草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 149-160.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024008
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
吕帅磊1(), 常单娜1(
), 周国朋1, 刘蕊2, 赵鑫1, 刘佳3, 徐昌旭3, 曹卫东1(
E-mail: caoweidong@caas.cn基金资助:
Shuai-lei LYU1(), Dan-na CHANG1(
), Guo-peng ZHOU1, Rui LIU2, Xin ZHAO1, Jia LIU3, Chang-xu XU3, Wei-dong CAO1(
Wei-dong CAO
绿肥-水稻轮作是我国南方稻田常见的生产模式,研究绿肥活化磷矿粉的效果及对后茬水稻产量、磷素吸收的影响,可为江西红壤利用磷矿粉替代部分磷肥提供理论支撑。在江西南昌开展盆栽试验,设置绿肥种类和磷矿粉用量双因素,绿肥种类为紫云英(MV)、油菜(RA)、黑麦草(RY)及冬闲(WF)对照;磷矿粉用量为0(P0)、0.74(P1)和1.48 g·kg-1(P2),共12个处理。测定绿肥盛花期干物重、磷素吸收量、土壤磷库和磷酸酶活性,早稻、晚稻产量及磷素吸收量。结果显示,MVP2、RAP2和RYP2处理的地上部干物重分别为18.31、18.07和25.33 g·pot-1,较P0处理分别增加42.0%、42.7%和38.6%;磷素吸收量分别为49.10、60.83和36.13 mg·pot-1,较P0处理分别提高40.5%、86.7%和45.5%。与P0处理相比,施用磷矿粉增加了不同处理土壤总磷、微生物量磷含量和稳定性磷库占比,增幅分别为13.4%~34.2%、23.0%~93.2%和4.0%~10.6%。与WF处理相比,绿肥处理活性磷库占比提高0.4%~1.0%,中等活性磷库占比降低0.6%~2.9%。各处理早稻和晚稻籽粒产量分别为26.33~45.87 g·pot-1和39.17~49.04 g·pot-1。与P0处理相比,MVP1和MVP2处理晚稻籽粒产量分别增加8.5%和11.8%,早稻籽粒磷素吸收量分别提高34.4%和23.3%,MVP1处理晚稻籽粒磷素吸收量提高30.3%;RAP1处理晚稻籽粒产量增加9.1%;RYP1处理早稻籽粒磷素吸收量提高20.0%。与WF处理相比,MVP1、RAP1和RYP1处理早稻季磷矿粉利用率分别提高了2.2%、1.5%和2.3%,MVP2处理提高了1.9%,MVP1处理晚稻季磷矿粉利用率提高了2.6%。综上,施用磷矿粉提高了绿肥生物量及磷素吸收量,紫云英和油菜活化磷矿粉效果优于黑麦草,紫云英处理后茬水稻的产量及磷素吸收量、磷矿粉利用率高于油菜和黑麦草处理。
吕帅磊, 常单娜, 周国朋, 刘蕊, 赵鑫, 刘佳, 徐昌旭, 曹卫东. 江西红壤绿肥季施用磷矿粉的磷素效应[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(11): 149-160.
Shuai-lei LYU, Dan-na CHANG, Guo-peng ZHOU, Rui LIU, Xin ZHAO, Jia LIU, Chang-xu XU, Wei-dong CAO. The phosphorus effect of applying phosphate rock powder during the green manure season in red soil of Jiangxi Province[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(11): 149-160.
