草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 147-158.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021236
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
王斌1,2(), 杨雨琦1,2, 李满有1,2, 倪旺1,2, 海艺蕊1,2, 张顺香3, 董秀4, 兰剑1,2(
Corresponding author. E-mail: ndlanjian@163.com基金资助:
Bin WANG1,2(), Yu-qi YANG1,2, Man-you LI1,2, Wang NI1,2, Yi-rui HAI1,2, Shun-xiang ZHANG3, Xiu DONG4, Jian LAN1,2(
Jian LAN
为探讨宁夏引黄灌区紫花苜蓿优质高效生产的最佳播种量和行距配置,试验采用双因素随机区组设计,研究了不同播种量(S1:13.5 kg·hm-2,S2:18.0 kg·hm-2,S3:22.5 kg·hm-2)和行距配置(R1:15 cm等行距,R2:20 cm等行距,R3:两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,R4:一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm)对紫花苜蓿生产性能和品质的影响。3年试验结果表明,播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿分枝数、叶茎比、干草产量、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维含量和相对饲喂价值有显著影响(P<0.05),其中分枝数、叶茎比、干草产量和粗蛋白含量随播种量的增加呈先增加后降低趋势。干草产量(18.41 t·hm-2)、粗蛋白含量(21.00%)在播种量为18.0 kg·hm-2和行距为15 cm+15 cm+20 cm时最高。中性洗涤纤维(36.50%)和酸性洗涤纤维(26.59%)含量在行距为20 cm时最低。相对饲喂价值(171.98)在播种量为18.0 kg·hm-2和行距为20 cm时最高。3年各项指标数据取其平均值,经主成分分析(PCA)可知,紫花苜蓿干草产量、叶茎比、分枝数和中性洗涤纤维贡献率较大,株高和酸性洗涤纤维贡献率较小。播种量为18.0 kg·hm-2和行距为15 cm+15 cm+20 cm时有利于提高紫花苜蓿干草产量和营养品质,是该地区紫花苜蓿草地最佳播种量和行距配置。
王斌, 杨雨琦, 李满有, 倪旺, 海艺蕊, 张顺香, 董秀, 兰剑. 不同播种量下行距配置对紫花苜蓿产量及品质的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(2): 147-158.
Bin WANG, Yu-qi YANG, Man-you LI, Wang NI, Yi-rui HAI, Shun-xiang ZHANG, Xiu DONG, Jian LAN. The effect of sowing rate and row spacing on the yield and quality of alfalfa in the Ningxia Yellow River irrigation area[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(2): 147-158.
播种量Sowing rate (S) | 行距Row spacing (R) | 组合Combination (SR) |
S1 (13.5 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S1R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S1R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S1R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S1R4 | |
S2 (18.0 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S2R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S2R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S2R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S2R4 | |
S3 (22.5 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S3R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S3R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S3R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S3R4 |
表 1 播种量、行距配置组合
Table 1 Combination of sowing rate and row spacing configuration
播种量Sowing rate (S) | 行距Row spacing (R) | 组合Combination (SR) |
S1 (13.5 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S1R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S1R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S1R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S1R4 | |
S2 (18.0 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S2R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S2R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S2R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S2R4 | |
S3 (22.5 kg·hm-2) | R1 (15 cm等行距,15 cm equal row spacing) | S3R1 |
R2 (20 cm等行距,20 cm equal row spacing) | S3R2 | |
R3 (两窄一宽15 cm+15 cm+20 cm,two narrow and one wide 15 cm+15 cm+20 cm) | S3R3 | |
R4 (一窄一宽15 cm+20 cm,one narrow and one wide 15 cm+20 cm) | S3R4 |
因素 Factor | 株高 Plant height | 分枝数 Branch number | 叶茎比 Leaf/ stem | 干草产量 Hay yield | 粗蛋白 Crude protein | 中性洗涤纤维 Neutral detergent fiber | 酸性洗涤纤维 Acid detergent fiber | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value |
播种量 Sowing rate | NS | * | * | * | * | NS | * | NS |
行距 Row spacing | NS | * | ** | ** | ** | * | ** | ** |
