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Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (9): 142-151.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018002

• Orignal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Interspecific relationships between hexaploid species in the Triticeae tribe with St, H and Y genomes

CHEN Shi-yong1, 2, MA Xiao2, ZHANG Xin-quan2, *, CHEN Zhi-hua1, ZHOU Qing-ping3   

  1. 1.College of Life Science and Technology, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China;
    2.Department of Grassland Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China;
    3.Institute of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2018-01-03 Revised:2018-03-28 Online:2018-09-20 Published:2018-09-20

Abstract: Species with St, H and Y genomes comprise the largest group in the tribe Triticeae, which includes many important forage grasses and is the source of elite genes for improving forage and cereal crops. While this group has considerable economic and ecological value, the nature of its inter genera and interspecific relationships remains a matter a dispute, especially for hexaploid species. Relatively little research has been undertaken on interspecific relationships among these species, which has limited the ability to utilize their germplasm resources. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the interspecific affinity of the group’s hexaploid species and so to provide important information on their genetic diversity and biosystematics. A total of 25 hexaploid species with StHY, StStY, StStH and StHH genomic constitutions were systematically collected and highly transferable SSR markers were used to study their genetic variation, differentiation and affinity. A total of 229 bands were amplified based on 27 SSR markers, of which 213 bands were polymorphic (93.01%). Based on SSR data, the Dice genetic similarities coefficient ranged from 0.479 to 0.981, with an average of 0.670. The GS coefficients among StHY species ranged from 0.544-0.981 (average 0.722), while StStY species ranged from 0.509-0.899 (average 0.700), StStH species from 0.530-0.843 (average 0.663) and StHH species from 0.550-0.827 (average 0.677). The results revealed abundant genetic variation and differentiation among the species studied. Moreover, clustering based on the unweighted pair group with arithmetic mean method showed that species with the same or similar genomic constitution could be grouped together. However, some species with the same genomic constitution were highly differentiated. Those with the StHY genome divided into three distinct types, with these types also corresponding with species’ morphology. The results indicate that the genomic constitution of hexaploid species of Elymus in China are of the StHY type. Overall, the results showed that there is rich genetic diversity and differentiation among the hexaploid species and that those with the same or similar genomes have close phylogenetic relationships. These results provide a systematic basis for the classification of the hexaploid species of Elymus and Roegneria based on their genomic constitution.

Key words: SSR, Triticeae, Elymus, Roegneria, interspecific relationships