Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 204-223.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024105
Cai-jin CHEN1,2,3(), Ming-fang BAO2, Wen-hu WANG1, Ji-hong SHANG2, Yan-xia ZENG2, Xiao-di SHA2, Xin-zhong ZHU2, Xue-min WANG3(
), Wen-hui LIU1(
Xue-min WANG,Wen-hui LIU
Cai-jin CHEN, Ming-fang BAO, Wen-hu WANG, Ji-hong SHANG, Yan-xia ZENG, Xiao-di SHA, Xin-zhong ZHU, Xue-min WANG, Wen-hui LIU. Current situation and prospects for drought-resistance breeding in Medicago sativa[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(3): 204-223.
基因 Genes | 基因来源 Gene origins | 转基因物种 Genetically modified species | 功能Functions | 参考文献References |
MsMYB58 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | POD、CAT、SOD活性,Pro含量、叶绿素荧光参数PSⅡ利用效率和PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量增加,MDA含量、非光化学猝灭降低。POD, CAT, and SOD activities, Pro content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters PSⅡ utilisation efficiency and PSⅡ maximum photochemical quantum yield increased, and MDA content and non-photochemical burst decreased. | [ |
MsPPR1 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | Pro含量升高,MDA含量降低。The MDA content decreased while the Pro content increased. | [ |
MsASG166 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 促进根长生长。Promoted root growth. | [ |
MsSAP22 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 萌发期的发芽率、苗期的相对根长及侧根数增加。Germination rate in the sprouting period, relative root length and number of lateral roots increased in the seedling stage. | [ |
MsLEA10 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 促进根长生长, SS和Pro含量升高,MDA含量和离子泄露水平降低。Promoted root length growth, SS and Pro content were increased, and MDA content and ion leakage levels were decreased. | [ |
MsERF003 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 保水性和Pro含量升高。Water retention and Pro content were increased. | [ |
MsTHI1 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 维生素B1、叶绿素a、叶绿素b、SP含量和POD活性升高,膜脂过氧化程度降低。Vitamin B1, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, SP content and POD activity were increased, and membrane lipid peroxidation was decreased. | [ |
MsHSP70 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | Pro含量、SOD活性和RWC升高,MDA含量降低。Pro content, SOD activity and RWC were increased, and MDA content was decreased. | [ |
MsSPL9 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC和花青素含量升高,叶片衰老程度降低。RWC, anthocyanin content were increased, and leaf senescence were reduced. | [ |
MsVDACl | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | MDA、谷胱甘肽、SS、SP和Pro含量升高。MDA, glutathione, SS, SP and Pro content were increased. | [ |
MsLEA4-4 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 侧根增多,SS含量、各种抗氧化酶活性和存活率升高,Pro和MDA含量降低。The number of lateral roots, SS content, activities of various antioxidant enzymes, and survival rate were increased, and Pro and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
MsCML46 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 渗透调节物质含量和抗氧化酶活性升高, ROS的积累量降低。The osmotic regulator content and antioxidant enzyme activities were increased, and the accumulation of ROS was reduced. | [ |
Table 1 Drought resistance genes and their functions in M. sativa
基因 Genes | 基因来源 Gene origins | 转基因物种 Genetically modified species | 功能Functions | 参考文献References |
MsMYB58 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | POD、CAT、SOD活性,Pro含量、叶绿素荧光参数PSⅡ利用效率和PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量增加,MDA含量、非光化学猝灭降低。POD, CAT, and SOD activities, Pro content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters PSⅡ utilisation efficiency and PSⅡ maximum photochemical quantum yield increased, and MDA content and non-photochemical burst decreased. | [ |
MsPPR1 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | Pro含量升高,MDA含量降低。The MDA content decreased while the Pro content increased. | [ |
MsASG166 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 促进根长生长。Promoted root growth. | [ |
MsSAP22 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 萌发期的发芽率、苗期的相对根长及侧根数增加。Germination rate in the sprouting period, relative root length and number of lateral roots increased in the seedling stage. | [ |
