草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (10): 1-13.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023446
• 研究论文 •
Corresponding author. E-mail: zczhou@snnu.edu.cn基金资助:
Fang LIU(), Pei-pei WANG, Yu-ying CAO, Jun-e LIU, Zheng-chao ZHOU(
Zheng-chao ZHOU
为控制黄土高原严重的水土流失,我国实施了大规模的植被恢复,生态环境得到改善。阐明植被恢复过程中不同根系类型对土壤性质的影响差异,有利于完善黄土高原植被恢复优选模式的系统性研究,为黄土高原后续生态恢复提供参考。本研究选取黄土高原自然恢复优势种长芒草(须根系)和铁杆蒿(直根系)为研究对象,以退耕一年的裸地为对照,测定根系特征与土壤理化性质,分析不同直径下根系分布规律及其与土壤理化性质的关系。结果表明:1)长芒草和铁杆蒿根系特征差异显著,须根系长芒草极细根(直径,D<0.5 mm)根长密度(RLD)和根表面积密度(RSAD)占比较高,分别为94.73%和90.20%。直根系铁杆蒿主根优势明显,表现出较高的根质量密度(RMD)、平均直径(RD)和根体积密度(RVD)。其中,铁杆蒿粗根RLD(16.28%)和RSAD(32.85%)的占比明显高于长芒草。2)与裸地相比,长芒草与铁杆蒿显著改善土壤结构,提高土壤稳定性。长芒草与铁杆蒿根系主要聚集在0~20 cm土层,对表层土壤的理化性质影响最大。其中,铁杆蒿群落土壤团聚体稳定性和土壤持水性最高,土壤团聚体平均重量直径(2.04 mm)、毛管持水量(24.69%)及饱和含水量(34.93%)分别是裸地的4.33、1.36和1.31倍。长芒草群落土壤有机质含量(7.23 g·kg-1)最高。3)植物根系特征显著影响土壤性质,细根RLD与RSAD对土壤理化性质的影响最显著。细根RLD和RSAD与土壤容重显著负相关(P<0.05),与土壤孔隙度显著正相关(P<0.05),极细根(D<0.5 mm)与有机质含量极显著正相关(P<0.01)。主成分分析结果显示,长芒草与铁杆蒿改善土壤性质的差异主要体现在土壤团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、有机质含量(SOM)和土壤含水量(SWC)。
刘芳, 王佩佩, 曹玉莹, 刘俊娥, 周正朝. 黄土高原典型草本植物根系分布特征及其对土壤理化性质的影响研究[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(10): 1-13.
Fang LIU, Pei-pei WANG, Yu-ying CAO, Jun-e LIU, Zheng-chao ZHOU. Root distribution characteristics of typical herbaceous plants and their effects on soil physicochemical properties on the Loess Plateau[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(10): 1-13.
坡点Slope code | 经度Longitude (E) | 纬度Latitude (N) | 海拔Elevation (m) | 坡度Slope ( | 砂粒Sand (%) | 粉粒Silt (%) | 黏粒Clay (%) |
长芒草S. bungeana-1 | 110 | 38 | 1221.60 | 13 | 59.00 | 33.93 | 4.08 |
长芒草S. bungeana-2 | 110 | 38 | 1224.12 | 15 | 56.72 | 35.34 | 4.94 |
长芒草S. bungeana-3 | 110 | 38 | 1218.77 | 15 | 54.27 | 40.49 | 5.25 |
铁杆蒿A. gmelinii-1 | 110 | 38 | 1228.15 | 15 | 58.18 | 36.67 | 5.15 |
铁杆蒿A. gmelinii-2 | 110 | 38 | 1209.74 | 13 | 52.75 | 41.57 | 5.69 |
铁杆蒿A.gmelinii-3 | 110 | 38 | 1205.14 | 16 | 51.62 | 43.70 | 4.67 |
裸地CK | 110 | 38 | 1131.42 | 16 | 70.12 | 25.90 | 3.98 |
表1 各样地基本信息
Table 1 Basic situation of each sample
坡点Slope code | 经度Longitude (E) | 纬度Latitude (N) | 海拔Elevation (m) | 坡度Slope ( | 砂粒Sand (%) | 粉粒Silt (%) | 黏粒Clay (%) |
长芒草S. bungeana-1 | 110 | 38 | 1221.60 | 13 | 59.00 | 33.93 | 4.08 |
长芒草S. bungeana-2 | 110 | 38 | 1224.12 | 15 | 56.72 | 35.34 | 4.94 |
长芒草S. bungeana-3 | 110 | 38 | 1218.77 | 15 | 54.27 | 40.49 | 5.25 |
铁杆蒿A. gmelinii-1 | 110 | 38 | 1228.15 | 15 | 58.18 | 36.67 | 5.15 |
铁杆蒿A. gmelinii-2 | 110 | 38 | 1209.74 | 13 | 52.75 | 41.57 | 5.69 |
铁杆蒿A.gmelinii-3 | 110 | 38 | 1205.14 | 16 | 51.62 | 43.70 | 4.67 |
裸地CK | 110 | 38 | 1131.42 | 16 | 70.12 | 25.90 | 3.98 |
植物类型 Plant type | 根质量密度 Root mass density RMD (mg·cm-3) | 平均直径 Root diameter RD (mm) | 根长密度 Root length density RLD (cm·cm-3) | 根表面积密度 Root surface area density RSAD (cm2·cm-3) | 根体积密度 Root volume density RVD (102·cm3·cm-3) |
长芒草(S) | 0.53±0.08* | 0.26±0.01* | 1.15±0.16* | 0.10±0.01* | 0.09±0.01 |
铁杆蒿(A) | 3.10±0.42* | 0.43±0.03* | 0.66±0.07* | 0.06±0.01* | 0.13±0.04 |
表2 不同植物群落的根系特征
Table 2 Root characteristics of different plant communities
植物类型 Plant type | 根质量密度 Root mass density RMD (mg·cm-3) | 平均直径 Root diameter RD (mm) | 根长密度 Root length density RLD (cm·cm-3) | 根表面积密度 Root surface area density RSAD (cm2·cm-3) | 根体积密度 Root volume density RVD (102·cm3·cm-3) |
长芒草(S) | 0.53±0.08* | 0.26±0.01* | 1.15±0.16* | 0.10±0.01* | 0.09±0.01 |
铁杆蒿(A) | 3.10±0.42* | 0.43±0.03* | 0.66±0.07* | 0.06±0.01* | 0.13±0.04 |
图2 不同植物群落根质量密度与平均直径不同大写字母表示不同植物群落差异显著(P<0.05),不同小写字母表示不同土层差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Different capital letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences between plant communities, and different lowercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among soil layers. The same below.
