Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8): 109-118.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020290
Xiao-xu HAN1(), Yuan-yuan ZHAO1(
), Li-jing ZHANG1(
), Ding GUO1, Hua FU1, Yong-shan LI2, Cheng-xin YANG3
Li-jing ZHANG
Xiao-xu HAN, Yuan-yuan ZHAO, Li-jing ZHANG, Ding GUO, Hua FU, Yong-shan LI, Cheng-xin YANG. Interactive effects of drought and UV-B radiation on physiological defences in Artemisia sphaerocephala[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(8): 109-118.
处理 Treatment | 生物量Biomass (g·plant-1) | 根冠比 Root-shoot ratio | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | |||
叶Leaf | 茎Stem | 根Root | 合计Total | ||||
CK | 0.57±0.02a | 0.85±0.05a | 1.13±0.08a | 2.56±0.11a | 0.79±0.04a | 38.70±0.17a | 1.45±0.01a |
D | 0.43±0.00c | 0.60±0.01b | 0.68±0.09c | 1.70±0.10c | 0.66±0.08a | 30.27±1.20c | 0.74±0.02d |
U | 0.43±0.01c | 0.75±0.02a | 0.83±0.07bc | 2.01±0.09b | 0.71±0.05a | 31.63±1.16c | 1.08±0.01c |
D+U | 0.51±0.00b | 0.81±0.03a | 0.93±0.05ab | 2.25±0.03b | 0.71±0.05a | 34.60±0.15b | 1.25±0.02b |
Table 1 Effect of growth indices on A. sphaerocephala seedlings treated with drought and UV-B radiation acting individually and in combination
处理 Treatment | 生物量Biomass (g·plant-1) | 根冠比 Root-shoot ratio | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | |||
叶Leaf | 茎Stem | 根Root | 合计Total | ||||
CK | 0.57±0.02a | 0.85±0.05a | 1.13±0.08a | 2.56±0.11a | 0.79±0.04a | 38.70±0.17a | 1.45±0.01a |
D | 0.43±0.00c | 0.60±0.01b | 0.68±0.09c | 1.70±0.10c | 0.66±0.08a | 30.27±1.20c | 0.74±0.02d |
U | 0.43±0.01c | 0.75±0.02a | 0.83±0.07bc | 2.01±0.09b | 0.71±0.05a | 31.63±1.16c | 1.08±0.01c |
D+U | 0.51±0.00b | 0.81±0.03a | 0.93±0.05ab | 2.25±0.03b | 0.71±0.05a | 34.60±0.15b | 1.25±0.02b |
Fig.2 Effect of REC, MDA content and LOX activity on A. sphaerocephala leaves treated with drought and UV-B radiation acting individually and in combination
Fig.3 Effect of flavonoids content and key enzymes in its synthesis pathway on A. sphaerocephala leaves treated with drought and UV-B radiation acting individually and in combination
脂肪酸Fatty acid | CK | D | U | D+U |
C16:0 | 19.37±0.12a | 17.26±0.05c | 18.44±0.08b | 19.13±0.10a |
C18:0 | 2.30±0.15a | 2.15±0.24a | 2.61±0.41a | 2.33±0.25a |
C18:1 | 3.17±0.01c | 3.76±0.11b | 8.78±0.10a | 3.01±0.03c |
C18:2 | 29.40±0.06b | 23.80±0.10d | 32.24±0.28a | 28.31±0.21c |
C18:3 | 42.19±0.27b | 45.03±0.34a | 33.38±0.29c | 42.36±0.28b |
C20:0 | 3.57±0.36b | 7.99±0.19a | 4.55±0.44b | 4.87±0.08b |
SFA | 25.24±0.33b | 27.40±0.37a | 25.61±0.46b | 26.32±0.24ab |
UFA | 74.76±0.33a | 72.60±0.37b | 74.39±0.46a | 73.68±0.24ab |
IUFA | 188.54±0.92a | 188.45±1.01a | 173.40±1.31b | 186.71±0.72a |
Table 2 Effect of fatty acid composition and content on A. sphaerocephala leaves treated with drought and UV-B radiation acting individually and in combination (%)
脂肪酸Fatty acid | CK | D | U | D+U |
C16:0 | 19.37±0.12a | 17.26±0.05c | 18.44±0.08b | 19.13±0.10a |
C18:0 | 2.30±0.15a | 2.15±0.24a | 2.61±0.41a | 2.33±0.25a |
C18:1 | 3.17±0.01c | 3.76±0.11b | 8.78±0.10a | 3.01±0.03c |
C18:2 | 29.40±0.06b | 23.80±0.10d | 32.24±0.28a | 28.31±0.21c |
C18:3 | 42.19±0.27b | 45.03±0.34a | 33.38±0.29c | 42.36±0.28b |
C20:0 | 3.57±0.36b | 7.99±0.19a | 4.55±0.44b | 4.87±0.08b |
SFA | 25.24±0.33b | 27.40±0.37a | 25.61±0.46b | 26.32±0.24ab |
UFA | 74.76±0.33a | 72.60±0.37b | 74.39±0.46a | 73.68±0.24ab |
IUFA | 188.54±0.92a | 188.45±1.01a | 173.40±1.31b | 186.71±0.72a |
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