Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 40-52.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023006
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Hong LI1(), Yun CHEN1(
), Xiao-hong LIU2, You-bin LIU1, Yi-zhi DU1
Hong LI, Yun CHEN, Xiao-hong LIU, You-bin LIU, Yi-zhi DU. Factors affecting the soil erosion and scouring resistance of bank hedgerows in purple soil sloping cropland[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(11): 40-52.
地埂草篱种类 Types of grasses hedgerows | 根系长度 Root length (cm) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根尖数 Root tips | 根分枝数 Root forks | 根分叉数 Root crossings |
拉巴豆 D. lablab | 299.73±44.75a | 40.84±10.20a | 0.45±0.17a | 1433.22±626.25a | 1965.78±1016.01a | 345.67±259.71a |
紫花苜蓿 M. sativa | 145.72±39.33b | 25.77±14.39b | 0.56±0.69a | 977.78±477.07a | 891.00±416.98a | 141.89±108.72a |
Table 1 Root parameters of different bank hedgerows
地埂草篱种类 Types of grasses hedgerows | 根系长度 Root length (cm) | 根系表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根系体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根尖数 Root tips | 根分枝数 Root forks | 根分叉数 Root crossings |
拉巴豆 D. lablab | 299.73±44.75a | 40.84±10.20a | 0.45±0.17a | 1433.22±626.25a | 1965.78±1016.01a | 345.67±259.71a |
紫花苜蓿 M. sativa | 145.72±39.33b | 25.77±14.39b | 0.56±0.69a | 977.78±477.07a | 891.00±416.98a | 141.89±108.72a |
地埂草篱种类 Types of grasses hedgerows | 土壤含水率 Soil moisture (%) | 土壤容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 总孔隙度 Total porosity (%) | 毛管孔隙度 Capillary porosity (%) | 非毛管孔隙度 Noncapillary porosity (%) | 田间持水量 Field capacity (%) | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) |
拉巴豆D. lablab | 16.93±0.32a | 1.20±0.01c | 54.72±0.33a | 27.92±2.73a | 26.79±3.00a | 23.26±2.15ab | 38.69±10.00a |
紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 11.93±0.32c | 1.30±0.01b | 52.42±0.33b | 31.92±2.73a | 19.99±3.00b | 25.26±2.15a | 21.77±5.03b |
对照CK | 15.65±0.46b | 1.41±0.03a | 46.89±1.02c | 28.34±1.02a | 18.55±1.31b | 20.14±0.88b | 30.99±4.00ab |
Table 2 Soil physicochemical properties of different bank hedgerows
地埂草篱种类 Types of grasses hedgerows | 土壤含水率 Soil moisture (%) | 土壤容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 总孔隙度 Total porosity (%) | 毛管孔隙度 Capillary porosity (%) | 非毛管孔隙度 Noncapillary porosity (%) | 田间持水量 Field capacity (%) | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) |
拉巴豆D. lablab | 16.93±0.32a | 1.20±0.01c | 54.72±0.33a | 27.92±2.73a | 26.79±3.00a | 23.26±2.15ab | 38.69±10.00a |
紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 11.93±0.32c | 1.30±0.01b | 52.42±0.33b | 31.92±2.73a | 19.99±3.00b | 25.26±2.15a | 21.77±5.03b |
对照CK | 15.65±0.46b | 1.41±0.03a | 46.89±1.02c | 28.34±1.02a | 18.55±1.31b | 20.14±0.88b | 30.99±4.00ab |
变量 Variable | 非标准化模型 Nonstandardized coefficient model | 标准化模型 Standardized coefficient model | 显著性 P-level | ||
非标准化回归系数Nonstandardized regression coefficient | 标准误Standard error | 标准化回归系数Standardized regression coefficient | T检验结果值Resulting value of t-test | ||
截距Intercept | -4.20 | 3.44 | -1.22 | 0.28 | |
>0.5 mm结构破坏率Percentage of aggregate disruption of >0.5 mm | -0.21 | 0.07 | 0.073 | 2.86 | 0.04 |
Table 3 Stepwise multiple regression models for ASI and soil anti-erodibility properties
变量 Variable | 非标准化模型 Nonstandardized coefficient model | 标准化模型 Standardized coefficient model | 显著性 P-level | ||
非标准化回归系数Nonstandardized regression coefficient | 标准误Standard error | 标准化回归系数Standardized regression coefficient | T检验结果值Resulting value of t-test | ||
截距Intercept | -4.20 | 3.44 | -1.22 | 0.28 | |
>0.5 mm结构破坏率Percentage of aggregate disruption of >0.5 mm | -0.21 | 0.07 | 0.073 | 2.86 | 0.04 |
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