草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 53-63.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021414
靳旭妹(), 王莹莹, 刘崇义, 陈新义, 龙明秀(
), 何树斌(
E-mail: heshubin@nwsuaf.edu.cn基金资助:
Xu-mei JIN(), Ying-ying WANG, Chong-yi LIU, Xin-yi CHEN, Ming-xiu LONG(
), Shu-bin HE(
Ming-xiu LONG,Shu-bin HE
为探究不同生草模式对关中地区有机猕猴桃园土壤养分及细菌群落的影响,试验设置多年生黑麦草+毛苕子(Mode 1)、多年生黑麦草+草木樨(Mode 2)、多年生黑麦草+白三叶(Mode 3)及鼠茅草(Mode 4),以自然生草处理为对照(CK),观察草种生长特性、研究生草对果园耕层(0~20 cm)土壤养分影响,采用高通量测序法分析细菌群落结构。结果表明:鼠茅草越冬率最高,样地杂草株数最少。人工生草较自然生草有机质提高了6.46%~38.63%,以多年生黑麦草+毛苕子效果更为明显,且该处理提高土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性最为显著,分别为3.37、44.17和3.46 mg·d-1·g-1。同时,与自然生草相比,多年生黑麦草+毛苕子、多年生黑麦草+草木樨和多年生黑麦草+白三叶提高了土壤细菌群落的丰富度和多样性,多年生黑麦草+毛苕子存在最多差异显著的细菌分支。综上,关中地区有机猕猴桃园种植多年生黑麦草+毛苕子在一定程度上有助于提高土壤有机质及养分含量,改善土壤微生态环境。
靳旭妹, 王莹莹, 刘崇义, 陈新义, 龙明秀, 何树斌. 生草对关中地区有机猕猴桃园土壤养分及细菌群落的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(10): 53-63.
Xu-mei JIN, Ying-ying WANG, Chong-yi LIU, Xin-yi CHEN, Ming-xiu LONG, Shu-bin HE. Effects on soil nutrients and bacterial communities of different cover crops in an organic kiwifruit orchard in the Guanzhong region of China[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(10): 53-63.
图 1 不同生草草种的越冬率A:多年生黑麦草L. perenne;B:毛苕子V. villosa;C:草木樨M. officinalis;D: 白三叶T. repens;E:鼠茅草V. myuros.不同小写字母表示不同处理之间差异显著 (P<0.05) 。Different letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
Fig.1 Overwintering rate of different grass species
处理 Treatment | 杂草株数 Number of weeds (plant·m-2) | 地上部鲜草产量 Aboveground fresh yield (g·m-2) |
CK | 197a | 742.01bc |
Mode 1 | 108d | 1107.41a |
Mode 2 | 129b | 705.57c |
Mode 3 | 124c | 690.74c |
Mode 4 | 49e | 885.18b |
表1 不同生草处理杂草发生情况和地上部鲜草产量
Table 1 Weed occurrence and aboveground fresh yield of different cover crops treatments
处理 Treatment | 杂草株数 Number of weeds (plant·m-2) | 地上部鲜草产量 Aboveground fresh yield (g·m-2) |
CK | 197a | 742.01bc |
Mode 1 | 108d | 1107.41a |
Mode 2 | 129b | 705.57c |
Mode 3 | 124c | 690.74c |
Mode 4 | 49e | 885.18b |
处理 Treatment | 土层 Soil layer | |||
0~5 cm | 5~10 cm | 10~15 cm | 15~20 cm | |
CK | 15.02±4.00a | 15.71±1.63a | 15.61±1.16a | 14.69±1.05a |
Mode 1 | 18.39±3.74a | 16.90±1.94a | 16.64±1.22a | 16.58±1.33a |
Mode 2 | 15.91±0.60a | 16.02±0.42a | 15.85±0.71a | 15.34±1.53a |
Mode 3 | 16.35±0.58a | 16.18±1.33a | 15.64±0.75a | 15.73±0.87a |
Mode 4 | 17.47±3.24a | 17.21±1.66a | 16.06±1.25a | 21.15±8.79a |
表2 不同生草处理对0~20 cm土层土壤含水量的影响
Table 2 Effect of different cover crops treatments on soil water content at a depth of 0-20 cm (%)
处理 Treatment | 土层 Soil layer | |||
0~5 cm | 5~10 cm | 10~15 cm | 15~20 cm | |
CK | 15.02±4.00a | 15.71±1.63a | 15.61±1.16a | 14.69±1.05a |
Mode 1 | 18.39±3.74a | 16.90±1.94a | 16.64±1.22a | 16.58±1.33a |
Mode 2 | 15.91±0.60a | 16.02±0.42a | 15.85±0.71a | 15.34±1.53a |
Mode 3 | 16.35±0.58a | 16.18±1.33a | 15.64±0.75a | 15.73±0.87a |
Mode 4 | 17.47±3.24a | 17.21±1.66a | 16.06±1.25a | 21.15±8.79a |
处理 Treatment | 酸碱度 pH | 有机质 Organic matter content (g·kg-1) | 微生物碳 Microbial biomass carbon(mg·kg-1) | 微生物氮 Microbial biomass nitrogen (mg·kg-1) | 脲酶活性 Urease activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 蔗糖酶活性 Sucrase activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 碱性磷酸酶活性 Alkaline phosphatase activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 过氧化氢酶活性 Catalase activity (mL·g-1) |
CK | 8.08±0.03ab | 18.43±0.50d | 251.70±33.38a | 20.03±3.08b | 2.41±0.18c | 27.47±1.78d | 2.87±0.07b | 5.03±0.04b |
