草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 174-185.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020447
Corresponding author. E-mail: zhangxq@sicau.edu.cn基金资助:
Yi XIAO(), Zhong-fu YANG, Gang NIE, Jia-ting HAN, Yang SHUAI, Xin-quan ZHANG(
Xin-quan ZHANG
为筛选适宜在成都平原地区种植的多花黑麦草品种(系),本研究通过田间试验测定了12个多花黑麦草品种(系)的生长速度、茎叶比、刈割高度、干草产量、鲜草产量等生产性能指标,并利用近红外光谱(NIRS)技术对不同刈割时期的4个营养成分动态进行测定分析。结果表明,参试多花黑麦草在3~4月生长速度最快,日均生长速度达2.05~2.18 cm,而此时茎所占比例较大,鲜草茎叶比为1.02~1.14,干草茎叶比为0.71~1.00。各参试多花黑麦草品种(系)鲜草产量达93444~109660 kg·hm-2,干草产量为13191~15099 kg·hm-2,其中新品系JG1和DC2两年平均干草产量最高,分别为15099和14846 kg·hm-2,较对照杰威增产14.5%和12.5%。安第斯的粗蛋白含量达18.44%,显著高于其他品种(P<0.05);新品系JG1的中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维均为最低,分别为26.09%和53.43%;川农1号的可溶性碳水化合物含量最高,达21.67%。应用灰色关联度法对12个多花黑麦草品种的产量和营养品质相关指标进行综合分析,结果显示新品系DC2、JG1、CA1和GB性状综合表现较好,可进一步试验以在成都平原推广利用。
肖逸, 杨忠富, 聂刚, 韩佳婷, 帅杨, 张新全. 12个多花黑麦草品种(系)在成都平原的生产性能和营养价值综合评价[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(5): 174-185.
Yi XIAO, Zhong-fu YANG, Gang NIE, Jia-ting HAN, Yang SHUAI, Xin-quan ZHANG. Multi-trait evaluation of yield and nutritive value of 12 Lolium multiflorum varieties or lines in Chengdu Plain[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(5): 174-185.
编号No. | 品种(系)Varieties | 备注Remarks | 来源Origins |
1 | JG1 (杰威×赣选1号 Splendor×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
2 | GB (B组合 Group B) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
3 | DC2 (钻石T×长江2号 Diamond T×Changjiang No.2) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
4 | CG21 (长江2号×赣选1号 Changjiang No.2×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
5 | CA1 (晨曲×阿伯德 Chenqu×Aubade) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
6 | WJ1 (沃土×杰威 Barwoltra×Splendor) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
7 | ZG1 (Z3×赣选1号 Z3×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
8 | 川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
9 | 安第斯 Andes | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
10 | 安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
11 | 杰威 Splendor | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
12 | 川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 育成品种The bred variety | 四川农业大学Sichuan Agricultural University |
表1 供试材料信息
Table 1 Information of test materials
编号No. | 品种(系)Varieties | 备注Remarks | 来源Origins |
1 | JG1 (杰威×赣选1号 Splendor×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
2 | GB (B组合 Group B) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
3 | DC2 (钻石T×长江2号 Diamond T×Changjiang No.2) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
4 | CG21 (长江2号×赣选1号 Changjiang No.2×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
5 | CA1 (晨曲×阿伯德 Chenqu×Aubade) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
6 | WJ1 (沃土×杰威 Barwoltra×Splendor) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
7 | ZG1 (Z3×赣选1号 Z3×Ganxuan No.1) | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
8 | 川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 新品系The new line | 杂交后代多次混合选择 The hybrid offspring were mixed and selected several times |
9 | 安第斯 Andes | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
10 | 安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
11 | 杰威 Splendor | 引进品种The introduced variety | 丹农匹克公司 DLF Pick Seed |
12 | 川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 育成品种The bred variety | 四川农业大学Sichuan Agricultural University |
图1 供试材料不同生育时期刈割茬次的生长速度不同小写字母表示不同品种(系)间差异显著 (P<0.05),下同。Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference among different cultivars(lines) at the 0.05 level, the same below.
