草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 22-31.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021272
卢俊艳1,2(), 红梅1,2(
), 赵巴音那木拉null1,2, 赵乌英嘎1, 王文东1, 马尚飞1, 杨殿林3
Corresponding author. E-mail: nmczhm1970@126.com基金资助:
Jun-yan LU1,2(), Mei HONG1,2(
), Bayinnamula ZHAO1,2, Wuyingga ZHAO1, Wen-dong WANG1, Shang-fei MA1, Dian-lin YANG3
贝加尔针茅草原因常年放牧导致不同程度退化,主要体现为植物多样性下降和土壤养分流失等问题,而将流失养分归还后能否提高贝加尔针茅草原植被群落多样性及生产力尚不明确。故于2010年在内蒙古呼伦贝尔市鄂温克旗贝加尔针茅草原设置长期N、P、K添加(100 kg·hm-2?a-1)及其交互处理试验。连续3年(2017-2019年)试验结果表明:1)长期N、NK、NP和NPK添加显著提高草原禾本科相对重要值(P<0.05),降低杂类草相对重要值,使群落优势种由杂类草转变为禾本科;2)N、NK、NP和NPK添加显著增加群落和禾本科地上生物量(P<0.05),显著降低杂类草地上生物量(P<0.05),P添加显著增加豆科地上生物量(P<0.05),在降水量充足年份植物生物量对养分添加的响应更为敏感;3)Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数和物种丰富度均在NK、NP和NPK添加下显著降低(P<0.05)。综上所述,N是贝加尔针茅草原群落和功能群地上生物量以及物种多样性的主要限制因子,P的限制作用仅次于N,K的作用最弱。N与P、K的组合添加在降水量充足年份对贝加尔针茅草原植被群落的影响大于干旱年份。
卢俊艳, 红梅, 赵巴音那木拉null, 赵乌英嘎, 王文东, 马尚飞, 杨殿林. 贝加尔针茅草原植物群落结构及生物量对长期养分添加的响应[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(4): 22-31.
Jun-yan LU, Mei HONG, Bayinnamula ZHAO, Wuyingga ZHAO, Wen-dong WANG, Shang-fei MA, Dian-lin YANG. Response of plant community structure and biomass to long-term nutrient addition in a Stipa baicalensis steppe[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(4): 22-31.
图2 不同养分添加对植物物种组成和相对重要值的影响不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). The same below.
Fig.2 Effects of different nutrient additions on plant species composition and relative importance values
功能群Group | 处理Treatment | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
禾本科 Gramineae | CK | 18.86±0.47d | 85.59±0.80d | 92.31±7.76d |
N | 43.84±14.93abc | 140.55±28.88c | 235.84±2.38c | |
P | 22.61±0.15cd | 75.10±1.76d | 86.63±1.07d | |
K | 23.30±4.44cd | 84.39±26.50d | 85.74±13.52d | |
NK | 28.87±4.68bcd | 200.01±7.12b | 376.89±40.93b | |
NP | 48.19±21.07ab | 284.81±7.11a | 413.71±28.49b | |
PK | 21.09±0.76cd | 136.01±42.89c | 145.75±79.76d | |
NPK | 52.31±22.44a | 219.84±43.72b | 647.87±55.66a | |
杂类草 Forbs | CK | 41.57±22.47a | 62.74±2.95a | 69.10±0.10a |
N | 29.15±12.57ab | 63.04±24.32a | 42.18±5.78c | |
P | 31.25±10.01ab | 65.10±3.08a | 59.54±2.78ab | |
K | 19.98±5.05b | 69.55±18.40a | 55.94±12.32b | |
NK | 22.59±0.57ab | 54.94±13.92ab | 19.83±2.33e | |
NP | 19.08±2.03b | 47.48±8.17ab | 24.67±5.40de | |
PK | 30.78±4.11ab | 37.80±5.61b | 34.29±10.86cd | |
NPK | 27.55±2.18ab | 50.08±9.22ab | 12.07±7.14e | |
豆科 Leguminosae | CK | 11.57±5.77a | 2.92±1.23b | 4.72±1.24b |
N | 6.55±5.53abc | 1.05±0.17cd | 3.79±0.53b | |
P | 8.25±0.46ab | 15.22±1.53a | 12.11±9.57a | |
K | 5.62±3.31abc | 0.57±0.29d | 4.34±0.80b | |
NK | 5.50±4.02abc | 2.46±0.60bc | 3.21±1.74b | |
NP | 2.17±2.06bc | 0.65±0.12d | 0.22±0.23b | |
PK | 2.71±0.01bc | 2.06±1.41bcd | 1.43±0.23b | |
NPK | 0.72±0.12c | 1.00±0.15cd | 0.55±0.07b | |
