草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 48-60.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022137
潘静1,2,3(), 张俊超1,2,3, 陈有军1,2,3, 周青平1,2,3(
E-mail: qpingzh@yahoo.com.cn基金资助:
Jing PAN1,2,3(), Jun-chao ZHANG1,2,3, You-jun CHEN1,2,3, Qing-ping ZHOU1,2,3(
Qing-ping ZHOU
本研究利用SCoT分子标记对青藏高原披碱草属3个物种的种质资源开展遗传多样性分析和DNA指纹图谱构建,为不同物种的材料鉴定提供理论依据。在80个SCoT引物中筛选出22条引物进行PCR扩增,共扩增出290个条带,其中多态性条带254个,多态性条带比率占87.59%。Shannon多样性信息指数(I)、Nei’s 基因多样性指数(H)、观察等位基因数(Na)和有效等位基因数(Ne)的平均值分别为:0.5411、0.3643、1.9856和1.6270。聚类分析结果表明,遗传相似系数变化范围为0.50~0.80,在遗传相似系数为0.53处,可将46份材料分为2个组群,主坐标分析结果与聚类分析结果保持一致,同时利用4个SCoT引物构建了46份材料的DNA指纹图谱。SCoT分子标记适用于披碱草属种质资源遗传多样性分析及DNA指纹图谱构建,该研究为野生披碱草属种质鉴定、优质性状挖掘、育种实践提供了理论基础。
潘静, 张俊超, 陈有军, 周青平. 基于SCoT标记的披碱草属种质遗传多样性分析及指纹图谱构建[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(11): 48-60.
Jing PAN, Jun-chao ZHANG, You-jun CHEN, Qing-ping ZHOU. Genetic diversity analysis and fingerprint construction of Elymus germplasm based on SCoT markers[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(11): 48-60.
编号 Code | 材料编号 Accession | 种质 Germplasm | 种质原始采集地信息 Information of the original collection site of germplasm | 海拔Elevation (m) |
1 | I-1-3-3 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
2 | I-1-7-4 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省共和县江西沟Jiangxi Valley, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°31' E, 36°34' N) | 3600 |
3 | I-8-3-9 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
4 | I-1-7-25 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省同德县河北乡Hebei Township, Tongde County, Qinghai (100°48' E,34°42' N) | 3600 |
5 | I-1-5-33 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省玛沁县雪山乡Xueshan Township, Maqin County, Qinghai (99°44' E, 34°47' N) | 4200 |
6 | 09-280 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省海晏县金滩乡Jintan Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (101°2' E, 36°49' N) | 2940 |
7 | I-1-1-7-2 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省共和县江西沟Jiangxi Valley, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°31' E, 36°34' N) | 3600 |
8 | I-1-7-27 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省海晏县金滩乡Jintan Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (101°2' E, 36°49' N) | 2940 |
9 | 09-055 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
10 | 09-370 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省都兰县香日德镇Xiangride Township, Dulan County, Qinghai (97°55' E, 36°0' N) | 2950 |
11 | 09-083 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
12 | 09-015 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
13 | I-1-17-3 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
14 | I-1-13-7 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
15 | I-1-7-12 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省天峻县生格乡Shengge Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (98°22' E, 37°19' N) | 3485 |
16 | 10-217 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
17 | 10-216 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
18 | 10-63 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
19 | 10-62 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
20 | I-1-1-4 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县铁卜加村Tiebujia Village, Gonghe County, Qinghai (99°36' E, 37°2' N) | 3400 |
21 | I-1-1-30 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省玛多县花石峡镇Huashixia Township, Maduo County, Qinghai (98°53' E, 35°6' N) | 4500 |
22 | I-1-1-5 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
23 | I-1-1-16 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省久治县索呼日麻乡Suohurima Township, Jiuzhi County, Qinghai (100°57' E, 33°32' N) | 3900 |
