草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 43-52.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021019
Corresponding author. E-mail: yxshen@njau.edu.cn基金资助:
Li-min GAO(), Chun CHEN, Yi-xin SHEN(
Yi-xin SHEN
为探讨江淮地区紫花苜蓿季节性栽培体系中氮磷肥供应对干物质产量及再生的影响,试验设置4个磷(P2O5)水平处理(0、50、100、150 kg·hm-2)及4个氮(N)水平处理(0、60、120、180 kg·hm-2),研究了干物质产量及产量构成因子、地上部氮磷含量及累积量、再生6和12 d的生长量等指标对氮磷肥投入的响应。结果表明:1)施用氮肥及磷肥均显著促进了紫花苜蓿的生长。在低磷供应条件下,干物质产量随供氮量的增加而增加;在高磷条件下,适宜生长的最优施氮量为120 kg·hm-2。对不同施氮处理而言,饲草干物质产量均随施磷量的增加显著增加。2)干物质产量与地上部氮含量、地上部氮累积量、地上部磷累积量间存在显著正相关关系。3)氮磷肥施用可以促进植株残茬再生,0、50、100、150 kg·hm-2磷处理下适宜残茬再生所需的施氮量分别为180、120、120、60 kg·hm-2。刈割6 d后残茬的再生芽芽长及叶面积、刈割12 d后叶面积均与再生生物量间存在显著正相关关系。可见,江淮地区紫花苜蓿季节性栽培体系中施用磷肥可在一定程度上减少氮肥的用量。当磷肥施用量分别为0、50、100、150 kg·hm-2时,适宜生长及再生的氮肥推荐用量分别为180、120、120、60 kg·hm-2。江淮地区紫花苜蓿季节性栽培体系中推荐年施磷量及施氮量分别为100及120 kg·hm-2,研究结果可为紫花苜蓿季节性栽培技术中的肥料管理提供理论依据。
高丽敏, 陈春, 沈益新. 氮磷肥对季节性栽培紫花苜蓿生长及再生的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(4): 43-52.
Li-min GAO, Chun CHEN, Yi-xin SHEN. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rates on forage dry matter yield and regrowth of alfalfa in seasonal cultivation systems[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(4): 43-52.
处理 Treatments | 干物质产量 Forage dry matter yield (kg·hm-2) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数 Shoot number | 叶面积 Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | ||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 4096fg | 4428e | 49.50ef | 32.84g | 2.00c | 1.75bcdef | 40097def | 21034ghi |
P0N1 | 3375g | 5665cde | 63.35bcd | 38.97efg | 2.20c | 1.83bcdef | 27259f | 15930i |
P0N2 | 4533ef | 6955bc | 64.56bcd | 44.30def | 2.93c | 2.17bcd | 76270b | 29256bcd |
P0N3 | 6105c | 6712bcd | 57.76cde | 40.83efg | 3.40bc | 1.42def | 73059bc | 26442ghi |
P1N0 | 3912fg | 4598de | 38.45g | 36.72fg | 3.27bc | 1.25ef | 36947f | 15279hi |
P1N1 | 4638ef | 5460cde | 51.93ef | 34.80fg | 5.00a | 1.83bcdef | 56077bcd | 24400fghi |
P1N2 | 5632cd | 8304ab | 55.79cde | 49.02cde | 5.20a | 1.58cdef | 67582bcd | 33067abc |
P1N3 | 7718b | 7268bc | 71.91ab | 55.18abcd | 4.87ab | 2.25bcd | 86037a | 28540bcd |
P2N0 | 4073fg | 5750cde | 54.25de | 40.39efg | 2.80c | 2.42abc | 39956ef | 19922efgh |
P2N1 | 8424ab | 7471bc | 65.09abc | 39.71efg | 1.93c | 1.92bcdef | 65403bcd | 22406ghi |
P2N2 | 8311ab | 8512ab | 62.41bcd | 45.71def | 2.53c | 1.17f | 91705a | 25461fghi |
P2N3 | 8398ab | 8323ab | 73.93a | 52.34cd | 5.47a | 3.08a | 74188b | 21481abc |
