草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 15-27.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021231
杨志新1,3(), 郑旭1,3, 陈来宝1,3, 于泳鑫1,3, 张凤华1,2, 李鲁华1,2, 王家平1,2,3(
E-mail: 2006wjp@163.com基金资助:
Zhi-xin YANG1,3(), Xu ZHENG1,3, Lai-bao CHEN1,3, Yong-xin YU1,3, Feng-hua ZHANG1,2, Lu-hua LI1,2, Jia-ping WANG1,2,3(
Jia-ping WANG
为明确食叶草根系应对盐碱胁迫表现的形态适应策略,采用剖面法对新疆石河子垦区盐碱地食叶草进行根系剖面采集,分析不同时期食叶草根系形态特征及空间分布规律,探究食叶草根系形态分布及对盐碱环境的适应策略。结果表明:食叶草根系显著降低了根系周围土壤电导率,与根长、根生物量增加显著正相关。随着土壤深度增加,根长、根生物量、根体积等指标呈现下降趋势,7-10月,0~20 cm土层根系生长最快,根体积增加了71.26%。水平距离上,25~35 cm内根系较5~25 cm生长缓慢,密集程度低,从而规避高盐区域并提高营养吸收能力。细根(d≤2 mm)是食叶草根长增加的主要体现,占总根长90%以上。食叶草根系在盐碱地中形成了抵抗胁迫并增强自身抗逆性的形态适应策略,主要表现为根系快速向深层拓展,距植株水平距离0~15 cm内侧根密集且快速增加。研究结果为干旱区盐碱地治理过程耐盐植物管理与配置提供依据。
杨志新, 郑旭, 陈来宝, 于泳鑫, 张凤华, 李鲁华, 王家平. 干旱区盐碱地食叶草根系形态分布适应策略研究[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(7): 15-27.
Zhi-xin YANG, Xu ZHENG, Lai-bao CHEN, Yong-xin YU, Feng-hua ZHANG, Lu-hua LI, Jia-ping WANG. Morphological adaptation strategies of Rumex hanus planted in saline-alkali land of arid areas[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(7): 15-27.
图2 不同时期食叶草根系土壤电导率剖面分布特征7,10月根系最深分别生长至地下80、110 cm处。The root grows deepest to 80 and 110 cm from the ground in July and October, respectively.
Fig.2 Profile distribution of soil electrical conductivity in the root system of R. hanus in different months
图3 不同深度土壤食叶草根长和根体积变化特征* 表示在0.05水平显著相关。下同。* means the correlation was significant at 0.05 level. The same below.
Fig.3 Root length and volume characteristics of R. hanus in different soil depths
图4 食叶草不同深度细根长度变化特征* 表示在0.05水平显著相关。下同。* means the correlation was significant at 0.05 level. The same below.
Fig. 4 Variations of fine root length for R. hanus at different soil depths
土壤深度 Soil depth (cm) | 7月July | 10月October | ||
细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio | 细根生物量比例 Fine root biomass ratio | 细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio | 细根生物量比例 Fine root biomass ratio | |
0~10 | 94.90±3.01a | 1.30±0.12f | 97.36±2.81a | 1.35±0.18g |
10~20 | 95.09±2.38a | 3.96±0.79e | 97.91±1.38a | 2.01±0.95f |
20~30 | 95.24±4.21a | 6.64±1.24d | 88.78±8.73b | 4.16±0.49e |
30~40 | 95.48±1.13a | 15.70±3.56c | 88.64±0.92b | 5.22±1.09e |
40~50 | 91.54±5.30a | 54.84±19.11ab | 87.52±8.03b | 53.47±13.86c |
50~60 | 93.46±1.78a | 70.58±15.54a | 88.08±5.41b | 33.63±10.12d |
60~70 | 95.27±2.76a | 84.31±17.17a | 84.51±7.23b | 29.26±5.45d |
70~80 | 98.95±0.21a | 81.06±12.81a | 83.62±7.17b | 40.74±13.09cd |
80~90 | 97.25±1.14a | 77.78±18.49a | 85.82±8.23b | 45.41±6.49c |
90~100 | - | 100.00±0.00a | 94.21±5.02a | 63.30±4.90b |
100~110 | - | - | 97.24±2.59a | 86.61±9.21a |
表1 不同深度土壤内食叶草细根长度和生物量比例
Table 1 The length and biomass ratio of fine roots of R. hanus in different soil depths (%)
土壤深度 Soil depth (cm) | 7月July | 10月October | ||
细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio | 细根生物量比例 Fine root biomass ratio | 细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio | 细根生物量比例 Fine root biomass ratio | |
0~10 | 94.90±3.01a | 1.30±0.12f | 97.36±2.81a | 1.35±0.18g |
10~20 | 95.09±2.38a | 3.96±0.79e | 97.91±1.38a | 2.01±0.95f |
20~30 | 95.24±4.21a | 6.64±1.24d | 88.78±8.73b | 4.16±0.49e |
30~40 | 95.48±1.13a | 15.70±3.56c | 88.64±0.92b | 5.22±1.09e |
40~50 | 91.54±5.30a | 54.84±19.11ab | 87.52±8.03b | 53.47±13.86c |
50~60 | 93.46±1.78a | 70.58±15.54a | 88.08±5.41b | 33.63±10.12d |
60~70 | 95.27±2.76a | 84.31±17.17a | 84.51±7.23b | 29.26±5.45d |
70~80 | 98.95±0.21a | 81.06±12.81a | 83.62±7.17b | 40.74±13.09cd |
80~90 | 97.25±1.14a | 77.78±18.49a | 85.82±8.23b | 45.41±6.49c |
90~100 | - | 100.00±0.00a | 94.21±5.02a | 63.30±4.90b |
100~110 | - | - | 97.24±2.59a | 86.61±9.21a |
图5 不同水平距离食叶草根长和根体积变化特征不同小写字母表示水平距离内不同深度根长、根体积差异显著(P<0.05 )。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences of root length and volume among soil depths within the same horizontal distance (P<0.05 ).