24 | I-1-1-13 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省乌兰县赛什克乡Saishike Township, Wulan County, Qinghai (98°24' E, 36°57' N) | 4000 |
25 | I-1-1-1 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
26 | I-1-1-38 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县石乃亥乡Shinaihai Township, Gonghe County, Qinghai (99°37' E, 37°0' N) | 3280 |
27 | 09-292 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
28 | I-1-1-34 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
29 | 09-174 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县三塔拉Santala, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°14' E, 36°0' N) | 3260 |
30 | 10-128 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
31 | 10-78 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
32 | 10-40 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
33 | I-1-5-13 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省天峻县龙门乡Longmen Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (98°48' E, 37°53' N) | 4000 |
34 | 09-214 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省天峻县新源镇Xinyuan Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (99°3' E, 37°18' N) | 3400 |
35 | 09-149 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省湟源县日月藏族乡Riyue Tibetan Township, Huangyuan County, Qinghai (101°9' E, 36°31' N) | 3100 |
36 | 09-183 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省海晏县西海镇Xihai Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (100°54' E, 36°56' N) | 3180 |
37 | I-1-13-3 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省共和县铁盖乡Tiegai Township, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°14' E, 36°0' N) | 3200 |
38 | I-1-15-3 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
39 | I-1-5-22 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省班玛县吉卡乡Jika Township, Banma County, Qinghai (100°18' E, 32°49' N) | 3800 |
40 | I-1-5-60 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
41 | I-1-5-40 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省同德县巴沟乡Bagou Township, Tongde County, Qinghai (100°28' E, 35°17' N) | 3000 |
42 | I-4-15-11 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省刚察县三角城种羊场Sheep Farm, Sanjiaocheng, Qinghai (100°18' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
43 | 09-110 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县三合镇Sanhe Town, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°0' E, 36°27' N) | 2900 |
44 | 09-124 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县三合镇Sanhe Town, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°0' E, 36°27' N) | 2900 |
45 | 09-152 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省湟源县日月藏族乡Riyue Tibetan Township, Huangyuan County, Qinghai (101°9' E, 36°31' N) | 3100 |
46 | I-4-6-2 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省海晏县西海镇Xihai Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (100°54' E, 36°56' N) | 3180 |
表1 试验材料及来源
Table 1 Materials used in the study and source
编号 Code | 材料编号 Accession | 种质 Germplasm | 种质原始采集地信息 Information of the original collection site of germplasm | 海拔Elevation (m) |
1 | I-1-3-3 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
2 | I-1-7-4 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省共和县江西沟Jiangxi Valley, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°31' E, 36°34' N) | 3600 |
3 | I-8-3-9 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
4 | I-1-7-25 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省同德县河北乡Hebei Township, Tongde County, Qinghai (100°48' E,34°42' N) | 3600 |
5 | I-1-5-33 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省玛沁县雪山乡Xueshan Township, Maqin County, Qinghai (99°44' E, 34°47' N) | 4200 |
6 | 09-280 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省海晏县金滩乡Jintan Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (101°2' E, 36°49' N) | 2940 |