群落 Community | CK | 72.01±26.27a | 151.25±4.96d | 166.12±9.09d |
N | 79.54±33.03a | 204.63±4.72c | 281.81±7.64c | |
P | 62.10±10.61a | 155.42±2.85d | 158.28±11.28d | |
K | 48.90±12.43a | 154.50±8.39d | 146.01±2.00d | |
NK | 56.96±1.23a | 257.40±7.40b | 399.93±40.34b | |
NP | 69.44±25.16a | 332.94±0.95a | 438.60±34.12b | |
PK | 54.58±3.35a | 175.87±35.87cd | 181.47±68.68d | |
NPK | 80.58±20.38a | 270.91±34.65b | 660.48±48.46a |
表1 不同养分添加对群落和各功能群地上生物量的影响
Table 1 Effects of different nutrient additions on the aboveground biomass of the community and each functional group
功能群Group | 处理Treatment | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
禾本科 Gramineae | CK | 18.86±0.47d | 85.59±0.80d | 92.31±7.76d |
N | 43.84±14.93abc | 140.55±28.88c | 235.84±2.38c | |
P | 22.61±0.15cd | 75.10±1.76d | 86.63±1.07d | |
K | 23.30±4.44cd | 84.39±26.50d | 85.74±13.52d | |
NK | 28.87±4.68bcd | 200.01±7.12b | 376.89±40.93b | |
NP | 48.19±21.07ab | 284.81±7.11a | 413.71±28.49b | |
PK | 21.09±0.76cd | 136.01±42.89c | 145.75±79.76d | |
NPK | 52.31±22.44a | 219.84±43.72b | 647.87±55.66a | |
杂类草 Forbs | CK | 41.57±22.47a | 62.74±2.95a | 69.10±0.10a |
N | 29.15±12.57ab | 63.04±24.32a | 42.18±5.78c | |
P | 31.25±10.01ab | 65.10±3.08a | 59.54±2.78ab | |
K | 19.98±5.05b | 69.55±18.40a | 55.94±12.32b | |
NK | 22.59±0.57ab | 54.94±13.92ab | 19.83±2.33e | |
NP | 19.08±2.03b | 47.48±8.17ab | 24.67±5.40de | |
PK | 30.78±4.11ab | 37.80±5.61b | 34.29±10.86cd | |
NPK | 27.55±2.18ab | 50.08±9.22ab | 12.07±7.14e | |
豆科 Leguminosae | CK | 11.57±5.77a | 2.92±1.23b | 4.72±1.24b |
N | 6.55±5.53abc | 1.05±0.17cd | 3.79±0.53b | |
P | 8.25±0.46ab | 15.22±1.53a | 12.11±9.57a | |
K | 5.62±3.31abc | 0.57±0.29d | 4.34±0.80b | |
NK | 5.50±4.02abc | 2.46±0.60bc | 3.21±1.74b | |
NP | 2.17±2.06bc | 0.65±0.12d | 0.22±0.23b | |
PK | 2.71±0.01bc | 2.06±1.41bcd | 1.43±0.23b | |
NPK | 0.72±0.12c | 1.00±0.15cd | 0.55±0.07b | |
群落 Community | CK | 72.01±26.27a | 151.25±4.96d | 166.12±9.09d |
N | 79.54±33.03a | 204.63±4.72c | 281.81±7.64c | |
P | 62.10±10.61a | 155.42±2.85d | 158.28±11.28d | |
K | 48.90±12.43a | 154.50±8.39d | 146.01±2.00d | |
NK | 56.96±1.23a | 257.40±7.40b | 399.93±40.34b | |
NP | 69.44±25.16a | 332.94±0.95a | 438.60±34.12b | |
PK | 54.58±3.35a | 175.87±35.87cd | 181.47±68.68d | |
NPK | 80.58±20.38a | 270.91±34.65b | 660.48±48.46a |
变异来源 Variance source | 群落 Community | 禾本科 Gramineae | 杂类草 Forbs | 豆科 Leguminosae |
N | 319.62** | 525.89** | 32.20** | 28.74** |
P | 78.40** | 86.85** | 14.55** | 0.41 |
K | 26.59** | 35.86** | 16.89** | 23.01** |
NK | 20.20** | 9.48* | 2.13 | 20.73** |
NP | 49.93** | 47.18** | 0.10 | 12.93** |
PK | 2.97 | 1.92 | 0.13 | 6.82 |
NPK | 0.11** | 2.87 | 4.34* | 6.13* |
年际 Years (Y) | 163.24** | 399.39** | 46.86** | 3.60* |
N×Y | 52.82** | 172.81** | 11.32** | 0.07 |