处理 Treatment | 干物重 Dry weight (g·pot-1) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·pot-1) | 总氮 Total nitrogen (mg·pot-1) |
MVP0 | 12.90 | 4.85 | 397.14 |
MVP1 | 13.97 | 5.11 | 401.63 |
MVP2 | 18.31 | 7.36 | 488.85 |
RAP0 | 12.67 | 5.73 | 193.90 |
RAP1 | 16.52 | 6.31 | 219.94 |
RAP2 | 18.07 | 7.84 | 224.59 |
RYP0 | 18.28 | 8.75 | 83.54 |
RYP1 | 23.68 | 11.66 | 144.64 |
RYP2 | 25.33 | 12.43 | 160.93 |
表1 不同处理绿肥翻压干物重、有机碳及总氮累积量
Table 1 Dry weight, organic carbon, and total nitrogen accumulation of green manure under different treatments
处理 Treatment | 干物重 Dry weight (g·pot-1) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·pot-1) | 总氮 Total nitrogen (mg·pot-1) |
MVP0 | 12.90 | 4.85 | 397.14 |
MVP1 | 13.97 | 5.11 | 401.63 |
MVP2 | 18.31 | 7.36 | 488.85 |
RAP0 | 12.67 | 5.73 | 193.90 |
RAP1 | 16.52 | 6.31 | 219.94 |
RAP2 | 18.07 | 7.84 | 224.59 |
RYP0 | 18.28 | 8.75 | 83.54 |
RYP1 | 23.68 | 11.66 | 144.64 |
RYP2 | 25.33 | 12.43 | 160.93 |
图1 施用磷矿粉对绿肥地上部干物重及磷素吸收的影响GM、P分别表示绿肥种类和磷矿粉施用量;MV、RA、RY分别表示紫云英、油菜和黑麦草处理;P0、P1、P2分别表示磷矿粉施用量依次为0、0.74和1.48 g·kg-1;柱上不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(n=4,P<0.05),不同大写字母表示绿肥处理组平均值间差异显著(n=12,P<0.05);*代表P<0.05,**代表P<0.01,***代表P<0.001,ns代表无显著差异;下同。GM and P represent green manure type and rock phosphate application amount, respectively. MV, RA and RY refer to the treatments with Chinese milk vetch, rape and ryegrass, respectively. P0, P1 and P2 represent the dosages of rock phosphate as 0, 0.74 and 1.48 g·kg-1, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (n=4, P<0.05), and different uppercase letters indicate significant differences among the average values of the green manure treatment groups (n=12, P<0.05); * represent P<0.05, ** represent P<0.01, *** represent P<0.001, ns represent no significant difference; the same below.
Fig.1 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on shoot dry weight and phosphorus absorption of green manure
图2 施用磷矿粉对不同绿肥处理土壤pH和磷酸酶活性的影响WF: 冬闲处理Winter fallow treatments. 下同The same below.
Fig.2 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on soil pH and phosphatase activity in different green manure treatments
图3 施用磷矿粉对不同绿肥处理土壤总磷、有效磷、微生物生物量磷含量的影响
Fig.3 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on soil total phosphorus, available phosphorus and microbial biomass phosphorus content in different green manure treatments
处理 Treatment | 活性磷库 Labile P | 中等活性磷库 Moderately labile P | 稳定性磷库 Stable P |
WFP0 | 63.65±3.01a | 162.50±1.58a | 305.83±8.04c |
WFP1 | 65.37±1.06a | 161.14±0.94a | 404.08±3.08b |
WFP2 | 63.48±0.76a | 162.83±1.06a | 483.06±13.77a |