Fig.1 Growth rate of cutting stubble times of the tested materials at different growth stages
品种(系) Varieties | 生长高度 Growth height (cm) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 旗叶长 Flag leaf length (cm) | 旗叶宽 Flag leaf width (mm) | 倒二叶长 Second upper leaf length (cm) | 倒二叶宽 Second upper leaf width (mm) | 花序长 Inflorescence length (cm) | 穗数 Spike number (No.) |
JG1 | 85.08±1.42a | 3.60±0.65ab | 27.30±3.56ab | 12.11±1.52abc | 37.08±5.08a | 12.46±1.74bc | 34.73±3.32abc | 33.80±3.55abc |
GB | 84.17±1.40a | 3.48±0.60ab | 24.07±6.25ab | 12.99±5.30abc | 37.00±7.94a | 12.79±1.79abc | 31.41±3.75cd | 33.80±2.49abc |
DC2 | 82.97±1.38ab | 3.16±0.42bc | 24.39±5.69ab | 13.34±2.08ab | 36.57±5.50a | 14.29±1.35a | 37.88±5.57a | 35.70±2.45ab |
CG21 | 83.25±1.38ab | 3.49±0.69ab | 26.28±5.22ab | 12.89±1.77abc | 35.08±4.78a | 13.64±1.64abc | 35.99±3.98ab | 33.40±3.10abc |
CA1 | 85.83±1.43a | 3.12±0.30bc | 26.05±4.67ab | 12.16±1.44abc | 37.68±4.48a | 13.34±1.53abc | 33.67±5.75bc | 34.30±1.95abc |
WJ1 | 85.24±1.40a | 3.43±0.57bc | 27.62±5.22ab | 13.22±1.36ab | 36.44±5.04a | 13.38±2.25abc | 36.41±4.66ab | 34.60±2.22ab |
ZG1 | 80.50±1.51bc | 3.71±0.73ab | 23.91±3.09c | 13.54±2.00a | 34.37±4.93a | 12.89±1.85abc | 35.81±4.26ab | 32.50±3.87bc |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 86.13±1.42a | 4.02±0.52a | 22.65±4.04c | 10.77±3.61d | 34.04±5.15a | 13.00±1.49abc | 34.67±4.11abc | 35.00±4.45ab |
安第斯 Andes | 79.27±1.34c | 4.00±0.65a | 29.77±4.05a | 12.73±1.69abc | 39.42±3.65a | 12.74±1.42abc | 35.26±2.93abc | 30.90±1.79c |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 81.68±1.37bc | 3.08±0.66bc | 23.63±2.87c | 10.71±1.34d | 29.10±4.15b | 10.63±1.11d | 28.35±3.41de | 32.10±6.62bc |
杰威Splendor | 82.19±1.42ab | 3.55±0.73ab | 26.94±2.60ab | 13.44±1.66ab | 33.62±4.66ab | 13.14±1.75abc | 36.46±4.02ab | 33.90±3.98abc |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 80.05±1.35bc | 2.93±0.52c | 27.07±8.52ab | 11.34±1.83c | 36.25±7.24a | 11.98±1.59c | 25.29±1.64e | 32.10±4.33bc |
表2 供试材料的农艺性状
Table 2 Agronomic traits related to yield of test materials
品种(系) Varieties | 生长高度 Growth height (cm) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 旗叶长 Flag leaf length (cm) | 旗叶宽 Flag leaf width (mm) | 倒二叶长 Second upper leaf length (cm) | 倒二叶宽 Second upper leaf width (mm) | 花序长 Inflorescence length (cm) | 穗数 Spike number (No.) |
JG1 | 85.08±1.42a | 3.60±0.65ab | 27.30±3.56ab | 12.11±1.52abc | 37.08±5.08a | 12.46±1.74bc | 34.73±3.32abc | 33.80±3.55abc |
GB | 84.17±1.40a | 3.48±0.60ab | 24.07±6.25ab | 12.99±5.30abc | 37.00±7.94a | 12.79±1.79abc | 31.41±3.75cd | 33.80±2.49abc |
DC2 | 82.97±1.38ab | 3.16±0.42bc | 24.39±5.69ab | 13.34±2.08ab | 36.57±5.50a | 14.29±1.35a | 37.88±5.57a | 35.70±2.45ab |
CG21 | 83.25±1.38ab | 3.49±0.69ab | 26.28±5.22ab | 12.89±1.77abc | 35.08±4.78a | 13.64±1.64abc | 35.99±3.98ab | 33.40±3.10abc |
