草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 106-117.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022351
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
何伟鹏1(), 胡夏嵩1, 刘昌义1(
), 李璇1, 李希来2, 付江涛3, 卢海静2, 杨馥铖1, 李国荣1
E-mail: 1358128151@qq.com基金资助:
Wei-peng HE1(), Xia-song HU1, Chang-yi LIU1(
), Xuan LI1, Xi-lai LI2, Jiang-tao FU3, Hai-jing LU2, Fu-cheng YANG1, Guo-rong LI1
Chang-yi LIU
为研究黄河源区不同禁牧年限高寒草地植物根系力学特性及根系增强土体抗剪强度贡献特征,本研究以黄河源区河南县地区未禁牧、1 a禁牧、4 a禁牧、10 a禁牧4种工况下的高寒草地植物垂穗披碱草为研究对象,在野外调查、取样及室内单根拉伸试验和根-土复合体直剪试验的基础上,探讨了垂穗披碱草在不同禁牧年限下,单根抗拉力和根-土复合体抗剪强度指标变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:1~4 a短期禁牧增加了垂穗披碱草生长量指标,而10 a长期禁牧其生长量指标则呈降低的变化特征。随着禁牧年限增加,垂穗披碱草单根抗拉力呈先增大后降低的变化规律,1和4 a禁牧单根抗拉力较未禁牧增幅分别为15.9%、14.8%;垂穗披碱草单根抗拉强度、根-土复合体黏聚力均呈降低趋势,其中10 a禁牧垂穗披碱草单根抗拉强度、根-土复合体黏聚力相对于未禁牧降低幅度最大,分别为57.3%、63.5%。进一步研究表明,根-土复合体黏聚力c值与根径、土体密度之间呈显著正相关关系,与含水率之间则呈显著负相关关系,且黏聚力c值随含根量的增加呈先增大后减小的变化规律。研究结果可为高寒地区开展草地退化、水土流失等灾害的有效防治提供理论支撑和实际指导。
何伟鹏, 胡夏嵩, 刘昌义, 李璇, 李希来, 付江涛, 卢海静, 杨馥铖, 李国荣. 黄河源区不同禁牧年限对垂穗披碱草单根及其根-土复合体力学强度特征的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(5): 106-117.
Wei-peng HE, Xia-song HU, Chang-yi LIU, Xuan LI, Xi-lai LI, Jiang-tao FU, Hai-jing LU, Fu-cheng YANG, Guo-rong LI. Impact of the different duration years of grazing prohibition on the mechanical strength characteristics of Elymus nutans roots and its composite systems in the Yellow River source region[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(5): 106-117.
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均株高 Average plant height (cm) | 平均地径 Average plant diameter at ground surface (mm) |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 50.99±9.86c | 1.45±0.37ab |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 52.67±10.84b | 1.64±0.40a |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 66.65±18.23a | 1.68±0.60a |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 34.65±9.62d | 1.18±0.42b |
表1 试验区4种不同禁牧工况下垂穗披碱草地上生长量指标
Table 1 Aboveground growth indexes of the E. nutans grassland under four different grazing prohibition conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均株高 Average plant height (cm) | 平均地径 Average plant diameter at ground surface (mm) |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 50.99±9.86c | 1.45±0.37ab |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 52.67±10.84b | 1.64±0.40a |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 66.65±18.23a | 1.68±0.60a |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 34.65±9.62d | 1.18±0.42b |
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均根数Average root number (No.) | 平均含根量Average root content (mg·cm-3) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 942±538c | 476±311b | 11.70±6.98b | 4.90±1.19b |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 1428±778a | 996±581a | 18.51±7.91a | 11.71±5.16a |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 1199±974ab | 861±392a | 11.41±6.12b | 9.10±5.93ab |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 900±251c | 435±151b | 6.10±2.00c | 4.30±2.10b |
表2 试验区4种不同工况下垂穗披碱草地下根系生长量指标
Table 2 Underground root growth index of E. nutans under four different working conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均根数Average root number (No.) | 平均含根量Average root content (mg·cm-3) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 942±538c | 476±311b | 11.70±6.98b | 4.90±1.19b |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 1428±778a | 996±581a | 18.51±7.91a | 11.71±5.16a |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 1199±974ab | 861±392a | 11.41±6.12b | 9.10±5.93ab |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 900±251c | 435±151b | 6.10±2.00c | 4.30±2.10b |
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均根径 Average root diameter (D, mm) | 单根抗拉力Tensile resistance of single root | 单根抗拉强度Tensile strength of single root | ||||
平均抗拉力 Average tensile resistance (F, N) | 回归方程 Regression equation | 拟合优度R2 Goodness of fit R2 | 平均抗拉强度 Average tensile strength (TN, MPa) | 回归方程 Regression equation | 拟合优度R2 Goodness of fit R2 | ||
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 0.19±0.05 | 2.63±1.20ab | F=38.238D1.646 | 0.9707 | 88.21±11.06a | TN=48.684D-0.354 | 0.6049 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 0.23±0.04 | 3.05±1.32a | F=19.388D1.768 | 0.8740 | 78.36±23.59a | TN=24.280D-0.740 | 0.7016 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 0.26±0.11 | 3.02±1.74a | F=14.107D1.564 | 0.8768 | 63.91±24.18b | TN=17.963D-0.836 | 0.7862 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 0.28±0.09 | 2.26±1.06b | F=14.152D1.463 | 0.9566 | 37.63±7.71c | TN=18.020D-0.537 | 0.7478 |
表3 试验区4种不同工况条件下垂穗披碱草单根抗拉力、抗拉强度回归方程拟合结果