P3N0 | 5100de | 7072bc | 54.82de | 57.45abc | 2.60c | 2.08bcde | 63022bcd | 36461ab |
P3N1 | 8670a | 9950a | 68.44ab | 65.43abc | 2.80c | 1.83bcdef | 121390a | 41234ab |
P3N2 | 8696a | 10093a | 70.21ab | 70.21a | 3.27bc | 2.50ab | 88658a | 45876a |
P3N3 | 8702a | 8864ab | 68.61ab | 68.61ab | 4.73ab | 1.92bcdef | 73415bc | 40759ab |
P | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** |
N | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** |
P×N | *** | ns | *** | * | ns | *** | *** | *** |
表1 施用氮磷肥对紫花苜蓿干物质产量及产量构成因子的影响
Table 1 Effects of N and P fertilizer on the forage dry matter yield and yield components of alfalfa
处理 Treatments | 干物质产量 Forage dry matter yield (kg·hm-2) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 一级分枝数 Shoot number | 叶面积 Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | ||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 4096fg | 4428e | 49.50ef | 32.84g | 2.00c | 1.75bcdef | 40097def | 21034ghi |
P0N1 | 3375g | 5665cde | 63.35bcd | 38.97efg | 2.20c | 1.83bcdef | 27259f | 15930i |
P0N2 | 4533ef | 6955bc | 64.56bcd | 44.30def | 2.93c | 2.17bcd | 76270b | 29256bcd |
P0N3 | 6105c | 6712bcd | 57.76cde | 40.83efg | 3.40bc | 1.42def | 73059bc | 26442ghi |
P1N0 | 3912fg | 4598de | 38.45g | 36.72fg | 3.27bc | 1.25ef | 36947f | 15279hi |
P1N1 | 4638ef | 5460cde | 51.93ef | 34.80fg | 5.00a | 1.83bcdef | 56077bcd | 24400fghi |
P1N2 | 5632cd | 8304ab | 55.79cde | 49.02cde | 5.20a | 1.58cdef | 67582bcd | 33067abc |
P1N3 | 7718b | 7268bc | 71.91ab | 55.18abcd | 4.87ab | 2.25bcd | 86037a | 28540bcd |
P2N0 | 4073fg | 5750cde | 54.25de | 40.39efg | 2.80c | 2.42abc | 39956ef | 19922efgh |
P2N1 | 8424ab | 7471bc | 65.09abc | 39.71efg | 1.93c | 1.92bcdef | 65403bcd | 22406ghi |
P2N2 | 8311ab | 8512ab | 62.41bcd | 45.71def | 2.53c | 1.17f | 91705a | 25461fghi |
P2N3 | 8398ab | 8323ab | 73.93a | 52.34cd | 5.47a | 3.08a | 74188b | 21481abc |
P3N0 | 5100de | 7072bc | 54.82de | 57.45abc | 2.60c | 2.08bcde | 63022bcd | 36461ab |
P3N1 | 8670a | 9950a | 68.44ab | 65.43abc | 2.80c | 1.83bcdef | 121390a | 41234ab |
P3N2 | 8696a | 10093a | 70.21ab | 70.21a | 3.27bc | 2.50ab | 88658a | 45876a |
P3N3 | 8702a | 8864ab | 68.61ab | 68.61ab | 4.73ab | 1.92bcdef | 73415bc | 40759ab |
P | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** |
N | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** |
P×N | *** | ns | *** | * | ns | *** | *** | *** |