MsLEA10 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 促进根长生长, SS和Pro含量升高,MDA含量和离子泄露水平降低。Promoted root length growth, SS and Pro content were increased, and MDA content and ion leakage levels were decreased. | [ |
MsERF003 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 保水性和Pro含量升高。Water retention and Pro content were increased. | [ |
MsTHI1 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 维生素B1、叶绿素a、叶绿素b、SP含量和POD活性升高,膜脂过氧化程度降低。Vitamin B1, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, SP content and POD activity were increased, and membrane lipid peroxidation was decreased. | [ |
MsHSP70 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | Pro含量、SOD活性和RWC升高,MDA含量降低。Pro content, SOD activity and RWC were increased, and MDA content was decreased. | [ |
MsSPL9 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC和花青素含量升高,叶片衰老程度降低。RWC, anthocyanin content were increased, and leaf senescence were reduced. | [ |
MsVDACl | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | MDA、谷胱甘肽、SS、SP和Pro含量升高。MDA, glutathione, SS, SP and Pro content were increased. | [ |
MsLEA4-4 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 侧根增多,SS含量、各种抗氧化酶活性和存活率升高,Pro和MDA含量降低。The number of lateral roots, SS content, activities of various antioxidant enzymes, and survival rate were increased, and Pro and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
MsCML46 | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 烟草N. tabacum | 渗透调节物质含量和抗氧化酶活性升高, ROS的积累量降低。The osmotic regulator content and antioxidant enzyme activities were increased, and the accumulation of ROS was reduced. | [ |
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 选育单位 Breeding institutes | 文献 References |
中兰1号M. sativa cv. Zhonglan No.1 | 抗旱性中等;适宜种植在黄土高原降水量为350 mm半干旱半湿润的旱作或灌溉地区。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in dry or irrigated areas of the Loess Plateau where the precipitation is 350 mm semi-arid and semi-humid. | 中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
中兰2号M. sativa cv. Zhonglan No.2 | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在黄土高原半干旱半湿润的旱作地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid dry farming areas on the Loess Plateau. | 中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
敖汉苜蓿M. sativa cv. Aohan | 抗旱性强;适宜栽培于年降水量为260~460 mm的我国东北、华北和西北各省区。Strong drought resistance; Suitable for cultivation in the annual precipitation of 260-460 mm in China’s northeastern, northern and northwestern provinces and regions. | 内蒙古农牧学院Inner Mongolia College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;内蒙古赤峰市草原站Chifeng Grassland Station of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗草原站Aohanqi Grassland Station of Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia | [ |
图牧2号M. sativa cv. Tumu No.2 | 抗旱性强;适宜在内蒙古东部地区和吉林、黑龙江省种植。Strong drought resistance; It is suitable for cultivation in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia and Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces. | 内蒙古图牧吉草地研究所Inner Mongolia Tumuji Grassland Research Institute | [ |
新牧2号M. sativa cv. Xinmu No.2 | 具有抗旱特性; 适宜焉营盆地各农区、南疆塔里木盆地、宁夏引黄灌区、甘肃省河西走廊等地种植。It has drought resistance characteristics. It is suitable for planting in the agricultural areas of Yanying Basin, Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang, Yellow River Diversion irrigation area of Ningxia, Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province, etc. | 新疆农业大学畜牧分院Animal Husbandry Branch, Xinjiang Agricultural University | [ |
中苜1号M. sativa cv. Zhongmu No.1 | 耐旱性好;适宜黄淮海平原及渤海湾一带的盐碱地,也可种植于其他类似的内陆盐碱地。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for saline soils along the Huanghuaihai Plain and Bohai Bay, and can also be grown in other similar inland saline soils. | 中国农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
甘农3号M. sativa cv. Gannong No.3 | 抗旱性中等,适宜黄土高原地区和西北内陆灌溉农业区。Medium drought resistance. Suitable for the Loess Plateau region and the inland irrigated agricultural areas of Northwest China. | 甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃创绿草业科技有限公司Gansu Chuanglv Grass Science & Technology Co. | [ |
