草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 91-100.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022173
郑甲成1(), 余婕1(
), 李凡1, 黄小奕1, 李杰勤1, 陈海州3, 王歆1, 詹秋文1(
), 徐兆师2(
E-mail: xuzhaoshi@caas.cn基金资助:
Jia-cheng ZHENG1(), Jie YU1(
), Fan LI1, Xiao-yi HUANG1, Jie-qin LI1, Hai-zhou CHEN3, Xin WANG1, Qiu-wen ZHAN1(
), Zhao-shi XU2(
Qiu-wen ZHAN,Zhao-shi XU
为了分析SbER10_X1调控高粱光合作用和生物产量的功能特性,本研究以高粱SbER10_X1基因过表达株系(SbERex)、目的基因沉默株系(SbERin)和野生型对照株系(WT)为材料,鉴定转基因株系的阳性和目的基因表达水平,挑选SbERex 5和SbERin 6株系,切片观察茎秆细胞大小,测定主茎秆内植物激素含量,分析光合作用相关参数,并连续两年调查生物量相关指标。结果表明:与WT株系相比,SbERex 5茎秆中赤霉素含量显著增加,脱落酸含量显著降低,导致过表达株系茎秆细胞显著增大,株高显著增加,而SbERin 6株系的赤霉素含量显著减少,脱落酸含量显著升高,但主茎秆细胞大小变化不显著。SbERex 5株系的光合速率和水分利用效率显著增加,引起SbERex 5的株高、分蘖数、叶面积、单株产量和单株生物量显著高于WT,而SbERin 6仅存在减小趋势。结果表明SbER10_X1可以影响植物激素合成,导致高粱细胞体积增大,光合能力增强,有效提升饲用高粱生物产量。
郑甲成, 余婕, 李凡, 黄小奕, 李杰勤, 陈海州, 王歆, 詹秋文, 徐兆师. SbER10_X1调控饲用高粱光合作用和生物产量的功能特性分析[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(4): 91-100.
Jia-cheng ZHENG, Jie YU, Fan LI, Xiao-yi HUANG, Jie-qin LI, Hai-zhou CHEN, Xin WANG, Qiu-wen ZHAN, Zhao-shi XU. Functional characterization of the role of SbER10_X1 in regulating photosynthesis and biomass of sorghum forage[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 91-100.
图1 转基因高粱不同株系阳性鉴定A为目标基因过表达株系SbERex,泳道1~6分别为SbERex 1~6株系,7为WT株系,8为阴性对照。B为目标基因沉默株系SbERin,泳道1~5分别为SbERin 6、SbERin 8、SbERin 9、SbERin 15和SbERin 16株系,6为阴性对照。+表示检测为阳性单株,-表示检测为阴性单株,I~Ⅳ表示4次生物学重复,M为DL2000 marker。A was target gene overexpression lines SbERex, lane 1-6 were SbERex 1-6 lines, 7 was WT line, 8 was negative control, B was target gene silence lines SbERin, lane 1-5 were SbERin 6, SbERin 8, SbERin 9, SbERin 15 and SbERin 16, respectively, 6 was negative control. “+” represented the positive plants, “-” represented the negative plants, I-Ⅳ were four biological replications, M was DL2000 marker.
Fig.1 Positive identification of different transgenic sorghum lines (n=4)
图2 高粱不同转基因株系SbER10_X1基因的表达水平分析A: SbER10_X1过表达株系SbER10_X1 overexpression lines; B: 目标基因沉默株系SbER10_X1 gene silencing lines; 不同大写字母表示差异显著(P<0.01)Different capital letters indicate significant differences (P<0.01).
Fig.2 Relative expression of SbER10_X1 in different transgenic sorghum lines (n=4)
图3 转基因高粱茎秆细胞切片分析A: 高粱茎秆外表面扫描电镜分析The outer surface scanning of sorghum stem by electron microscopic; B: 高粱茎秆外表面气孔密度Stomatal density of outer surface of sorghum stem; C: 高粱茎秆外表面气孔细胞大小Stomatal cell size of outer surface of sorghum stem; 不同小写字母表示同一指标中不同株系间差异显著(P<0.05)Different lowercase letters indicate the significant differences among different lines inside the same index (P<0.05); 下同The same below.