年份 Year | ** | ** | ** | NS | ** | ** | ** | ** |
播种量×行距 Sowing rate×row spacing | ** | ** | ** | * | NS | NS | ** | NS |
播种量×年份Sowing rate×year | NS | ** | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
行距×年份Row spacing×year | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
播种量×行距×年份Sowing rate×row spacing×year | NS | * | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
表 2 紫花苜蓿农艺性状、产量和营养指标的方差分析
Table 2 Analysis of variance of alfalfa agronomic traits, yield and nutritional indicators
因素 Factor | 株高 Plant height | 分枝数 Branch number | 叶茎比 Leaf/ stem | 干草产量 Hay yield | 粗蛋白 Crude protein | 中性洗涤纤维 Neutral detergent fiber | 酸性洗涤纤维 Acid detergent fiber | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value |
播种量 Sowing rate | NS | * | * | * | * | NS | * | NS |
行距 Row spacing | NS | * | ** | ** | ** | * | ** | ** |
年份 Year | ** | ** | ** | NS | ** | ** | ** | ** |
播种量×行距 Sowing rate×row spacing | ** | ** | ** | * | NS | NS | ** | NS |
播种量×年份Sowing rate×year | NS | ** | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
行距×年份Row spacing×year | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
播种量×行距×年份Sowing rate×row spacing×year | NS | * | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
指标 Index | 株高Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数Branch number (plant·m-1) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量 Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 77.41b | 78.45a | 76.37a | 77.40a | 103b | 107b | 99b | 103b |
S2 | 78.71a | 78.91a | 75.62a | 77.41a | 106a | 114a | 104a | 108a |
S3 | 77.57ab | 78.82a | 75.14a | 77.17a | 99c | 101c | 99b | 99c |
行距 Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 76.95b | 78.17b | 75.65a | 76.92b | 101c | 107b | 99b | 102b |
R2 | 77.92ab | 77.98b | 75.67a | 76.74b | 103ab | 105b | 98b | 102b |
R3 | 78.91a | 80.39a | 76.13a | 78.48a | 105a | 113a | 105a | 108a |
R4 | 77.79ab | 78.36b | 75.39a | 77.18b | 102bc | 105b | 99b | 102b |
表 3 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿株高和分枝数的互作
Table 3 Interaction of sowing rate and row spacing on alfalfa plant height and branch number
指标 Index | 株高Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数Branch number (plant·m-1) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量 Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 77.41b | 78.45a | 76.37a | 77.40a | 103b | 107b | 99b | 103b |
S2 | 78.71a | 78.91a | 75.62a | 77.41a | 106a | 114a | 104a | 108a |
S3 | 77.57ab | 78.82a | 75.14a | 77.17a | 99c | 101c | 99b | 99c |
行距 Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 76.95b | 78.17b | 75.65a | 76.92b | 101c | 107b | 99b | 102b |
R2 | 77.92ab | 77.98b | 75.67a | 76.74b | 103ab | 105b | 98b | 102b |
R3 | 78.91a | 80.39a | 76.13a | 78.48a | 105a | 113a | 105a | 108a |
R4 | 77.79ab | 78.36b | 75.39a | 77.18b | 102bc | 105b | 99b | 102b |
播种量Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 株高Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数Branch number (plant·m-1) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 76.00±1.99cd | 78.00±1.13bc | 75.20±2.11bc | 76.40±1.74c | 100±3d | 107±2d | 98±5d | 102±3c |
R2 | 76.29±1.62cd | 77.25±0.78cd | 76.37±2.00bc | 76.64±1.47c | 108±4b | 106±3de | 96±4ef | 104±4bc | |
R3 | 78.96±0.93ab | 79.32±2.17bc | 77.59±2.31b | 78.62±1.77b | 98±4ef | 112±5bc | 102±3bc | 104±4bc | |
R4 | 78.38±1.65b | 79.21±0.89bc | 76.32±2.40bc | 77.97±1.65bc | 107±5b | 102±4e | 99±4cd | 103±2bc | |
S2 | R1 | 76.81±3.52cd | 77.31±1.23cd | 75.37±3.11bc | 76.50±2.64c | 99±3e | 108±5c | 97±4e | 102±3c |
R2 | 75.17±2.86d | 76.37±2.86d | 73.21±3.86bc | 74.92±3.19e | 97±2f | 104±4de | 98±5de | 100±2d | |