Fig. 5 Root length and volume characteristics of R. hanus at different horizontal distances from plants
土壤深度 Soil depth (cm) | 月份 Month | 细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio (%) | |||
0~5 cm | 5~15 cm | 15~25 cm | 25~35 cm | ||
0~20 | 7 | 4.31±0.41b | 37.27±2.72a | 42.15±2.14b | 17.79±1.15a |
10 | 6.57±0.86a | 35.17±6.93a | 53.81±3.22a | 7.41±0.83b | |
20~40 | 7 | 6.47±2.05b | 45.81±5.04a | 39.51±4.91a | 10.63±1.74a |
10 | 31.33±7.17a | 36.62±10.66a | 29.21±4.36b | 4.69±0.61b | |
40~60 | 7 | 4.09±0.23a | 33.71±4.14b | 55.63±4.06a | 9.02±1.22a |
10 | 4.27±0.71a | 52.27±8.52a | 38.27±1.61b | 5.18±1.14b | |
60~80 | 7 | 13.69±2.36a | 28.09±5.09b | 51.94±4.97a | 8.08±0.73a |
10 | 10.15±2.12a | 58.84±7.24a | 29.17±2.19b | 3.94±0.55b |
表2 距植株水平距离0~35 cm内食叶草细根长度比例
Table 2 Ratio of the fine roots length of R. hanus within 0-35 cm from the horizontal distance of the plant
土壤深度 Soil depth (cm) | 月份 Month | 细根长度比例 Fine root length ratio (%) | |||
0~5 cm | 5~15 cm | 15~25 cm | 25~35 cm | ||
0~20 | 7 | 4.31±0.41b | 37.27±2.72a | 42.15±2.14b | 17.79±1.15a |
10 | 6.57±0.86a | 35.17±6.93a | 53.81±3.22a | 7.41±0.83b | |
20~40 | 7 | 6.47±2.05b | 45.81±5.04a | 39.51±4.91a | 10.63±1.74a |
10 | 31.33±7.17a | 36.62±10.66a | 29.21±4.36b | 4.69±0.61b | |
40~60 | 7 | 4.09±0.23a | 33.71±4.14b | 55.63±4.06a | 9.02±1.22a |
10 | 4.27±0.71a | 52.27±8.52a | 38.27±1.61b | 5.18±1.14b | |
60~80 | 7 | 13.69±2.36a | 28.09±5.09b | 51.94±4.97a | 8.08±0.73a |
10 | 10.15±2.12a | 58.84±7.24a | 29.17±2.19b | 3.94±0.55b |
指标 Index | 根长增加量 Root length increment | 根体积增加量 Root volume increment | 根生物量增加量 Root biomass increment |
电导率减少量Electrical conductivity decrement | 0.76** | 0.33 | 0.67* |
根长增加量Root length increment | 0.40 | 0.62 | |
根体积增加量Root volume increment | 0.82** |
表3 土壤电导率与食叶草根系指标相关性分析
Table 3 Correlation analysis of root indicators of R. hanus and soil electrical conductivity
指标 Index | 根长增加量 Root length increment | 根体积增加量 Root volume increment | 根生物量增加量 Root biomass increment |
电导率减少量Electrical conductivity decrement | 0.76** | 0.33 | 0.67* |
根长增加量Root length increment | 0.40 | 0.62 | |
根体积增加量Root volume increment | 0.82** |
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