草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 79-90.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022141
E-mail: zhuhuisen@126.com基金资助:
Shi-min ZHANG(), Jiao-yang ZHAO, Hui-sen ZHU(
), Kai WEI, Yong-xin WANG
Hui-sen ZHU
为了探究外源硒对不同品种紫花苜蓿种子萌发阶段糖、氮物质转化,发芽指标和形态建成的影响,以甘农3号、DS310FY及中苜5号紫花苜蓿为对象,设置5个亚硒酸钠浓度(0、0.3、0.6、1.2、2.4 mg·L-1),培养10 d后测定苜蓿种子的发芽率,表型及生理指标和硒含量,并运用综合分析和相关性分析探究各生理指标与表型的关系,以筛选出最适宜的硒浓度和潜在的硒营养强化材料。结果表明:施硒处理4 d,DS310FY和甘农3号苜蓿幼苗的还原糖含量、可溶性糖含量及发芽势均在0.6 mg·L-1硒处理下显著高于对照(P<0.05);施硒处理10 d,0.3、0.6 mg·L-1硒处理下DS310FY和甘农3号苜蓿幼苗的还原糖含量、硝酸还原酶活性、发芽率及发芽指数都显著高于对照(P<0.05);而甘农3号苜蓿幼苗的胚芽长及DS310FY苜蓿幼苗的总氨基酸含量、活力指数、胚芽长、胚根长及单株鲜重,施硒后的最大值相比对照均显著提高(P<0.05);另外,0.3 mg·L-1硒处理下相比对照也显著提高了中苜5号苜蓿幼苗的蔗糖含量、发芽率及胚根直径(P<0.05)。相关性分析和各指标的变化趋势表明,苜蓿幼苗糖的积累和转化主要促进胚根的发育,而氮的积累和转化主要促进胚芽的伸长和单株鲜重的增加。因此,施硒后糖转化效率的提高主要促进苜蓿种子的萌发,而氮转化效率的提高主要促进苜蓿幼苗的形态建成。综上,以0.6 mg·L-1硒处理下DS310FY紫花苜蓿发芽阶段的物质转化和形态建成综合表现最佳,更适宜进行硒的营养强化。
张士敏, 赵娇阳, 朱慧森, 卫凯, 王永新. 硒对不同品种紫花苜蓿发芽阶段物质转化和形态建成的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(4): 79-90.
Shi-min ZHANG, Jiao-yang ZHAO, Hui-sen ZHU, Kai WEI, Yong-xin WANG. Effects of selenium on metabolic transformation and morphogenesis in different varieties of alfalfa during the germination stage[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 79-90.
图1 施硒对不同品种苜蓿种子萌发的影响GN3:甘农3号M. sativa cv. Gannong No.3; ZM5: 中苜5号M. sativa Zhongmu No.5; 同一品种紫花苜蓿施硒处理,不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),下同。The same variety of alfalfa treated with selenium, different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05), the same below.