7 | I-1-1-7-2 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省共和县江西沟Jiangxi Valley, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°31' E, 36°34' N) | 3600 |
8 | I-1-7-27 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省海晏县金滩乡Jintan Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (101°2' E, 36°49' N) | 2940 |
9 | 09-055 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
10 | 09-370 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省都兰县香日德镇Xiangride Township, Dulan County, Qinghai (97°55' E, 36°0' N) | 2950 |
11 | 09-083 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
12 | 09-015 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县巴藏沟Bazanggou, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°10' E, 36°26' N) | 3000 |
13 | I-1-17-3 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
14 | I-1-13-7 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
15 | I-1-7-12 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省天峻县生格乡Shengge Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (98°22' E, 37°19' N) | 3485 |
16 | 10-217 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
17 | 10-216 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
18 | 10-63 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
19 | 10-62 | 披碱草E. dahuricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
20 | I-1-1-4 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县铁卜加村Tiebujia Village, Gonghe County, Qinghai (99°36' E, 37°2' N) | 3400 |
21 | I-1-1-30 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省玛多县花石峡镇Huashixia Township, Maduo County, Qinghai (98°53' E, 35°6' N) | 4500 |
22 | I-1-1-5 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
23 | I-1-1-16 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省久治县索呼日麻乡Suohurima Township, Jiuzhi County, Qinghai (100°57' E, 33°32' N) | 3900 |
24 | I-1-1-13 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省乌兰县赛什克乡Saishike Township, Wulan County, Qinghai (98°24' E, 36°57' N) | 4000 |
25 | I-1-1-1 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
26 | I-1-1-38 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县石乃亥乡Shinaihai Township, Gonghe County, Qinghai (99°37' E, 37°0' N) | 3280 |
27 | 09-292 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
28 | I-1-1-34 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省刚察县泉吉乡Quanji Township, Gangcha County, Qinghai (99°54' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
29 | 09-174 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省共和县三塔拉Santala, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°14' E, 36°0' N) | 3260 |
30 | 10-128 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
31 | 10-78 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
32 | 10-40 | 垂穗披碱草E. nutans | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
33 | I-1-5-13 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省天峻县龙门乡Longmen Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (98°48' E, 37°53' N) | 4000 |
34 | 09-214 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省天峻县新源镇Xinyuan Township, Tianjun County, Qinghai (99°3' E, 37°18' N) | 3400 |
35 | 09-149 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省湟源县日月藏族乡Riyue Tibetan Township, Huangyuan County, Qinghai (101°9' E, 36°31' N) | 3100 |
36 | 09-183 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省海晏县西海镇Xihai Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (100°54' E, 36°56' N) | 3180 |
37 | I-1-13-3 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省共和县铁盖乡Tiegai Township, Gonghe County, Qinghai (100°14' E, 36°0' N) | 3200 |
38 | I-1-15-3 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省达日县吉迈镇Jimai Township, Dari County, Qinghai (99°41' E, 33°45' N) | 4200 |
