Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 164-174.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024177
Shou-yu GAO(), Wen-jing LIU, Yu-ying LI(
), Qing-yuan XIANG, Jia-jun XU, Lei-qi SHU, Zhao-zhong LI
Yu-ying LI
Shou-yu GAO, Wen-jing LIU, Yu-ying LI, Qing-yuan XIANG, Jia-jun XU, Lei-qi SHU, Zhao-zhong LI. Physiological and biochemical responses of Bothriochloa ischaemum seedlings to salt stress at seedling stage and definition of salt tolerance threshold[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 164-174.
NaCl浓度 NaCl concentration (mmol·L-1) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 根冠比 Root-crown ratio (%) |
0(CK) | 48.46±0.88a | 18.10±0.64a | 10.43±0.64cd |
30 | 45.66±0.64ab | 16.23±0.23b | 10.75±0.23cd |
60 | 43.06±0.48b | 16.65±0.73ab | 10.75±0.38cd |
90 | 42.30±1.79b | 16.58±0.17ab | 11.15±0.32cd |
120 | 36.75±0.32c | 14.88±0.23bc | 10.15±0.49d |
150 | 36.24±0.64c | 13.68±0.22cd | 10.83±0.67cd |
180 | 35.60±0.57c | 13.20±0.11cde | 11.83±1.47bcd |
210 | 35.28±1.09c | 12.95±0.38de | 12.88±1.17abc |
240 | 33.94±0.98cd | 11.55±0.68e | 13.75±0.80ab |
270 | 31.08±0.47d | 8.55±0.34f | 14.90±0.54a |
Table 1 Effects of NaCl stress on the growth of B. ischaemum
NaCl浓度 NaCl concentration (mmol·L-1) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) | 根冠比 Root-crown ratio (%) |
0(CK) | 48.46±0.88a | 18.10±0.64a | 10.43±0.64cd |
30 | 45.66±0.64ab | 16.23±0.23b | 10.75±0.23cd |
60 | 43.06±0.48b | 16.65±0.73ab | 10.75±0.38cd |
90 | 42.30±1.79b | 16.58±0.17ab | 11.15±0.32cd |
120 | 36.75±0.32c | 14.88±0.23bc | 10.15±0.49d |
150 | 36.24±0.64c | 13.68±0.22cd | 10.83±0.67cd |
180 | 35.60±0.57c | 13.20±0.11cde | 11.83±1.47bcd |
210 | 35.28±1.09c | 12.95±0.38de | 12.88±1.17abc |
240 | 33.94±0.98cd | 11.55±0.68e | 13.75±0.80ab |
270 | 31.08±0.47d | 8.55±0.34f | 14.90±0.54a |
指标 Parameter | 第一主成分 Principal component 1 | 第二主成分 Principal component 2 | 权重 Weight (%) | 影响顺序 Influence order | ||
特征向量 Eigenvectors | 载荷 Loading matri (x) | 特征向量 Eigenvectors | 载荷 Loading matri (x) | |||
株高Plant height | 0.347 | 0.979 | 0.133 | -0.069 | 11.30 | 5 |
根长Root length | 0.331 | 0.934 | 0.394 | 0.106 | 11.49 | 1 |
地上部干重Aboveground dry weight | 0.349 | 0.984 | 0.130 | 0.109 | 11.35 | 2 |
地下部干重Underground dry weight | 0.338 | 0.953 | -0.128 | 0.147 | 11.00 | 7 |
叶绿素含量Total chlorophyll content | 0.337 | 0.952 | -0.035 | -0.105 | 10.74 | 8 |
超氧化物歧化酶活性Superoxide dismutase activity | -0.343 | -0.969 | 0.180 | -0.188 | 11.31 | 4 |
过氧化物酶活性Peroxidase activity | -0.254 | -0.715 | 0.837 | -0.028 | 10.22 | 9 |
丙二醛含量Malondialdehyde content | -0.338 | -0.953 | -0.230 | 0.322 | 11.26 | 6 |
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar content | -0.352 | -0.994 | -0.084 | 0.684 | 11.34 | 3 |
Table 2 Component load matrix, eigenvector and weight analysis of each index of B. ischaemum leaves under salt stress
指标 Parameter | 第一主成分 Principal component 1 | 第二主成分 Principal component 2 | 权重 Weight (%) | 影响顺序 Influence order | ||
特征向量 Eigenvectors | 载荷 Loading matri (x) | 特征向量 Eigenvectors | 载荷 Loading matri (x) | |||
株高Plant height | 0.347 | 0.979 | 0.133 | -0.069 | 11.30 | 5 |
根长Root length | 0.331 | 0.934 | 0.394 | 0.106 | 11.49 | 1 |
地上部干重Aboveground dry weight | 0.349 | 0.984 | 0.130 | 0.109 | 11.35 | 2 |
地下部干重Underground dry weight | 0.338 | 0.953 | -0.128 | 0.147 | 11.00 | 7 |
叶绿素含量Total chlorophyll content | 0.337 | 0.952 | -0.035 | -0.105 | 10.74 | 8 |
超氧化物歧化酶活性Superoxide dismutase activity | -0.343 | -0.969 | 0.180 | -0.188 | 11.31 | 4 |
过氧化物酶活性Peroxidase activity | -0.254 | -0.715 | 0.837 | -0.028 | 10.22 | 9 |
丙二醛含量Malondialdehyde content | -0.338 | -0.953 | -0.230 | 0.322 | 11.26 | 6 |
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar content | -0.352 | -0.994 | -0.084 | 0.684 | 11.34 | 3 |
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