Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 25-33.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020431
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Xue-liang ZHANG1(), Yu-ting ZHANG1, Rui LIU1, Jun XIE1, Jian-wei ZHANG1, Wen-jing XU1, Xiao-jun SHI1,2(
Xiao-jun SHI
Xue-liang ZHANG, Yu-ting ZHANG, Rui LIU, Jun XIE, Jian-wei ZHANG, Wen-jing XU, Xiao-jun SHI. Effects of green manure return regimes on soil greenhouse gas emissions[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(5): 25-33.
绿肥Green manure | 碳Carbon (%DM) | 氮Nitrogen (%DM) | 磷Phosphorus (%DM) | 钾Potassium (%DM) | 碳氮比C/N |
多年生黑麦草L. perennel | 47.19±1.75 | 2.03±0.26 | 0.53±0.03 | 4.26±0.19 | 23.24±2.57 |
光叶苕子V. villosa | 43.46±1.09 | 3.91±0.13 | 0.50±0.04 | 5.12±0.17 | 11.11±0.36 |
Table 1 The content of green manure
绿肥Green manure | 碳Carbon (%DM) | 氮Nitrogen (%DM) | 磷Phosphorus (%DM) | 钾Potassium (%DM) | 碳氮比C/N |
多年生黑麦草L. perennel | 47.19±1.75 | 2.03±0.26 | 0.53±0.03 | 4.26±0.19 | 23.24±2.57 |
光叶苕子V. villosa | 43.46±1.09 | 3.91±0.13 | 0.50±0.04 | 5.12±0.17 | 11.11±0.36 |
项目 Item | 增温潜势Warming potential | 综合增温潜势 Comprehensive GWP | ||
CO2 | CH4 | N2O | ||
VB | 6.19a | -0.0089a | 1.55a | 7.73a |
VS | 5.04c | -0.0061b | 0.96b | 5.99c |
RB | 5.58b | -0.0039b | 1.02b | 6.60b |
RS | 4.63d | -0.0010c | 0.78c | 5.42d |
CK | 1.34e | 0.0018d | 0.21d | 1.55e |
Table 2 Global warming potential (GWP) of greenhouse gases in different treatments (g CO2·kg-1)
项目 Item | 增温潜势Warming potential | 综合增温潜势 Comprehensive GWP | ||
CO2 | CH4 | N2O | ||
VB | 6.19a | -0.0089a | 1.55a | 7.73a |
VS | 5.04c | -0.0061b | 0.96b | 5.99c |
RB | 5.58b | -0.0039b | 1.02b | 6.60b |
RS | 4.63d | -0.0010c | 0.78c | 5.42d |
CK | 1.34e | 0.0018d | 0.21d | 1.55e |
项目Item | N2O | CH4 | 增温潜势GWP | 微生物量碳MBC | 微生物量氮MBN |
CO2 | 0.930** | -0.824** | 0.997** | 0.878** | 0.915** |
N2O | -0.895** | 0.955** | 0.943** | 0.976** | |
CH4 | -0.848** | -0.926** | -0.947** | ||
增温潜势GWP | 0.901** | 0.938** | |||
微生物量碳MBC | 0.977** |
Table 3 The correlation analysis of greenhouse gases cumulative emission, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen
项目Item | N2O | CH4 | 增温潜势GWP | 微生物量碳MBC | 微生物量氮MBN |
CO2 | 0.930** | -0.824** | 0.997** | 0.878** | 0.915** |
N2O | -0.895** | 0.955** | 0.943** | 0.976** | |
CH4 | -0.848** | -0.926** | -0.947** | ||
增温潜势GWP | 0.901** | 0.938** | |||
微生物量碳MBC | 0.977** |
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