草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (11): 1-12.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020569
• 研究论文 •
Corresponding author. E-mail: wangxm_1225@sina.com基金资助:
Dian-dai ZHANG1(), Xue-mei WANG1,2(
), Mei ZAN1,2
Xue-mei WANG
干旱区绿洲植被地上生物量估算研究可为绿洲生态系统稳定性评价与区域碳储量估算提供重要依据。以渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为研究区,利用ENVI 5.3软件对Landsat 8 OLI 影像数据进行预处理,提取反映植被地上生物量信息的植被指数和波段因子,并结合样地实测数据,采用常规统计模型、多元逐步回归和偏最小二乘回归方法建立研究区植被地上生物量最优估测模型,从而揭示该绿洲植被地上生物量的空间分布特征。结果表明:1)所选的20个遥感因子与实测植被地上生物量呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.5~0.7(P<0.01)。2)乔木与灌木地上生物量最优估测模型均为多元逐步回归模型,草本与农作物地上生物量的估测模型以偏最小二乘回归模型为最优,模型验证决定系数均在0.6以上,均方根误差和平均绝对误差均较小。3)研究区植被地上生物量主要在280~1450 g·m-2 分布,面积约为6973.82 km2,低水平地上生物量(ABG<65 g·m-2)分布区域约占研究区总面积的15.02%。地上生物量由高到低依次为:农作物>乔木>灌木>草本。根据不同的植被类型,基于地物光谱特征构建的遥感估测模型可准确估算干旱区绿洲植被地上生物量,并对其空间分布特征进行遥感定量反演。
张殿岱, 王雪梅, 昝梅. 基于Landsat 8 OLI影像的渭-库绿洲植被地上生物量估算[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(11): 1-12.
Dian-dai ZHANG, Xue-mei WANG, Mei ZAN. Estimation of vegetation aboveground biomass in the Wei-Ku Oasis based on Landsat 8 OLI images[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(11): 1-12.
植被指数 Vegetation index | 计算公式 Calculation formula |
归一化植被指数 NDVI | |
差值植被指数 DVI | |
比值植被指数 RVI | |
土壤调节植被指数 SAVI | |
修改型土壤调节植被指数MSAVI | |
增强型植被指数 EVI | |
大气阻抗植被指数 ARVI |
表1 植被指数计算公式
Table 1 Calculation formulas of vegetation index
植被指数 Vegetation index | 计算公式 Calculation formula |
归一化植被指数 NDVI | |
差值植被指数 DVI | |
比值植被指数 RVI | |
土壤调节植被指数 SAVI | |
修改型土壤调节植被指数MSAVI | |
增强型植被指数 EVI | |
大气阻抗植被指数 ARVI |
波段组合Band combination | 计算公式Calculation formula |
波段值和波段倒数Band value and band reciprocal | B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7 1/B2,1/B3,1/B4,1/B5,1/B6,1/B7 |
2个波段比值Ratio of 2 bands | B23=B2/B3,B24=B2/B4,B25=B2/B5 B34=B3/B4,B35=B3/B5,B45=B4/B5 |
3个波段比值Ratio of 3 bands | B234=(B2+B3)/B4, B235=(B2+B3)/B5, B243=(B2+B4)/B3 B245=(B2+B4)/B5, B253=(B2+B5)/B3, B254=(B2+B5)/B4 B342=(B3+B4)/B2, B345=(B3+B4)/B5, B352=(B3+B5)/B2 B354=(B3+B5)/B4, B452=(B4+B5)/B2, B453=(B4+B5)/B3 |
4个波段比值Ratio of 4 bands | B2345=(B2+B3)/(B4+B5),B2435=(B2+B4)/(B3+B5) B2534=(B2+B5)/(B3+B4),B3425=(B3+B4)/(B2+B5) B234/5=(B2+B3+B4)/B5,B345/2=(B3+B4+B5)/B2 |
表2 Landsat 8波段组合计算公式
Table 2 Calculation formulas of Landsat 8 band combination
波段组合Band combination | 计算公式Calculation formula |
波段值和波段倒数Band value and band reciprocal | B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7 1/B2,1/B3,1/B4,1/B5,1/B6,1/B7 |
2个波段比值Ratio of 2 bands | B23=B2/B3,B24=B2/B4,B25=B2/B5 B34=B3/B4,B35=B3/B5,B45=B4/B5 |
3个波段比值Ratio of 3 bands | B234=(B2+B3)/B4, B235=(B2+B3)/B5, B243=(B2+B4)/B3 B245=(B2+B4)/B5, B253=(B2+B5)/B3, B254=(B2+B5)/B4 B342=(B3+B4)/B2, B345=(B3+B4)/B5, B352=(B3+B5)/B2 B354=(B3+B5)/B4, B452=(B4+B5)/B2, B453=(B4+B5)/B3 |
4个波段比值Ratio of 4 bands | B2345=(B2+B3)/(B4+B5),B2435=(B2+B4)/(B3+B5) B2534=(B2+B5)/(B3+B4),B3425=(B3+B4)/(B2+B5) B234/5=(B2+B3+B4)/B5,B345/2=(B3+B4+B5)/B2 |
序号 Serial number | 常规统计模型函数 Function of conventional statistical models | 表达式 Expression |
1 | 线性函数 Linear function | |
2 | 幂函数 Power function | |
3 | 逆函数 Inverse function | |
4 | 对数函数 Logarithmic function | |
5 | 指数函数 Exponential function | |
6 | S型曲线函数 S-curve function | |
7 | 二次项函数 Quadratic term function | |
8 | 三次项函数 Cubic term function |
表3 常规统计模型的函数表达式
Table 3 Function expressions conventional statistical model
序号 Serial number | 常规统计模型函数 Function of conventional statistical models | 表达式 Expression |