R3 | 80.93±2.77a | 83.52±1.62a | 78.59±2.73a | 81.01±2.37a | 120±4a | 129±3a | 114±5a | 121±4a | |
R4 | 77.92±2.48c | 78.43±3.67bc | 75.32±4.21bc | 77.22±3.45bc | 107±5b | 114±4b | 105±3b | 109±3b | |
S3 | R1 | 78.05±2.83bc | 79.20±1.91bc | 76.37±4.45bc | 77.87±3.06bc | 102±6cd | 104±5de | 101±4c | 103±1bc |
R2 | 78.30±4.65b | 80.31±1.27b | 77.43±5.19bc | 78.68±3.71b | 103±5c | 105±7de | 99±4cd | 103±2bc | |
R3 | 76.84±3.26cd | 78.32±3.41bc | 72.21±3.84d | 75.79±3.50d | 96±4fg | 96±4f | 98±3d | 97±1e | |
R4 | 77.08±3.61cd | 77.44±3.15c | 74.53±4.47c | 76.35±3.74c | 93±5g | 96±3f | 94±5f | 95±1e |
表 4 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿株高和分枝数的影响
Table 4 The effect of sowing rate and row spacing on alfalfa plant height and branch number
播种量Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 株高Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数Branch number (plant·m-1) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 76.00±1.99cd | 78.00±1.13bc | 75.20±2.11bc | 76.40±1.74c | 100±3d | 107±2d | 98±5d | 102±3c |
R2 | 76.29±1.62cd | 77.25±0.78cd | 76.37±2.00bc | 76.64±1.47c | 108±4b | 106±3de | 96±4ef | 104±4bc | |
R3 | 78.96±0.93ab | 79.32±2.17bc | 77.59±2.31b | 78.62±1.77b | 98±4ef | 112±5bc | 102±3bc | 104±4bc | |
R4 | 78.38±1.65b | 79.21±0.89bc | 76.32±2.40bc | 77.97±1.65bc | 107±5b | 102±4e | 99±4cd | 103±2bc | |
S2 | R1 | 76.81±3.52cd | 77.31±1.23cd | 75.37±3.11bc | 76.50±2.64c | 99±3e | 108±5c | 97±4e | 102±3c |
R2 | 75.17±2.86d | 76.37±2.86d | 73.21±3.86bc | 74.92±3.19e | 97±2f | 104±4de | 98±5de | 100±2d | |
R3 | 80.93±2.77a | 83.52±1.62a | 78.59±2.73a | 81.01±2.37a | 120±4a | 129±3a | 114±5a | 121±4a | |
R4 | 77.92±2.48c | 78.43±3.67bc | 75.32±4.21bc | 77.22±3.45bc | 107±5b | 114±4b | 105±3b | 109±3b | |
S3 | R1 | 78.05±2.83bc | 79.20±1.91bc | 76.37±4.45bc | 77.87±3.06bc | 102±6cd | 104±5de | 101±4c | 103±1bc |
R2 | 78.30±4.65b | 80.31±1.27b | 77.43±5.19bc | 78.68±3.71b | 103±5c | 105±7de | 99±4cd | 103±2bc | |
R3 | 76.84±3.26cd | 78.32±3.41bc | 72.21±3.84d | 75.79±3.50d | 96±4fg | 96±4f | 98±3d | 97±1e | |
R4 | 77.08±3.61cd | 77.44±3.15c | 74.53±4.47c | 76.35±3.74c | 93±5g | 96±3f | 94±5f | 95±1e |
指标 Index | 叶茎比Leaf/stem | 干草产量Hay yield (t·hm-2) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 0.74c | 0.77c | 0.75c | 0.75c | 15.76b | 15.62b | 15.30ab | 15.56b |
S2 | 0.82a | 0.85a | 0.83a | 0.83a | 16.56a | 17.07a | 16.02a | 16.55a |
S3 | 0.77b | 0.79b | 0.78b | 0.78b | 16.04b | 16.02b | 15.17b | 15.74b |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 0.76b | 0.80ab | 0.78b | 0.78bc | 16.10b | 16.52ab | 15.36b | 15.99b |
R2 | 0.79a | 0.79ab | 0.79b | 0.79ab | 15.81bc | 15.48c | 15.17b | 15.49c |
R3 | 0.80a | 0.81a | 0.82a | 0.81a | 17.24a | 17.21a | 16.55a | 17.00a |
R4 | 0.75b | 0.79b | 0.75c | 0.76c | 15.33c | 15.73bc | 14.90b | 15.32c |
表 5 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿叶茎比和干草产量的互作
Table 5 Interaction of sowing rate and row spacing on the leaf-to-stem ratio and hay yield of alfalfa
指标 Index | 叶茎比Leaf/stem | 干草产量Hay yield (t·hm-2) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 0.74c | 0.77c | 0.75c | 0.75c | 15.76b | 15.62b | 15.30ab | 15.56b |
S2 | 0.82a | 0.85a | 0.83a | 0.83a | 16.56a | 17.07a | 16.02a | 16.55a |
S3 | 0.77b | 0.79b | 0.78b | 0.78b | 16.04b | 16.02b | 15.17b | 15.74b |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 0.76b | 0.80ab | 0.78b | 0.78bc | 16.10b | 16.52ab | 15.36b | 15.99b |
R2 | 0.79a | 0.79ab | 0.79b | 0.79ab | 15.81bc | 15.48c | 15.17b | 15.49c |