Fig.2 Root mass density and mean diameter of different plant communities
植物类型 Plant type | 径级 Diameter (D, mm) | 根长密度Root length density (cm·cm-3) | 占根系总根长百分比 Percentage of total root length (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | |||
长芒草 S. bungeana | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 1.629±0.884a | 0.548±0.291a | 0.193±0.100a | 94.73 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.107±0.087b | 0.012±0.006b | 0.003±0.002b | 4.76 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.013±0.003b | - | - | 0.51 | |
铁杆蒿 A. gmelinii | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.644±0.313a | 0.363±0.164a | 0.084±0.052a | 71.26 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.129±0.088b | 0.059±0.015b | 0.011±0.002b | 12.46 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.186±0.065b | 0.060±0.024b | 0.017±0.004b | 16.28 |
表3 不同植物群落不同直径不同土层深度的根长密度
Table 3 Root length density of different plant communities with different diameters and soil depths
植物类型 Plant type | 径级 Diameter (D, mm) | 根长密度Root length density (cm·cm-3) | 占根系总根长百分比 Percentage of total root length (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | |||
长芒草 S. bungeana | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 1.629±0.884a | 0.548±0.291a | 0.193±0.100a | 94.73 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.107±0.087b | 0.012±0.006b | 0.003±0.002b | 4.76 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.013±0.003b | - | - | 0.51 | |
铁杆蒿 A. gmelinii | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.644±0.313a | 0.363±0.164a | 0.084±0.052a | 71.26 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.129±0.088b | 0.059±0.015b | 0.011±0.002b | 12.46 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.186±0.065b | 0.060±0.024b | 0.017±0.004b | 16.28 |
植物类型 Plant type | 径级 Diameter (D, mm) | 根表面积密度Root surface area density (cm2·cm-3) | 占根系总根表面积百分比 Percentage of total root surface area (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | |||
长芒草 S. bungeana | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.141±0.074a | 0.042±0.020a | 0.015±0.007a | 90.20 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.019±0.016b | 0.002±0.001b | 0.001±0.000b | 9.54 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.011±0.001b | - | - | 0.26 | |
铁杆蒿 A. gmelinii | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.044±0.025a | 0.027±0.011a | 0.006±0.004a | 45.42 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.025±0.016a | 0.012±0.003b | 0.002±0.002b | 21.73 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.043±0.013a | 0.021±0.007ab | 0.003±0.001b | 32.85 |
表4 不同植物群落不同直径不同土层深度的根表面积密度
Table 4 Root surface area density of different plant communities with different diameters and soil depths
植物类型 Plant type | 径级 Diameter (D, mm) | 根表面积密度Root surface area density (cm2·cm-3) | 占根系总根表面积百分比 Percentage of total root surface area (%) | ||
0~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | |||
长芒草 S. bungeana | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.141±0.074a | 0.042±0.020a | 0.015±0.007a | 90.20 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.019±0.016b | 0.002±0.001b | 0.001±0.000b | 9.54 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.011±0.001b | - | - | 0.26 | |
铁杆蒿 A. gmelinii | 极细根(V) (0≤D<0.5) | 0.044±0.025a | 0.027±0.011a | 0.006±0.004a | 45.42 |
细根(F) (0.5≤D<2.0) | 0.025±0.016a | 0.012±0.003b | 0.002±0.002b | 21.73 | |
粗根(C) (D≥2.0) | 0.043±0.013a | 0.021±0.007ab | 0.003±0.001b | 32.85 |
图3 不同植物群落的土壤容重不同大写字母表示不同植物群落间差异显著(P<0.05),不同小写字母表示不同土层间差异显著(P<0.05)。Different capital letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among plant communities, and different lowercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among soil layers.