Table 3 Fitting results of regression equations of tensile resistance and tensile strength of single root of E. nutans under four different working conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均根径 Average root diameter (D, mm) | 单根抗拉力Tensile resistance of single root | 单根抗拉强度Tensile strength of single root | ||||
平均抗拉力 Average tensile resistance (F, N) | 回归方程 Regression equation | 拟合优度R2 Goodness of fit R2 | 平均抗拉强度 Average tensile strength (TN, MPa) | 回归方程 Regression equation | 拟合优度R2 Goodness of fit R2 | ||
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 0.19±0.05 | 2.63±1.20ab | F=38.238D1.646 | 0.9707 | 88.21±11.06a | TN=48.684D-0.354 | 0.6049 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 0.23±0.04 | 3.05±1.32a | F=19.388D1.768 | 0.8740 | 78.36±23.59a | TN=24.280D-0.740 | 0.7016 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 0.26±0.11 | 3.02±1.74a | F=14.107D1.564 | 0.8768 | 63.91±24.18b | TN=17.963D-0.836 | 0.7862 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 0.28±0.09 | 2.26±1.06b | F=14.152D1.463 | 0.9566 | 37.63±7.71c | TN=18.020D-0.537 | 0.7478 |
图3 试验区4种不同工况条件下垂穗披碱草单根抗拉力、抗拉强度与根径之间的关系曲线
Fig.3 Relation curve between tensile resistance, tensile strength of single root and root diameter of E. nutans under four different working conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 土体平均密度Average density of soil mass (g·cm-3) | 土体平均含水率Average moisture content of soil mass (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 1.20±0.10 | 1.32±0.12 | 33.31±6.47 | 22.04±3.01 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 1.14±0.22 | 1.18±0.14 | 36.90±6.20 | 26.19±5.00 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 1.12±0.21 | 1.04±0.11 | 35.55±6.15 | 26.22±4.29 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 1.19±0.17 | 1.17±0.12 | 39.95±5.07 | 29.07±5.03 |
表4 试验区4种不同工况下草本植物垂穗披碱草草地土体密度和含水率
Table 4 Soil density and moisture content of E. nutans grassland under four different working conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 土体平均密度Average density of soil mass (g·cm-3) | 土体平均含水率Average moisture content of soil mass (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 1.20±0.10 | 1.32±0.12 | 33.31±6.47 | 22.04±3.01 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 1.14±0.22 | 1.18±0.14 | 36.90±6.20 | 26.19±5.00 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 1.12±0.21 | 1.04±0.11 | 35.55±6.15 | 26.22±4.29 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 1.19±0.17 | 1.17±0.12 | 39.95±5.07 | 29.07±5.03 |
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均黏聚力c值Average cohesion c value (kPa) | 平均内摩擦角值Average internal friction angle φ value (°) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 26.58±5.86a | 22.91±5.00a | 19.53±2.48 | 20.48±2.48 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 16.02±1.99ab | 15.37±1.76ab | 19.96±2.69 | 22.07±2.69 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 13.15±6.78b | 7.45±3.91b | 20.39±2.92 | 21.25±3.54 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 9.70±1.90b | 6.91±3.24b | 18.95±3.99 | 19.25±2.24 |
表5 试验区4种不同工况条件下垂穗披碱草草地根-土复合体试样抗剪强度
Table 5 Shear strength of E. nutans root-soil composite systems under four different working conditions in the test area
工况类型 Working conditions | 平均黏聚力c值Average cohesion c value (kPa) | 平均内摩擦角值Average internal friction angle φ value (°) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | |
未禁牧No grazing prohibition | 26.58±5.86a | 22.91±5.00a | 19.53±2.48 | 20.48±2.48 |
1 a禁牧1 a grazing prohibition | 16.02±1.99ab | 15.37±1.76ab | 19.96±2.69 | 22.07±2.69 |
4 a禁牧4 a grazing prohibition | 13.15±6.78b | 7.45±3.91b | 20.39±2.92 | 21.25±3.54 |
10 a禁牧10 a grazing prohibition | 9.70±1.90b | 6.91±3.24b | 18.95±3.99 | 19.25±2.24 |
图4 试验区4种不同工况条件下根-土复合体的含根量、根径与黏聚力之间的三维关系曲线
Fig.4 Three dimensional relation curve between root content, root diameter and cohesion of root-soil composite systems under four different working conditions in the test area
指标 Index | 根径 Root diameter | 含根量 Root content | 密度 Density | 含水率 Moisture content | 单根抗拉强度 Single tensile strength |
黏聚力c值Cohesion c value | 0.352* | 0.592** | 0.369* | -0.456* | 0.486** |
内摩擦角φ值Internal friction angle φ value | -0.068 | 0.040 | -0.020 | -0.074 | 0.153 |
表6 试验区4种不同工况下根-土复合体抗剪强度主要影响因素相关性分析
Table 6 Correlation analysis of main influence factors on shear strength of root-soil composite systems under four different working conditions in the test area
指标 Index | 根径 Root diameter | 含根量 Root content | 密度 Density | 含水率 Moisture content | 单根抗拉强度 Single tensile strength |
黏聚力c值Cohesion c value | 0.352* | 0.592** | 0.369* | -0.456* | 0.486** |
内摩擦角φ值Internal friction angle φ value | -0.068 | 0.040 | -0.020 | -0.074 | 0.153 |
图5 试验区4种不同工况条件下根-土复合体的密度、含水率与黏聚力之间的三维关系曲线
Fig.5 Three dimensional relation curve between density, moisture content and cohesion of root-soil composite systems under four different working conditions in the test area
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