草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 130-142.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022424
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
石永红1(), 高鹏1,2(
), 方志红1, 赵祥1, 韩伟3, 魏江铭1, 刘琳1, 李锦臻1
E-mail: zyjt_721@163.com基金资助:
Yong-hong SHI1(), Peng GAO1,2(
), Zhi-hong FANG1, Xiang ZHAO1, Wei HAN3, Jiang-ming WEI1, Lin LIU1, Jin-zhen LI1
Peng GAO
引进国外优质、高产的饲用燕麦品种是促进我国草牧业发展的重要措施,但在使用进口饲用燕麦品种进行大规模商业化连作种植的地区,由禾谷炭疽菌引致的炭疽病呈爆发流行特点。为筛选抗病能力较强的饲用燕麦品种,明确炭疽病造成的危害,本研究选择我国广泛推广种植的15个进口饲用燕麦品种,采用反应型法、病情指数法和聚类分析法评价了其田间抗性,测定了不同发病程度下科纳品种的产量和营养成分含量,分析了对草产量和饲用价值造成的损失。结果表明:3种方法均鉴定出相同的4个抗病品种,分别为太阳神、爱沃、领袖和蒙特;其余品种黑玫克、大富翁、莫妮卡、摄政王、海威、三星、牧乐思和魅力为低感材料,燕王和梦龙为感病材料,科纳为高感材料;科纳品种饲用燕麦病株的叶片干重、茎秆干重、穗干重和株高均随发病程度的增加呈线性下降趋势,草产量损失率(y)为7.5%~28.1%,与病情指数中值(x)的回归方程为y=0.3023x+1.6822(R2=0.9837, P<0.05);与健康植株相比,中度发病植株的粗蛋白、总氨基酸、粗灰分和磷含量分别降低了7.2%、26.5%、9.0%和12.8%(P<0.05),重度发病植株降低了11.1%、44.5%、16.0%、20.8%;与健康植株相比,中度发病植株的酸性洗涤纤维含量显著增加了6.4%(P<0.05),重度发病植株的中性和酸性洗涤纤维含量分别显著增加了11.9%和10.0%(P<0.05);发病植株的饲用价值损失率(y)为3.2%~15.9%,与病情指数中值(x)的回归方程为y=0.1812x+0.5032(R2=0.9963, P<0.05)。建议在使用进口饲用燕麦品种进行大规模商业化种植的地区要高度重视炭疽病的问题,在发病严重的地区优先选择太阳神、爱沃、领袖和蒙特品种种植,及时采取科学有效的防治措施,下一步亟需从我国地方品种中挖掘抗病能力强的优异种质。
石永红, 高鹏, 方志红, 赵祥, 韩伟, 魏江铭, 刘琳, 李锦臻. 15个进口饲用燕麦品种炭疽病的抗病性评价及损失分析[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(9): 130-142.
Yong-hong SHI, Peng GAO, Zhi-hong FANG, Xiang ZHAO, Wei HAN, Jiang-ming WEI, Lin LIU, Jin-zhen LI. Evaluation of resistance to Colletotrichum cereale and analysis of loss in a field of fifteen imported oat cultivars[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(9): 130-142.