Fig.3 Stem cell section analysis of transgenic sorghum lines (n=60)
株系Line | 生长素IAA | 脱落酸ABA | 赤霉素GA3 |
WT | 3.49±0.14a | 3.16±0.07b | 0.24±0.01b |
SbERex 5 | 3.26±0.08a | 2.38±0.08c | 0.39±0.00a |
SbERin 6 | 3.58±0.20a | 10.95±0.08a | 0.18±0.00c |
表1 转基因高粱茎秆内源激素含量
Table 1 Endogenous hormone content of transgenic sorghum stem (n=6, ng·g-1)
株系Line | 生长素IAA | 脱落酸ABA | 赤霉素GA3 |
WT | 3.49±0.14a | 3.16±0.07b | 0.24±0.01b |
SbERex 5 | 3.26±0.08a | 2.38±0.08c | 0.39±0.00a |
SbERin 6 | 3.58±0.20a | 10.95±0.08a | 0.18±0.00c |
指标 Index | 株系 Lines | 年份 Year | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | |
2020 | 2021 | |||
株高 Plant height (cm) | WT | 131.37±3.51b | 132.13±2.65b | 0.41 |
SbERex 5 | 156.31±3.14a | 154.54±1.53a | 0.81 | |
SbERin 6 | 120.16±2.08c | 116.73±3.51c | 3.21 | |
叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | WT | 212.52±7.00b | 207.63±15.40b | 1.65 |
SbERex 5 | 232.79±10.70a | 231.94±18.15a | 0.26 | |
SbERin 6 | 195.46±12.06b | 197.71±10.90b | 0.85 | |
分蘖数 Tiller number | WT | 4.60±1.00b | 4.80±1.00b | 2.63 |
SbERex 5 | 7.60±1.15a | 8.00±0.58a | 3.63 | |
SbERin 6 | 4.40±0.58b | 4.30±0.58b | 1.63 | |
主茎粗 Main stem diameter (mm) | WT | 28.91±2.12a | 27.89±1.65a | 2.54 |
SbERex 5 | 30.95±1.34a | 30.71±2.00a | 0.55 | |
SbERin 6 | 28.33±3.82a | 28.97±4.99a | 1.58 | |
主茎穗长 Main stem spike length (cm) | WT | 32.17±1.53a | 32.32±0.58a | 0.33 |
SbERex 5 | 33.42±2.08a | 32.67±1.53a | 1.60 | |
SbERin 6 | 31.11±1.15a | 30.38±1.16a | 1.68 | |
单株产量 Yield per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 31.36±3.84b | 31.27±3.80b | 0.20 |
SbERex 5 | 39.02±3.48a | 39.30±3.50a | 0.51 | |
SbERin 6 | 29.52±1.14b | 29.53±1.15b | 0.02 | |
单株生物量 Biomass per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 386.35±20.40b | 382.45±35.90b | 0.72 |
SbERex 5 | 576.38±5.93a | 574.74±7.07a | 0.20 | |
SbERin 6 | 373.19±13.47b | 372.99±13.55b | 0.04 |
表2 转基因高粱生物量相关性状分析
Table 2 Biomass-related traits of transgenic sorghum lines (n=10)
指标 Index | 株系 Lines | 年份 Year | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | |
2020 | 2021 | |||
株高 Plant height (cm) | WT | 131.37±3.51b | 132.13±2.65b | 0.41 |
SbERex 5 | 156.31±3.14a | 154.54±1.53a | 0.81 | |
SbERin 6 | 120.16±2.08c | 116.73±3.51c | 3.21 | |
叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | WT | 212.52±7.00b | 207.63±15.40b | 1.65 |
SbERex 5 | 232.79±10.70a | 231.94±18.15a | 0.26 | |
SbERin 6 | 195.46±12.06b | 197.71±10.90b | 0.85 | |
分蘖数 Tiller number | WT | 4.60±1.00b | 4.80±1.00b | 2.63 |
SbERex 5 | 7.60±1.15a | 8.00±0.58a | 3.63 | |
SbERin 6 | 4.40±0.58b | 4.30±0.58b | 1.63 | |
主茎粗 Main stem diameter (mm) | WT | 28.91±2.12a | 27.89±1.65a | 2.54 |
SbERex 5 | 30.95±1.34a | 30.71±2.00a | 0.55 | |
SbERin 6 | 28.33±3.82a | 28.97±4.99a | 1.58 | |
主茎穗长 Main stem spike length (cm) | WT | 32.17±1.53a | 32.32±0.58a | 0.33 |
SbERex 5 | 33.42±2.08a | 32.67±1.53a | 1.60 | |
SbERin 6 | 31.11±1.15a | 30.38±1.16a | 1.68 | |
单株产量 Yield per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 31.36±3.84b | 31.27±3.80b | 0.20 |
SbERex 5 | 39.02±3.48a | 39.30±3.50a | 0.51 | |
SbERin 6 | 29.52±1.14b | 29.53±1.15b | 0.02 | |
单株生物量 Biomass per plant (g·plant-1) | WT | 386.35±20.40b | 382.45±35.90b | 0.72 |
SbERex 5 | 576.38±5.93a | 574.74±7.07a | 0.20 | |
SbERin 6 | 373.19±13.47b | 372.99±13.55b | 0.04 |
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