处理 Treatments | 氮含量N content (%) | 磷含量P content (%) | 氮累积量N accumulation (kg·hm-2) | 磷累积量P accumulation (kg·hm-2) | ||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 2.15c | 2.61abcd | 0.17b | 0.21a | 87.90fg | 135.43efg | 7.03e | 9.33cde |
P0N1 | 2.14c | 2.61abcd | 0.19ab | 0.18ab | 72.16g | 149.50efg | 6.88e | 9.86cde |
P0N2 | 2.54a | 2.70abc | 0.22ab | 0.18ab | 114.79de | 187.17cde | 9.95cde | 12.48bcd |
P0N3 | 2.50a | 2.54bcde | 0.24ab | 0.13bc | 152.95c | 170.54def | 14.70abcd | 9.03cde |
P1N0 | 2.15c | 2.28g | 0.18ab | 0.17ab | 84.27g | 94.85g | 7.14e | 6.45e |
P1N1 | 2.44ab | 2.51bcdef | 0.21ab | 0.22a | 113.40e | 115.22fg | 9.17de | 9.80cde |
P1N2 | 2.40ab | 2.72ab | 0.27a | 0.19ab | 135.32cd | 225.96abcd | 15.10abcd | 15.44ab |
P1N3 | 2.54a | 2.62abcd | 0.23ab | 0.17ab | 196.17ab | 191.05cde | 19.30a | 12.51bcd |
P2N0 | 1.85d | 2.31fg | 0.23ab | 0.16bc | 75.51g | 139.14efg | 10.53cde | 9.33cde |
P2N1 | 2.26bc | 2.35efg | 0.22ab | 0.15bc | 190.41b | 136.31efg | 18.16ab | 8.65de |
P2N2 | 2.49a | 2.46defg | 0.28a | 0.19ab | 206.96ab | 143.36efg | 17.27abc | 10.74cde |
P2N3 | 2.52a | 2.49cdefg | 0.18ab | 0.15bc | 211.65ab | 149.72efg | 13.66abcde | 9.24cde |
P3N0 | 2.10c | 2.74ab | 0.23ab | 0.14bc | 107.47ef | 221.06bcd | 11.64bcde | 11.01bcde |
P3N1 | 2.35ab | 2.73ab | 0.16b | 0.14bc | 203.77ab | 271.25ab | 14.80abcd | 13.76bc |
P3N2 | 2.51a | 2.80a | 0.17b | 0.11c | 218.21a | 283.43a | 12.47abcde | 11.40bcde |
P3N3 | 2.52a | 2.64abcd | 0.24ab | 0.21a | 219.33a | 234.09abc | 18.90ab | 18.53a |
P | ** | ** | ns | ns | *** | *** | *** | *** |
N | *** | *** | ns | ns | *** | *** | *** | ** |
P×N | * | ** | ns | ns | *** | ns | ** | *** |
表2 施用氮磷肥对紫花苜蓿地上部氮、磷含量及累积量的影响
Table 2 Effects of N and P fertilizer on the content and accumulation of N and P
处理 Treatments | 氮含量N content (%) | 磷含量P content (%) | 氮累积量N accumulation (kg·hm-2) | 磷累积量P accumulation (kg·hm-2) | ||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 2.15c | 2.61abcd | 0.17b | 0.21a | 87.90fg | 135.43efg | 7.03e | 9.33cde |
P0N1 | 2.14c | 2.61abcd | 0.19ab | 0.18ab | 72.16g | 149.50efg | 6.88e | 9.86cde |
P0N2 | 2.54a | 2.70abc | 0.22ab | 0.18ab | 114.79de | 187.17cde | 9.95cde | 12.48bcd |
P0N3 | 2.50a | 2.54bcde | 0.24ab | 0.13bc | 152.95c | 170.54def | 14.70abcd | 9.03cde |
P1N0 | 2.15c | 2.28g | 0.18ab | 0.17ab | 84.27g | 94.85g | 7.14e | 6.45e |
P1N1 | 2.44ab | 2.51bcdef | 0.21ab | 0.22a | 113.40e | 115.22fg | 9.17de | 9.80cde |
P1N2 | 2.40ab | 2.72ab | 0.27a | 0.19ab | 135.32cd | 225.96abcd | 15.10abcd | 15.44ab |
P1N3 | 2.54a | 2.62abcd | 0.23ab | 0.17ab | 196.17ab | 191.05cde | 19.30a | 12.51bcd |