39 | I-1-5-22 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省班玛县吉卡乡Jika Township, Banma County, Qinghai (100°18' E, 32°49' N) | 3800 |
40 | I-1-5-60 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县沙沟乡Shagou Township, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°4' E, 36°23' N) | 3400 |
41 | I-1-5-40 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省同德县巴沟乡Bagou Township, Tongde County, Qinghai (100°28' E, 35°17' N) | 3000 |
42 | I-4-15-11 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省刚察县三角城种羊场Sheep Farm, Sanjiaocheng, Qinghai (100°18' E, 37°16' N) | 3300 |
43 | 09-110 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县三合镇Sanhe Town, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°0' E, 36°27' N) | 2900 |
44 | 09-124 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省平安县三合镇Sanhe Town, Ping’an County, Qinghai (102°0' E, 36°27' N) | 2900 |
45 | 09-152 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省湟源县日月藏族乡Riyue Tibetan Township, Huangyuan County, Qinghai (101°9' E, 36°31' N) | 3100 |
46 | I-4-6-2 | 老芒麦E. sibiricus | 青海省海晏县西海镇Xihai Township, Haiyan County, Qinghai (100°54' E, 36°56' N) | 3180 |
引物编号 Primer No. | 序列 Sequence (5'-3') | 退火温度 Annealing temperature (℃) |
表2 筛选出的引物和退火温度
Table 2 Screened primers and annealing temperatures
引物编号 Primer No. | 序列 Sequence (5'-3') | 退火温度 Annealing temperature (℃) |
引物序号 Primer No. | 扩增条带数 Total number of amplified bands | 多态性条带数 Number of polymorphic bands | 多态性条带比率 Percentage of polymorphic bands (%) | 观察等位基因数 Observe the number of alleles (Na) | 有效等位基因数 Effective number of alleles (Ne) | Nei’s指数 Nei’s gene diversity (H) | 香农指数 Shannon’s index (I) |
SCoT 05 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 1.9565 | 1.6666 | 0.3761 | 0.5503 |
SCoT 17 | 15 | 12 | 80.0000 | 1.9783 | 1.6443 | 0.3603 | 0.5292 |
SCoT 21 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.5049 | 0.3234 | 0.4989 |
SCoT 22 | 9 | 8 | 88.8889 | 2.0000 | 1.7328 | 0.4075 | 0.5915 |
SCoT 23 | 9 | 7 | 77.7778 | 1.9565 | 1.6030 | 0.3534 | 0.5261 |
SCoT 24 | 14 | 12 | 85.7143 | 1.9130 | 1.5349 | 0.3158 | 0.4751 |
SCoT 26 | 18 | 15 | 83.3333 | 2.0000 | 1.6175 | 0.3652 | 0.5451 |
SCoT 27 | 16 | 14 | 87.5000 | 2.0000 | 1.5594 | 0.3414 | 0.5178 |
SCoT 32 | 9 | 8 | 88.8889 | 2.0000 | 1.7512 | 0.4198 | 0.6082 |
SCoT 33 | 11 | 11 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6758 | 0.3975 | 0.5854 |
SCoT 36 | 13 | 13 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6428 | 0.3706 | 0.5492 |
SCoT 40 | 12 | 11 | 91.6667 | 1.9783 | 1.5548 | 0.3380 | 0.5115 |
SCoT 41 | 16 | 15 | 93.7500 | 1.9783 | 1.5146 | 0.3126 | 0.4778 |
SCoT 42 | 12 | 8 | 66.6667 | 2.0000 | 1.4762 | 0.3024 | 0.4702 |
SCoT 45 | 16 | 13 | 81.2500 | 1.9783 | 1.6516 | 0.3764 | 0.5560 |
SCoT 49 | 13 | 13 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6637 | 0.3817 | 0.5637 |
SCoT 51 | 12 | 9 | 75.0000 | 1.9649 | 1.8307 | 0.4448 | 0.6334 |
SCoT 54 | 11 | 9 | 81.8182 | 1.9783 | 1.7809 | 0.4275 | 0.6132 |
SCoT 57 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.5250 | 0.3238 | 0.4963 |
SCoT 59 | 13 | 12 | 92.3077 | 2.0000 | 1.7621 | 0.4165 | 0.6014 |
SCoT 61 | 15 | 12 | 80.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6787 | 0.3822 | 0.5616 |
SCoT 62 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.4220 | 0.2776 | 0.4416 |
平均 Mean | 13.18 | 11.55 | 87.5862 | 1.9856 | 1.6270 | 0.3643 | 0.5411 |
总计 Total | 290 | 254 |
表3 披碱草属种质SCoT分子标记的多态性分析
Table 3 Polymorphism analysis of SCoT molecular markers in Elymus germplasm
引物序号 Primer No. | 扩增条带数 Total number of amplified bands | 多态性条带数 Number of polymorphic bands | 多态性条带比率 Percentage of polymorphic bands (%) | 观察等位基因数 Observe the number of alleles (Na) | 有效等位基因数 Effective number of alleles (Ne) | Nei’s指数 Nei’s gene diversity (H) | 香农指数 Shannon’s index (I) |