龙牧806 M. sativa×M. ruthenica cv. Longmu 806 | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在东北寒冷气候区、西部半干旱地区及盐碱地,也可以种植在我国西北、华北及内蒙古等地。Strong drought resistance; It is suitable for planting in the cold climate zone in the northeast, semi-arid areas in the west, and saline and alkaline land, and can also be planted in the northwest, North China and Inner Mongolia of China. | 黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
公农3号M. sativa cv. Gongnong No.3 | 耐旱;适宜东北、西北、华北北纬46°以南、年降水量为350~550 mm的区域。Drought-resistant. It is suitable for areas south of 46° N latitude in Northeast and Northwest China with annual precipitation of 350-550 mm. | 吉林省农业科学院畜牧分院草地研究所Grassland Research Institute, Animal Husbandry Branch, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
中苜4号M. sativa cv. Zhongmu No.4 | 抗旱性中等;适宜种植于黄淮海地区及其类似区域。Medium drought resistance. Suitable for planting in the Huanghuaihai area and its similar regions. | 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
甘农7号M. sativa cv. Gannong No.7 | 抗旱性较好;适宜种植于黄土高原半干旱、半湿润地区和北方类似地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid areas of the Loess Plateau and similar areas in the north. | 甘肃创绿草业科技有限公司Gansu Chuanglv Grass Science & Technology Co.;甘肃农业大学草业学院College of Pratacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
Table 2 Bred M. sativa varieties with drought-resistant characteristics in China
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 选育单位 Breeding institutes | 文献 References |
中兰1号M. sativa cv. Zhonglan No.1 | 抗旱性中等;适宜种植在黄土高原降水量为350 mm半干旱半湿润的旱作或灌溉地区。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in dry or irrigated areas of the Loess Plateau where the precipitation is 350 mm semi-arid and semi-humid. | 中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
中兰2号M. sativa cv. Zhonglan No.2 | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在黄土高原半干旱半湿润的旱作地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid dry farming areas on the Loess Plateau. | 中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
敖汉苜蓿M. sativa cv. Aohan | 抗旱性强;适宜栽培于年降水量为260~460 mm的我国东北、华北和西北各省区。Strong drought resistance; Suitable for cultivation in the annual precipitation of 260-460 mm in China’s northeastern, northern and northwestern provinces and regions. | 内蒙古农牧学院Inner Mongolia College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;内蒙古赤峰市草原站Chifeng Grassland Station of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗草原站Aohanqi Grassland Station of Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia | [ |
图牧2号M. sativa cv. Tumu No.2 | 抗旱性强;适宜在内蒙古东部地区和吉林、黑龙江省种植。Strong drought resistance; It is suitable for cultivation in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia and Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces. | 内蒙古图牧吉草地研究所Inner Mongolia Tumuji Grassland Research Institute | [ |
新牧2号M. sativa cv. Xinmu No.2 | 具有抗旱特性; 适宜焉营盆地各农区、南疆塔里木盆地、宁夏引黄灌区、甘肃省河西走廊等地种植。It has drought resistance characteristics. It is suitable for planting in the agricultural areas of Yanying Basin, Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang, Yellow River Diversion irrigation area of Ningxia, Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province, etc. | 新疆农业大学畜牧分院Animal Husbandry Branch, Xinjiang Agricultural University | [ |
中苜1号M. sativa cv. Zhongmu No.1 | 耐旱性好;适宜黄淮海平原及渤海湾一带的盐碱地,也可种植于其他类似的内陆盐碱地。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for saline soils along the Huanghuaihai Plain and Bohai Bay, and can also be grown in other similar inland saline soils. | 中国农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
甘农3号M. sativa cv. Gannong No.3 | 抗旱性中等,适宜黄土高原地区和西北内陆灌溉农业区。Medium drought resistance. Suitable for the Loess Plateau region and the inland irrigated agricultural areas of Northwest China. | 甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃创绿草业科技有限公司Gansu Chuanglv Grass Science & Technology Co. | [ |
龙牧806 M. sativa×M. ruthenica cv. Longmu 806 | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在东北寒冷气候区、西部半干旱地区及盐碱地,也可以种植在我国西北、华北及内蒙古等地。Strong drought resistance; It is suitable for planting in the cold climate zone in the northeast, semi-arid areas in the west, and saline and alkaline land, and can also be planted in the northwest, North China and Inner Mongolia of China. | 黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