R3 | 0.80a | 0.81a | 0.82a | 0.81a | 17.24a | 17.21a | 16.55a | 17.00a |
R4 | 0.75b | 0.79b | 0.75c | 0.76c | 15.33c | 15.73bc | 14.90b | 15.32c |
播种量 Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 叶茎比Leaf/stem | 干草产量Hay yield (t·hm-2) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 0.72±0.02g | 0.74±0.01e | 0.72±0.09f | 0.73±0.05e | 14.85±0.32f | 15.12±0.21c | 14.62±0.19de | 14.86±0.15cd |
R2 | 0.74±0.02f | 0.76±0.03de | 0.74±0.03e | 0.75±0.03d | 15.07±0.42e | 15.17±0.23c | 14.98±0.13d | 15.07±0.05cd | |
R3 | 0.75±0.02ef | 0.79±0.02c | 0.77±0.06d | 0.77±0.04c | 18.09±0.12ab | 16.33±0.22b | 16.37±0.16b | 16.93±0.58b | |
R4 | 0.73±0.04fg | 0.77±0.01d | 0.76±0.03de | 0.75±0.03d | 15.02±0.14e | 15.85±0.51bc | 15.21±0.43cd | 15.36±0.25cd | |
S2 | R1 | 0.81±0.03c | 0.85±0.06b | 0.82±0.01bc | 0.83±0.01b | 17.24±0.43b | 18.21±0.26a | 16.59±0.21ab | 17.35±0.47b |
R2 | 0.83±0.05b | 0.79±0.01c | 0.83±0.03b | 0.82±0.03b | 15.67±0.15de | 15.89±0.21bc | 15.32±0.23c | 15.63±0.17cd | |
R3 | 0.87±0.01a | 0.91±0.02a | 0.89±0.02a | 0.89±0.02a | 18.37±0.21a | 18.98±0.22a | 17.89±0.12a | 18.41±0.32a | |
R4 | 0.75±0.03ef | 0.83±0.02b | 0.78±0.03cd | 0.79±0.03bc | 14.96±0.13ef | 15.21±0.32c | 14.27±0.23e | 14.81±0.28d | |
S3 | R1 | 0.76±0.03e | 0.82±0.02bc | 0.80±0.08c | 0.79±0.03bc | 16.20±0.13cd | 16.24±0.42b | 14.88±0.28d | 15.77±0.45c |
R2 | 0.79±0.03d | 0.83±0.03b | 0.79±0.01cd | 0.80±0.01bc | 16.68±0.13c | 15.37±0.33c | 15.22±0.11cd | 15.76±0.46c | |
R3 | 0.77±0.01de | 0.73±0.01e | 0.81±0.01bc | 0.77±0.01c | 15.26±0.21de | 16.33±0.21b | 15.38±0.21c | 15.66±0.34cd | |
R4 | 0.76±0.05e | 0.77±0.01d | 0.71±0.02g | 0.75±0.02d | 16.01±0.25d | 16.12±0.31b | 15.21±0.12cd | 15.78±0.29c |
表 6 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿叶茎比、干草产量的影响
Table 6 The effect of different sowing rate and row spacing on the leaf-stem ratio and hay yield of alfalfa
播种量 Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 叶茎比Leaf/stem | 干草产量Hay yield (t·hm-2) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 0.72±0.02g | 0.74±0.01e | 0.72±0.09f | 0.73±0.05e | 14.85±0.32f | 15.12±0.21c | 14.62±0.19de | 14.86±0.15cd |
R2 | 0.74±0.02f | 0.76±0.03de | 0.74±0.03e | 0.75±0.03d | 15.07±0.42e | 15.17±0.23c | 14.98±0.13d | 15.07±0.05cd | |
R3 | 0.75±0.02ef | 0.79±0.02c | 0.77±0.06d | 0.77±0.04c | 18.09±0.12ab | 16.33±0.22b | 16.37±0.16b | 16.93±0.58b | |
R4 | 0.73±0.04fg | 0.77±0.01d | 0.76±0.03de | 0.75±0.03d | 15.02±0.14e | 15.85±0.51bc | 15.21±0.43cd | 15.36±0.25cd | |
S2 | R1 | 0.81±0.03c | 0.85±0.06b | 0.82±0.01bc | 0.83±0.01b | 17.24±0.43b | 18.21±0.26a | 16.59±0.21ab | 17.35±0.47b |
R2 | 0.83±0.05b | 0.79±0.01c | 0.83±0.03b | 0.82±0.03b | 15.67±0.15de | 15.89±0.21bc | 15.32±0.23c | 15.63±0.17cd | |
R3 | 0.87±0.01a | 0.91±0.02a | 0.89±0.02a | 0.89±0.02a | 18.37±0.21a | 18.98±0.22a | 17.89±0.12a | 18.41±0.32a | |
R4 | 0.75±0.03ef | 0.83±0.02b | 0.78±0.03cd | 0.79±0.03bc | 14.96±0.13ef | 15.21±0.32c | 14.27±0.23e | 14.81±0.28d | |
S3 | R1 | 0.76±0.03e | 0.82±0.02bc | 0.80±0.08c | 0.79±0.03bc | 16.20±0.13cd | 16.24±0.42b | 14.88±0.28d | 15.77±0.45c |
R2 | 0.79±0.03d | 0.83±0.03b | 0.79±0.01cd | 0.80±0.01bc | 16.68±0.13c | 15.37±0.33c | 15.22±0.11cd | 15.76±0.46c | |
R3 | 0.77±0.01de | 0.73±0.01e | 0.81±0.01bc | 0.77±0.01c | 15.26±0.21de | 16.33±0.21b | 15.38±0.21c | 15.66±0.34cd | |
R4 | 0.76±0.05e | 0.77±0.01d | 0.71±0.02g | 0.75±0.02d | 16.01±0.25d | 16.12±0.31b | 15.21±0.12cd | 15.78±0.29c |
指标 Index | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %) | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF, %) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 38.12a | 38.75b | 37.79a | 38.22a | 27.61b | 26.07a | 28.56b | 27.41a |
