Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 149-160.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024008
Shuai-lei LYU1(), Dan-na CHANG1(
), Guo-peng ZHOU1, Rui LIU2, Xin ZHAO1, Jia LIU3, Chang-xu XU3, Wei-dong CAO1(
Wei-dong CAO
Shuai-lei LYU, Dan-na CHANG, Guo-peng ZHOU, Rui LIU, Xin ZHAO, Jia LIU, Chang-xu XU, Wei-dong CAO. The phosphorus effect of applying phosphate rock powder during the green manure season in red soil of Jiangxi Province[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(11): 149-160.
处理 Treatment | 干物重 Dry weight (g·pot-1) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·pot-1) | 总氮 Total nitrogen (mg·pot-1) |
MVP0 | 12.90 | 4.85 | 397.14 |
MVP1 | 13.97 | 5.11 | 401.63 |
MVP2 | 18.31 | 7.36 | 488.85 |
RAP0 | 12.67 | 5.73 | 193.90 |
RAP1 | 16.52 | 6.31 | 219.94 |
RAP2 | 18.07 | 7.84 | 224.59 |
RYP0 | 18.28 | 8.75 | 83.54 |
RYP1 | 23.68 | 11.66 | 144.64 |
RYP2 | 25.33 | 12.43 | 160.93 |
Table 1 Dry weight, organic carbon, and total nitrogen accumulation of green manure under different treatments
处理 Treatment | 干物重 Dry weight (g·pot-1) | 有机碳 Organic carbon (g·pot-1) | 总氮 Total nitrogen (mg·pot-1) |
MVP0 | 12.90 | 4.85 | 397.14 |
MVP1 | 13.97 | 5.11 | 401.63 |
MVP2 | 18.31 | 7.36 | 488.85 |
RAP0 | 12.67 | 5.73 | 193.90 |
RAP1 | 16.52 | 6.31 | 219.94 |
RAP2 | 18.07 | 7.84 | 224.59 |
RYP0 | 18.28 | 8.75 | 83.54 |
RYP1 | 23.68 | 11.66 | 144.64 |
RYP2 | 25.33 | 12.43 | 160.93 |
Fig.3 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on soil total phosphorus, available phosphorus and microbial biomass phosphorus content in different green manure treatments
处理 Treatment | 活性磷库 Labile P | 中等活性磷库 Moderately labile P | 稳定性磷库 Stable P |
WFP0 | 63.65±3.01a | 162.50±1.58a | 305.83±8.04c |
WFP1 | 65.37±1.06a | 161.14±0.94a | 404.08±3.08b |
WFP2 | 63.48±0.76a | 162.83±1.06a | 483.06±13.77a |
平均值Average | 64.17±1.02A | 162.15±0.68A | 397.66±22.40A |
MVP0 | 67.95±1.72a | 151.61±0.43a | 303.64±6.31b |
MVP1 | 63.14±1.63ab | 155.93±2.53a | 417.55±13.77a |
MVP2 | 59.89±2.52b | 141.92±2.08b | 437.02±7.89a |
平均值Average | 63.66±1.44A | 149.82±2.03B | 86.07±18.47A |
RAP0 | 66.56±1.72a | 152.25±1.81ab | 306.48±7.19c |
RAP1 | 68.56±2.40a | 154.93±1.39a | 384.84±6.65b |
RAP2 | 65.94±1.87a | 148.66±2.80b | 449.60±18.87a |
平均值Average | 67.02±1.11A | 151.95±1.34B | 380.30±18.77A |
RYP0 | 60.83±1.90b | 144.28±2.30c | 316.95±7.05c |
RYP1 | 66.31±1.22a | 150.60±1.24b | 397.63±16.57b |
RYP2 | 65.14±1.54ab | 156.35±1.90a | 476.24±2.11a |
平均值Average | 64.1±1.09A | 150.41±1.78B | 396.97±20.36A |
GM | 2.02ns | 30.99*** | 1.94ns |
P | 1.41ns | 3.97* | 214.09*** |
GM×P | 2.15ns | 8.83*** | 2.15ns |
Table 2 Effect of applying phosphate rock powder on phosphorus storage in different green manure treatments (mg·kg-1)
处理 Treatment | 活性磷库 Labile P | 中等活性磷库 Moderately labile P | 稳定性磷库 Stable P |
WFP0 | 63.65±3.01a | 162.50±1.58a | 305.83±8.04c |
WFP1 | 65.37±1.06a | 161.14±0.94a | 404.08±3.08b |
WFP2 | 63.48±0.76a | 162.83±1.06a | 483.06±13.77a |
平均值Average | 64.17±1.02A | 162.15±0.68A | 397.66±22.40A |
MVP0 | 67.95±1.72a | 151.61±0.43a | 303.64±6.31b |
MVP1 | 63.14±1.63ab | 155.93±2.53a | 417.55±13.77a |