公农3号M. sativa cv. Gongnong No.3 | 耐旱;适宜东北、西北、华北北纬46°以南、年降水量为350~550 mm的区域。Drought-resistant. It is suitable for areas south of 46° N latitude in Northeast and Northwest China with annual precipitation of 350-550 mm. | 吉林省农业科学院畜牧分院草地研究所Grassland Research Institute, Animal Husbandry Branch, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
中苜4号M. sativa cv. Zhongmu No.4 | 抗旱性中等;适宜种植于黄淮海地区及其类似区域。Medium drought resistance. Suitable for planting in the Huanghuaihai area and its similar regions. | 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
甘农7号M. sativa cv. Gannong No.7 | 抗旱性较好;适宜种植于黄土高原半干旱、半湿润地区和北方类似地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid areas of the Loess Plateau and similar areas in the north. | 甘肃创绿草业科技有限公司Gansu Chuanglv Grass Science & Technology Co.;甘肃农业大学草业学院College of Pratacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 来源国家Country of origin | 文献References |
美国苜蓿王M. sativa cv. Alfaking | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在我国黄土高原半干旱半湿润雨养区和西部干旱灌区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid rain-fed areas and arid irrigated areas in western China. | 美国 America | [ |
牧歌401+Z M. sativa cv. AmeriGraze 401+Z | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在华北大部分地区,以及东北、西北及华中地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in most parts of north China, as well as northeast, northwest and central China. | 美国 America | [ |
金黄后M. sativa cv. Golden Empress | 抗旱性较好;适宜我国北方有灌溉条件的干旱、半干旱地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for arid and semi-arid areas with irrigation conditions in northern China. | 美国 America | [ |
皇冠M. sativa cv. Phabulous | 抗旱性较好;适宜华北、西北、东北地区南部,华中及苏北等区域。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for north China, northwest China, south northeast China, central China and north Jiangsu Province and other regions. | 加拿大 Canada | [ |
维克多M. sativa cv. Vector | 抗旱性较好;适宜我国华北和华中地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for north and central China. | 加拿大 Canada | [ |
WL232HQ M. sativa cv. WL232HQ | 抗旱性强;适宜我国北方干旱半干旱地区种植。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for cultivation in arid and semi-arid areas in the north of China. | 美国 America | [ |
Table 3 Introduced M. sativa varieties with drought resistance characteristics in China
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 来源国家Country of origin | 文献References |
美国苜蓿王M. sativa cv. Alfaking | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在我国黄土高原半干旱半湿润雨养区和西部干旱灌区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in semi-arid and semi-humid rain-fed areas and arid irrigated areas in western China. | 美国 America | [ |
牧歌401+Z M. sativa cv. AmeriGraze 401+Z | 抗旱性强;适宜种植在华北大部分地区,以及东北、西北及华中地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in most parts of north China, as well as northeast, northwest and central China. | 美国 America | [ |
金黄后M. sativa cv. Golden Empress | 抗旱性较好;适宜我国北方有灌溉条件的干旱、半干旱地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for arid and semi-arid areas with irrigation conditions in northern China. | 美国 America | [ |
皇冠M. sativa cv. Phabulous | 抗旱性较好;适宜华北、西北、东北地区南部,华中及苏北等区域。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for north China, northwest China, south northeast China, central China and north Jiangsu Province and other regions. | 加拿大 Canada | [ |
维克多M. sativa cv. Vector | 抗旱性较好;适宜我国华北和华中地区。Good drought tolerance. It is suitable for north and central China. | 加拿大 Canada | [ |
WL232HQ M. sativa cv. WL232HQ | 抗旱性强;适宜我国北方干旱半干旱地区种植。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for cultivation in arid and semi-arid areas in the north of China. | 美国 America | [ |
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 选育单位 Breeding institutes | 文献 References |
北疆苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Beijiang | 抗旱性强;适宜我国北方各省、区种植。Strong drought resistance. Suitable for planting in northern provinces and districts of China. | 新疆农业大学畜牧分院Animal Husbandry Branch, Xinjiang Agricultural University | [ |
关中苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Guanzhong | 抗旱性中等;适宜渭水流域、渭北旱塬及与山西晋南、关中类似气候区种植。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in Weihe River basin, Weibei dry tableland and similar climatic areas with Shanxi, Jinnan and Guanzhong. | 西北农业大学Northwest Agricultural University | [ |
