Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 144-153.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024170
Feng ZHANG(), Pei-fang CHONG(
), Xin-guang BAO, Xue-ying WANG
Pei-fang CHONG
Feng ZHANG, Pei-fang CHONG, Xin-guang BAO, Xue-ying WANG. Isolation and identification of four strains of Reaumuria soongorica root zone nitrogen fixing bacteria and their role in seedling growth promotion[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 144-153.
菌株编号 Strain number | 形态 Form | 质地 Texture | 表面 Surface | 颜色 Colour | 边缘 Edge | 生长速度 Growth rate | 大小 Size | 干湿情况 Dry and wet conditions | 高度 Height | 透明度Transparency | 与培养基结合程度Level of integration with culture medium |
Y3 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳黄 Milk yellow | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 干燥 Dry | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
P4 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳白 Opaline | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 湿润 Wet | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
N12 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳白 Opaline | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 干燥 Dry | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
Y2 | 不规则 Irregular | 均匀Uniform | 粗糙 Roughness | 乳黄 Milk yellow | 不齐 Untidy | 快 Fast | 中 Medium | 湿润 Wet | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
Table 1 Characterization of colonies
菌株编号 Strain number | 形态 Form | 质地 Texture | 表面 Surface | 颜色 Colour | 边缘 Edge | 生长速度 Growth rate | 大小 Size | 干湿情况 Dry and wet conditions | 高度 Height | 透明度Transparency | 与培养基结合程度Level of integration with culture medium |
Y3 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳黄 Milk yellow | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 干燥 Dry | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
P4 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳白 Opaline | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 湿润 Wet | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
N12 | 圆形 Orbicular | 均匀Uniform | 光滑 Smoothness | 乳白 Opaline | 整齐 Neatly | 快 Fast | 小 Small | 干燥 Dry | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
Y2 | 不规则 Irregular | 均匀Uniform | 粗糙 Roughness | 乳黄 Milk yellow | 不齐 Untidy | 快 Fast | 中 Medium | 湿润 Wet | 隆起Swell | 不透明 Opaque | 易挑取 Easy picking |
菌株编号 Strain number | 葡萄糖发酵 Glucose fermentation | 淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | 甲基红 Methyl red | 乙酰甲基甲醇 Voges-proskauer | 吲哚 Indole | 明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | 接触酶 Catalase | 革兰氏染色 Gram stain |
Y3 | + | + | - | + | - | + | - | + |
P4 | + | - | - | + | - | + | + | - |
N12 | + | - | - | + | - | + | + | - |
Y2 | + | + | - | + | - | + | - | + |
Table 2 Physiology and biochemistry characteristics of strains
菌株编号 Strain number | 葡萄糖发酵 Glucose fermentation | 淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | 甲基红 Methyl red | 乙酰甲基甲醇 Voges-proskauer | 吲哚 Indole | 明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction | 接触酶 Catalase | 革兰氏染色 Gram stain |
Y3 | + | + | - | + | - | + | - | + |
P4 | + | - | - | + | - | + | + | - |
N12 | + | - | - | + | - | + | + | - |
Y2 | + | + | - | + | - | + | - | + |
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