhance their hosts’ tolerance or resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, only a few studies have explored the interactive effects of different densities of hemiparasite infection and the presence or absence of Epichloё endophyte on the growth, endogenous hormone levels and alkaloid contents of the host grasses. Therefore, we set up a two factor pot experiment with endophyte-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E-) plants of Stipa purpurea as the host grass, grown without (control) or with one or three plants of the hemiparasite Pedicularis kansuensis. Various plant growth parameters and endogenous hormone levels were determined for E+ and E- S. purpurea, while alkaloid concentrations of endophyte-infected S. pupurea plants and their hemiparasites (where present) were measured. Comparing parasitized and unparasitized S. purpurea, biomass of parasitized plants was decreased 80%, plant height, tiller number and root length were reduced 25%, and indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid levels of S. purpurea were increased 43% and 51%, respectively. However, zeatin-riboside levels were decreased by 50%, while the growth parameters, and endogenous hormone levels of E+ host grasses were significantly higher than those of their E- counterparts. Furthermore, under parasitic stress, alkaloid production of Epichloё-endophyte-infected plants was enhanced, and alkaloids were transferred from E+ host grass plants to their root hemiparasites through the xylem bridge formed by haustoria. In conclusion, our results show that Epichloё endophyte has a potential role in improving its host grass resistance or tolerance to parasitic stress by up-regulating host grass alkaloid contents and endogenous hormone levels, especially those hormones typically sensitive to biotic stress. Our results also suggest that use of the Epichloё endophyte symbiont has potential as a tool to assist recovery of degraded grassland in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau where root hemiparasites are widely distributed.
    Incidence of oat leaf spot and pathogen identification in the main oat production areas of Gansu Province
    NIE Xiu-mei, ZHAO Gui-qin, SUN Hao-yang, CHAI Ji-kuan, LAN Xiao-jun, ZHOU Heng, LI Rong, JU Ze-liang, JIAO Run-an, SUN Lei-lei
    2020, 29(4):  157-167.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019304
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    This study aimed to clarify the occurrence and pathogenic species causing oat leaf spot in the main oat producing areas of Gansu Province, and provide a theoretical foundation for prevention and control of this disease. Occurrence of oat leaf spot was investigated, and leaves were collected from the field for isolation, culture, pathogenicity testing, and pathogen identification. Collection locations included Tongwei County of Dingxi City, Shandan and Minle Counties of Zhangye City, Tianzhu County of Wuwei City, and Gannan County of Hezuo City. Regional differences in the occurrence of oat leaf spot were found. The occurrence was the most serious in Tongwei County of Dingxi City, where the mean leaf incidence was 96.15% and the average disease index was 70.26. Moderate leaf spot incidence and disease index (95.07% and 69.16, respectively) were recorded in Tianzhu County of Wuwei City. A relatively light occurrence was observed in Minle County of Zhangye City, where the leaf incidence was 8.78%, and the disease index was 2.45. Disease symptoms induced by the isolated and purified fungi were the same as the symptoms in the field after the pathogenicity test, and the same fungi could be obtained after re-isolation. Further morphological observation and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis indicated that a total of 10 pathogens caused oat leaf spot in the different localities where samples were collected. These were Drechslera avenae, Pyrenophora avenae, Pyrenophora chaetomioides, Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicae, Alternaria mali, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium herbarum and Epicoccum nigrum. The dominant fungi were D. avenae and A. alternata. This study clarified the occurrence and identity of pathogenic species causing oat leaf spot in Gansu Province. With the exception of D. avenae and P. avenae, the identified pathogens have, to our knowledge, not previously been reported as causes of domestic oat leaf spot.