河西苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Hexi | 耐旱性强;适宜黄土高原地区及西北各省荒漠、半荒漠、干旱有灌溉条件的区域。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for irrigation in desert, semi-desert and arid areas of Loess Plateau and northwest provinces. | 甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站 Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station | [ |
晋南苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Jinnan | 抗旱性中等;适宜在年平均气温在9~14 ℃,年降水量在300~550 mm的地区种植。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in areas where the annual average temperature is 9-14 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 300-550 mm. | 山西省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;山西省运城地区农牧局牧草站Bureau Forage Station of Shanxi Yuncheng District Agriculture and Animal Husbandry | [ |
陇东苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Longdong | 耐旱性强;最适宜黄土高原地区栽培。Strong drought resistance. It is most suitable for cultivation in Loess Plateau area. | 甘肃草原生态研究所Gansu Grassland Ecology Research Institute;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station | [ |
陇中苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Longzhong | 抗旱性强;最适宜黄土高原地区种植,也可在长城沿线干旱风沙地区栽培。Strong drought resistance. It is most suitable for planting in Loess Plateau area, and can also be cultivated in arid and sandy areas along the Great Wall. | 甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
内蒙准格尔苜蓿M. sativa cv. Neimeng Zhungeer | 抗旱性强;适应在内蒙古中、西部以及相邻的陕北、宁夏部分地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in central and western Inner Mongolia as well as parts of neighboring northern Shaanxi and Ningxia. | 内蒙古农牧学院Inner Mongolia College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;内蒙古草原工作站Grassland Workstation of Inner Mongolia | [ |
陕北苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Shanbei | 抗旱性较强;适宜在黄土高原北部、长城沿线风沙地区。More drought resistant. It is suitable for cultivation in the northern part of Loess Plateau and the wind-blown sand area along the Great Wall. | 西北农业大学Northwest Agricultural University | [ |
无棣苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Wudi | 抗旱性强;适宜鲁西北渤海湾一带以及类似地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for Bohai Bay area in northwest Shandong Province and similar areas. | 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;山东省无棣县畜牧局Wudi County Animal Husbandry Bureau, Shandong Province | [ |
蔚县苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Yuxian | 抗旱性强;适宜种植于河北省北部、西部,山西省北部和内蒙古自治区中西部地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in northern and western Hebei Province, northern Shanxi Province and central and western Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. | 河北省张家口市草原畜牧研究所Hebei Zhangjiakou Grassland Animal Husbandry Institute;河北省蔚县畜牧局Yu County Animal of Husbandry Bureau of Hebei Province;河北省阳原县畜牧局Animal Husbandry Bureau of Yangyuan County of Hebei Province | [ |
肇东苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Zhaodong | 抗旱性强;适宜在北方寒冷湿润及半干旱地区种植。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in cold, humid and semi-arid areas in the north. | 黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
保定苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Baoding | 耐旱性较好;适宜北京、天津、河北、山东、山西、甘肃、宁夏、青海东部、辽宁、吉林中南部等地区。More drought resistant. Suitable for Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, eastern Qinghai, Liaoning, South-central Jilin and other regions. | 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
Table 4 Local varieties of M. sativa with drought-resistant characteristics approved in China
品种 Varieties | 抗旱性及适宜种植区域 Drought resistance and suitable cultivation areas | 选育单位 Breeding institutes | 文献 References |
北疆苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Beijiang | 抗旱性强;适宜我国北方各省、区种植。Strong drought resistance. Suitable for planting in northern provinces and districts of China. | 新疆农业大学畜牧分院Animal Husbandry Branch, Xinjiang Agricultural University | [ |
关中苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Guanzhong | 抗旱性中等;适宜渭水流域、渭北旱塬及与山西晋南、关中类似气候区种植。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in Weihe River basin, Weibei dry tableland and similar climatic areas with Shanxi, Jinnan and Guanzhong. | 西北农业大学Northwest Agricultural University | [ |