S2 | 37.39b | 38.17b | 36.63b | 37.39b | 27.63b | 24.89b | 29.86a | 27.46a |
S3 | 37.55ab | 39.76a | 38.10a | 38.47a | 28.63a | 26.57a | 29.91a | 28.37a |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 38.51a | 39.49a | 37.36b | 38.46a | 27.12bc | 25.80ab | 28.95b | 27.29a |
R2 | 37.04b | 38.59ab | 36.55b | 37.39b | 26.89c | 25.49b | 29.69ab | 27.36a |
R3 | 37.24ab | 37.75b | 37.53b | 37.51b | 29.78a | 25.36b | 29.02b | 28.05a |
R4 | 37.94ab | 39.74a | 38.59a | 38.76a | 28.03b | 26.71a | 30.11a | 28.28a |
表 7 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿NDF和ADF含量的互作
Table 7 Interaction of sowing rate and row spacing on NDF and ADF content of alfalfa
指标 Index | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %) | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (ADF, %) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 38.12a | 38.75b | 37.79a | 38.22a | 27.61b | 26.07a | 28.56b | 27.41a |
S2 | 37.39b | 38.17b | 36.63b | 37.39b | 27.63b | 24.89b | 29.86a | 27.46a |
S3 | 37.55ab | 39.76a | 38.10a | 38.47a | 28.63a | 26.57a | 29.91a | 28.37a |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 38.51a | 39.49a | 37.36b | 38.46a | 27.12bc | 25.80ab | 28.95b | 27.29a |
R2 | 37.04b | 38.59ab | 36.55b | 37.39b | 26.89c | 25.49b | 29.69ab | 27.36a |
R3 | 37.24ab | 37.75b | 37.53b | 37.51b | 29.78a | 25.36b | 29.02b | 28.05a |
R4 | 37.94ab | 39.74a | 38.59a | 38.76a | 28.03b | 26.71a | 30.11a | 28.28a |
播量 Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 38.48±0.95a | 37.25±0.5bc | 39.76±0.8ab | 38.50±0.72ab | 26.15±1.95e | 26.58±0.9b | 28.05±0.9c | 26.93±0.58ab |
R2 | 38.77±0.84a | 37.77±0.6bc | 38.22±0.7bc | 38.25±0.29ab | 26.67±0.84de | 24.72±0.8cd | 28.37±1.1c | 26.59±1.05b | |
R3 | 37.09±0.61bc | 38.02±0.7b | 37.49±0.6c | 37.53±0.27b | 28.44±1.61bc | 25.37±0.7c | 28.32±0.5c | 27.38±1.00ab | |
R4 | 38.14±0.46ab | 38.13±0.5b | 39.53±0.5ab | 38.60±0.47ab | 29.18±1.46b | 27.59±1.2a | 29.51±0.7b | 28.76±0.59ab | |
S2 | R1 | 38.69±0.46a | 36.52±0.7c | 37.50±0.6c | 37.57±0.63b | 26.77±1.46d | 25.33±0.7c | 29.67±0.70b | 27.26±1.28ab |
R2 | 35.82±0.61c | 35.35±0.7d | 38.34±0.7bc | 36.50±0.93c | 27.45±1.61c | 24.52±0.7cd | 31.10±0.80ab | 27.69±1.90ab | |
R3 | 36.90±0.66bc | 36.20±0.9cd | 36.52±0.5d | 36.54±0.20c | 29.55±1.66ab | 24.39±0.9d | 29.21±0.89bc | 27.72±1.67ab | |
R4 | 38.15±0.58ab | 38.45±0.8ab | 40.31±0.7ab | 38.97±0.68ab | 26.74±1.58d | 25.32±0.8c | 29.47±0.80bc | 27.18±1.22ab | |
S3 | R1 | 38.37±0.55ab | 38.32±0.6ab | 41.22±0.7a | 39.30±0.96a | 28.44±0.55bc | 25.49±0.6c | 29.14±0.7bc | 27.69±1.12ab |
R2 | 36.53±0.52bc | 36.52±0.4c | 39.22±0.5b | 37.42±0.90b | 26.56±0.52de | 27.25±0.7ab | 29.59±0.5b | 27.80±0.92ab | |
R3 | 37.74±0.40b | 38.37±0.6ab | 39.24±0.4b | 38.45±0.43ab | 31.34±1.40a | 26.31±0.9bc | 29.53±0.9b | 29.06±1.47a | |
R4 | 37.54±0.49b | 39.20±0.6a | 39.37±0.5b | 38.70±0.58ab | 28.17±1.49bc | 27.22±0.6ab | 31.36±0.5a | 28.92±1.25a |
表 8 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿NDF、ADF含量的影响
Table 8 Effects of sowing rate and row spacing on NDF and ADF content of alfalfa
播量 Sowing rate | 行距 Row spacing | 中性洗涤纤维Neutral detergent fiber (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维Acid detergent fiber (%) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 38.48±0.95a | 37.25±0.5bc | 39.76±0.8ab | 38.50±0.72ab | 26.15±1.95e | 26.58±0.9b | 28.05±0.9c | 26.93±0.58ab |
R2 | 38.77±0.84a | 37.77±0.6bc | 38.22±0.7bc | 38.25±0.29ab | 26.67±0.84de | 24.72±0.8cd | 28.37±1.1c | 26.59±1.05b | |