平均值Average | 64.17±1.02A | 162.15±0.68A | 397.66±22.40A |
MVP0 | 67.95±1.72a | 151.61±0.43a | 303.64±6.31b |
MVP1 | 63.14±1.63ab | 155.93±2.53a | 417.55±13.77a |
MVP2 | 59.89±2.52b | 141.92±2.08b | 437.02±7.89a |
平均值Average | 63.66±1.44A | 149.82±2.03B | 86.07±18.47A |
RAP0 | 66.56±1.72a | 152.25±1.81ab | 306.48±7.19c |
RAP1 | 68.56±2.40a | 154.93±1.39a | 384.84±6.65b |
RAP2 | 65.94±1.87a | 148.66±2.80b | 449.60±18.87a |
平均值Average | 67.02±1.11A | 151.95±1.34B | 380.30±18.77A |
RYP0 | 60.83±1.90b | 144.28±2.30c | 316.95±7.05c |
RYP1 | 66.31±1.22a | 150.60±1.24b | 397.63±16.57b |
RYP2 | 65.14±1.54ab | 156.35±1.90a | 476.24±2.11a |
平均值Average | 64.1±1.09A | 150.41±1.78B | 396.97±20.36A |
GM | 2.02ns | 30.99*** | 1.94ns |
P | 1.41ns | 3.97* | 214.09*** |
GM×P | 2.15ns | 8.83*** | 2.15ns |
表2 施用磷矿粉对不同绿肥处理土壤磷库含量的影响
Table 2 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on phosphorus storage in different green manure treatments (mg·kg-1)
处理 Treatment | 活性磷库 Labile P | 中等活性磷库 Moderately labile P | 稳定性磷库 Stable P |
WFP0 | 63.65±3.01a | 162.50±1.58a | 305.83±8.04c |
WFP1 | 65.37±1.06a | 161.14±0.94a | 404.08±3.08b |
WFP2 | 63.48±0.76a | 162.83±1.06a | 483.06±13.77a |
平均值Average | 64.17±1.02A | 162.15±0.68A | 397.66±22.40A |
MVP0 | 67.95±1.72a | 151.61±0.43a | 303.64±6.31b |
MVP1 | 63.14±1.63ab | 155.93±2.53a | 417.55±13.77a |
MVP2 | 59.89±2.52b | 141.92±2.08b | 437.02±7.89a |
平均值Average | 63.66±1.44A | 149.82±2.03B | 86.07±18.47A |
RAP0 | 66.56±1.72a | 152.25±1.81ab | 306.48±7.19c |
RAP1 | 68.56±2.40a | 154.93±1.39a | 384.84±6.65b |
RAP2 | 65.94±1.87a | 148.66±2.80b | 449.60±18.87a |
平均值Average | 67.02±1.11A | 151.95±1.34B | 380.30±18.77A |
RYP0 | 60.83±1.90b | 144.28±2.30c | 316.95±7.05c |
RYP1 | 66.31±1.22a | 150.60±1.24b | 397.63±16.57b |
RYP2 | 65.14±1.54ab | 156.35±1.90a | 476.24±2.11a |
平均值Average | 64.1±1.09A | 150.41±1.78B | 396.97±20.36A |
GM | 2.02ns | 30.99*** | 1.94ns |
P | 1.41ns | 3.97* | 214.09*** |
GM×P | 2.15ns | 8.83*** | 2.15ns |
图4 施用磷矿粉对不同绿肥处理土壤磷分级占比的影响
Fig.4 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on proportion of soil phosphorus fractions in different green manure treatments
处理 | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
Treatment | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield |
WFP0 | 26.33±1.02e | 34.70±1.89a | 39.17±0.76a | 33.64±1.49a |
WFP1 | 30.33±2.31de | 32.51±2.86ab | 39.75±0.60a | 36.16±1.39a |
WFP2 | 28.91±3.70de | 31.51±1.50abc | 41.29±1.17a | 38.57±2.45a |
平均值Average | 28.52±1.37C | 32.90±1.19A | 40.07±0.53C | 36.12±1.14A |
MVP0 | 41.25±1.37ab | 29.79±0.92bc | 43.88±0.29b | 39.34±0.92a |