CA1 | 85.83±1.43a | 3.12±0.30bc | 26.05±4.67ab | 12.16±1.44abc | 37.68±4.48a | 13.34±1.53abc | 33.67±5.75bc | 34.30±1.95abc |
WJ1 | 85.24±1.40a | 3.43±0.57bc | 27.62±5.22ab | 13.22±1.36ab | 36.44±5.04a | 13.38±2.25abc | 36.41±4.66ab | 34.60±2.22ab |
ZG1 | 80.50±1.51bc | 3.71±0.73ab | 23.91±3.09c | 13.54±2.00a | 34.37±4.93a | 12.89±1.85abc | 35.81±4.26ab | 32.50±3.87bc |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 86.13±1.42a | 4.02±0.52a | 22.65±4.04c | 10.77±3.61d | 34.04±5.15a | 13.00±1.49abc | 34.67±4.11abc | 35.00±4.45ab |
安第斯 Andes | 79.27±1.34c | 4.00±0.65a | 29.77±4.05a | 12.73±1.69abc | 39.42±3.65a | 12.74±1.42abc | 35.26±2.93abc | 30.90±1.79c |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 81.68±1.37bc | 3.08±0.66bc | 23.63±2.87c | 10.71±1.34d | 29.10±4.15b | 10.63±1.11d | 28.35±3.41de | 32.10±6.62bc |
杰威Splendor | 82.19±1.42ab | 3.55±0.73ab | 26.94±2.60ab | 13.44±1.66ab | 33.62±4.66ab | 13.14±1.75abc | 36.46±4.02ab | 33.90±3.98abc |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 80.05±1.35bc | 2.93±0.52c | 27.07±8.52ab | 11.34±1.83c | 36.25±7.24a | 11.98±1.59c | 25.29±1.64e | 32.10±4.33bc |
品种(系) Varieties | 第2茬 2nd cutting | 第3茬 3rd cutting | 平均值Mean | |||
茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | 茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | 茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | |
JG1 | 0.60±0.06a | 0.57±0.04a | 1.09±0.03ab | 0.78±0.06d | 0.84±0.27a | 0.68±0.12ab |
GB | 0.34±0.02de | 0.37±0.03c | 1.11±0.03ab | 0.77±0.09d | 0.73±0.42cd | 0.57±0.23d |
DC2 | 0.31±0.05e | 0.36±0.04c | 1.02±0.06b | 0.71±0.07d | 0.66±0.39f | 0.53±0.20d |
CG21 | 0.42±0.03bc | 0.36±0.04c | 1.14±0.11a | 0.83±0.03cd | 0.78±0.40bc | 0.60±0.26d |
CA1 | 0.35±0.02cde | 0.37±0.06c | 1.06±0.05ab | 0.84±0.08bcd | 0.70±0.39def | 0.61±0.27cd |
WJ1 | 0.55±0.05a | 0.52±0.06ab | 1.11±0.04ab | 0.92±0.10abc | 0.83±0.31ab | 0.72±0.23a |
ZG1 | 0.47±0.03b | 0.51±0.03ab | 1.08±0.04ab | 0.71±0.04d | 0.78±0.34bc | 0.61±0.11cd |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 0.41±0.03bcd | 0.47±0.04b | 1.07±0.03ab | 0.92±0.06abc | 0.74±0.36cde | 0.69±0.25a |
安第斯 Andes | 0.36±0.03cde | 0.38±0.03c | 1.02±0.10b | 1.00±0.07a | 0.69±0.36ef | 0.69±0.34a |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 0.41±0.02bcd | 0.48±0.07b | 1.10±0.06ab | 0.96±0.02ab | 0.76±0.38cd | 0.72±0.27a |
杰威 Splendor | 0.41±0.04bcd | 0.36±0.04c | 1.11±0.03ab | 0.72±0.07d | 0.76±0.39cd | 0.54±0.20d |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 0.58±0.07a | 0.56±0.08ab | 1.09±0.03ab | 0.80±0.06cd | 0.83±0.27ab | 0.68±0.15ab |
表3 供试材料不同生育时期刈割茬次茎叶比
Table 3 The stem and leaf ratio of cutting stubble times at different growth stages of the tested materials
品种(系) Varieties | 第2茬 2nd cutting | 第3茬 3rd cutting | 平均值Mean | |||
茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | 茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | 茎叶比(鲜) Stem/leaf (fresh) | 茎叶比(干) Stem/leaf (dry) | |