R3 | 37.09±0.61bc | 38.02±0.7b | 37.49±0.6c | 37.53±0.27b | 28.44±1.61bc | 25.37±0.7c | 28.32±0.5c | 27.38±1.00ab | |
R4 | 38.14±0.46ab | 38.13±0.5b | 39.53±0.5ab | 38.60±0.47ab | 29.18±1.46b | 27.59±1.2a | 29.51±0.7b | 28.76±0.59ab | |
S2 | R1 | 38.69±0.46a | 36.52±0.7c | 37.50±0.6c | 37.57±0.63b | 26.77±1.46d | 25.33±0.7c | 29.67±0.70b | 27.26±1.28ab |
R2 | 35.82±0.61c | 35.35±0.7d | 38.34±0.7bc | 36.50±0.93c | 27.45±1.61c | 24.52±0.7cd | 31.10±0.80ab | 27.69±1.90ab | |
R3 | 36.90±0.66bc | 36.20±0.9cd | 36.52±0.5d | 36.54±0.20c | 29.55±1.66ab | 24.39±0.9d | 29.21±0.89bc | 27.72±1.67ab | |
R4 | 38.15±0.58ab | 38.45±0.8ab | 40.31±0.7ab | 38.97±0.68ab | 26.74±1.58d | 25.32±0.8c | 29.47±0.80bc | 27.18±1.22ab | |
S3 | R1 | 38.37±0.55ab | 38.32±0.6ab | 41.22±0.7a | 39.30±0.96a | 28.44±0.55bc | 25.49±0.6c | 29.14±0.7bc | 27.69±1.12ab |
R2 | 36.53±0.52bc | 36.52±0.4c | 39.22±0.5b | 37.42±0.90b | 26.56±0.52de | 27.25±0.7ab | 29.59±0.5b | 27.80±0.92ab | |
R3 | 37.74±0.40b | 38.37±0.6ab | 39.24±0.4b | 38.45±0.43ab | 31.34±1.40a | 26.31±0.9bc | 29.53±0.9b | 29.06±1.47a | |
R4 | 37.54±0.49b | 39.20±0.6a | 39.37±0.5b | 38.70±0.58ab | 28.17±1.49bc | 27.22±0.6ab | 31.36±0.5a | 28.92±1.25a |
指标 Index | 粗蛋白 Crude protein (CP, %) | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value (RFV) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 18.78b | 20.04c | 18.07b | 19.10b | 164.57c | 168.95b | 160.36a | 164.48ab |
S2 | 19.73a | 21.26a | 18.67a | 19.89a | 167.80a | 176.79a | 160.23a | 168.22a |
S3 | 19.53ab | 20.53b | 18.04b | 19.36b | 165.39b | 166.71b | 153.89b | 161.75b |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 19.06b | 20.01b | 18.08b | 19.05c | 163.90b | 171.46a | 156.83b | 163.85bc |
R2 | 19.12b | 20.18b | 17.95b | 19.08c | 170.95a | 175.94a | 158.68ab | 168.42a |
R3 | 20.13a | 21.31a | 18.81a | 20.08a | 164.30b | 171.63a | 163.85a | 166.40ab |
R4 | 19.61ab | 20.91a | 18.20b | 19.58b | 164.52b | 164.22b | 153.27b | 160.59c |
表 9 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿CP含量和RFV的互作
Table 9 Interaction of sowing rate and row spacing on CP content and RFV of alfalfa
指标 Index | 粗蛋白 Crude protein (CP, %) | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value (RFV) | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | |
播种量Sowing rate | ||||||||
S1 | 18.78b | 20.04c | 18.07b | 19.10b | 164.57c | 168.95b | 160.36a | 164.48ab |
S2 | 19.73a | 21.26a | 18.67a | 19.89a | 167.80a | 176.79a | 160.23a | 168.22a |
S3 | 19.53ab | 20.53b | 18.04b | 19.36b | 165.39b | 166.71b | 153.89b | 161.75b |
行距Row spacing | ||||||||
R1 | 19.06b | 20.01b | 18.08b | 19.05c | 163.90b | 171.46a | 156.83b | 163.85bc |
R2 | 19.12b | 20.18b | 17.95b | 19.08c | 170.95a | 175.94a | 158.68ab | 168.42a |
R3 | 20.13a | 21.31a | 18.81a | 20.08a | 164.30b | 171.63a | 163.85a | 166.40ab |
R4 | 19.61ab | 20.91a | 18.20b | 19.58b | 164.52b | 164.22b | 153.27b | 160.59c |
播种量Sowing rate | 行距Row spacing | 粗蛋白 Crude protein (%) | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均verage | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 18.82±0.66c | 19.31±0.21d | 18.02±0.41b | 18.72±0.38d | 165.88±10.12b | 170.47±4.00b | 157.41±4.64b | 164.28±3.94ab |
R2 | 19.08±0.41bc | 20.21±0.32c | 17.93±0.64c | 19.07±0.66c | 163.59±6.28bc | 171.57±7.00b | 162.75±5.12ab | 165.85±2.85ab | |
R3 | 19.69±0.42b | 20.39±0.21bc | 18.01±0.52bc | 19.36±0.71bc | 167.42±5.95b | 169.31±6.23bc | 166.17±5.32ab | 167.47±0.96ab | |
R4 | 19.13±0.31bc | 20.23±0.15c | 18.32±0.61b | 19.23±0.55bc | 161.37±4.39c | 164.44±6.12c | 155.11±5.46c | 160.31±2.75b | |