Mode 1 | 8.09±0.02ab | 25.55±1.12a | 316.46±40.51a | 27.29±2.24a | 3.37±0.26a | 44.17±2.17a | 3.46±0.12a | 5.56±0.33ab |
Mode 2 | 8.10±0.02a | 19.62±0.51cd | 263.40±48.33a | 23.04±2.29ab | 2.91±0.11b | 32.43±1.54c | 2.89±0.04b | 5.87±0.30a |
Mode 3 | 8.09±0.06ab | 20.50±1.61c | 236.37±69.03a | 21.17±1.67b | 2.93±0.14b | 33.24±3.34bc | 2.97±0.01b | 5.48±0.41ab |
Mode 4 | 8.01±0.05b | 22.72±0.90b | 237.53±44.16a | 21.60±2.53b | 3.20±0.07ab | 37.21±1.31b | 3.29±0.19a | 5.84±0.10a |
表3 不同生草处理对土壤养分与酶活性的影响
Table 3 Effects of different cover crops treatments on soil chemical and biological characteristics
处理 Treatment | 酸碱度 pH | 有机质 Organic matter content (g·kg-1) | 微生物碳 Microbial biomass carbon(mg·kg-1) | 微生物氮 Microbial biomass nitrogen (mg·kg-1) | 脲酶活性 Urease activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 蔗糖酶活性 Sucrase activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 碱性磷酸酶活性 Alkaline phosphatase activity (mg·d-1·g-1) | 过氧化氢酶活性 Catalase activity (mL·g-1) |
CK | 8.08±0.03ab | 18.43±0.50d | 251.70±33.38a | 20.03±3.08b | 2.41±0.18c | 27.47±1.78d | 2.87±0.07b | 5.03±0.04b |
Mode 1 | 8.09±0.02ab | 25.55±1.12a | 316.46±40.51a | 27.29±2.24a | 3.37±0.26a | 44.17±2.17a | 3.46±0.12a | 5.56±0.33ab |
Mode 2 | 8.10±0.02a | 19.62±0.51cd | 263.40±48.33a | 23.04±2.29ab | 2.91±0.11b | 32.43±1.54c | 2.89±0.04b | 5.87±0.30a |
Mode 3 | 8.09±0.06ab | 20.50±1.61c | 236.37±69.03a | 21.17±1.67b | 2.93±0.14b | 33.24±3.34bc | 2.97±0.01b | 5.48±0.41ab |
Mode 4 | 8.01±0.05b | 22.72±0.90b | 237.53±44.16a | 21.60±2.53b | 3.20±0.07ab | 37.21±1.31b | 3.29±0.19a | 5.84±0.10a |
处理 Treatment | Chao1指数 Chao1 index | 特征序列数 Observed_otus | Goods_coverage指数 Goods_coverage index | Shannon指数 Shannon index |
CK | 2588.44±632.27a | 2420.33±535.99a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.38±0.29a |
Mode 1 | 2870.95±282.03a | 2672.67±662.29a | 0.99±0.00a | 10.57±0.35a |
Mode 2 | 2858.65±382.02a | 2688.33±258.54a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.54±0.18a |
Mode 3 | 3040.59±771.79a | 2787.67±333.01a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.54±0.20a |
Mode 4 | 2748.83±236.40a | 2557.67±202.23a | 0.99±0.01a | 10.38±0.21a |
表4 不同生草处理对土壤细菌Alpha多样性的影响
Table 4 Effect of different cover crops treatments on Alpha diversity of soil bacteria
处理 Treatment | Chao1指数 Chao1 index | 特征序列数 Observed_otus | Goods_coverage指数 Goods_coverage index | Shannon指数 Shannon index |
CK | 2588.44±632.27a | 2420.33±535.99a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.38±0.29a |
Mode 1 | 2870.95±282.03a | 2672.67±662.29a | 0.99±0.00a | 10.57±0.35a |
Mode 2 | 2858.65±382.02a | 2688.33±258.54a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.54±0.18a |
Mode 3 | 3040.59±771.79a | 2787.67±333.01a | 0.98±0.01a | 10.54±0.20a |
Mode 4 | 2748.83±236.40a | 2557.67±202.23a | 0.99±0.01a | 10.38±0.21a |
图6 土壤细菌群落结构与环境因子的关联性分析pH、SOM、MBC、MBN、Ure、Suc、Alp和Cat分别代表土壤pH、有机质、微生物碳、微生物氮、脲酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性,“*”代表显著相关(P<0.05)。pH,SOM,MBC,MBN,Ure,Suc,Alp and Cat represent soil pH, organic matter, microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, urease, sucrase, alkaline phosphatase and catalase activity. “*” represents significant correlation (P<0.05).
Fig.6 Correlation analysis between soil bacterial community structure and environmental factors
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