MVP1 | 41.95±0.94a | 30.38±0.48abc | 47.60±0.67a | 37.34±2.12a |
MVP2 | 45.87±0.65a | 32.72±2.46ab | 49.04±1.27a | 39.30±1.29a |
平均值Average | 43.02±0.81A | 30.97±0.89A | 46.84±0.79A | 38.66±0.85A |
RAP0 | 29.15±1.73de | 30.72±1.02abc | 42.75±1.16b | 37.27±1.58a |
RAP1 | 33.29±1.54cd | 32.31±1.90ab | 46.63±1.56a | 38.95±2.51a |
RAP2 | 30.47±2.25cde | 27.12±0.66c | 41.53±1.22b | 37.27±1.61a |
平均值Average | 30.97±1.10BC | 30.04±0.94A | 43.64±0.95B | 37.87±1.04A |
RYP0 | 32.57±2.44cd | 29.19±1.88bc | 41.58±0.39a | 40.37±2.56a |
RYP1 | 35.96±2.18bc | 31.30±1.49abc | 40.82±0.23a | 36.14±1.84a |
RYP2 | 33.41±2.10cd | 32.64±0.59ab | 40.46±0.61a | 39.50±1.34a |
平均值Average | 33.98±1.25B | 31.04±0.86A | 40.95±0.27C | 38.67±1.17A |
GM | 32.27*** | 1.60ns | 32.51*** | 1.28ns |
P | 2.73ns | 0.17ns | 4.17* | 0.75ns |
GM×P | 0.69ns | 1.82ns | 4.66** | 1.01ns |
表3 不同处理后茬水稻籽粒及秸秆产量
Table 3 Grain and yield of subsequent rice in different treatments (g·pot -1)
处理 | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
Treatment | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield |
WFP0 | 26.33±1.02e | 34.70±1.89a | 39.17±0.76a | 33.64±1.49a |
WFP1 | 30.33±2.31de | 32.51±2.86ab | 39.75±0.60a | 36.16±1.39a |
WFP2 | 28.91±3.70de | 31.51±1.50abc | 41.29±1.17a | 38.57±2.45a |
平均值Average | 28.52±1.37C | 32.90±1.19A | 40.07±0.53C | 36.12±1.14A |
MVP0 | 41.25±1.37ab | 29.79±0.92bc | 43.88±0.29b | 39.34±0.92a |
MVP1 | 41.95±0.94a | 30.38±0.48abc | 47.60±0.67a | 37.34±2.12a |
MVP2 | 45.87±0.65a | 32.72±2.46ab | 49.04±1.27a | 39.30±1.29a |
平均值Average | 43.02±0.81A | 30.97±0.89A | 46.84±0.79A | 38.66±0.85A |
RAP0 | 29.15±1.73de | 30.72±1.02abc | 42.75±1.16b | 37.27±1.58a |
RAP1 | 33.29±1.54cd | 32.31±1.90ab | 46.63±1.56a | 38.95±2.51a |
RAP2 | 30.47±2.25cde | 27.12±0.66c | 41.53±1.22b | 37.27±1.61a |
平均值Average | 30.97±1.10BC | 30.04±0.94A | 43.64±0.95B | 37.87±1.04A |
RYP0 | 32.57±2.44cd | 29.19±1.88bc | 41.58±0.39a | 40.37±2.56a |
RYP1 | 35.96±2.18bc | 31.30±1.49abc | 40.82±0.23a | 36.14±1.84a |
RYP2 | 33.41±2.10cd | 32.64±0.59ab | 40.46±0.61a | 39.50±1.34a |
平均值Average | 33.98±1.25B | 31.04±0.86A | 40.95±0.27C | 38.67±1.17A |
GM | 32.27*** | 1.60ns | 32.51*** | 1.28ns |
P | 2.73ns | 0.17ns | 4.17* | 0.75ns |
GM×P | 0.69ns | 1.82ns | 4.66** | 1.01ns |
处理 Treatment | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | 籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | |
WFP0 | 78.67±4.97g | 75.95±3.59a | 112.04±11.03bcd | 25.29±1.35cd |
WFP1 | 94.30±3.02ef | 62.29±4.39bc | 120.7±10.57bc | 28.93±2.71bc |
WFP2 | 94.39±7.36ef | 54.58±4.91bcde | 106.34±8.90cd | 37.09±2.70a |
