Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (10): 14-27.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023435
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Peng WANG1(), Zheng JIN1, Ting YU1, Kang-qiang QIN1, Xin-ya SANG1, Jian-ping TAO1,2, Wei-xue LUO1,2(
Wei-xue LUO
Peng WANG, Zheng JIN, Ting YU, Kang-qiang QIN, Xin-ya SANG, Jian-ping TAO, Wei-xue LUO. Prediction of the potential distribution of Curcuma in China under current and future climate scenarios[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(10): 14-27.
代号 Code | 中文名称 Name | 单位 Unit | 代号 Code | 中文名称 Name | 单位 Unit |
bio1 | 年平均气温值 Annual mean temperature | 10-1 ℃ | bio15 | 降水季节性 Precipitation seasonality | mm |
bio2 | 昼夜温差月均值 Mean diurnal range | 10-1 ℃ | bio16 | 最湿季度降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm |
bio3 | 等温性Isothermality [(bio2/bio7)×100] | — | bio17 | 最干季度降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm |
bio4 | 季节性温度 Temperature seasonality | — | bio18 | 最暖季度降水量 Precipitation of warmest quarter | mm |
bio5 | 最暖月最高温 Max temperature of warmest month | 10-1 ℃ | bio19 | 最冷季度降水量 Precipitation of coldest quarter | mm |
bio6 | 最冷月最低温 Min temperature of coldest month | 10-1 ℃ | topo_aspect | 坡向 Aspect | — |
bio7 | 温度年较差 Temperature annual range | 10-1 ℃ | topo_elev | 海拔 Elevation | m |
bio8 | 最湿季度均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | topo_slope | 坡度 Slope | — |
bio9 | 最干季度均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_BD | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density | kg·dm-3 |
bio10 | 最暖季度均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_sand | 土壤沙粒含量 Soil sand content | % |
bio11 | 最冷季度均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_TN | 土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen | g·kg-1 |
bio12 | 年平均降水量 Annual precipitation | mm | soil_pH | 土壤pH Soil pH | — |
bio13 | 最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | mm | soil_ocd | 土壤有机碳密度 Soil organic carbon density | kg·m-3 |
bio14 | 最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | mm | soil_soc | 土壤有机碳含量 Soil organic carbon content | g·kg-1 |
Table 1 Environmental factors
代号 Code | 中文名称 Name | 单位 Unit | 代号 Code | 中文名称 Name | 单位 Unit |
bio1 | 年平均气温值 Annual mean temperature | 10-1 ℃ | bio15 | 降水季节性 Precipitation seasonality | mm |
bio2 | 昼夜温差月均值 Mean diurnal range | 10-1 ℃ | bio16 | 最湿季度降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm |
bio3 | 等温性Isothermality [(bio2/bio7)×100] | — | bio17 | 最干季度降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm |
bio4 | 季节性温度 Temperature seasonality | — | bio18 | 最暖季度降水量 Precipitation of warmest quarter | mm |
bio5 | 最暖月最高温 Max temperature of warmest month | 10-1 ℃ | bio19 | 最冷季度降水量 Precipitation of coldest quarter | mm |
bio6 | 最冷月最低温 Min temperature of coldest month | 10-1 ℃ | topo_aspect | 坡向 Aspect | — |
bio7 | 温度年较差 Temperature annual range | 10-1 ℃ | topo_elev | 海拔 Elevation | m |
bio8 | 最湿季度均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | topo_slope | 坡度 Slope | — |
bio9 | 最干季度均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_BD | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density | kg·dm-3 |
bio10 | 最暖季度均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_sand | 土壤沙粒含量 Soil sand content | % |
bio11 | 最冷季度均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | 10-1 ℃ | soil_TN | 土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen | g·kg-1 |
bio12 | 年平均降水量 Annual precipitation | mm | soil_pH | 土壤pH Soil pH | — |
bio13 | 最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | mm | soil_ocd | 土壤有机碳密度 Soil organic carbon density | kg·m-3 |
bio14 | 最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | mm | soil_soc | 土壤有机碳含量 Soil organic carbon content | g·kg-1 |
物种Species | 保留的环境因子Retained environmental factors |
莪术C. phaeocaulis | bio3、bio4、bio9、bio12、bio15、soil_BD、soil_sand、soil_TN、topo_aspect、topo_slope |
姜黄C. longa | bio3、bio6、bio8、bio12、bio15、soil_BD、soil_pH、soil_sand、topo_aspect、topo_slope |
郁金C. aromatica | bio3、bio9、bio12、bio15、soil_pH、soil_TN、topo_aspect、topo_elev、topo_slope |
Table 2 Environmental factors screening results of three Curcuma species
物种Species | 保留的环境因子Retained environmental factors |
莪术C. phaeocaulis | bio3、bio4、bio9、bio12、bio15、soil_BD、soil_sand、soil_TN、topo_aspect、topo_slope |
姜黄C. longa | bio3、bio6、bio8、bio12、bio15、soil_BD、soil_pH、soil_sand、topo_aspect、topo_slope |
郁金C. aromatica | bio3、bio9、bio12、bio15、soil_pH、soil_TN、topo_aspect、topo_elev、topo_slope |
物种 Species | 总适生区 Total suitable habitat | 非适生区 Unsuitable habitat | 低适生区 Lowly suitable habitat | 中适生区 Moderately suitable habitat | 高适生区 Highly suitable habitat |
莪术C. phaeocaulis | 100.89 | 858.94 | 30.54 | 23.46 | 46.89 |
姜黄C. longa | 155.31 | 804.52 | 67.67 | 30.76 | 56.88 |
郁金C. aromatica | 98.95 | 860.88 | 30.96 | 22.91 | 45.08 |
Table 3 Suitable habitat areas of three Curcuma species in China under current climate (×104 km2)
物种 Species | 总适生区 Total suitable habitat | 非适生区 Unsuitable habitat | 低适生区 Lowly suitable habitat | 中适生区 Moderately suitable habitat | 高适生区 Highly suitable habitat |
莪术C. phaeocaulis | 100.89 | 858.94 | 30.54 | 23.46 | 46.89 |
姜黄C. longa | 155.31 | 804.52 | 67.67 | 30.76 | 56.88 |
郁金C. aromatica | 98.95 | 860.88 | 30.96 | 22.91 | 45.08 |
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