P2N0 | 1.85d | 2.31fg | 0.23ab | 0.16bc | 75.51g | 139.14efg | 10.53cde | 9.33cde |
P2N1 | 2.26bc | 2.35efg | 0.22ab | 0.15bc | 190.41b | 136.31efg | 18.16ab | 8.65de |
P2N2 | 2.49a | 2.46defg | 0.28a | 0.19ab | 206.96ab | 143.36efg | 17.27abc | 10.74cde |
P2N3 | 2.52a | 2.49cdefg | 0.18ab | 0.15bc | 211.65ab | 149.72efg | 13.66abcde | 9.24cde |
P3N0 | 2.10c | 2.74ab | 0.23ab | 0.14bc | 107.47ef | 221.06bcd | 11.64bcde | 11.01bcde |
P3N1 | 2.35ab | 2.73ab | 0.16b | 0.14bc | 203.77ab | 271.25ab | 14.80abcd | 13.76bc |
P3N2 | 2.51a | 2.80a | 0.17b | 0.11c | 218.21a | 283.43a | 12.47abcde | 11.40bcde |
P3N3 | 2.52a | 2.64abcd | 0.24ab | 0.21a | 219.33a | 234.09abc | 18.90ab | 18.53a |
P | ** | ** | ns | ns | *** | *** | *** | *** |
N | *** | *** | ns | ns | *** | *** | *** | ** |
P×N | * | ** | ns | ns | *** | ns | ** | *** |
图1 紫花苜蓿地上部氮含量、氮累积量、磷含量、磷累积量与干物质产量间的相关关系
Fig.1 The relationships between shoot nitrogen content, nitrogen accumulation, phosphate content, phosphate accumulation and forage dry matter yield of alfalfa
图2 施用氮磷肥对紫花苜蓿刈割后残茬再生生物量的影响a: 2018年刈割6 d After cutting for 6 days in 2018; b: 2018年刈割12 d After cutting for 12 days in 2018; c: 2019年刈割6 d After cutting for 6 days in 2019; d: 2019年刈割12 d After cutting for 12 days in 2019.
Fig.2 Effects of N and P fertilizer on regeneration biomass from alfalfa stubble after cutting
处理 Treatments | 刈割后第6天 After cutting for 6 d | 刈割后第12天After cutting for 12 d | ||||||||||
芽数Bud number (×106·hm-2) | 再生芽芽长Shoot length (cm) | 叶面积Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | 芽数Bud number (×106·hm-2) | 再生芽芽长Shoot length (cm) | 叶面积Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | |||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 11.78g | 10.43bcd | 3.30f | 7.70cd | 1470h | 5170efg | 14.92de | 10.16abcd | 9.19d | 15.19cdef | 18105e | 9325gh |
P0N1 | 11.48g | 10.14bcd | 5.35de | 7.62cd | 1367h | 5279efg | 13.78e | 10.14abcd | 14.32bc | 11.94f | 18024e | 9725gh |
P0N2 | 14.77efg | 10.57bcd | 6.54abcde | 7.94cd | 7031abcd | 6061defg | 22.69bc | 12.08abcd | 14.82bc | 15.31cdef | 40644abc | 13500ef |
P0N3 | 20.31cdef | 14.26a | 6.59abcde | 6.38d | 7341abcd | 6268defg | 20.35bcde | 14.60a | 17.82ab | 12.69ef | 36518abcd | 16952cd |
P1N0 | 12.01g | 8.11cd | 4.99ef | 9.52bcd | 2520gh | 3580g | 19.52bcde | 8.11d | 10.64cd | 14.49def | 18350e | 8964h |
P1N1 | 12.94fg | 8.32cd | 7.12abcd | 9.18bcd | 5962bcdef | 6363defg | 17.05cde | 9.45bcd | 12.15cd | 13.17ef | 22964de | 10560fgh |