    Research advances in epigenetics of forage grasses
    ZHAO Yuan-yuan, LIU Zi-yang, BIAN Jia-hui, SUN Zhan-min, ZHOU Tao, TANG Yi-xiong, WU Yan-min
    2020, 29(4):  168-183.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019322
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    Epigenetics is concerned with the phenomenon of change in gene expression without change in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic phenomena have important impacts on various life processes, such as plant growth and development, stress responses, senescence, and death, and are often observed in conjunction with environmental changes where they may modify environmental impact on biological functions. Epigenetic studies have developed rapidly in the past few decades and have assisted understanding in several research fields, especially the animal and plant sciences, and medicine. Meanwhile, recent advances in science and technology have greatly promoted plant epigenetic analyses. At present, the research of plant epigenetics mainly focuses on DNA methylation, histone modification, RNA methylation, chromatin remodeling and non-coding RNA modification. Many important results have emerged. However, the application of epigenetics in forage grasses is still in the preliminary stage relative to the model plant Arabidopsis and other major crops. Therefore, studies on epigenetics in forage grasses have great significance to the sustainable development of grasslands and animal husbandry in China, and elsewhere. In this paper, we provide examples of the concepts, research methods and research contents of epigenetic studies, including DNA methylation, histone modification, RNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNA modification. We also review some epigenetic studies in forage grasses and comment on the prospects of epigenetics in the development of grassland and animal husbandry practice.
    Factors influencing CO2 fluxes of a grassland ecosystem on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China
    SUN Si-si, WU Zhan-ping, XIAO Qi-tao, YU Fei, GU Shu-hong, FANG Di, LI Lang, ZHAO Xing-bing
    2020, 29(4):  184-191.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019410
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    Grassland is a dominant vegetation type on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and comparatively little is known about the CO2 flux and its diurnal and seasonal variation. Based on in-situ measurement using eddy covariance methodology from October 2017 to August 2018, the diurnal cycle and seasonal variations of CO2 flux for a grassland ecosystem of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau were analyzed, and key factors determining CO2 flux were determined. The CO2 flux had obvious diurnal variation, with net uptake during the day and net emission at night, and the diurnal cycle being more significant in growing season than in the non-growing season. Overall, the grassland ecosystem was a sink of atmospheric CO2, which also varied seasonally with high uptake rate in spring and summer and low rate in autumn and winter. Specifically, the peak CO2 uptake rate occurred in June and lowest was observed in January. The diurnal and seasonal variation in the CO2 flux were associated with solar radiation, air temperature, soil temperature and wind speed fluctuations. Global warming would enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of the grassland ecosystem, given the CO2 flux was sensitive to temperature. Our results suggested that the grassland ecosystem acted as carbon sink and absorbed 425.14 g CO2·m-2 from the atmosphere during the study period.
    Effects of nitrogen application on dry matter yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
    GAO Li-min, TIAN Qian, SU Jing, SHEN Yi-xin
    2020, 29(4):  192-198.  DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2019287
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    This research studied the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on the growth and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), in order to define the appropriate nitrogen application rate in the lower Yangtze River region. A field experiment was conducted with four nitrogen application rates (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg·ha-1; designated N0, N1, N2 and N3, respectively) and data on plant biomass, nitrogen uptake and allocation pattern and the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency, were collected. It was found that: 1) The biomass and growth rate of sweet sorghum were increased with increase in nitrogen application rate, but no significant difference in biomass was observed between N2 and N3 treatments (P>0.05). The minimum nitrogen fertilizer required for harvesting the maximum biomass at the jointing stage in sweet sorghum was found by linear and platform analysis to be 244.50 kg·ha-1; 2) As plant development progressed, the proportion of nitrogen allocated to leaves decreased while stem allocation increased. The nitrogen concentration, accumulated total N, and the proportion of nitrogen allocated to stems all increased significantly with increasing in nitrogen supply; 3) Both the nitrogen dry matter production efficiency and nitrogen recovery efficiency decreased with increasing nitrogen supply, though no significant differences were observed for nitrogen agronomic efficiency among different treatments, and the highest nitrogen recovery efficiency was found to be in the N2 treatment. In conclusion, nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in regulating the growth of sweet sorghum, and the recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizer for sweet sorghum planting in the lower Yangtze River region is estimated from this research to be 244.50 kg N·ha-1. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer led to a decreased nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency instead of a further increase in sweet sorghum biomass.