S2 | R1 | 19.10±0.51bc | 20.15±0.30c | 18.22±0.51b | 19.16±0.56c | 163.73±7.43bc | 176.21±5.23ab | 163.31±5.44ab | 167.66±4.26ab |
R2 | 19.36±0.53bc | 21.02±0.37b | 17.92±0.97c | 19.43±0.90bc | 175.42±4.51a | 183.79±6.43a | 156.91±5.61b | 171.98±7.91a | |
R3 | 20.47±0.43a | 22.33±0.21a | 20.21±0.36a | 21.00±0.67a | 166.07±5.16b | 179.64±5.62ab | 168.50±5.54a | 171.39±4.17a | |
R4 | 19.99±0.52b | 21.52±0.23ab | 18.33±0.26b | 19.95±0.92b | 165.97±7.22b | 167.49±4.51bc | 152.21±6.12d | 161.84±4.85b | |
S3 | R1 | 19.25±0.61bc | 20.58±0.24bc | 18.01±0.34bc | 19.28±0.74bc | 162.09±6.81c | 167.71±5.33bc | 149.77±6.23d | 159.61±5.37b |
R2 | 18.93±0.41bc | 19.31±0.14d | 17.99±0.28c | 18.74±0.39d | 173.85±7.12ab | 172.46±3.91b | 156.38±6.74b | 167.42±5.63ab | |
R3 | 20.21±0.51ab | 21.22±0.41ab | 18.20±0.41b | 19.88±0.89b | 159.41±5.18c | 165.95±7.12c | 156.89±6.42b | 160.33±2.86b | |
R4 | 19.71±0.42b | 20.99±0.32b | 17.96±0.19c | 19.55±0.88bc | 166.22±6.72b | 160.73±6.23d | 152.50±7.11cd | 159.63±3.95b |
表 10 播种量和行距对紫花苜蓿CP、RFV的影响
Table 10 Effects of sowing rate and row spacing on CP and RFV of alfalfa
播种量Sowing rate | 行距Row spacing | 粗蛋白 Crude protein (%) | 相对饲喂价值 Relative feed value | ||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均verage | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 平均Average | ||
S1 | R1 | 18.82±0.66c | 19.31±0.21d | 18.02±0.41b | 18.72±0.38d | 165.88±10.12b | 170.47±4.00b | 157.41±4.64b | 164.28±3.94ab |
R2 | 19.08±0.41bc | 20.21±0.32c | 17.93±0.64c | 19.07±0.66c | 163.59±6.28bc | 171.57±7.00b | 162.75±5.12ab | 165.85±2.85ab | |
R3 | 19.69±0.42b | 20.39±0.21bc | 18.01±0.52bc | 19.36±0.71bc | 167.42±5.95b | 169.31±6.23bc | 166.17±5.32ab | 167.47±0.96ab | |
R4 | 19.13±0.31bc | 20.23±0.15c | 18.32±0.61b | 19.23±0.55bc | 161.37±4.39c | 164.44±6.12c | 155.11±5.46c | 160.31±2.75b | |
S2 | R1 | 19.10±0.51bc | 20.15±0.30c | 18.22±0.51b | 19.16±0.56c | 163.73±7.43bc | 176.21±5.23ab | 163.31±5.44ab | 167.66±4.26ab |
R2 | 19.36±0.53bc | 21.02±0.37b | 17.92±0.97c | 19.43±0.90bc | 175.42±4.51a | 183.79±6.43a | 156.91±5.61b | 171.98±7.91a | |
R3 | 20.47±0.43a | 22.33±0.21a | 20.21±0.36a | 21.00±0.67a | 166.07±5.16b | 179.64±5.62ab | 168.50±5.54a | 171.39±4.17a | |
R4 | 19.99±0.52b | 21.52±0.23ab | 18.33±0.26b | 19.95±0.92b | 165.97±7.22b | 167.49±4.51bc | 152.21±6.12d | 161.84±4.85b | |
S3 | R1 | 19.25±0.61bc | 20.58±0.24bc | 18.01±0.34bc | 19.28±0.74bc | 162.09±6.81c | 167.71±5.33bc | 149.77±6.23d | 159.61±5.37b |
R2 | 18.93±0.41bc | 19.31±0.14d | 17.99±0.28c | 18.74±0.39d | 173.85±7.12ab | 172.46±3.91b | 156.38±6.74b | 167.42±5.63ab | |
R3 | 20.21±0.51ab | 21.22±0.41ab | 18.20±0.41b | 19.88±0.89b | 159.41±5.18c | 165.95±7.12c | 156.89±6.42b | 160.33±2.86b | |
R4 | 19.71±0.42b | 20.99±0.32b | 17.96±0.19c | 19.55±0.88bc | 166.22±6.72b | 160.73±6.23d | 152.50±7.11cd | 159.63±3.95b |
主成分 Principal component | 初始特征值Variance of initial eigen values | 主成分 Principal component | 初始特征值Variance of initial eigen values | ||||
特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution (%) | 累积贡献率 Accumulative contribution (%) | 特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution (%) | 累积贡献率 Accumulative contribution (%) | ||
1 | 4.297 | 53.713 | 53.713 | 5 | 0.279 | 3.487 | 97.428 |
2 | 1.584 | 19.803 | 73.516 | 6 | 0.181 | 2.268 | 99.696 |
3 | 1.123 | 14.037 | 87.553 | 7 | 0.024 | 0.297 | 99.993 |
4 | 0.511 | 6.388 | 93.941 | 8 | 0.001 | 0.007 | 100.000 |
表 11 主成分的特征值
Table 11 Eigen values of principal components
主成分 Principal component | 初始特征值Variance of initial eigen values | 主成分 Principal component | 初始特征值Variance of initial eigen values | ||||