P1N2 | 21.14cde | 10.96bc | 7.58ab | 9.53bcd | 7645abc | 6428defg | 22.73bc | 10.63abcd | 21.56a | 14.59def | 45712a | 11878fgh |
P1N3 | 17.81defg | 9.99bcd | 6.56abcde | 10.22abc | 5340cdef | 7488def | 22.26bc | 10.26abcd | 19.87a | 13.98def | 43381ab | 9559gh |
P2N0 | 21.54bcde | 7.14d | 5.50cde | 7.78cd | 4553efg | 4349fg | 21.70bcd | 8.99cd | 10.72cd | 15.82cde | 24023cde | 12303fg |
P2N1 | 23.56abcd | 10.57bcd | 5.62bcde | 9.40bcd | 7834ab | 6615defg | 23.47bc | 10.76abcd | 11.37cd | 15.84cde | 30728abcde | 17841cd |
P2N2 | 22.44abcd | 10.70bc | 8.02a | 9.47bcd | 6046bcdef | 6172defg | 22.01bc | 10.52abcd | 13.02cd | 17.22cd | 26611bcde | 15896de |
P2N3 | 17.48defg | 10.21bcd | 7.65ab | 10.01abc | 5104def | 4502fg | 18.60bcde | 10.13abcd | 17.81ab | 18.58bc | 26923bcde | 15578de |
P3N0 | 22.99abcd | 11.31bc | 6.06abcde | 11.57ab | 4129fg | 11316bc | 25.29b | 11.18abcd | 10.16cd | 18.50bc | 16391e | 18252cd |
P3N1 | 29.65ab | 10.64bc | 7.62ab | 11.30ab | 6901abcde | 9316cd | 32.99a | 12.84abc | 13.49bcd | 18.09c | 40429abc | 19224c |
P3N2 | 24.27abc | 12.62b | 7.17abcd | 11.61ab | 6316bcdef | 13541b | 24.80bc | 12.44abc | 13.88bcd | 21.57b | 28529bcde | 28076b |
P3N3 | 28.40ab | 13.14b | 7.51abc | 13.00a | 8784a | 18971a | 28.35b | 13.14ab | 14.08bc | 25.62a | 27039bcde | 35511a |
P | *** | *** | ** | *** | *** | *** | *** | * | * | *** | ns | *** |
N | * | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** | ns | ns | *** | ** | *** | *** |
P*N | * | * | * | ns | *** | ** | *** | ns | * | ** | * | *** |
表3 施用氮磷肥对刈割6及12 d后紫花苜蓿再生的影响
Table 3 Effects of N and P fertilizers on alfalfa regrowth after cutting for 6 and 12 days
处理 Treatments | 刈割后第6天 After cutting for 6 d | 刈割后第12天After cutting for 12 d | ||||||||||
芽数Bud number (×106·hm-2) | 再生芽芽长Shoot length (cm) | 叶面积Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | 芽数Bud number (×106·hm-2) | 再生芽芽长Shoot length (cm) | 叶面积Leaf area (m2·hm-2) | |||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
P0N0 | 11.78g | 10.43bcd | 3.30f | 7.70cd | 1470h | 5170efg | 14.92de | 10.16abcd | 9.19d | 15.19cdef | 18105e | 9325gh |
P0N1 | 11.48g | 10.14bcd | 5.35de | 7.62cd | 1367h | 5279efg | 13.78e | 10.14abcd | 14.32bc | 11.94f | 18024e | 9725gh |
P0N2 | 14.77efg | 10.57bcd | 6.54abcde | 7.94cd | 7031abcd | 6061defg | 22.69bc | 12.08abcd | 14.82bc | 15.31cdef | 40644abc | 13500ef |
P0N3 | 20.31cdef | 14.26a | 6.59abcde | 6.38d | 7341abcd | 6268defg | 20.35bcde | 14.60a | 17.82ab | 12.69ef | 36518abcd | 16952cd |