SCoT 05 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 1.9565 | 1.6666 | 0.3761 | 0.5503 |
SCoT 17 | 15 | 12 | 80.0000 | 1.9783 | 1.6443 | 0.3603 | 0.5292 |
SCoT 21 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.5049 | 0.3234 | 0.4989 |
SCoT 22 | 9 | 8 | 88.8889 | 2.0000 | 1.7328 | 0.4075 | 0.5915 |
SCoT 23 | 9 | 7 | 77.7778 | 1.9565 | 1.6030 | 0.3534 | 0.5261 |
SCoT 24 | 14 | 12 | 85.7143 | 1.9130 | 1.5349 | 0.3158 | 0.4751 |
SCoT 26 | 18 | 15 | 83.3333 | 2.0000 | 1.6175 | 0.3652 | 0.5451 |
SCoT 27 | 16 | 14 | 87.5000 | 2.0000 | 1.5594 | 0.3414 | 0.5178 |
SCoT 32 | 9 | 8 | 88.8889 | 2.0000 | 1.7512 | 0.4198 | 0.6082 |
SCoT 33 | 11 | 11 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6758 | 0.3975 | 0.5854 |
SCoT 36 | 13 | 13 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6428 | 0.3706 | 0.5492 |
SCoT 40 | 12 | 11 | 91.6667 | 1.9783 | 1.5548 | 0.3380 | 0.5115 |
SCoT 41 | 16 | 15 | 93.7500 | 1.9783 | 1.5146 | 0.3126 | 0.4778 |
SCoT 42 | 12 | 8 | 66.6667 | 2.0000 | 1.4762 | 0.3024 | 0.4702 |
SCoT 45 | 16 | 13 | 81.2500 | 1.9783 | 1.6516 | 0.3764 | 0.5560 |
SCoT 49 | 13 | 13 | 100.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6637 | 0.3817 | 0.5637 |
SCoT 51 | 12 | 9 | 75.0000 | 1.9649 | 1.8307 | 0.4448 | 0.6334 |
SCoT 54 | 11 | 9 | 81.8182 | 1.9783 | 1.7809 | 0.4275 | 0.6132 |
SCoT 57 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.5250 | 0.3238 | 0.4963 |
SCoT 59 | 13 | 12 | 92.3077 | 2.0000 | 1.7621 | 0.4165 | 0.6014 |
SCoT 61 | 15 | 12 | 80.0000 | 2.0000 | 1.6787 | 0.3822 | 0.5616 |
SCoT 62 | 14 | 13 | 92.8571 | 2.0000 | 1.4220 | 0.2776 | 0.4416 |
平均 Mean | 13.18 | 11.55 | 87.5862 | 1.9856 | 1.6270 | 0.3643 | 0.5411 |
总计 Total | 290 | 254 |
类群 Group | 多态性条带数 The number of polymorphic bands (NPB) | 多态性条带比率 Percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB, %) | 香农指数 Shannon’s index (I) | Nei’s指数 Nei’s gene diversity (H) | 观察等位基因数 Observe the number of alleles (Na) | 有效等位基因数 Effective number of alleles (Ne) |
226 | 91.02 | 0.4833 | 0.3755 | 1.9499 | 1.6669 | |
208 | 92.33 | 0.5785 | 0.3963 | 1.9888 | 1.7030 | |
221 | 89.05 | 0.4488 | 0.4085 | 1.9602 | 1.7427 | |
平均Mean | 218 | 90.80 | 0.5035 | 0.3934 | 1.9663 | 1.7042 |
表4 通过SCoT标记检测到的披碱草属3个种群内的遗传变异
Table 4 Genetic variation in three populations of Elymus detected by SCoT markers
类群 Group | 多态性条带数 The number of polymorphic bands (NPB) | 多态性条带比率 Percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB, %) | 香农指数 Shannon’s index (I) | Nei’s指数 Nei’s gene diversity (H) | 观察等位基因数 Observe the number of alleles (Na) | 有效等位基因数 Effective number of alleles (Ne) |
226 | 91.02 | 0.4833 | 0.3755 | 1.9499 | 1.6669 | |
208 | 92.33 | 0.5785 | 0.3963 | 1.9888 | 1.7030 | |
221 | 89.05 | 0.4488 | 0.4085 | 1.9602 | 1.7427 | |
平均Mean | 218 | 90.80 | 0.5035 | 0.3934 | 1.9663 | 1.7042 |
变异来源Source of variance | 自由度Degree of freedom (df) | 平方和Sum of squares | 变异组分Variance component | 总变异Total variation (%) |
物种间Among species | 2 | 582.38 | 16.36 | 27.09 |
物种内Within species | 43 | 1892.83 | 44.02 | 72.91 |
表5 3个属的分子方差分析
Table 5 Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of three genera regions
变异来源Source of variance | 自由度Degree of freedom (df) | 平方和Sum of squares | 变异组分Variance component | 总变异Total variation (%) |
物种间Among species | 2 | 582.38 | 16.36 | 27.09 |
物种内Within species | 43 | 1892.83 | 44.02 | 72.91 |
图1 SCoT标记对46份披碱草属材料亲缘关系聚类分析1~46号材料编号同表1,下同。1-46 are the same as Table 1. The same below.
Fig.1 UPGMA dendrogram for 46 resources of Elymus based on SCoT markers
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