河西苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Hexi | 耐旱性强;适宜黄土高原地区及西北各省荒漠、半荒漠、干旱有灌溉条件的区域。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for irrigation in desert, semi-desert and arid areas of Loess Plateau and northwest provinces. | 甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站 Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station | [ |
晋南苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Jinnan | 抗旱性中等;适宜在年平均气温在9~14 ℃,年降水量在300~550 mm的地区种植。Medium drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in areas where the annual average temperature is 9-14 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 300-550 mm. | 山西省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;山西省运城地区农牧局牧草站Bureau Forage Station of Shanxi Yuncheng District Agriculture and Animal Husbandry | [ |
陇东苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Longdong | 耐旱性强;最适宜黄土高原地区栽培。Strong drought resistance. It is most suitable for cultivation in Loess Plateau area. | 甘肃草原生态研究所Gansu Grassland Ecology Research Institute;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station | [ |
陇中苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Longzhong | 抗旱性强;最适宜黄土高原地区种植,也可在长城沿线干旱风沙地区栽培。Strong drought resistance. It is most suitable for planting in Loess Plateau area, and can also be cultivated in arid and sandy areas along the Great Wall. | 甘肃省饲草饲料技术推广总站Gansu Forage Feed Technology Extension Station;甘肃省畜牧厅Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Department;甘肃农业大学Gansu Agricultural University | [ |
内蒙准格尔苜蓿M. sativa cv. Neimeng Zhungeer | 抗旱性强;适应在内蒙古中、西部以及相邻的陕北、宁夏部分地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in central and western Inner Mongolia as well as parts of neighboring northern Shaanxi and Ningxia. | 内蒙古农牧学院Inner Mongolia College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;内蒙古草原工作站Grassland Workstation of Inner Mongolia | [ |
陕北苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Shanbei | 抗旱性较强;适宜在黄土高原北部、长城沿线风沙地区。More drought resistant. It is suitable for cultivation in the northern part of Loess Plateau and the wind-blown sand area along the Great Wall. | 西北农业大学Northwest Agricultural University | [ |
无棣苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Wudi | 抗旱性强;适宜鲁西北渤海湾一带以及类似地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for Bohai Bay area in northwest Shandong Province and similar areas. | 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;山东省无棣县畜牧局Wudi County Animal Husbandry Bureau, Shandong Province | [ |
蔚县苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Yuxian | 抗旱性强;适宜种植于河北省北部、西部,山西省北部和内蒙古自治区中西部地区。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in northern and western Hebei Province, northern Shanxi Province and central and western Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. | 河北省张家口市草原畜牧研究所Hebei Zhangjiakou Grassland Animal Husbandry Institute;河北省蔚县畜牧局Yu County Animal of Husbandry Bureau of Hebei Province;河北省阳原县畜牧局Animal Husbandry Bureau of Yangyuan County of Hebei Province | [ |
肇东苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Zhaodong | 抗旱性强;适宜在北方寒冷湿润及半干旱地区种植。Strong drought resistance. It is suitable for planting in cold, humid and semi-arid areas in the north. | 黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Husbandry, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
保定苜蓿 M. sativa cv. Baoding | 耐旱性较好;适宜北京、天津、河北、山东、山西、甘肃、宁夏、青海东部、辽宁、吉林中南部等地区。More drought resistant. Suitable for Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, eastern Qinghai, Liaoning, South-central Jilin and other regions. | 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | [ |
外源基因 Exogenous genes | 外源物种 Exogenous species | 转基因物种 Genetically modified species | 功能 Functions | 参考文献References |
CsALDH、BAR | 无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC和地上生物量升高,膜伤害和渗透胁迫水平降低。RWC and aboveground biomass were elevated, and levels of membrane injury and osmotic stress were reduced. | [ |
AtEDT1 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 存活率、生物量、气孔大小、根系大小、根长、根重、根直径,叶绿素、SS、Pro含量和SOD活性升高,失水率、气孔密度、质膜透性和MDA含量降低。Survival rate, biomass, stomatal size, root size, root length, root weight, root diameter, chlorophyll content, SS content, Pro content and SOD activity were elevated, while water loss rate, stomatal density, plasma membrane permeability and MDA content were reduced. | [ |
