Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 135-148.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023477
Xiao-xiao LI(), Pan ZHANG, Yuan LU, Ting LI, Na ZHAO, Jia-wen WU(
Jia-wen WU
Xiao-xiao LI, Pan ZHANG, Yuan LU, Ting LI, Na ZHAO, Jia-wen WU. Abiotic stress priming affects the responses of maize (Zea mays) plants to cadmium stress[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(11): 135-148.
处理 Treatment | 总根长 Total root length (cm) | 根表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根尖数 Number of root tips | 根直径 Root diameter (mm) |
-Cd | |||||
CK | 1819±404a | 880±141a | 244±88a | 1674±230a | 1.5±0.4ab |
-Fe | 1168±372b | 573±194b | 155±61b | 1110±397bc | 1.0±0.4b |
Na | 1093±307b | 595±42b | 171±45ab | 1109±279bc | 1.1±0.2b |
PEG | 1082±258b | 704±128ab | 223±45ab | 984±129c | 1.7±0.5a |
Cdp | 1525±243ab | 660±128b | 155±49b | 1465±220ab | 1.0±0.3b |
+Cd | |||||
CK | 945±141c | 559±57a | 169±54a | 803±122c | 1.3±0.3a |
-Fe | 1093±51bc | 536±15a | 131±12ab | 1050±148bc | 1.0±0.0ab |
Na | 1363±426ab | 648±104a | 149±48a | 1220±386ab | 1.1±0.4ab |
PEG | 849±120c | 415±130b | 85±39b | 860±135c | 0.8±0.4b |
Cdp | 1536±224a | 646±20a | 132±10ab | 1434±252a | 0.9±0.1ab |
-Cd v.s. +Cd (P值P value) | |||||
CK | 0.002** | 0.005** | 0.151ns | 0.000*** | 0.466ns |
-Fe | 0.674ns | 0.695ns | 0.432ns | 0.766ns | 0.804ns |
Na | 0.287ns | 0.337ns | 0.491ns | 0.618ns | 0.936ns |
PEG | 0.119ns | 0.007** | 0.001*** | 0.176ns | 0.010** |
Cdp | 0.947ns | 0.815ns | 0.371ns | 0.838ns | 0.317ns |
Table 1 Effects of abiotic stress priming on root morphology of maize under Cd stress
处理 Treatment | 总根长 Total root length (cm) | 根表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | 根体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根尖数 Number of root tips | 根直径 Root diameter (mm) |
-Cd | |||||
CK | 1819±404a | 880±141a | 244±88a | 1674±230a | 1.5±0.4ab |
-Fe | 1168±372b | 573±194b | 155±61b | 1110±397bc | 1.0±0.4b |
Na | 1093±307b | 595±42b | 171±45ab | 1109±279bc | 1.1±0.2b |
PEG | 1082±258b | 704±128ab | 223±45ab | 984±129c | 1.7±0.5a |
Cdp | 1525±243ab | 660±128b | 155±49b | 1465±220ab | 1.0±0.3b |
+Cd | |||||
CK | 945±141c | 559±57a | 169±54a | 803±122c | 1.3±0.3a |
-Fe | 1093±51bc | 536±15a | 131±12ab | 1050±148bc | 1.0±0.0ab |
Na | 1363±426ab | 648±104a | 149±48a | 1220±386ab | 1.1±0.4ab |
PEG | 849±120c | 415±130b | 85±39b | 860±135c | 0.8±0.4b |
Cdp | 1536±224a | 646±20a | 132±10ab | 1434±252a | 0.9±0.1ab |
-Cd v.s. +Cd (P值P value) | |||||
CK | 0.002** | 0.005** | 0.151ns | 0.000*** | 0.466ns |
-Fe | 0.674ns | 0.695ns | 0.432ns | 0.766ns | 0.804ns |
Na | 0.287ns | 0.337ns | 0.491ns | 0.618ns | 0.936ns |
PEG | 0.119ns | 0.007** | 0.001*** | 0.176ns | 0.010** |
Cdp | 0.947ns | 0.815ns | 0.371ns | 0.838ns | 0.317ns |
组织 Organ | 处理 Treatment | 细胞壁 Cell wall | 细胞器 Organelle | 细胞可溶性部分 Cell soluble fraction |
叶 Leaves | Cd | 50.97±4.22a | 11.23±0.98a | 37.80±4.21bc |
-Fe+Cd | 48.04±10.70a | 12.34±4.66a | 39.62±10.10bc | |
Na+Cd | 45.35±5.37ab | 8.98±3.81a | 45.68±3.89ab | |
PEG+Cd | 35.45±8.07b | 10.50±2.75a | 54.04±6.48a | |
Cdp+Cd | 52.85±8.17a | 12.60±2.27a | 34.56±6.26c | |
根 Roots | Cd | 35.21±4.70ab | 16.12±4.88a | 48.67±0.92ab |
-Fe+Cd | 41.93±4.29ab | 17.97±3.83a | 40.10±5.60b | |
Na+Cd | 42.11±8.60ab | 12.65±1.32ab | 45.23±9.39ab | |
PEG+Cd | 33.19±5.26b | 9.03±1.48b | 57.77±5.50a | |
Cdp+Cd | 46.59±12.50a | 14.67±4.93ab | 38.74±14.20b |
Table 2 Effects of abiotic stress priming on subcellular distribution proportions of Cd in leaves and roots of maize under Cd stress (%)
组织 Organ | 处理 Treatment | 细胞壁 Cell wall | 细胞器 Organelle | 细胞可溶性部分 Cell soluble fraction |
叶 Leaves | Cd | 50.97±4.22a | 11.23±0.98a | 37.80±4.21bc |
-Fe+Cd | 48.04±10.70a | 12.34±4.66a | 39.62±10.10bc | |
Na+Cd | 45.35±5.37ab | 8.98±3.81a | 45.68±3.89ab | |
PEG+Cd | 35.45±8.07b | 10.50±2.75a | 54.04±6.48a | |
Cdp+Cd | 52.85±8.17a | 12.60±2.27a | 34.56±6.26c | |
根 Roots | Cd | 35.21±4.70ab | 16.12±4.88a | 48.67±0.92ab |
-Fe+Cd | 41.93±4.29ab | 17.97±3.83a | 40.10±5.60b | |
Na+Cd | 42.11±8.60ab | 12.65±1.32ab | 45.23±9.39ab | |
PEG+Cd | 33.19±5.26b | 9.03±1.48b | 57.77±5.50a | |
Cdp+Cd | 46.59±12.50a | 14.67±4.93ab | 38.74±14.20b |
Fig.5 Effects of abiotic stress priming on H2O2 contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activities in leaves of maize under Cd stress
Fig.6 Effects of abiotic stress priming on H2O2 contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activities in roots of maize under Cd stress
Fig.7 Correlation relationship of Cd accumulation with plant growth (A),Cd distribution (B) and antioxidant defense system (C) in maize under abiotic stress priming
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