草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 172-183.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021061
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
李法喜1(), 王琼1, 段廷玉1, 聂斌1, 封成智2(
Corresponding author. E-mail: 1078512312@qq.com基金资助:
Fa-xi LI1(), Qiong WANG1, Ting-yu DUAN1, Bin NIE1, Cheng-zhi FENG2(
Cheng-zhi FENG
李法喜, 王琼, 段廷玉, 聂斌, 封成智. 不同杀菌剂及其复配对箭筈豌豆炭疽病的防治研究[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(12): 172-183.
Fa-xi LI, Qiong WANG, Ting-yu DUAN, Bin NIE, Cheng-zhi FENG. Control efficacy of different fungicides and compound formulations on common vetch anthracnose[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(12): 172-183.
药剂Fungicides | 剂型Dosage forms | 生产厂家Suppliers | 浓度Concentration (mg·L-1) |
百菌清Chlorothalonil (75%) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 利民化工股份有限公司 Limin Chemical Co., Ltd | 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 |
多菌灵Carbendazim (50%,J1) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 江苏三山农药有限公司 Jiangsu Sanshan Pesticide Co., Ltd | 1000,500,250,125,62.5 |
代森锰锌Mancozeb (80%) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 利民化工股份有限公司 Limin Chemical Co., Ltd | 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 |
吡唑醚菌酯Pyraclostrobin (25%, J2) | 悬浮剂 Suspending agent | 河南银田精细化工有限公司 Henan Yintian Fine Chemical Co., Ltd | 1000,500,250,125,62.5 |
苯甲·嘧菌酯Difenoconazole- azoxystrobin (32.5%,J3) | 悬浮剂 Suspending agent | 上海沪联生物药业股份有限公司 Shanghai Hulian Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd | 50,25,12.5,6.25,3.125 |
表1 供试药剂及使用浓度
Table 1 Characteristics and concentrations of the five fungicides
药剂Fungicides | 剂型Dosage forms | 生产厂家Suppliers | 浓度Concentration (mg·L-1) |
百菌清Chlorothalonil (75%) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 利民化工股份有限公司 Limin Chemical Co., Ltd | 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 |
多菌灵Carbendazim (50%,J1) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 江苏三山农药有限公司 Jiangsu Sanshan Pesticide Co., Ltd | 1000,500,250,125,62.5 |
代森锰锌Mancozeb (80%) | 可湿性粉剂 Wettable powder | 利民化工股份有限公司 Limin Chemical Co., Ltd | 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 |
吡唑醚菌酯Pyraclostrobin (25%, J2) | 悬浮剂 Suspending agent | 河南银田精细化工有限公司 Henan Yintian Fine Chemical Co., Ltd | 1000,500,250,125,62.5 |
苯甲·嘧菌酯Difenoconazole- azoxystrobin (32.5%,J3) | 悬浮剂 Suspending agent | 上海沪联生物药业股份有限公司 Shanghai Hulian Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd | 50,25,12.5,6.25,3.125 |
药剂 Fungicides | 浓度 Concentration (mg·L-1) | 菌落直径 Colony diameter (cm) | 抑菌率 Antibacterial rate (%) |
百菌清 Chlorothalonil (75%) | 500.000 | 2.21±0.14def | 41.80±4.83ghi |
250.000 | 2.19±0.15def | 42.41±5.03ghi | |
125.000 | 2.41±0.50bcd | 34.93±16.97hij | |
62.500 | 2.74±0.19b | 23.98±6.58jk | |
31.250 | 3.15±0.06a | 9.97±2.12kl | |
J1 | 1000.000 | 1.52±0.12jkl | 65.31±3.99abcde |
500.000 | 1.61±0.02hijk | 62.38±0.75cdef | |
250.000 | 1.65±0.03ghij | 60.75±0.94cdef | |
125.000 | 1.74±0.04ghi | 57.82±1.27def | |
62.500 | 1.91±0.04fgh | 51.97±1.43efg | |
代森锰锌 Mancozeb (80%) | 500.000 | 1.63±0.33hij | 61.63±11.07cdef |
250.000 | 1.99±0.02efg | 49.32±0.65fgh | |
125.000 | 2.62±0.03b | 27.86±0.87ij | |
62.500 | 2.56±0.03bc | 29.80±0.93ij | |
