Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 81-93.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024102
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Yuan-yuan DU(), Wen-juan KANG(
), Shang-li SHI(
), Yi-lin HAN, Fu-qiang HE
Wen-juan KANG,Shang-li SHI
Yuan-yuan DU, Wen-juan KANG, Shang-li SHI, Yi-lin HAN, Fu-qiang HE. Effects of exogenous hormones on the proliferation of endophytic fluorescent labeled rhizobia in seeds and growth of the seedlings[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(2): 81-93.
处理 Treatment | 地上鲜重 Aboveground fresh weight | 地上干重 Aboveground dry weight | 地下鲜重 Underground fresh weight | 地下干重 Underground dry weight |
CK | 1.73±0.08ab | 0.23±0.00b | 0.83±0.01b | 0.06±0.00c |
3-IAA | 1.62±0.21b | 0.29±0.05ab | 0.68±0.01d | 0.06±0.00c |
6-BA | 1.99±0.23a | 0.31±0.02a | 0.73±0.01c | 0.07±0.01b |
HBR | 1.66±0.15ab | 0.29±0.03ab | 1.40±0.00a | 0.16±0.01a |
Table 1 The effect of different hormones on the aboveground and belowground dry and fresh weight of alfalfa plants during the seedling stage (g·plant-1)
处理 Treatment | 地上鲜重 Aboveground fresh weight | 地上干重 Aboveground dry weight | 地下鲜重 Underground fresh weight | 地下干重 Underground dry weight |
CK | 1.73±0.08ab | 0.23±0.00b | 0.83±0.01b | 0.06±0.00c |
3-IAA | 1.62±0.21b | 0.29±0.05ab | 0.68±0.01d | 0.06±0.00c |
6-BA | 1.99±0.23a | 0.31±0.02a | 0.73±0.01c | 0.07±0.01b |
HBR | 1.66±0.15ab | 0.29±0.03ab | 1.40±0.00a | 0.16±0.01a |
处理 Treatment | 地上干重 Aboveground dry weight | 地上鲜重 Aboveground fresh weight | 地下鲜重 Underground fresh weight | 地下干重 Underground dry weight |
CK | 0.80±0.09ab | 4.28±0.47ab | 2.33±1.00b | 0.36±0.13a |
3-IAA | 0.39±0.10c | 2.06±0.48c | 1.19±0.19c | 0.21±0.12a |
6-BA | 0.95±0.19a | 5.03±1.20a | 3.91±0.20a | 0.46±0.23a |
HBR | 0.51±0.20bc | 2.97±1.04bc | 2.19±0.14b | 0.29±0.12a |
Table 2 Effects of different hormones during branching stage on dry and fresh weight of alfalfa plants above and below ground (g·plant-1)
处理 Treatment | 地上干重 Aboveground dry weight | 地上鲜重 Aboveground fresh weight | 地下鲜重 Underground fresh weight | 地下干重 Underground dry weight |
CK | 0.80±0.09ab | 4.28±0.47ab | 2.33±1.00b | 0.36±0.13a |
3-IAA | 0.39±0.10c | 2.06±0.48c | 1.19±0.19c | 0.21±0.12a |
6-BA | 0.95±0.19a | 5.03±1.20a | 3.91±0.20a | 0.46±0.23a |
HBR | 0.51±0.20bc | 2.97±1.04bc | 2.19±0.14b | 0.29±0.12a |
处理 Treatment | 单株叶片数 Leaf number per plant | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) |
CK | 16.00±2.00b | 31.66±2.15ab | 19.10±0.30a |
3-IAA | 19.00±1.73ab | 29.02±3.21b | 14.80±1.10b |
6-BA | 20.00±1.73a | 32.62±2.31a | 18.80±0.80a |
HBR | 19.33±1.53ab | 29.64±1.09ab | 18.50±0.70a |
Table 3 Effects of different hormones at seedling stage on leaf number, plant height and root length of alfalfa plant
处理 Treatment | 单株叶片数 Leaf number per plant | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) |
CK | 16.00±2.00b | 31.66±2.15ab | 19.10±0.30a |
3-IAA | 19.00±1.73ab | 29.02±3.21b | 14.80±1.10b |
6-BA | 20.00±1.73a | 32.62±2.31a | 18.80±0.80a |
HBR | 19.33±1.53ab | 29.64±1.09ab | 18.50±0.70a |
处理 Treatment | 单株叶片数 Leaf number per plant | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) |
CK | 64.00±21.28a | 32.46±2.51a | 19.13±0.95a |
3-IAA | 33.67±5.13b | 35.04±2.05a | 19.23±3.02a |
6-BA | 53.33±9.24ab | 35.52±5.81a | 20.13±0.67a |
HBR | 62.67±2.08a | 34.10±3.90a | 20.20±3.45a |
Table 4 Effects of different hormones at branching stage on leaf number, plant height and root length of alfalfa plant
处理 Treatment | 单株叶片数 Leaf number per plant | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 根长 Root length (cm) |
CK | 64.00±21.28a | 32.46±2.51a | 19.13±0.95a |
3-IAA | 33.67±5.13b | 35.04±2.05a | 19.23±3.02a |
6-BA | 53.33±9.24ab | 35.52±5.81a | 20.13±0.67a |
HBR | 62.67±2.08a | 34.10±3.90a | 20.20±3.45a |
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