特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution (%) | 累积贡献率 Accumulative contribution (%) | 特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution (%) | 累积贡献率 Accumulative contribution (%) | ||
1 | 4.297 | 53.713 | 53.713 | 5 | 0.279 | 3.487 | 97.428 |
2 | 1.584 | 19.803 | 73.516 | 6 | 0.181 | 2.268 | 99.696 |
3 | 1.123 | 14.037 | 87.553 | 7 | 0.024 | 0.297 | 99.993 |
4 | 0.511 | 6.388 | 93.941 | 8 | 0.001 | 0.007 | 100.000 |
项目 Item | 主成分1 Principal component 1 (Y1) | 主成分2 Principal component 2 (Y2) | 主成分3 Principal component 3 (Y3) | |||
特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | 特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | 特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | |
株高Plant height (X1) | 0.331 | 0.686 | 0.291 | 0.366 | 0.413 | 0.438 |
分枝数Branch number (X2) | 0.398 | 0.825 | 0.110 | 0.139 | 0.473 | 0.501 |
叶茎比Leaf/stem (X3) | 0.434 | 0.900 | 0.059 | 0.074 | -0.154 | -0.163 |
干草产量Hay yield (X4) | 0.408 | 0.845 | 0.123 | 0.155 | -0.195 | -0.207 |
粗蛋白CP (X5) | 0.315 | 0.652 | 0.456 | 0.574 | -0.070 | -0.074 |
中性洗涤纤维NDF (X6) | -0.370 | -0.768 | 0.335 | 0.421 | 0.407 | 0.531 |
酸性洗涤纤维ADF (X7) | -0.101 | -0.209 | 0.567 | 0.714 | -0.584 | -0.619 |
相对饲喂价值RFV (X8) | 0.361 | 0.749 | -0.493 | -0.621 | -0.178 | -0.189 |
表 12 主成分对应的特征向量和载荷矩阵
Table 12 The eigenvectors and load matrix corresponding to the principal components
项目 Item | 主成分1 Principal component 1 (Y1) | 主成分2 Principal component 2 (Y2) | 主成分3 Principal component 3 (Y3) | |||
特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | 特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | 特征向量Feature vector | 载荷Load | |
株高Plant height (X1) | 0.331 | 0.686 | 0.291 | 0.366 | 0.413 | 0.438 |
分枝数Branch number (X2) | 0.398 | 0.825 | 0.110 | 0.139 | 0.473 | 0.501 |
叶茎比Leaf/stem (X3) | 0.434 | 0.900 | 0.059 | 0.074 | -0.154 | -0.163 |
干草产量Hay yield (X4) | 0.408 | 0.845 | 0.123 | 0.155 | -0.195 | -0.207 |
粗蛋白CP (X5) | 0.315 | 0.652 | 0.456 | 0.574 | -0.070 | -0.074 |
中性洗涤纤维NDF (X6) | -0.370 | -0.768 | 0.335 | 0.421 | 0.407 | 0.531 |
酸性洗涤纤维ADF (X7) | -0.101 | -0.209 | 0.567 | 0.714 | -0.584 | -0.619 |
相对饲喂价值RFV (X8) | 0.361 | 0.749 | -0.493 | -0.621 | -0.178 | -0.189 |
处理 Treatment | 主成分1 Y1 | 主成分2 Y2 | 主成分3 Y3 | 综合得分 Y | 排名 Ranking |
S1R1 | -1.743 | -1.305 | 0.982 | -1.207 | 12 |
S1R2 | -0.890 | -1.410 | 1.095 | -0.689 | 9 |
S1R3 | 0.945 | -0.474 | 0.211 | 0.506 | 2 |
S1R4 | -1.298 | 1.289 | 0.056 | -0.496 | 8 |
S2R1 | 0.977 | -1.011 | -0.651 | 0.267 | 3 |
S2R2 | 0.663 | -1.890 | -1.847 | -0.317 | 7 |
S2R3 | 5.684 | 1.233 | 0.320 | 3.817 | 1 |
S2R4 | -0.420 | 0.590 | 1.474 | 0.112 | 4 |
S3R1 | -0.941 | 0.948 | 0.927 | -0.214 | 6 |
S3R2 | 0.416 | -0.764 | -0.075 | 0.071 | 5 |
S3R3 | -1.437 | 1.445 | -1.416 | -0.782 | 10 |
S3R4 | -1.957 | 1.348 | -1.075 | -1.068 | 11 |
表 13 播种量、行距综合排名及得分
Table 13 Comprehensive rankings and scores of sowing rate and row spacing
处理 Treatment | 主成分1 Y1 | 主成分2 Y2 | 主成分3 Y3 | 综合得分 Y | 排名 Ranking |
S1R1 | -1.743 | -1.305 | 0.982 | -1.207 | 12 |
S1R2 | -0.890 | -1.410 | 1.095 | -0.689 | 9 |
S1R3 | 0.945 | -0.474 | 0.211 | 0.506 | 2 |
S1R4 | -1.298 | 1.289 | 0.056 | -0.496 | 8 |
S2R1 | 0.977 | -1.011 | -0.651 | 0.267 | 3 |
S2R2 | 0.663 | -1.890 | -1.847 | -0.317 | 7 |
S2R3 | 5.684 | 1.233 | 0.320 | 3.817 | 1 |
S2R4 | -0.420 | 0.590 | 1.474 | 0.112 | 4 |
S3R1 | -0.941 | 0.948 | 0.927 | -0.214 | 6 |
S3R2 | 0.416 | -0.764 | -0.075 | 0.071 | 5 |
S3R3 | -1.437 | 1.445 | -1.416 | -0.782 | 10 |
S3R4 | -1.957 | 1.348 | -1.075 | -1.068 | 11 |
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