土层深度 Soil depth (cm) | 速效氮 Available N (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available P (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg·kg-1) | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | pH |
0~20 | 34.71 | 6.87 | 64.42 | 8.82 | 7.71 |
表1 田间试验地的土壤基本理化性质
Table 1 Primary physical and chemical properties of experimental field
土层深度 Soil depth (cm) | 速效氮 Available N (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available P (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg·kg-1) | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | pH |
0~20 | 34.71 | 6.87 | 64.42 | 8.82 | 7.71 |
品种名及代码 Varieties and code | 原产地 Country of origin | 来源 Sources |
太阳神Titan (OV1) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
爱沃Everleaf (OV2) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
领袖Souris (OV3) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
黑玫克Haymaker (OV4) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
大富翁Midas (OV5) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
燕王Forage plus (OV6) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
莫妮卡Monica (OV7) | 加拿大Canada | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
摄政王Regent (OV8) | 美国America | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
梦龙Magnum (OV9) | 美国America | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
海威Haywire (OV10) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecological Technology Limited Company |
三星Three stars (OV11) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecological Technology Limited Company |
牧乐思Molasses (OV12) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecotechnology Limited Company |
蒙特Monte (OV13) | 美国America | 北京佰青源畜牧业科技发展有限公司Beijing Baiqingyuan Animal Husbandry Technology Development Limited Company |
魅力Charisma (OV14) | 美国America | 百绿(天津)国际草业有限公司 Barenbrug China Internation Grass Industry Limited Company |
科纳Kona (OV15) | 美国America | 北京猛犸种业有限公司Beijing Mammoth Seed Limited Company |
表2 燕麦品种及来源
Table 2 Name and sources of oat varieties
品种名及代码 Varieties and code | 原产地 Country of origin | 来源 Sources |
太阳神Titan (OV1) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
爱沃Everleaf (OV2) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
领袖Souris (OV3) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
黑玫克Haymaker (OV4) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
大富翁Midas (OV5) | 加拿大Canada | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
燕王Forage plus (OV6) | 美国America | 北京正道生态科技有限公司Beijing Rytway Ecotechnology Limited Company |
莫妮卡Monica (OV7) | 加拿大Canada | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
摄政王Regent (OV8) | 美国America | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
梦龙Magnum (OV9) | 美国America | 北京百斯特草业有限公司Beijing Best Grass Industry Limited Company |
海威Haywire (OV10) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecological Technology Limited Company |
三星Three stars (OV11) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecological Technology Limited Company |
牧乐思Molasses (OV12) | 加拿大Canada | 克劳沃(北京)生态科技有限公司Beijing Clover Ecotechnology Limited Company |
蒙特Monte (OV13) | 美国America | 北京佰青源畜牧业科技发展有限公司Beijing Baiqingyuan Animal Husbandry Technology Development Limited Company |
魅力Charisma (OV14) | 美国America | 百绿(天津)国际草业有限公司 Barenbrug China Internation Grass Industry Limited Company |
科纳Kona (OV15) | 美国America | 北京猛犸种业有限公司Beijing Mammoth Seed Limited Company |
指标 Index | 抗性Resistance | ||||||
免疫 Immunity (I) | 高抗 High resistant (HR) | 中抗 Moderate resistant (MR) | 抗病 Resistant (R) | 低感 Light susceptible (LS) | 感病 Susceptible (S) | 高感 High susceptible (HS) | |