31.250 | 3.18±0.07a | 8.98±2.46l | |
J2 | 1000.000 | 1.09±0.06m | 79.90±2.12a |
500.000 | 1.24±0.13lm | 77.31±4.26ab | |
250.000 | 1.22±0.02lm | 74.80±0.85abc | |
125.000 | 1.56±0.02ijkl | 64.12±0.52abcd | |
62.500 | 1.70±0.03ghi | 62.86±0.98bcdef | |
J3 | 50.000 | 1.12±0.04m | 79.01±1.44a |
25.000 | 1.29±0.04jkl | 73.20±1.26abc | |
12.500 | 2.26±0.06cde | 40.27±2.04ghi | |
6.250 | 2.44±0.01bcd | 34.18±0.17ij | |
3.125 | 2.53±0.01bc | 30.88±0.47ij | |
CK | - | 3.44±0.05a | - |
表2 5种杀菌剂对菠菜炭疽菌的抑菌作用
Table 2 Antibacterial effect of five fungicides on C. spinaciae
药剂 Fungicides | 浓度 Concentration (mg·L-1) | 菌落直径 Colony diameter (cm) | 抑菌率 Antibacterial rate (%) |
百菌清 Chlorothalonil (75%) | 500.000 | 2.21±0.14def | 41.80±4.83ghi |
250.000 | 2.19±0.15def | 42.41±5.03ghi | |
125.000 | 2.41±0.50bcd | 34.93±16.97hij | |
62.500 | 2.74±0.19b | 23.98±6.58jk | |
31.250 | 3.15±0.06a | 9.97±2.12kl | |
J1 | 1000.000 | 1.52±0.12jkl | 65.31±3.99abcde |
500.000 | 1.61±0.02hijk | 62.38±0.75cdef | |
250.000 | 1.65±0.03ghij | 60.75±0.94cdef | |
125.000 | 1.74±0.04ghi | 57.82±1.27def | |
62.500 | 1.91±0.04fgh | 51.97±1.43efg | |
代森锰锌 Mancozeb (80%) | 500.000 | 1.63±0.33hij | 61.63±11.07cdef |
250.000 | 1.99±0.02efg | 49.32±0.65fgh | |
125.000 | 2.62±0.03b | 27.86±0.87ij | |
62.500 | 2.56±0.03bc | 29.80±0.93ij | |
31.250 | 3.18±0.07a | 8.98±2.46l | |
J2 | 1000.000 | 1.09±0.06m | 79.90±2.12a |
500.000 | 1.24±0.13lm | 77.31±4.26ab | |
250.000 | 1.22±0.02lm | 74.80±0.85abc | |
125.000 | 1.56±0.02ijkl | 64.12±0.52abcd | |
62.500 | 1.70±0.03ghi | 62.86±0.98bcdef | |
J3 | 50.000 | 1.12±0.04m | 79.01±1.44a |
25.000 | 1.29±0.04jkl | 73.20±1.26abc | |
12.500 | 2.26±0.06cde | 40.27±2.04ghi | |
6.250 | 2.44±0.01bcd | 34.18±0.17ij | |
3.125 | 2.53±0.01bc | 30.88±0.47ij | |
CK | - | 3.44±0.05a | - |
图1 不同浓度杀菌剂对菠菜炭疽菌的抑制作用a: 菌落的正面The obverse of colony; b: 菌落的背面The reverse side of colony; 从上到下分别为75%百菌清、50%多菌灵、80%代森锰锌、25%吡唑醚菌酯和32.5%苯甲·嘧菌酯From top to bottom, chlorothalonil 75%, carbendazim 50%, mancozeb 80%, pyraclostrobin 25% and difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5%, respectively.
Fig.1 The inhibitory effect of five fungicides on C. spinaciae
药剂Fungicides | 毒力回归方程Toxic regression equation | 相关系数Correlation index | EC50 (mg·L-1) |
百菌清Chlorothalonil (75%) | Y=0.8897X+2.5776 | 0.8529 | 528.10 |
J1 | Y=0.2693X+4.5992 | 0.9520 | 30.78 |
代森锰锌Mancozeb (80%) | Y=1.2612X+1.9184 | 0.9177 | 277.58 |
J2 | Y=0.4669X+4.4936 | 0.8797 | 12.15 |
J3 | Y=1.2079X+3.7293 | 0.8846 | 11.27 |
表3 5种杀菌剂对菠菜炭疽菌的毒力
Table 3 Toxicity of five fungicides on C. spinaciae
药剂Fungicides | 毒力回归方程Toxic regression equation | 相关系数Correlation index | EC50 (mg·L-1) |
百菌清Chlorothalonil (75%) | Y=0.8897X+2.5776 | 0.8529 | 528.10 |
J1 | Y=0.2693X+4.5992 | 0.9520 | 30.78 |
代森锰锌Mancozeb (80%) | Y=1.2612X+1.9184 | 0.9177 | 277.58 |
J2 | Y=0.4669X+4.4936 | 0.8797 | 12.15 |
J3 | Y=1.2079X+3.7293 | 0.8846 | 11.27 |
处理 Treatments | 发病率 Incidence (%) | 病情指数 Disease index | 相对防效 Relative control effect (%) | 理论防效 Theoretical control effect (%) | 增效系数 Synergistic coefficient |
J1 | 65.00±15.00ab | 27.00±3.92ab | 26.53±10.66c | - | - |
J2 | 40.00±16.00bcd | 23.75±6.40bc | 35.37±17.41bc | - | - |
J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 23.00±6.53bc | 37.41±17.77bc | - | - |