平均值Average | 89.12±3.60C | 64.27±3.50A | 113.03±5.62BC | 30.44±1.92AB |
MVP0 | 106.87±5.33cde | 46.80±3.29def | 117.02±5.99bc | 22.69±2.06d |
MVP1 | 143.57±6.93a | 36.66±4.84f | 152.43±11.81a | 27.37±2.15bcd |
MVP2 | 131.81±4.97ab | 65.82±5.66ab | 129.24±2.94bc | 28.90±1.44bc |
平均值Average | 127.42±5.52A | 49.76±4.40B | 132.95±6.02A | 26.32±1.27C |
RAP0 | 91.73±2.87fg | 43.17±2.46ef | 92.07±2.38d | 26.55±0.22bcd |
RAP1 | 96.43±5.03def | 56.58±4.90bcd | 105.06±10.54cd | 30.35±2.14bc |
RAP2 | 101.71±4.48def | 46.63±1.86def | 112.96±9.57bcd | 26.52±0.50bcd |
平均值Average | 96.62±2.53C | 48.79±2.45B | 103.36±5.07C | 27.78±0.85BC |
RYP0 | 98.64±3.51def | 42.44±3.13ef | 113.11±3.45bcd | 29.59±0.48bc |
RYP1 | 118.42±2.72bc | 50.32±6.47cde | 113.40±4.50bcd | 30.71±1.82b |
RYP2 | 110.27±5.96cd | 50.29±6.10cde | 130.84±8.93ab | 37.03±1.82a |
平均值Average | 109.11±3.32B | 47.68±3.05B | 119.09±4.06B | 32.43±1.26A |
GM | 33.84*** | 8.96*** | 6.42*** | 6.82*** |
P | 16.77*** | 0.45ns | 3.30* | 12.39*** |
GM×P | 1.89ns | 6.47*** | 1.78ns | 2.81* |
表4 不同处理后茬水稻地上部磷吸收量
Table 4 Shoot phosphorus absorption of subsequent rice in different treatments (mg·pot -1)
处理 Treatment | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | 籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | |
WFP0 | 78.67±4.97g | 75.95±3.59a | 112.04±11.03bcd | 25.29±1.35cd |
WFP1 | 94.30±3.02ef | 62.29±4.39bc | 120.7±10.57bc | 28.93±2.71bc |
WFP2 | 94.39±7.36ef | 54.58±4.91bcde | 106.34±8.90cd | 37.09±2.70a |
平均值Average | 89.12±3.60C | 64.27±3.50A | 113.03±5.62BC | 30.44±1.92AB |
MVP0 | 106.87±5.33cde | 46.80±3.29def | 117.02±5.99bc | 22.69±2.06d |
MVP1 | 143.57±6.93a | 36.66±4.84f | 152.43±11.81a | 27.37±2.15bcd |
MVP2 | 131.81±4.97ab | 65.82±5.66ab | 129.24±2.94bc | 28.90±1.44bc |
平均值Average | 127.42±5.52A | 49.76±4.40B | 132.95±6.02A | 26.32±1.27C |
RAP0 | 91.73±2.87fg | 43.17±2.46ef | 92.07±2.38d | 26.55±0.22bcd |
RAP1 | 96.43±5.03def | 56.58±4.90bcd | 105.06±10.54cd | 30.35±2.14bc |
RAP2 | 101.71±4.48def | 46.63±1.86def | 112.96±9.57bcd | 26.52±0.50bcd |
平均值Average | 96.62±2.53C | 48.79±2.45B | 103.36±5.07C | 27.78±0.85BC |
RYP0 | 98.64±3.51def | 42.44±3.13ef | 113.11±3.45bcd | 29.59±0.48bc |
RYP1 | 118.42±2.72bc | 50.32±6.47cde | 113.40±4.50bcd | 30.71±1.82b |
RYP2 | 110.27±5.96cd | 50.29±6.10cde | 130.84±8.93ab | 37.03±1.82a |
平均值Average | 109.11±3.32B | 47.68±3.05B | 119.09±4.06B | 32.43±1.26A |
GM | 33.84*** | 8.96*** | 6.42*** | 6.82*** |
P | 16.77*** | 0.45ns | 3.30* | 12.39*** |
GM×P | 1.89ns | 6.47*** | 1.78ns | 2.81* |
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