反应型(赋值)Reaction type (value) | 无症状No symptom (0) | 病斑小型水渍状,紫色Watery lesions on leaves appeared as small circular, purple (1) | 病斑梭形,边缘呈紫色Necrotic spots surrounded by purple, fusiform (2) | 病斑梭形,边缘有狭窄黄晕Necrotic spots surrounded by yellowish halo, fusiform (3) | 病斑大梭形或长条形,边缘有明显枯黄症状Necrotic spots surrounded by dry yellow, fusiform or strip (4) | 病斑大梭形或长条形,多数相互融合Spots coalesced, fusiform or strip (5) | 病斑大梭形或不规则形,密集,常相互融合导致叶片枯死Serried spots coalesced, fusiform or strip, leaves withered (6) |
病情指数 Disease index | 0 | <0.1 | 0.1~1.0 | 1.1~5.0 | 5.1~10.0 | 10.1~15.0 | >15.0 |
表3 饲用燕麦炭疽病抗性分级标准
Table 3 Score of resistance to anthracnose of oat
指标 Index | 抗性Resistance | ||||||
免疫 Immunity (I) | 高抗 High resistant (HR) | 中抗 Moderate resistant (MR) | 抗病 Resistant (R) | 低感 Light susceptible (LS) | 感病 Susceptible (S) | 高感 High susceptible (HS) | |
反应型(赋值)Reaction type (value) | 无症状No symptom (0) | 病斑小型水渍状,紫色Watery lesions on leaves appeared as small circular, purple (1) | 病斑梭形,边缘呈紫色Necrotic spots surrounded by purple, fusiform (2) | 病斑梭形,边缘有狭窄黄晕Necrotic spots surrounded by yellowish halo, fusiform (3) | 病斑大梭形或长条形,边缘有明显枯黄症状Necrotic spots surrounded by dry yellow, fusiform or strip (4) | 病斑大梭形或长条形,多数相互融合Spots coalesced, fusiform or strip (5) | 病斑大梭形或不规则形,密集,常相互融合导致叶片枯死Serried spots coalesced, fusiform or strip, leaves withered (6) |
病情指数 Disease index | 0 | <0.1 | 0.1~1.0 | 1.1~5.0 | 5.1~10.0 | 10.1~15.0 | >15.0 |
指标Index | 健康Health | 轻度发病Light disease | 中度发病Moderate disease | 重度发病Severe disease |
病情指数Disease index | 0 | 0~25.0 | 25.1~75.0 | 75.1~100.0 |
中值Middle value | 0 | 12.5 | 50.0 | 87.5 |
表4 饲用燕麦炭疽病发病程度分级
Table 4 Score of occurrence degree to anthracnose of oat
指标Index | 健康Health | 轻度发病Light disease | 中度发病Moderate disease | 重度发病Severe disease |
病情指数Disease index | 0 | 0~25.0 | 25.1~75.0 | 75.1~100.0 |
中值Middle value | 0 | 12.5 | 50.0 | 87.5 |
图1 进口饲用燕麦品种炭疽病的田间典型症状及最高级反应型OV1~OV15代表15份进口饲用燕麦的品种。1~6代表反应型的赋值,下同。OV1-OV15 mean the code of oat varieties. 1-6 mean the value of reaction type, the same below.
Fig.1 Typical symptom and infection type to anthracnose of oat varieties in field
图2 进口饲用燕麦品种炭疽病的田间发病率和病情指数不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0. 05)。下同。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05). The same below.
Fig.2 The disease incidence and disease index of anthracnose of oat varieties in field
品种 Varieties | 抗性Resistance | 品种 Varieties | 抗性Resistance | ||||
反应型法 Reaction type | 病情指数法 Disease index | 聚类法 Clustering analysis | 反应型法 Reaction type | 病情指数法 Disease index | 聚类法 Clustering analysis | ||
OV1 | R | R | R | OV9 | S | S | S |
OV2 | R | R | R | OV10 | LS | LS | LS |
OV3 | R | R | R | OV11 | LS | LS | LS |
OV4 | LS | LS | S | OV12 | LS | LS | LS |
OV5 | LS | LS | S | OV13 | R | R | R |
OV6 | S | LS | S | OV14 | LS | LS | LS |
OV7 | LS | LS | LS | OV15 | HS | HS | HS |
OV8 | LS | LS | LS |
表5 进口饲用燕麦品种对炭疽病的抗性评价
Table 5 The resistance evaluation of oat varieties against anthracnose
品种 Varieties | 抗性Resistance | 品种 Varieties | 抗性Resistance | ||||
反应型法 Reaction type | 病情指数法 Disease index | 聚类法 Clustering analysis | 反应型法 Reaction type | 病情指数法 Disease index | 聚类法 Clustering analysis | ||
OV1 | R | R | R | OV9 | S | S | S |
OV2 | R | R | R | OV10 | LS | LS | LS |
OV3 | R | R | R | OV11 | LS | LS | LS |
OV4 | LS | LS | S | OV12 | LS | LS | LS |
OV5 | LS | LS | S | OV13 | R | R | R |
OV6 | S | LS | S | OV14 | LS | LS | LS |
OV7 | LS | LS | LS | OV15 | HS | HS | HS |
OV8 | LS | LS | LS |
图4 科纳品种饲用燕麦炭疽病不同发病程度植株的干重和株高ND: 健康Health; LD: 轻度发病Light disease; MD: 中度发病Moderate disease; SD: 重度发病Severe disease. 下同The same below.
Fig.4 Dry weight and plant height of Kona oat with different occurrence degree of anthracnose
图5 科纳品种饲用燕麦炭疽病不同发病程度植株的常规营养成分ns: 无显著差异No significant difference.