P×Y | 3.98 | 27.47** | 2.82 | 8.46** |
K×Y | 5.61** | 26.59** | 3.02 | 0.10 |
NK×Y | 6.29** | 21.25** | 0.38 | 0.86 |
NP×Y | 4.93 | 17.45** | 0.21 | 1.86 |
PK×Y | 1.61 | 6.05** | 3.24* | 1.78 |
NPK×Y | 0.66 | 7.23** | 2.31 | 1.95 |
表2 养分添加和年际对植物地上生物量影响的多因素方差分析
Table 2 Variance analysis of the effects of nutrient addition and interannual on aboveground biomass of plant
变异来源 Variance source | 群落 Community | 禾本科 Gramineae | 杂类草 Forbs | 豆科 Leguminosae |
N | 319.62** | 525.89** | 32.20** | 28.74** |
P | 78.40** | 86.85** | 14.55** | 0.41 |
K | 26.59** | 35.86** | 16.89** | 23.01** |
NK | 20.20** | 9.48* | 2.13 | 20.73** |
NP | 49.93** | 47.18** | 0.10 | 12.93** |
PK | 2.97 | 1.92 | 0.13 | 6.82 |
NPK | 0.11** | 2.87 | 4.34* | 6.13* |
年际 Years (Y) | 163.24** | 399.39** | 46.86** | 3.60* |
N×Y | 52.82** | 172.81** | 11.32** | 0.07 |
P×Y | 3.98 | 27.47** | 2.82 | 8.46** |
K×Y | 5.61** | 26.59** | 3.02 | 0.10 |
NK×Y | 6.29** | 21.25** | 0.38 | 0.86 |
NP×Y | 4.93 | 17.45** | 0.21 | 1.86 |
PK×Y | 1.61 | 6.05** | 3.24* | 1.78 |
NPK×Y | 0.66 | 7.23** | 2.31 | 1.95 |
变异来源 Variance source | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 优势度指数 Simpson index | 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener index | 均匀度指数 Pielou index |
N | 69.85** | 194.01** | 229.26** | 161.14** |
P | 1.08 | 17.26** | 56.31** | 24.74** |
K | 3.10 | 38.82** | 33.03** | 45.33** |
NK | 1.08 | 6.60* | 5.16* | 14.63** |
NP | 10.88** | 13.56** | 40.91** | 7.75** |
PK | 7.59** | 0.75 | 0.04 | 5.88* |
NPK | 1.08 | 18.99** | 18.79** | 13.28** |
年际 Years (Y) | 6.10** | 14.15** | 52.93** | 12.70** |
N×Y | 5.84** | 39.21** | 85.45** | 45.27** |
P×Y | 0.70 | 22.42** | 52.29** | 27.24** |
K×Y | 4.35* | 2.49 | 2.57 | 2.70 |
NK×Y | 0.10 | 0.69 | 0.44 | 1.92 |
NP×Y | 1.73 | 1.44 | 3.41* | 3.74* |
PK×Y | 0.71 | 0.04 | 3.18 | 0.34 |
NPK×Y | 1.18 | 2.08 | 3.45* | 3.42* |
表3 养分添加和年际对物种多样性影响的多因素方差分析
Table 3 Variance analysis of the effects of nutrient addition and interannual on species diversity
变异来源 Variance source | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 优势度指数 Simpson index | 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener index | 均匀度指数 Pielou index |
N | 69.85** | 194.01** | 229.26** | 161.14** |
P | 1.08 | 17.26** | 56.31** | 24.74** |
K | 3.10 | 38.82** | 33.03** | 45.33** |
NK | 1.08 | 6.60* | 5.16* | 14.63** |
NP | 10.88** | 13.56** | 40.91** | 7.75** |
PK | 7.59** | 0.75 | 0.04 | 5.88* |
NPK | 1.08 | 18.99** | 18.79** | 13.28** |
年际 Years (Y) | 6.10** | 14.15** | 52.93** | 12.70** |
N×Y | 5.84** | 39.21** | 85.45** | 45.27** |
P×Y | 0.70 | 22.42** | 52.29** | 27.24** |
K×Y | 4.35* | 2.49 | 2.57 | 2.70 |
NK×Y | 0.10 | 0.69 | 0.44 | 1.92 |
NP×Y | 1.73 | 1.44 | 3.41* | 3.74* |
PK×Y | 0.71 | 0.04 | 3.18 | 0.34 |
NPK×Y | 1.18 | 2.08 | 3.45* | 3.42* |
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