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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 111-122.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024139

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Interspecific relationship and forage productivity effects in mixed sowings of Sorghum bicolor and Dolichos lablab

Jiang-ping MA1(), Yi-yin ZHANG1, Teng-fei WANG1, Bin WANG1, Jian LAN1,2()   

  1. 1.College of Forestry and Grassland,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China
    2.Ningxia Grassland and Pasture Engineering Research Center,Yinchuan 750021,China
  • Received:2024-04-23 Revised:2024-07-09 Online:2025-03-20 Published:2025-01-02
  • Contact: Jian LAN


The seeding rate of Sorghum bicolor and Dolichos lablab in mixed sowings is a key factor affecting the yield and nutritional value of mixed sowings. It is of high relevance to evaluate the optimal seeding rates of D. lablab and S. bicolor in mixed sowings in the Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Area, to alleviate the shortage of forage supply in this area. In this study, D. lablab was sown at four different seeding rates in mixtures (SL1: 16.5 kg·ha-1, SL2: 33.0 kg·ha-1, SL3: 49.5 kg·ha-1, SL4: 66.0 kg·ha-1), sown together with S. bicolor at 18.0 kg·ha-1 in each case. The experiment also included D. lablab and S. bicolor monocultures (L0: 49.5 kg·ha-1 and S0: 18.0 kg·ha-1). The aim was to investigate the yield, interspecific competition indexes and economic benefits of the two monocultures and the mixed-sown combinations. The results for two years confirm that the total hay yield and crude protein yield from mixed sowings of S. bicolor and D. lablab were significantly higher than those of monocultures (P<0.05), and were maximized in the SL2 treatment. For yield and crude protein, respectively, values were 63.66% and 9.13% higher than those of D. lablab sown alone. The land equivalent ratio of all mixtures was greater than 1 and was highest for the SL2 treatment (1.26), making the yield increase of this treatment was obvious. The aggressivity of S. bicolor in the mixed sowings was greater than 0, and the competitive ratio was greater than that of D. lablab, indicating that the competitive strength of S. bicolor was stronger than that of D. lablab, and S. bicolor is a competitive advantage crop. The system productivity index increased progressively with increase in the seeding rate of D. lablab, and the net income over the two years under the SL2 treatment was the highest (37469.45 and 38284.09 yuan·ha-1) among the treatments. Based on the yield, land equivalent ratio, monetary advantage index and net income of the mixed swards, the performance of S. bicolor and D. lablab in SL2 mixed seeding treatment was the best. Therefore, it is recommended that the optimum seeding rate of D. lablab and S. bicolor in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia is 33.0 kg·ha-1.

Key words: Sorghum bicolor, Dolichos lablab, mixed grassland, interspecific competition, production performance