草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 41-55.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022084
王志婷1(), 刘廷玺1,2,3(
), 童新1,2,3, 段利民1,2,3, 李东方1,2, 刘小勇4
E-mail: txliu1966@163.com基金资助:
Zhi-ting WANG1(), Ting-xi LIU1,2,3(
), Xin TONG1,2,3, Li-min DUAN1,2,3, Dong-fang LI1,2, Xiao-yong LIU4
Ting-xi LIU
王志婷, 刘廷玺, 童新, 段利民, 李东方, 刘小勇. 半干旱草甸草地不同处理下植被特征与土壤酶活性的变化[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(3): 41-55.
Zhi-ting WANG, Ting-xi LIU, Xin TONG, Li-min DUAN, Dong-fang LI, Xiao-yong LIU. Changes in vegetation characteristics and soil enzyme activities under different treatments in semi-arid meadow grassland[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(3): 41-55.
图1 研究区试验点布设及草地处理方式示意图D1、C2、C3、E2和C4分别代表草甸地样地名称。D1, C2, C3, E2 and C4 represent the names of meadow grassland sites, respectively.
Fig.1 Layout of test points and grassland treatment mode in the study area
草甸草地点 Meadow grassland site | 草地处理方式 Grassland treatment |
C2 | UNM、M1、F、G |
C3 | UNM、M1、G |
D1 | UNM、F、G |
C4 | ML、G |
E2 | ML、G |
表1 不同样地草地处理方式
Table 1 Different ways of dealing with grass
草甸草地点 Meadow grassland site | 草地处理方式 Grassland treatment |
C2 | UNM、M1、F、G |
C3 | UNM、M1、G |
D1 | UNM、F、G |
C4 | ML、G |
E2 | ML、G |
图3 各试验点草地不同处理植被群落特征的月变化同行不同小写字母代表该指标在不同处理下差异显著(P<0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences at the 0.05 level.
Fig.3 Monthly variation of vegetation community characteristics in different treatments of grassland in different experimental sites
图4 不同处理方式草地生长季土壤温度的月变化相同字母代表不同草地处理下差异不显著(P>0.05),不同字母代表不同草地处理下差异显著(P<0.05),下同。Same letters mean no significant differences at the 0.05 level among different grassland treatments; Different letters mean significant differences at the 0.05 level among different grassland treatments, the same below.
Fig.4 Monthly variation of soil temperature in growing season of grassland under different treatments
图9 植被特征与土壤酶活性的相关性H: 植被高度Vegetation height; C: 植被盖度Vegetation coverage; B: 地上生物量Aboveground biomass; R: 丰富度指数 Richness index; W: 土壤水分Soil moisture content; T: 土壤温度 Soil temperature; S-AKP: 土壤碱性磷酸酶活性 Soil alkaline phosphatase activity; S-UE: 土壤脲酶活性 Soil urease activity; S-SC: 土壤蔗糖酶活性 Soil sucrase activity. “**”“*”分别表示在0.01、0.05水平上显著相关。“**”“*”indicates significant correlation at 0.01, 0.05 levels. “”表示正相关,“”表示负相关,颜色越深,表示其相关性越强。“”indicates positive correlation,“”indicates negative correlation,the darker the color, the stronger the correlation.
Fig.9 Correlation between vegetation characteristics and soil enzyme activities
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