Fig.3 Soil bulk density of different plant communities
图5 不同植物群落的土壤团聚体不同大写字母表示同一粒径不同样地差异显著(P<0.05),不同小写字母表示同一样地不同粒径差异显著(P<0.05)。Different capital letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among different samples of the same size, and different lowercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among different size of the same sample. MWD: 平均重量直径 Mean weight diameter.
Fig.5 Soil aggregates of different plant communities
图6 不同植物群落的持水特征SWC: 土壤含水量Soil water content; CHC: 毛管持水量Capillary water holding content; SWHC: 饱和持水量Saturated water holding content. 不同大写字母表示不同植物群落间差异显著(P<0.05),不同小写字母表示不同土层间差异显著(P<0.05)。Different capital letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among plant communities, and different lowercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among soil layers.
Fig.6 Water retention characteristics of different plant communities
图8 根系参数与土壤性质相关关系分析**:P<0.01;*:P<0.05;RMD:根质量密度Root mass density;RD:根系直径Root diameter;RLD-V:极细根根长密度Very fine root’s root length density;RLD-F:细根根长密度Fine root’s root length density;RLD-C:粗根根长密度Coarse root’s root length density;RSAD-V:极细根根表面积密度Very fine root’s root surface area density;RSAD-F:细根根表面积密度Fine root’s root surface area density;RSAD-C:粗根根表面积密度Coarse root’s root surface area density;RVD:根体积密度Root volume density;BD:土壤容重Bulk density;TP:总孔隙度Total porosity;CP:毛管孔隙度Capillary porosity;NCP:非毛管孔隙度Non-capillary porosity;SWC:土壤含水量Soil water content;CHC:毛管持水量Capillary water holding content;SWHC:饱和含水量Saturated water holding content;MWD:平均重量直径Mean weight diameter;SOM:土壤有机质含量Soil organic matter content. 下同 The same below.
Fig.8 Analysis of the correlations between root morphological parameters and soil physicochemical properties
指标Index | PC1 | PC2 |
土壤容重Bulk density, BD | -0.994 | 0.032 |
土壤总孔隙度Total porosity, TP | 0.994 | -0.032 |
毛管持水量Capillary water holding content, CHC | 0.980 | -0.059 |
毛管孔隙度Capillary porosity, CP | 0.931 | -0.044 |
饱和持水量Saturated water holding content, SWHC | 0.510 | 0.152 |
平均重量直径Mean weight diameter, MWD | 0.163 | 0.829 |
土壤有机质含量Soil organic matter, SOM | 0.260 | -0.758 |
非毛管孔隙度Non-capillary porosity, NCP | -0.101 | 0.039 |
土壤含水量Soil water content, SWC | 0.029 | 0.531 |
特征值Eigenvalue | 4.321 | 1.836 |
方差贡献率Variance contribution ratio (%) | 48.02 | 20.40 |
累计方差贡献率Cumulative variance contribution ratio (%) | 48.02 | 68.42 |
表5 土壤性质主成分方差贡献率和载荷矩阵
Table 5 Principal component variance contribution rate and load matrix of soil properties
指标Index | PC1 | PC2 |
土壤容重Bulk density, BD | -0.994 | 0.032 |
土壤总孔隙度Total porosity, TP | 0.994 | -0.032 |
毛管持水量Capillary water holding content, CHC | 0.980 | -0.059 |
毛管孔隙度Capillary porosity, CP | 0.931 | -0.044 |
饱和持水量Saturated water holding content, SWHC | 0.510 | 0.152 |
平均重量直径Mean weight diameter, MWD | 0.163 | 0.829 |
土壤有机质含量Soil organic matter, SOM | 0.260 | -0.758 |
非毛管孔隙度Non-capillary porosity, NCP | -0.101 | 0.039 |
土壤含水量Soil water content, SWC | 0.029 | 0.531 |
特征值Eigenvalue | 4.321 | 1.836 |
方差贡献率Variance contribution ratio (%) | 48.02 | 20.40 |
累计方差贡献率Cumulative variance contribution ratio (%) | 48.02 | 68.42 |
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