P1N0 | 12.01g | 8.11cd | 4.99ef | 9.52bcd | 2520gh | 3580g | 19.52bcde | 8.11d | 10.64cd | 14.49def | 18350e | 8964h |
P1N1 | 12.94fg | 8.32cd | 7.12abcd | 9.18bcd | 5962bcdef | 6363defg | 17.05cde | 9.45bcd | 12.15cd | 13.17ef | 22964de | 10560fgh |
P1N2 | 21.14cde | 10.96bc | 7.58ab | 9.53bcd | 7645abc | 6428defg | 22.73bc | 10.63abcd | 21.56a | 14.59def | 45712a | 11878fgh |
P1N3 | 17.81defg | 9.99bcd | 6.56abcde | 10.22abc | 5340cdef | 7488def | 22.26bc | 10.26abcd | 19.87a | 13.98def | 43381ab | 9559gh |
P2N0 | 21.54bcde | 7.14d | 5.50cde | 7.78cd | 4553efg | 4349fg | 21.70bcd | 8.99cd | 10.72cd | 15.82cde | 24023cde | 12303fg |
P2N1 | 23.56abcd | 10.57bcd | 5.62bcde | 9.40bcd | 7834ab | 6615defg | 23.47bc | 10.76abcd | 11.37cd | 15.84cde | 30728abcde | 17841cd |
P2N2 | 22.44abcd | 10.70bc | 8.02a | 9.47bcd | 6046bcdef | 6172defg | 22.01bc | 10.52abcd | 13.02cd | 17.22cd | 26611bcde | 15896de |
P2N3 | 17.48defg | 10.21bcd | 7.65ab | 10.01abc | 5104def | 4502fg | 18.60bcde | 10.13abcd | 17.81ab | 18.58bc | 26923bcde | 15578de |
P3N0 | 22.99abcd | 11.31bc | 6.06abcde | 11.57ab | 4129fg | 11316bc | 25.29b | 11.18abcd | 10.16cd | 18.50bc | 16391e | 18252cd |
P3N1 | 29.65ab | 10.64bc | 7.62ab | 11.30ab | 6901abcde | 9316cd | 32.99a | 12.84abc | 13.49bcd | 18.09c | 40429abc | 19224c |
P3N2 | 24.27abc | 12.62b | 7.17abcd | 11.61ab | 6316bcdef | 13541b | 24.80bc | 12.44abc | 13.88bcd | 21.57b | 28529bcde | 28076b |
P3N3 | 28.40ab | 13.14b | 7.51abc | 13.00a | 8784a | 18971a | 28.35b | 13.14ab | 14.08bc | 25.62a | 27039bcde | 35511a |
P | *** | *** | ** | *** | *** | *** | *** | * | * | *** | ns | *** |
N | * | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** | ns | ns | *** | ** | *** | *** |
P*N | * | * | * | ns | *** | ** | *** | ns | * | ** | * | *** |
刈割后天数 Days after cutting (d) | 年份 Year | 再生芽数 Bud number | 再生芽芽长Shoot length | 叶面积 Leaf area |
6 | 2018 | 0.642 | 0.843** | 0.767** |
2019 | 0.378 | 0.696** | 0.692** | |
12 | 2018 | 0.483 | 0.490 | 0.506* |
2019 | 0.488 | 0.604 | 0.702** |
表4 紫花苜蓿再生生物量与其构成因子的相关性
Table 4 Correlation analyses between alfalfa shoot biomass and related components after cutting for 6 and 12 days in 2018 and 2019
刈割后天数 Days after cutting (d) | 年份 Year | 再生芽数 Bud number | 再生芽芽长Shoot length | 叶面积 Leaf area |
6 | 2018 | 0.642 | 0.843** | 0.767** |
2019 | 0.378 | 0.696** | 0.692** | |
12 | 2018 | 0.483 | 0.490 | 0.506* |
2019 | 0.488 | 0.604 | 0.702** |
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