1 | 线性函数 Linear function | |
2 | 幂函数 Power function | |
3 | 逆函数 Inverse function | |
4 | 对数函数 Logarithmic function | |
5 | 指数函数 Exponential function | |
6 | S型曲线函数 S-curve function | |
7 | 二次项函数 Quadratic term function | |
8 | 三次项函数 Cubic term function |
序号 Serial number | 变量 Variables | 乔木 Arbors | 灌木 Shrubs | 草本 Herbs | 农作物 Crops | 序号 Serial number | 变量 Variables | 乔木 Arbors | 灌木 Shrubs | 草本 Herbs | 农作物 Crops |
1 | NDVI | 0.716** | 0.720** | 0.711** | 0.602** | 11 | B354 | 0.660** | 0.617** | 0.628** | 0.673** |
2 | RVI | 0.701** | 0.716** | 0.707** | 0.675** | 12 | B452 | 0.657** | 0.519** | - | 0.669** |
3 | SAVI | 0.716** | 0.720** | 0.711** | 0.602** | 13 | B453 | 0.737** | 0.601** | - | 0.686** |
4 | ARVI | 0.662** | 0.543** | - | 0.589** | 14 | B345/2 | 0.634** | 0.497** | - | 0.666** |
5 | DVI | 0.730** | 0.670** | 0.609** | 0.488** | 15 | B2534 | 0.711** | 0.660** | 0.598** | 0.679** |
6 | EVI | 0.634** | 0.567** | 0.555** | 0.542** | 16 | 1/B3 | - | 0.587** | - | 0.756** |
7 | 1/B2 | 0.590** | 0.596** | 0.536** | 0.718** | 17 | 1/B4 | - | 0.531** | - | 0.742** |
8 | B253 | 0.755** | 0.701** | 0.588** | 0.682** | 18 | 1/B6 | - | - | - | 0.572** |
9 | B254 | 0.650** | 0.508** | - | 0.672** | 19 | 1/B7 | - | - | - | 0.669** |
10 | B352 | 0.677** | 0.571** | - | 0.670** | 20 | B34 | - | - | - | 0.557** |
表4 遥感特征因子与植被地上生物量相关性分析
Table 4 Correlation analysis of remote sensing characteristic factors and aboveground biomass of vegetation
序号 Serial number | 变量 Variables | 乔木 Arbors | 灌木 Shrubs | 草本 Herbs | 农作物 Crops | 序号 Serial number | 变量 Variables | 乔木 Arbors | 灌木 Shrubs | 草本 Herbs | 农作物 Crops |
1 | NDVI | 0.716** | 0.720** | 0.711** | 0.602** | 11 | B354 | 0.660** | 0.617** | 0.628** | 0.673** |
2 | RVI | 0.701** | 0.716** | 0.707** | 0.675** | 12 | B452 | 0.657** | 0.519** | - | 0.669** |
3 | SAVI | 0.716** | 0.720** | 0.711** | 0.602** | 13 | B453 | 0.737** | 0.601** | - | 0.686** |
4 | ARVI | 0.662** | 0.543** | - | 0.589** | 14 | B345/2 | 0.634** | 0.497** | - | 0.666** |
5 | DVI | 0.730** | 0.670** | 0.609** | 0.488** | 15 | B2534 | 0.711** | 0.660** | 0.598** | 0.679** |
6 | EVI | 0.634** | 0.567** | 0.555** | 0.542** | 16 | 1/B3 | - | 0.587** | - | 0.756** |
7 | 1/B2 | 0.590** | 0.596** | 0.536** | 0.718** | 17 | 1/B4 | - | 0.531** | - | 0.742** |
8 | B253 | 0.755** | 0.701** | 0.588** | 0.682** | 18 | 1/B6 | - | - | - | 0.572** |
9 | B254 | 0.650** | 0.508** | - | 0.672** | 19 | 1/B7 | - | - | - | 0.669** |
10 | B352 | 0.677** | 0.571** | - | 0.670** | 20 | B34 | - | - | - | 0.557** |
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
二次项Quadratic term | 0.686 | 4.517 | 0.067 | 0.893 | 9.521 | 0.118 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.607 | 5.050 | 0.066 | 0.812 | 8.176 | 0.095 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归PLSR | 0.713 | 4.589 | 0.069 | 0.745 | 7.753 | 0.107 | 0.000 |
表 5 乔木地上生物量不同估测模型效果评价
Table 5 Evaluation of different estimation models for aboveground biomass of arbors
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
二次项Quadratic term | 0.686 | 4.517 | 0.067 | 0.893 | 9.521 | 0.118 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.607 | 5.050 | 0.066 | 0.812 | 8.176 | 0.095 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归PLSR | 0.713 | 4.589 | 0.069 | 0.745 | 7.753 | 0.107 | 0.000 |
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