MVP2 | 59.89±2.52b | 141.92±2.08b | 437.02±7.89a |
平均值Average | 63.66±1.44A | 149.82±2.03B | 86.07±18.47A |
RAP0 | 66.56±1.72a | 152.25±1.81ab | 306.48±7.19c |
RAP1 | 68.56±2.40a | 154.93±1.39a | 384.84±6.65b |
RAP2 | 65.94±1.87a | 148.66±2.80b | 449.60±18.87a |
平均值Average | 67.02±1.11A | 151.95±1.34B | 380.30±18.77A |
RYP0 | 60.83±1.90b | 144.28±2.30c | 316.95±7.05c |
RYP1 | 66.31±1.22a | 150.60±1.24b | 397.63±16.57b |
RYP2 | 65.14±1.54ab | 156.35±1.90a | 476.24±2.11a |
平均值Average | 64.1±1.09A | 150.41±1.78B | 396.97±20.36A |
GM | 2.02ns | 30.99*** | 1.94ns |
P | 1.41ns | 3.97* | 214.09*** |
GM×P | 2.15ns | 8.83*** | 2.15ns |
处理 | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
Treatment | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield |
WFP0 | 26.33±1.02e | 34.70±1.89a | 39.17±0.76a | 33.64±1.49a |
WFP1 | 30.33±2.31de | 32.51±2.86ab | 39.75±0.60a | 36.16±1.39a |
WFP2 | 28.91±3.70de | 31.51±1.50abc | 41.29±1.17a | 38.57±2.45a |
平均值Average | 28.52±1.37C | 32.90±1.19A | 40.07±0.53C | 36.12±1.14A |
MVP0 | 41.25±1.37ab | 29.79±0.92bc | 43.88±0.29b | 39.34±0.92a |
MVP1 | 41.95±0.94a | 30.38±0.48abc | 47.60±0.67a | 37.34±2.12a |
MVP2 | 45.87±0.65a | 32.72±2.46ab | 49.04±1.27a | 39.30±1.29a |
平均值Average | 43.02±0.81A | 30.97±0.89A | 46.84±0.79A | 38.66±0.85A |
RAP0 | 29.15±1.73de | 30.72±1.02abc | 42.75±1.16b | 37.27±1.58a |
RAP1 | 33.29±1.54cd | 32.31±1.90ab | 46.63±1.56a | 38.95±2.51a |
RAP2 | 30.47±2.25cde | 27.12±0.66c | 41.53±1.22b | 37.27±1.61a |
平均值Average | 30.97±1.10BC | 30.04±0.94A | 43.64±0.95B | 37.87±1.04A |
RYP0 | 32.57±2.44cd | 29.19±1.88bc | 41.58±0.39a | 40.37±2.56a |
RYP1 | 35.96±2.18bc | 31.30±1.49abc | 40.82±0.23a | 36.14±1.84a |
RYP2 | 33.41±2.10cd | 32.64±0.59ab | 40.46±0.61a | 39.50±1.34a |
平均值Average | 33.98±1.25B | 31.04±0.86A | 40.95±0.27C | 38.67±1.17A |
GM | 32.27*** | 1.60ns | 32.51*** | 1.28ns |
P | 2.73ns | 0.17ns | 4.17* | 0.75ns |
GM×P | 0.69ns | 1.82ns | 4.66** | 1.01ns |
Table 3 Grain and yield of subsequent rice in different treatments (g·pot -1)
处理 | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
Treatment | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield | 籽粒产量Grain yield | 秸秆产量Straw yield |
WFP0 | 26.33±1.02e | 34.70±1.89a | 39.17±0.76a | 33.64±1.49a |
WFP1 | 30.33±2.31de | 32.51±2.86ab | 39.75±0.60a | 36.16±1.39a |
WFP2 | 28.91±3.70de | 31.51±1.50abc | 41.29±1.17a | 38.57±2.45a |
平均值Average | 28.52±1.37C | 32.90±1.19A | 40.07±0.53C | 36.12±1.14A |
MVP0 | 41.25±1.37ab | 29.79±0.92bc | 43.88±0.29b | 39.34±0.92a |
MVP1 | 41.95±0.94a | 30.38±0.48abc | 47.60±0.67a | 37.34±2.12a |
MVP2 | 45.87±0.65a | 32.72±2.46ab | 49.04±1.27a | 39.30±1.29a |
平均值Average | 43.02±0.81A | 30.97±0.89A | 46.84±0.79A | 38.66±0.85A |
RAP0 | 29.15±1.73de | 30.72±1.02abc | 42.75±1.16b | 37.27±1.58a |
RAP1 | 33.29±1.54cd | 32.31±1.90ab | 46.63±1.56a | 38.95±2.51a |
RAP2 | 30.47±2.25cde | 27.12±0.66c | 41.53±1.22b | 37.27±1.61a |
平均值Average | 30.97±1.10BC | 30.04±0.94A | 43.64±0.95B | 37.87±1.04A |
RYP0 | 32.57±2.44cd | 29.19±1.88bc | 41.58±0.39a | 40.37±2.56a |
RYP1 | 35.96±2.18bc | 31.30±1.49abc | 40.82±0.23a | 36.14±1.84a |
RYP2 | 33.41±2.10cd | 32.64±0.59ab | 40.46±0.61a | 39.50±1.34a |
