Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 17-26.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022419
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Zi-qi FENG1,2(), Wen-yi SUN1,3(
), Xing-min MU1,3, Peng GAO1,3, Guang-ju ZHAO1,3, Shuai CHEN4
Wen-yi SUN
Zi-qi FENG, Wen-yi SUN, Xing-min MU, Peng GAO, Guang-ju ZHAO, Shuai CHEN. Factors influencing undergrowth herbaceous diversity of Cunninghamialanceolata plantations in southern mountainous areas[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(9): 17-26.
环境变量类型Envionment variable type | 变量因子Variable factors | 数据来源Data source |
气候因子Climate factor | 年均降水量MAP,年均气温MAT | 中国气象数据网 |
地形因子Terrain factor | 海拔Altitude,坡度Slope degree,坡向Aspect | 地理空间数据云STRM 90 m高程数据提取 |
土壤养分因子Soil nutrient factor | 土壤有机质SOM | 中国科学院寒旱所遥感与地理信息科学研究室Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science, Institute of Cold and Arid, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
全氮TN | ||
全磷TP | ||
全钾TK | ||
速效氮AN | ||
速效磷AP | ||
速效钾AK |
Table 1 Environment variable data and sources
环境变量类型Envionment variable type | 变量因子Variable factors | 数据来源Data source |
气候因子Climate factor | 年均降水量MAP,年均气温MAT | 中国气象数据网 |
地形因子Terrain factor | 海拔Altitude,坡度Slope degree,坡向Aspect | 地理空间数据云STRM 90 m高程数据提取 |
土壤养分因子Soil nutrient factor | 土壤有机质SOM | 中国科学院寒旱所遥感与地理信息科学研究室Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science, Institute of Cold and Arid, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
全氮TN | ||
全磷TP | ||
全钾TK | ||
速效氮AN | ||
速效磷AP | ||
速效钾AK |
影响因子Factor | 直接效应Direct effects | 间接效应Indirect effects | 总效应Total effect |
年均降水量MAP | 0.61 | 0.11 | 0.72 |
年均气温MAT | 0.25 | -0.08 | 0.17 |
郁闭度Canopy closure | -0.45 | -0.04 | -0.49 |
海拔Altitude | -0.24 | -0.09 | -0.33 |
土壤有机质SOM | 0.23 | - | 0.23 |
土壤全氮TN | 0.21 | 0.13 | 0.34 |
Table 2 Standardization effect of understory herbaceous species diversity and factors
影响因子Factor | 直接效应Direct effects | 间接效应Indirect effects | 总效应Total effect |
年均降水量MAP | 0.61 | 0.11 | 0.72 |
年均气温MAT | 0.25 | -0.08 | 0.17 |
郁闭度Canopy closure | -0.45 | -0.04 | -0.49 |
海拔Altitude | -0.24 | -0.09 | -0.33 |
土壤有机质SOM | 0.23 | - | 0.23 |
土壤全氮TN | 0.21 | 0.13 | 0.34 |
变量因子 Variable factors | 贡献率 Contribution rate | 累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate |
年均降水量MAP | 37.10 | 44.14 |
海拔Altitude | 19.53 | 63.21 |
年均气温MAT | 15.21 | 74.23 |
土壤有机质SOM | 8.93 | 81.34 |
土壤全氮TN | 7.52 | 88.21 |
坡度Slope degree | 3.31 | 91.53 |
速效氮AN | 1.74 | 93.20 |
Table 3 Contribution rate and cumulative contribution rate of environmental factors to understory herbaceous diversity (%)
变量因子 Variable factors | 贡献率 Contribution rate | 累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate |
年均降水量MAP | 37.10 | 44.14 |
海拔Altitude | 19.53 | 63.21 |
年均气温MAT | 15.21 | 74.23 |
土壤有机质SOM | 8.93 | 81.34 |
土壤全氮TN | 7.52 | 88.21 |
坡度Slope degree | 3.31 | 91.53 |
速效氮AN | 1.74 | 93.20 |
变量因子Variable factors | 适宜范围Suitable ranges | 最佳适宜范围Optimum suitable ranges |
年均降水量MAP (mm) | ≥1400 | ≥1650 |
年均气温MAT (℃) | 12~28 | 18~22 |
海拔Altitude (m) | 305~725 | 510~680 |
土壤有机质SOM (g·kg-1) | ≥12.50 | ≥20.00 |
Table 4 The suitable range and optimum suitable range of understory herbaceous diversity for each environmental factor
变量因子Variable factors | 适宜范围Suitable ranges | 最佳适宜范围Optimum suitable ranges |
年均降水量MAP (mm) | ≥1400 | ≥1650 |
年均气温MAT (℃) | 12~28 | 18~22 |
海拔Altitude (m) | 305~725 | 510~680 |
土壤有机质SOM (g·kg-1) | ≥12.50 | ≥20.00 |
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