J1∶J2 | 45.00±10.00abcd | 15.50±2.89cd | 57.82±7.86ab | 56.03 | 1.03±0.14ab |
J1∶2J2 | 40.00±23.00bcd | 14.75±1.89cd | 59.86±5.15ab | 56.03 | 1.07±0.09ab |
2J1∶J2 | 20.00±12.00d | 11.50±2.06d | 68.71±5.61a | 56.03 | 1.22±0.09a |
J1∶J3 | 40.00±10.00bcd | 15.50±3.87cd | 57.82±10.54ab | 59.55 | 1.01±0.18ab |
J1∶2J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 18.50±2.38bcd | 49.66±6.48abc | 59.55 | 0.87±0.11abc |
2J1∶J3 | 35.00±10.00bcd | 15.50±4.93cd | 57.83±13.42ab | 59.55 | 1.01±0.23ab |
J2∶J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 18.25±5.05bcd | 50.34±13.76abc | 57.42 | 0.85±0.23abc |
J2∶2J3 | 55.00±10.00abc | 23.75±4.57bc | 35.38±12.44bc | 57.42 | 0.59±0.21c |
2J2∶J3 | 30.00±12.00cd | 18.75±2.52bcd | 48.98±6.85abc | 57.42 | 0.82±0.12bc |
CK | 75.00±10.00a | 36.75±5.56a | - | - | - |
表4 3种药剂及复配对箭筈豌豆炭疽病的抑制效果
Table 4 Inhibitory effect of 3 fungicides and their compound formulations on common vetch anthracnose
处理 Treatments | 发病率 Incidence (%) | 病情指数 Disease index | 相对防效 Relative control effect (%) | 理论防效 Theoretical control effect (%) | 增效系数 Synergistic coefficient |
J1 | 65.00±15.00ab | 27.00±3.92ab | 26.53±10.66c | - | - |
J2 | 40.00±16.00bcd | 23.75±6.40bc | 35.37±17.41bc | - | - |
J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 23.00±6.53bc | 37.41±17.77bc | - | - |
J1∶J2 | 45.00±10.00abcd | 15.50±2.89cd | 57.82±7.86ab | 56.03 | 1.03±0.14ab |
J1∶2J2 | 40.00±23.00bcd | 14.75±1.89cd | 59.86±5.15ab | 56.03 | 1.07±0.09ab |
2J1∶J2 | 20.00±12.00d | 11.50±2.06d | 68.71±5.61a | 56.03 | 1.22±0.09a |
J1∶J3 | 40.00±10.00bcd | 15.50±3.87cd | 57.82±10.54ab | 59.55 | 1.01±0.18ab |
J1∶2J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 18.50±2.38bcd | 49.66±6.48abc | 59.55 | 0.87±0.11abc |
2J1∶J3 | 35.00±10.00bcd | 15.50±4.93cd | 57.83±13.42ab | 59.55 | 1.01±0.23ab |
J2∶J3 | 50.00±12.00abcd | 18.25±5.05bcd | 50.34±13.76abc | 57.42 | 0.85±0.23abc |
J2∶2J3 | 55.00±10.00abc | 23.75±4.57bc | 35.38±12.44bc | 57.42 | 0.59±0.21c |
2J2∶J3 | 30.00±12.00cd | 18.75±2.52bcd | 48.98±6.85abc | 57.42 | 0.82±0.12bc |
CK | 75.00±10.00a | 36.75±5.56a | - | - | - |
图2 箭筈豌豆在不同处理下的株高不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),下同。The different small letters mean the significant differences (P<0.05), the same below.
Fig.2 Plant height of V. sativa under different treatments
药剂 Fungicides | 有效剂量 Effective dose (g·hm-2) | 病情指数 Disease index | 相对防效 Relative control effect (%) |
J1 | 375 | 5.99±0.43b | 20.62±5.68b |
J2 | 225 | 2.34±0.29c | 68.88±3.81a |
J3 | 150 | 2.75±0.38c | 63.50±5.04a |
CK | - | 7.54±0.10a | - |
表5 田间条件下杀菌剂对箭筈豌豆炭疽病的防治效果
Table 5 Control effects of fungicides on common vetch anthracnose under field conditions
药剂 Fungicides | 有效剂量 Effective dose (g·hm-2) | 病情指数 Disease index | 相对防效 Relative control effect (%) |
J1 | 375 | 5.99±0.43b | 20.62±5.68b |
J2 | 225 | 2.34±0.29c | 68.88±3.81a |
J3 | 150 | 2.75±0.38c | 63.50±5.04a |
CK | - | 7.54±0.10a | - |
图7 不同杀菌剂处理下的箭筈豌豆田间表现a: CK (水Water); b: 50%多菌灵Carbendazim 50%; c: 25%吡唑醚菌酯Pyraclostrobin 25%; d: 32.5%苯甲·嘧菌酯Difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5%.
Fig.7 The field performance of V. sativa under different treatments
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