Fig.5 Nutritional content of Kona oat with different occurrence degree of anthracnose
发病程度 Occurrence degree of anthracnose | 草产量损失率 Loss ratio of dry yield (%) | 饲用价值损失率 Loss ratio of relative feed value (%) |
LD | 7.5c | 3.2b |
MD | 16.7b | 9.7ab |
SD | 28.1a | 15.9a |
表6 炭疽病对科纳品种饲用燕麦的草产量和饲用价值损失率
Table 6 Loss ratio of dry yield and relative feed value to anthracnose of Kona oat (%)
发病程度 Occurrence degree of anthracnose | 草产量损失率 Loss ratio of dry yield (%) | 饲用价值损失率 Loss ratio of relative feed value (%) |
LD | 7.5c | 3.2b |
MD | 16.7b | 9.7ab |
SD | 28.1a | 15.9a |
指标Index | 决定系数Decision coefficient (R2) | P | 回归方程Regression equation |
单株叶片干重Leaf weight per plant | 0.9863 | 0.0068 | y=-0.0033x+1.3273 |
单株茎秆干重Stem dry weight per plant | 0.9617 | 0.0194 | y=-0.0044x+1.0636 |
单株籽粒干重Spike dry weight per plant | 0.9851 | 0.0075 | y=-0.0039x+1.3536 |
株高Plant height | 0.9581 | 0.0212 | y=-0.1911x+103.1321 |
粗脂肪Crude fat | 0.9947 | 0.0027 | y=-0.0027x+4.3322 |
粗蛋白Crude protein | 0.9776 | 0.0075 | y=-0.0112x+9.2132 |
总氨基酸Total amino acids | 0.9991 | 0.0004 | y=-1.6701x+326.1011 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber | 0.9980 | 0.0009 | y=0.0637x+46.3052 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber | 0.9917 | 0.0041 | y=0.0512x+42.2742 |
粗灰分Crude ash | 0.9738 | 0.0132 | y=-0.2742x+5.3141 |
磷P | 0.9860 | 0.0071 | y=-0.0922x+1.3524 |
钙Ca | 0.9999 | 0.0207 | y=0.0232x2 -1.8845x+5.0763 |
草产量损失率Loss ratio of dry yield | 0.9837 | 0.0082 | y=0.3023x+1.6822 |
饲用价值损失率Loss ratio of relative feed value | 0.9963 | 0.0019 | y=0.1812x+0.5032 |
表7 炭疽病病情指数中值与科纳品种饲用燕麦产量和营养成分等指标的回归方程
Table 7 Regression analysis between the middle value of disease index and the yield and nutrient content of Kona
指标Index | 决定系数Decision coefficient (R2) | P | 回归方程Regression equation |
单株叶片干重Leaf weight per plant | 0.9863 | 0.0068 | y=-0.0033x+1.3273 |
单株茎秆干重Stem dry weight per plant | 0.9617 | 0.0194 | y=-0.0044x+1.0636 |
单株籽粒干重Spike dry weight per plant | 0.9851 | 0.0075 | y=-0.0039x+1.3536 |
株高Plant height | 0.9581 | 0.0212 | y=-0.1911x+103.1321 |
粗脂肪Crude fat | 0.9947 | 0.0027 | y=-0.0027x+4.3322 |
粗蛋白Crude protein | 0.9776 | 0.0075 | y=-0.0112x+9.2132 |
总氨基酸Total amino acids | 0.9991 | 0.0004 | y=-1.6701x+326.1011 |
中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber | 0.9980 | 0.0009 | y=0.0637x+46.3052 |
酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber | 0.9917 | 0.0041 | y=0.0512x+42.2742 |
粗灰分Crude ash | 0.9738 | 0.0132 | y=-0.2742x+5.3141 |
磷P | 0.9860 | 0.0071 | y=-0.0922x+1.3524 |
钙Ca | 0.9999 | 0.0207 | y=0.0232x2 -1.8845x+5.0763 |
草产量损失率Loss ratio of dry yield | 0.9837 | 0.0082 | y=0.3023x+1.6822 |
饲用价值损失率Loss ratio of relative feed value | 0.9963 | 0.0019 | y=0.1812x+0.5032 |
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