平均值Average | 33.98±1.25B | 31.04±0.86A | 40.95±0.27C | 38.67±1.17A |
GM | 32.27*** | 1.60ns | 32.51*** | 1.28ns |
P | 2.73ns | 0.17ns | 4.17* | 0.75ns |
GM×P | 0.69ns | 1.82ns | 4.66** | 1.01ns |
处理 Treatment | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | 籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | |
WFP0 | 78.67±4.97g | 75.95±3.59a | 112.04±11.03bcd | 25.29±1.35cd |
WFP1 | 94.30±3.02ef | 62.29±4.39bc | 120.7±10.57bc | 28.93±2.71bc |
WFP2 | 94.39±7.36ef | 54.58±4.91bcde | 106.34±8.90cd | 37.09±2.70a |
平均值Average | 89.12±3.60C | 64.27±3.50A | 113.03±5.62BC | 30.44±1.92AB |
MVP0 | 106.87±5.33cde | 46.80±3.29def | 117.02±5.99bc | 22.69±2.06d |
MVP1 | 143.57±6.93a | 36.66±4.84f | 152.43±11.81a | 27.37±2.15bcd |
MVP2 | 131.81±4.97ab | 65.82±5.66ab | 129.24±2.94bc | 28.90±1.44bc |
平均值Average | 127.42±5.52A | 49.76±4.40B | 132.95±6.02A | 26.32±1.27C |
RAP0 | 91.73±2.87fg | 43.17±2.46ef | 92.07±2.38d | 26.55±0.22bcd |
RAP1 | 96.43±5.03def | 56.58±4.90bcd | 105.06±10.54cd | 30.35±2.14bc |
RAP2 | 101.71±4.48def | 46.63±1.86def | 112.96±9.57bcd | 26.52±0.50bcd |
平均值Average | 96.62±2.53C | 48.79±2.45B | 103.36±5.07C | 27.78±0.85BC |
RYP0 | 98.64±3.51def | 42.44±3.13ef | 113.11±3.45bcd | 29.59±0.48bc |
RYP1 | 118.42±2.72bc | 50.32±6.47cde | 113.40±4.50bcd | 30.71±1.82b |
RYP2 | 110.27±5.96cd | 50.29±6.10cde | 130.84±8.93ab | 37.03±1.82a |
平均值Average | 109.11±3.32B | 47.68±3.05B | 119.09±4.06B | 32.43±1.26A |
GM | 33.84*** | 8.96*** | 6.42*** | 6.82*** |
P | 16.77*** | 0.45ns | 3.30* | 12.39*** |
GM×P | 1.89ns | 6.47*** | 1.78ns | 2.81* |
Table 4 Shoot phosphorus absorption of subsequent rice in different treatments (mg·pot -1)
处理 Treatment | 早稻Early rice | 晚稻Late rice | ||
籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | 籽粒磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption in rice | 秸秆磷素吸收量 Phosphorus absorption of straw | |
WFP0 | 78.67±4.97g | 75.95±3.59a | 112.04±11.03bcd | 25.29±1.35cd |
WFP1 | 94.30±3.02ef | 62.29±4.39bc | 120.7±10.57bc | 28.93±2.71bc |
WFP2 | 94.39±7.36ef | 54.58±4.91bcde | 106.34±8.90cd | 37.09±2.70a |
平均值Average | 89.12±3.60C | 64.27±3.50A | 113.03±5.62BC | 30.44±1.92AB |
MVP0 | 106.87±5.33cde | 46.80±3.29def | 117.02±5.99bc | 22.69±2.06d |
MVP1 | 143.57±6.93a | 36.66±4.84f | 152.43±11.81a | 27.37±2.15bcd |
MVP2 | 131.81±4.97ab | 65.82±5.66ab | 129.24±2.94bc | 28.90±1.44bc |
平均值Average | 127.42±5.52A | 49.76±4.40B | 132.95±6.02A | 26.32±1.27C |
RAP0 | 91.73±2.87fg | 43.17±2.46ef | 92.07±2.38d | 26.55±0.22bcd |
RAP1 | 96.43±5.03def | 56.58±4.90bcd | 105.06±10.54cd | 30.35±2.14bc |
RAP2 | 101.71±4.48def | 46.63±1.86def | 112.96±9.57bcd | 26.52±0.50bcd |
平均值Average | 96.62±2.53C | 48.79±2.45B | 103.36±5.07C | 27.78±0.85BC |
RYP0 | 98.64±3.51def | 42.44±3.13ef | 113.11±3.45bcd | 29.59±0.48bc |
RYP1 | 118.42±2.72bc | 50.32±6.47cde | 113.40±4.50bcd | 30.71±1.82b |
RYP2 | 110.27±5.96cd | 50.29±6.10cde | 130.84±8.93ab | 37.03±1.82a |
平均值Average | 109.11±3.32B | 47.68±3.05B | 119.09±4.06B | 32.43±1.26A |
GM | 33.84*** | 8.96*** | 6.42*** | 6.82*** |
P | 16.77*** | 0.45ns | 3.30* | 12.39*** |
GM×P | 1.89ns | 6.47*** | 1.78ns | 2.81* |
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