草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 139-149.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023036
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
王彦佳1(), 胡伯昂1(
), 陈佳欣1, 许丽婷1, 姚琳1, 冯丽荣2, 郭长虹1(
Corresponding author. E-mail: kaku3008@126.com基金资助:
Yan-jia WANG1(), Bo-ang HU1(
), Jia-xin CHEN1, Li-ting XU1, Lin YAO1, Li-rong FENG2, Chang-hong GUO1(
Chang-hong GUO
为获得优良的解钾菌(KSB)并明确其对植物产量和品质的影响,采用硅酸盐细菌培养基从紫花苜蓿根际土壤分离、筛选到2株具有高效解钾能力的菌株。通过细菌形态学、16S rDNA序列分析和生理生化鉴定,确定2株解钾菌分别为巨大芽孢杆菌和耐寒短杆菌,命名为XLT-4和XLT-7。2株菌株均具有产吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)、铁载体和溶磷能力。接种XLT-4和XLT-7显著提高了紫花苜蓿的株高、根长、地上和地下干鲜重,以及根系活力、叶片的磷、钾和粗蛋白含量,降低了中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的含量。此外,接种2株解钾菌还提高了紫花苜蓿根际土壤酶活性和速效钾含量。本研究获得的2株解钾菌在提高紫花苜蓿产量和品质方面发挥了重要作用,是开发微生物制剂的优质菌株资源。
王彦佳, 胡伯昂, 陈佳欣, 许丽婷, 姚琳, 冯丽荣, 郭长虹. 2株紫花苜蓿解钾菌的筛选鉴定及其对产量和品质的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(12): 139-149.
Yan-jia WANG, Bo-ang HU, Jia-xin CHEN, Li-ting XU, Lin YAO, Li-rong FENG, Chang-hong GUO. Screening and identification of two potassium solubilizer strains and their effects on the yield and quality of alfalfa[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(12): 139-149.
项目 Index | 菌株Strain | |
XLT-4 | XLT-7 | |
吲哚 Indole | - | - |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | + |
甲基红 Methyl red | - | - |
伏普 V-P | - | - |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | + | - |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | - |
硫化氢 H2S | - | - |
明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | - | + |
脲酶 Urease | + | + |
接触酶 Contact enzyme | + | + |
革兰氏染色Gram stain | + | + |
表 1 XLT-4和XLT-7的生理生化特性
Table 1 Physiological and biochemical characteristics of XLT-4 and XLT-7
项目 Index | 菌株Strain | |
XLT-4 | XLT-7 | |
吲哚 Indole | - | - |
葡萄糖 Glucose | + | + |
甲基红 Methyl red | - | - |
伏普 V-P | - | - |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | + | - |
淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | - |
硫化氢 H2S | - | - |
明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | - | + |
脲酶 Urease | + | + |
接触酶 Contact enzyme | + | + |
革兰氏染色Gram stain | + | + |
图3 2株解钾菌在CAS和PVK培养基上进行斑点培养A, B: XLT-4、XLT-7的铁载体Siderophore of XLT-4, XLT-7; C, D: XLT-4、XLT-7的溶磷Dissolve phosphorus of XLT-4, XLT-7.
Fig.3 Two strains of potassium solubilizing bacteria were blotted on CAS and PVK medium
图4 2株解钾菌产IAA、铁载体、溶磷能力不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters mean the significant differences among treatment (P<0.05). The same below. *: P<0.05; **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001.
Fig.4 IAA production, siderophore and phosphorus solubilization capacity of two strains of potassium solubilizing bacteria
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 地上鲜重 Fresh plant weight (g·plant-1) | 地下鲜重 Fresh root weight (g·plant-1) | 地上干重 Dry plant weight (g·plant-1) | 地下干重 Dry root weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 20.34±0.28d | 17.79±0.92c | 6.53±0.26d | 1.18±0.06d | 1.42±0.04c | 0.41±0.03c |
CK+K | 21.11±0.47c | 19.50±0.47b | 6.83±0.30d | 1.24±0.05d | 1.52±0.04c | 0.48±0.06bc |
XLT-4 | 23.64±0.50b | 20.18±0.33b | 7.39±0.13c | 1.42±0.03c | 1.78±0.04b | 0.53±0.04b |
XLT-4+K | 25.16±0.25a | 21.17±0.07a | 7.92±0.06ab | 1.50±0.02ab | 1.98±0.09a | 0.62±0.03a |
XLT-7 | 23.86±0.21b | 20.13±0.19b | 7.80±0.42bc | 1.44±0.04bc | 1.83±0.05b | 0.53±0.06b |
XLT-7+K | 25.31±0.53a | 21.23±0.22a | 8.37±0.22a | 1.51±0.02a | 2.08±0.11a | 0.64±0.04a |
表 2 解钾菌对紫花苜蓿生物量的影响
Table 2 Effects of potassium solubilizing bacteria on biomass of alfalfa
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 地上鲜重 Fresh plant weight (g·plant-1) | 地下鲜重 Fresh root weight (g·plant-1) | 地上干重 Dry plant weight (g·plant-1) | 地下干重 Dry root weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 20.34±0.28d | 17.79±0.92c | 6.53±0.26d | 1.18±0.06d | 1.42±0.04c | 0.41±0.03c |
CK+K | 21.11±0.47c | 19.50±0.47b | 6.83±0.30d | 1.24±0.05d | 1.52±0.04c | 0.48±0.06bc |
XLT-4 | 23.64±0.50b | 20.18±0.33b | 7.39±0.13c | 1.42±0.03c | 1.78±0.04b | 0.53±0.04b |
XLT-4+K | 25.16±0.25a | 21.17±0.07a | 7.92±0.06ab | 1.50±0.02ab | 1.98±0.09a | 0.62±0.03a |
XLT-7 | 23.86±0.21b | 20.13±0.19b | 7.80±0.42bc | 1.44±0.04bc | 1.83±0.05b | 0.53±0.06b |
XLT-7+K | 25.31±0.53a | 21.23±0.22a | 8.37±0.22a | 1.51±0.02a | 2.08±0.11a | 0.64±0.04a |
图5 接种2株解钾菌紫花苜蓿的根系活力、钾、磷、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维含量
Fig.5 The root activity, K, P, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of two strains of potassium solution-producing alfalfa were inoculated
图6 接种2株解钾菌紫花苜蓿根际土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶活性及速效钾含量
Fig.6 The activity of urease, catalase, sucrase and available potassium content in the rhizosphere soil of alfalfa inoculated with two strains of potassium-solutionizing bacteria
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