草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 181-190.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021462
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
蒋晶晶1,3(), 杜蕙1, 陈爱昌2(
), 李雪萍1, 李敏权1, 漆永红1(
E-mail: aichang612@163.com基金资助:
Jing-jing JIANG1,3(), Hui DU1, Ai-chang CHEN2(
), Xue-ping LI1, Min-quan LI1, Yong-hong QI1(
Ai-chang CHEN,Yong-hong QI
为了探究党参菌核病病原菌的种类和生物学特性,采用组织分离法分离病原物,通过形态特征和rDNA转录间隔区(rDNA-ITS)、RNA聚合酶Ⅱ第二大亚基基因(RPB2)进行病原菌种类鉴定,同时开展相关生物学特性研究。结果表明,引起甘肃省党参菌核病的病原菌为雪腐核盘菌和核盘菌,其中雪腐核盘菌为优势病原菌。生物学特性研究表明,雪腐核盘菌和核盘菌菌丝生长最适温度为20和25 ℃,菌核形成最适温度为15和25 ℃,菌丝生长最适pH均为6,菌核形成最适pH为6和7,最适培养基均为马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基。菌丝生长抑制法室内毒力测定表明,啶酰菌胺对两种病原菌的菌丝生长均有较好的抑制效果,EC50分别为0.2625、0.4165 mg·L-1。本研究在国内首次报道了雪腐核盘菌和核盘菌会引起党参菌核病。该研究结果可为该病害的诊断和综合防治提供较为可靠的理论基础和科学依据。
蒋晶晶, 杜蕙, 陈爱昌, 李雪萍, 李敏权, 漆永红. 甘肃省党参菌核病病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性研究[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(12): 181-190.
Jing-jing JIANG, Hui DU, Ai-chang CHEN, Xue-ping LI, Min-quan LI, Yong-hong QI. Identification and biological characterization of the pathogens responsible for sclerotinia rot in Codonopsis pilosula[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(12): 181-190.
图1 党参菌核病发病症状及致病性测定A: 茎部症状The symptoms on stem; B: 茎基部症状The symptoms on basal stem; C: 根呈黄褐色水浸型软腐Yellow-brownish and water-soaked of roots; D: 茎表面形成黑色不规则菌核体Black and irregular sclerotia on stem surface; E~F: 党参离体根分别接种病原菌DS-RY-2和DS-JF-8 Symptoms of C. pilosulain vitro root inoculated with different isolates DS-RY-2 and DS-JF-8; G: 空白对照Control.
Fig.1 Symptom of C. pilosula sclerotinia rot and pathogenicity testing
图2 党参菌核病病原菌的形态学特征I: 雪腐核盘菌的形态特征The colony morphology of the S. nivalis; Ⅰ-A, Ⅰ-B: 培养6和12 d 菌落形态Colony morphology after 6 and 12 d; Ⅰ-C: 培养12 d菌落背面Colony reverse after 12 d; I-D: 菌丝形态Mycelial morphology; Ⅰ-E: 小分生孢子Microconidia; Ⅰ-F: 小分生孢子着生在瓶状菌丝上Microconidia borne on hyphae. Ⅱ: 核盘菌的形态特征The colony morphology of the S. sclerotiorum; Ⅱ-A, Ⅱ-B: 培养6和15 d 菌落形态Colony morphology after 6 and 15 d; Ⅱ-C: 培养15 d菌落背面Colony reverse after 15 d; Ⅱ-D: 菌丝形态Mycelial morphology; Ⅱ-E: 小分生孢子Microconidia; Ⅱ-F: 小分生孢子成簇着生在菌丝上Microconidia are born in clusters on the hyphae.
Fig.2 The morphological characteristics of the pathogens causing C. pilosula sclerotinia rot
图5 不同温度对菌丝生长和菌核鲜重的影响不同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),下同。Different letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05), the same below.
Fig.5 Effect of different temperature on mycelium growth and sclerotial fresh weight
病原菌 Pathogens | 回归方程 Regression equation | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient (R2) | EC50 (mg·L-1) | 95%置信区间 95% confidence interval | 卡方值 Chi square | 自由度 df |
雪腐核盘菌S. nivalis 核盘菌S. sclerotiorum | y=1.2003x+5.6973 y=1.1145x+5.4239 | 0.9948** 0.9741** | 0.2625 0.4165 | 0.152~0.454 0.254~0.634 | 1.17 1.52 | 9.49 9.49 |
表1 啶酰菌胺对雪腐核盘菌和核盘菌菌丝生长的抑制效果
Table 1 Inhibition of boscalid against mycelium growth of S. nivalis and S. sclerotiorum
病原菌 Pathogens | 回归方程 Regression equation | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient (R2) | EC50 (mg·L-1) | 95%置信区间 95% confidence interval | 卡方值 Chi square | 自由度 df |
雪腐核盘菌S. nivalis 核盘菌S. sclerotiorum | y=1.2003x+5.6973 y=1.1145x+5.4239 | 0.9948** 0.9741** | 0.2625 0.4165 | 0.152~0.454 0.254~0.634 | 1.17 1.52 | 9.49 9.49 |
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