Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 206-215.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022340
Jia LIANG1,2(), Zhao-yang HU3, Zhi-ming XIE1,2, Liu-feng MA1,2, Yun CHEN1,2, Zhi-gang FANG1,2(
Zhi-gang FANG
Jia LIANG, Zhao-yang HU, Zhi-ming XIE, Liu-feng MA, Yun CHEN, Zhi-gang FANG. Exogenous melatonin alleviates the physiological effects of drought stress in sweet sorghum seedlings[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(7): 206-215.
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | 地上部干重 Shoot dry weight (g·plant-1) | 根系干重 Root dry weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 97.83±3.95a | 4.46±0.29a | 23.12±0.97a | 0.49±0.07ab | 0.10±0.02ab |
D | 73.83±6.52b | 3.59±0.35c | 15.05±1.36b | 0.42±0.05b | 0.06±0.02b |
CK+MT | 98.01±2.31a | 4.45±0.15ab | 24.60±1.57a | 0.49±0.04a | 0.11±0.01a |
D+MT | 85.65±10.60ab | 3.91±0.24bc | 22.40±1.98a | 0.48±0.13ab | 0.08±0.03ab |
Table 1 Effects of exogenous melatonin on growth of sweet sorghum seedlings under drought stress
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | 地上部干重 Shoot dry weight (g·plant-1) | 根系干重 Root dry weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 97.83±3.95a | 4.46±0.29a | 23.12±0.97a | 0.49±0.07ab | 0.10±0.02ab |
D | 73.83±6.52b | 3.59±0.35c | 15.05±1.36b | 0.42±0.05b | 0.06±0.02b |
CK+MT | 98.01±2.31a | 4.45±0.15ab | 24.60±1.57a | 0.49±0.04a | 0.11±0.01a |
D+MT | 85.65±10.60ab | 3.91±0.24bc | 22.40±1.98a | 0.48±0.13ab | 0.08±0.03ab |
项目 Item | 处理 Treatment | |||
CK | D | CK+MT | D+MT | |
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a (Chl a) | 10.09±0.47a | 5.69±0.36c | 9.19±0.23b | 8.92±0.48b |
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b (Chl b) | 4.00±0.52a | 2.72±0.38b | 4.00±0.53a | 3.55±0.42ab |
总叶绿素Total chlorophyll (T-Chl) | 14.10±0.72a | 8.42±0.41c | 13.20±0.71ab | 12.47±0.14b |
类胡萝卜素Carotenoid (Car) | 1.66±0.11a | 0.85±0.12c | 1.41±0.48ab | 1.02±0.10bc |
Chl a/Chl b | 2.55±0.37a | 2.12±0.36a | 2.32±0.26a | 2.55±0.41a |
T-Chl/Car | 8.57±0.98a | 9.96±1.44a | 10.20±3.78a | 12.30±1.42a |
Table 2 Effects of exogenous melatonin on chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and their ratios in sweet sorghum seedlings under drought stress
项目 Item | 处理 Treatment | |||
CK | D | CK+MT | D+MT | |
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a (Chl a) | 10.09±0.47a | 5.69±0.36c | 9.19±0.23b | 8.92±0.48b |
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b (Chl b) | 4.00±0.52a | 2.72±0.38b | 4.00±0.53a | 3.55±0.42ab |
总叶绿素Total chlorophyll (T-Chl) | 14.10±0.72a | 8.42±0.41c | 13.20±0.71ab | 12.47±0.14b |
类胡萝卜素Carotenoid (Car) | 1.66±0.11a | 0.85±0.12c | 1.41±0.48ab | 1.02±0.10bc |
Chl a/Chl b | 2.55±0.37a | 2.12±0.36a | 2.32±0.26a | 2.55±0.41a |
T-Chl/Car | 8.57±0.98a | 9.96±1.44a | 10.20±3.78a | 12.30±1.42a |
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