Fig. 1 Effect of selenium application on seed germination of different varieties of alfalfa
图2 施硒对不同品种苜蓿种子萌发后形态建成的影响
Fig. 2 Effect of selenium application on morphological establishment of different varieties of alfalfa seeds after germination
图3 施硒对不同品种苜蓿种子萌发后糖形态转化及氮转化的影响
Fig. 3 Effect of selenium application on sugar morphological transformation and nitrogen transformation in different varieties of alfalfa seed germination stage
处理 Treatments | 指标 Index | 甘农3号 Gannong No.3 | DS310FY | 中苜5号 Zhongmu No.5 |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽势Germination potential (%) | 90.50±0.58a | 90.25±1.71a | 82.25±2.06b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽指数Germination index | 206.55±1.77a | 208.07±3.89a | 161.77±4.17b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 活力指数Vigor index | 5.34±0.30a | 5.58±0.32a | 4.20±0.20b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase (μg NO2-·g-1FW·h-1) | 42.02±2.63a | 36.64±2.01ab | 33.71±3.40b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY2 | 胚芽长Epicotyl length (mm) | 35.94±2.14b | 42.32±2.18a | 43.95±3.82a |
GSY2, DSY4, ZMCK | 胚根长Hypocotyl length (mm) | 19.10±1.55b | 22.98±1.11a | 24.42±1.15a |
GSY2, DSY2, ZMY4 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 4 d (%) | 4.46±0.18b | 5.45±0.29a | 4.56±0.35b |
GSY2, DSY1, ZMY2 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 10 d (%) | 3.02±0.13b | 3.04±0.19b | 3.91±0.25a |
GSY3, DSY3, ZMY4 | 蔗糖Sucrose of 10 d (%) | 4.11±0.20b | 5.46±0.16a | 5.34±0.25a |
GSY1, DSY1, ZMY1 | 总氨基酸Total amino acid (μg·g-1) | 434.24±35.37b | 512.62±21.15a | 436.20±23.97b |
GSY3, DSY1, ZMY1 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar of 4 d (%) | 1.72±0.11b | 2.06±0.14a | 2.19±0.10a |
表1 施硒后不同品种苜蓿发芽指标的综合对比分析
Table 1 Comprehensive comparative analysis of germination indicators of different varieties of alfalfa after selenium application
处理 Treatments | 指标 Index | 甘农3号 Gannong No.3 | DS310FY | 中苜5号 Zhongmu No.5 |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽势Germination potential (%) | 90.50±0.58a | 90.25±1.71a | 82.25±2.06b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 发芽指数Germination index | 206.55±1.77a | 208.07±3.89a | 161.77±4.17b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 活力指数Vigor index | 5.34±0.30a | 5.58±0.32a | 4.20±0.20b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY1 | 硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase (μg NO2-·g-1FW·h-1) | 42.02±2.63a | 36.64±2.01ab | 33.71±3.40b |
GSY1, DSY2, ZMY2 | 胚芽长Epicotyl length (mm) | 35.94±2.14b | 42.32±2.18a | 43.95±3.82a |
GSY2, DSY4, ZMCK | 胚根长Hypocotyl length (mm) | 19.10±1.55b | 22.98±1.11a | 24.42±1.15a |
GSY2, DSY2, ZMY4 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 4 d (%) | 4.46±0.18b | 5.45±0.29a | 4.56±0.35b |
GSY2, DSY1, ZMY2 | 还原糖Reducing sugar of 10 d (%) | 3.02±0.13b | 3.04±0.19b | 3.91±0.25a |
GSY3, DSY3, ZMY4 | 蔗糖Sucrose of 10 d (%) | 4.11±0.20b | 5.46±0.16a | 5.34±0.25a |
GSY1, DSY1, ZMY1 | 总氨基酸Total amino acid (μg·g-1) | 434.24±35.37b | 512.62±21.15a | 436.20±23.97b |
GSY3, DSY1, ZMY1 | 可溶性糖Soluble sugar of 4 d (%) | 1.72±0.11b | 2.06±0.14a | 2.19±0.10a |
图5 施硒后苜蓿种子萌发及生理指标间的相关性分析图中数字代表两个相交叉指标的相关性P值,无数字代表具有显著相关性(P<0.05);其中“+”代表显著正相关,“-”代表显著负相关;圆形面积越大,颜色越深,代表相关系数越高。The number in the figure represents the correlation P value of the two intersecting indicators, and no number represent significant correlation (P<0.05); “+” represents a significant positive correlation, and “-” represents a significant negative correlation; the larger the circle area, the darker the color, the higher the correlation coefficient. TAA: 总氨基酸Total amino acids; GP: 发芽势Germination potential; GR: 发芽率Germination rate; GI: 发芽指数Germination index; VI: 活力指数Vigor index; EL: 胚芽长Epicotyl length; HL: 胚根长Hypocotyl length; HD: 胚根直径Hypocotyl diameter; FW: 单株鲜重Fresh weight per plant; DW: 干重占比Dry weight proportion; RS-4: 还原糖4天Reducing sugar for 4 d; RS-10: 还原糖10天Reducing sugar for 10 d; SuC: 蔗糖Sucrose; SS: 可溶性糖Soluble sugar; NR: 硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase; SeC: 硒含量Selenium content.
Fig. 5 Correlation analysis between alfalfa seed germination and physiological indicators after selenium application
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