S型曲线S-curve | 0.560 | 0.832 | 0.689 | 0.394 | 0.826 | 0.642 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.542 | 10.525 | 6.577 | 0.637 | 5.810 | 4.125 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.648 | 9.233 | 5.783 | 0.721 | 6.198 | 4.910 | 0.000 |
表 6 灌木地上生物量不同估测模型效果评价
Table 6 Effect evaluation of different estimation models for aboveground biomass of shrubs
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
S型曲线S-curve | 0.560 | 0.832 | 0.689 | 0.394 | 0.826 | 0.642 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.542 | 10.525 | 6.577 | 0.637 | 5.810 | 4.125 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.648 | 9.233 | 5.783 | 0.721 | 6.198 | 4.910 | 0.000 |
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
二次项Quadratic term | 0.467 | 5.931 | 4.939 | 0.696 | 5.204 | 4.695 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.462 | 5.958 | 4.901 | 0.687 | 5.271 | 4.824 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.632 | 5.018 | 4.071 | 0.728 | 6.119 | 5.011 | 0.000 |
表7 研究区草本地上生物量估测模型精度评价
Table 7 Accuracy evaluation of estimation model for herbs aboveground biomass in the study area
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
二次项Quadratic term | 0.467 | 5.931 | 4.939 | 0.696 | 5.204 | 4.695 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.462 | 5.958 | 4.901 | 0.687 | 5.271 | 4.824 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.632 | 5.018 | 4.071 | 0.728 | 6.119 | 5.011 | 0.000 |
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
S型曲线S-curve | 0.623 | 22.027 | 16.058 | 0.513 | 18.648 | 14.360 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.571 | 19.860 | 13.008 | 0.677 | 17.638 | 13.648 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.613 | 18.863 | 13.158 | 0.626 | 17.659 | 13.671 | 0.000 |
表8 研究区农作物地上生物量估测模型精度评价
Table 8 Accuracy evaluation of crops aboveground biomass estimation model in the study area
模型 Model | 表达式 Expression | 建模Modeling | 验证Verification | P | ||||
R2 | RMSE | MAE | R2 | RMSE | MAE | |||
S型曲线S-curve | 0.623 | 22.027 | 16.058 | 0.513 | 18.648 | 14.360 | 0.000 | |
多元逐步回归MSR | 0.571 | 19.860 | 13.008 | 0.677 | 17.638 | 13.648 | 0.000 | |
偏最小二乘回归 PLSR | 0.613 | 18.863 | 13.158 | 0.626 | 17.659 | 13.671 | 0.000 |
等级 Grade | 地上生物量 AGB (g·m-2) | 乔木Arbors | 灌木Shrubs | 草本Herbs | 农作物Crops | ||||
面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | ||
Ⅰ | 0<AGB≤65 | 78.04 | 16.74 | 0.17 | 0.01 | 1245.46 | 75.21 | 45.11 | 0.92 |
Ⅱ | 65<AGB≤280 | 175.23 | 37.58 | 0.31 | 0.01 | 410.43 | 24.79 | 182.80 | 3.73 |
Ⅲ | 280<AGB≤950 | 212.98 | 45.68 | 2087.26 | 99.98 | - | - | 1436.62 | 29.31 |
Ⅳ | 950<AGB≤1450 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3236.96 | 66.04 |
合计Total | - | 466.25 | 100.00 | 2087.74 | 100.00 | 1655.89 | 100.00 | 4901.49 | 100.00 |
表 9 研究区植被地上生物量统计
Table 9 Statistics of vegetation aboveground biomass in study area
等级 Grade | 地上生物量 AGB (g·m-2) | 乔木Arbors | 灌木Shrubs | 草本Herbs | 农作物Crops | ||||
面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | 面积 Area (km2) | 百分比 Proportion(%) | ||
Ⅰ | 0<AGB≤65 | 78.04 | 16.74 | 0.17 | 0.01 | 1245.46 | 75.21 | 45.11 | 0.92 |
Ⅱ | 65<AGB≤280 | 175.23 | 37.58 | 0.31 | 0.01 | 410.43 | 24.79 | 182.80 | 3.73 |
Ⅲ | 280<AGB≤950 | 212.98 | 45.68 | 2087.26 | 99.98 | - | - | 1436.62 | 29.31 |
Ⅳ | 950<AGB≤1450 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3236.96 | 66.04 |
合计Total | - | 466.25 | 100.00 | 2087.74 | 100.00 | 1655.89 | 100.00 | 4901.49 | 100.00 |
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