草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 30-41.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022274
王凯锋1,2(), 包刚1,2(
), 元志辉1,2, 佟斯琴1,2, 叶志刚1,2, 黄晓君1,2, 包玉海1,2
E-mail: baogang@imnu.edu.cn基金资助:
Kai-feng WANG1,2(), Gang BAO1,2(
), Zhi-hui YUAN1,2, Si-qin TONG1,2, Zhi-gang YE1,2, Xiao-jun HUANG1,2, Yu-hai BAO1,2
Gang BAO
春季返青期和秋季枯黄期是植被生长过程中两个重要的物候指标,其变化对气候,尤其对温度敏感性的大小及其差异十分不清楚。利用2001-2019年MODIS NDVI和气象数据,在气象台站和像元尺度上分别计算内蒙古植被春季返青期和秋季枯黄期,并以生长度日(GDD)和冷却度日(CDD)为影响返青期和枯黄期的温度指标,研究两个物候指标对气候敏感性的空间格局及其大小。结果表明,2001-2019年内蒙古植被返青期主要集中在第110~135 d,整体呈提前趋势(2.6 d·10 a-1);枯黄期主要集中在第260~280 d,整体呈微弱的推迟趋势(0.7 d·10 a-1)。返青期对GDD和枯黄期对CDD的敏感性主要以负敏感性为主,分别占研究区总面积的68.1%和56%。从两个物候指标对降水的敏感性看,植被物候对降水敏感性主要以正敏感为主。气象台站尺度的研究结果总体与像元尺度的研究结果基本一致。在气象台站尺度上对比显示有65%的站点枯黄期对温度的敏感性大于返青期,94%的站点返青期对降水的敏感性大于枯黄期,在气候不断变化的条件下,敏感性的研究可促进生态系统可持续管理的能力,对物候模拟以及生态系统气候的评估具有重要参考价值。
王凯锋, 包刚, 元志辉, 佟斯琴, 叶志刚, 黄晓君, 包玉海. 内蒙古植被春季返青期和秋季枯黄期的气候敏感性研究[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(4): 30-41.
Kai-feng WANG, Gang BAO, Zhi-hui YUAN, Si-qin TONG, Zhi-gang YE, Xiao-jun HUANG, Yu-hai BAO. Climate sensitivity of the start of the growing season in spring and the end of the growing season in autumn for vegetation in Inner Mongolia[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 30-41.
图2 内蒙古2001-2019年土地覆盖类型未发生变化和发生变化地区的分布情况
Fig.2 Spatial distribution of unchanged and changed area of land cover types in the Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2019
图3 NDVI 数据平滑和累计NDVI的Logistic拟合曲线曲率极值法Ⅰ:累积NDVI的Logistic拟合曲线Logistic fitting curve of cumulative NDVI;Ⅱ:Logistic曲线曲率Logistic curve curvature;Ⅲ: 累积NDVI Cumulative NDVI.
Fig.3 Illustration of NDVI smoothing and the cumulative NDVI based Logistic curve model
图4 2001-2019年内蒙古多年平均返青期和枯黄期及返青期和枯黄期变化趋势空间分布左上角图及图例为站点尺度图,右下角图及图例为像元尺度图,下同。The upper left figure and legend are site-scale maps, and the lower right figure and legend are pixel-scale maps, the same below.
Fig.4 Spatial distribution of annual mean start of growing season (SOS) and end of growing season (EOS) and variation trend of SOS and EOS in Inner Mongolia during 2001 to 2019
图6 2001-2019年内蒙古返青期和枯黄期对气象因子的敏感性空间分布
Fig.6 Spatial distribution of sensitivity of meteorological factors during SOS and EOS in Inner Mongolia during 2001 to 2019
植被类型 Vegetation types | 返青期敏感性Sensitivity of SOS | 枯黄期敏感性Sensitivity of EOS | ||
温度Temperature (d·℃-1) | 降水Precipitation (d·mm-1) | 温度Temperature (d·℃-1) | 降水Precipitation (d·mm-1) | |
林地Woodland | -0.042 | 0.204 | -0.007 | -0.032 |
灌丛Bushwood | 0.017 | 0.308 | 0.045 | 0.105 |
草地Grassland | -0.018 | 0.163 | -0.006 | 0.055 |
农田Cropland | -0.011 | 0.046 | -0.007 | 0.003 |
稀疏植被Sparse vegetation | 0.003 | 0.003 | 0.003 | 0.039 |
表1 2001-2019年内蒙古不同植被类型返青期和枯黄期对气象因子的敏感性
Table 1 Sensitivity of different vegetation types to meteorological factors during SOS and EOS in Inner Mongolia during 2001 to 2019
植被类型 Vegetation types | 返青期敏感性Sensitivity of SOS | 枯黄期敏感性Sensitivity of EOS | ||
温度Temperature (d·℃-1) | 降水Precipitation (d·mm-1) | 温度Temperature (d·℃-1) | 降水Precipitation (d·mm-1) | |
林地Woodland | -0.042 | 0.204 | -0.007 | -0.032 |
灌丛Bushwood | 0.017 | 0.308 | 0.045 | 0.105 |
草地Grassland | -0.018 | 0.163 | -0.006 | 0.055 |
农田Cropland | -0.011 | 0.046 | -0.007 | 0.003 |
稀疏植被Sparse vegetation | 0.003 | 0.003 | 0.003 | 0.039 |
图7 2001-2019年内蒙古各气象站点返青期与枯黄期温度和降水敏感性对比
Fig.7 Comparison of temperature sensitivity and precipitation sensitivity during SOS and EOS of Inner Mongolia meteorological stations during 2001 to 2019
图8 2001-2019年内蒙古各气象站点返青期和枯黄期温度(a)和降水的敏感性(b)对比空间分布
Fig.8 Spatial distribution of temperature sensitivity (a) and precipitation sensitivity (b) during SOS and EOS in Inner Mongolia meteorological stations during 2001 to 2019
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