AtABF3 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 叶片枯萎速度、蒸腾速率和ROS含量降低。Leaf wilting rate, transpiration rate and ROS content were reduced. | [ |
AtNDPK2 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC、Pro含量升高,叶片枯萎速度、失水率和MDA含量降低。RWC, Pro content were increased, leaf wilting rate, water loss rate and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
MtWXP1 | 蒺藜苜蓿M. truncatula | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光系统II的效率、光系统II的量子效率、光化学猝灭系数、表观电子传递速率、RWC和叶水势升高。Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance, photosystem II efficiency, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, photochemical burst coefficient, apparent electron transfer rate, RWC and leaf water potential were increased. | [ |
AgcodA | 球形接杆菌Arthrobacter globiformis | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC,甜菜碱和Pro含量升高。RWC, betaine and Pro content were increased. | [ |
GsWRKY20 | 野大豆Glycine soja | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | Pro和SS含量升高,膜透性和MDA含量降低。Pro and SS content were increased, and membrane permeability and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
ZxABCG11 | 霸王Zygophyllum xanthoxylum | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 株高、地上生物量、角质层蜡质、保水能力和光合能力升高,角质层的透性降低。Plant height, aboveground biomass, cuticle wax, water retention capacity and photosynthetic capacity were increased, while cuticle permeability were decreased. | [ |
CsP5CDH1 | 无芒隐子草C. songorica | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | Pro含量升高,叶片失水率降低。Pro content were elevated, while leaf water loss rate were reduced. | [ |
Table 5 Exogenous genes transferred to M. sativa and functions
外源基因 Exogenous genes | 外源物种 Exogenous species | 转基因物种 Genetically modified species | 功能 Functions | 参考文献References |
CsALDH、BAR | 无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC和地上生物量升高,膜伤害和渗透胁迫水平降低。RWC and aboveground biomass were elevated, and levels of membrane injury and osmotic stress were reduced. | [ |
AtEDT1 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 存活率、生物量、气孔大小、根系大小、根长、根重、根直径,叶绿素、SS、Pro含量和SOD活性升高,失水率、气孔密度、质膜透性和MDA含量降低。Survival rate, biomass, stomatal size, root size, root length, root weight, root diameter, chlorophyll content, SS content, Pro content and SOD activity were elevated, while water loss rate, stomatal density, plasma membrane permeability and MDA content were reduced. | [ |
AtABF3 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 叶片枯萎速度、蒸腾速率和ROS含量降低。Leaf wilting rate, transpiration rate and ROS content were reduced. | [ |
AtNDPK2 | 拟南芥A. thaliana | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC、Pro含量升高,叶片枯萎速度、失水率和MDA含量降低。RWC, Pro content were increased, leaf wilting rate, water loss rate and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
MtWXP1 | 蒺藜苜蓿M. truncatula | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光系统II的效率、光系统II的量子效率、光化学猝灭系数、表观电子传递速率、RWC和叶水势升高。Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance, photosystem II efficiency, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, photochemical burst coefficient, apparent electron transfer rate, RWC and leaf water potential were increased. | [ |
AgcodA | 球形接杆菌Arthrobacter globiformis | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | RWC,甜菜碱和Pro含量升高。RWC, betaine and Pro content were increased. | [ |
GsWRKY20 | 野大豆Glycine soja | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | Pro和SS含量升高,膜透性和MDA含量降低。Pro and SS content were increased, and membrane permeability and MDA content were decreased. | [ |
ZxABCG11 | 霸王Zygophyllum xanthoxylum | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | 株高、地上生物量、角质层蜡质、保水能力和光合能力升高,角质层的透性降低。Plant height, aboveground biomass, cuticle wax, water retention capacity and photosynthetic capacity were increased, while cuticle permeability were decreased. | [ |
CsP5CDH1 | 无芒隐子草C. songorica | 紫花苜蓿M. sativa | Pro含量升高,叶片失水率降低。Pro content were elevated, while leaf water loss rate were reduced. | [ |
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