JG1 | 0.60±0.06a | 0.57±0.04a | 1.09±0.03ab | 0.78±0.06d | 0.84±0.27a | 0.68±0.12ab |
GB | 0.34±0.02de | 0.37±0.03c | 1.11±0.03ab | 0.77±0.09d | 0.73±0.42cd | 0.57±0.23d |
DC2 | 0.31±0.05e | 0.36±0.04c | 1.02±0.06b | 0.71±0.07d | 0.66±0.39f | 0.53±0.20d |
CG21 | 0.42±0.03bc | 0.36±0.04c | 1.14±0.11a | 0.83±0.03cd | 0.78±0.40bc | 0.60±0.26d |
CA1 | 0.35±0.02cde | 0.37±0.06c | 1.06±0.05ab | 0.84±0.08bcd | 0.70±0.39def | 0.61±0.27cd |
WJ1 | 0.55±0.05a | 0.52±0.06ab | 1.11±0.04ab | 0.92±0.10abc | 0.83±0.31ab | 0.72±0.23a |
ZG1 | 0.47±0.03b | 0.51±0.03ab | 1.08±0.04ab | 0.71±0.04d | 0.78±0.34bc | 0.61±0.11cd |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 0.41±0.03bcd | 0.47±0.04b | 1.07±0.03ab | 0.92±0.06abc | 0.74±0.36cde | 0.69±0.25a |
安第斯 Andes | 0.36±0.03cde | 0.38±0.03c | 1.02±0.10b | 1.00±0.07a | 0.69±0.36ef | 0.69±0.34a |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 0.41±0.02bcd | 0.48±0.07b | 1.10±0.06ab | 0.96±0.02ab | 0.76±0.38cd | 0.72±0.27a |
杰威 Splendor | 0.41±0.04bcd | 0.36±0.04c | 1.11±0.03ab | 0.72±0.07d | 0.76±0.39cd | 0.54±0.20d |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 0.58±0.07a | 0.56±0.08ab | 1.09±0.03ab | 0.80±0.06cd | 0.83±0.27ab | 0.68±0.15ab |
品种(系) Varieties | 刈割茬次 Mowing stubble | 粗蛋白 Crude protein | 酸性洗涤纤维 Acid detergent fiber | 中性洗涤纤维 Neutral detergent fiber | 可溶性碳水化合物 Water soluble carbohydrates |
JG1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.38±0.10e | 22.29±0.12e | 45.65±0.35g | 22.28±0.32c |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 14.94±0.06c | 28.01±0.09abc | 56.86±0.43d | 20.59±0.10cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 18.57±0.35c | 27.97±0.22e | 57.79±0.40c | 15.53±0.14e | |
平均值 Mean | 16.63±1.59c | 26.09±2.85f | 53.43±5.86d | 19.47±3.05cde | |
GB | 第1茬 1st cutting | 19.88±0.08a | 25.15±0.10bc | 56.20±0.57a | 19.03±0.08g |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.47±0.37b | 28.43±0.61ab | 59.69±0.58ab | 16.50±0.18e | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 18.22±0.65cd | 28.70±0.74cde | 58.62±1.94bc | 16.33±0.20c | |
平均值 Mean | 18.19±1.52a | 27.42±1.78c | 58.17±1.87a | 17.29±1.31f | |
DC2 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.53±0.07h | 25.99±0.31a | 52.63±0.46c | 22.75±0.05b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.51±0.12b | 28.74±0.08a | 59.33±0.57abc | 19.17±0.24d | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 20.16±0.27a | 30.24±0.45b | 59.09±1.13bc | 15.89±0.12d | |
平均值 Mean | 17.40±2.12b | 28.32±1.89a | 57.02±3.36b | 19.27±2.98de | |
CG21 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.97±0.20d | 24.96±0.17bc | 47.60±0.44f | 23.08±0.22b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.48±0.23b | 28.44±0.32ab | 58.68±0.45bcd | 20.11±0.42cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.40±0.49e | 31.15±0.35a | 62.66±1.05a | 16.36±0.33c | |
平均值 Mean | 16.95±0.49c | 28.18±2.70a | 56.31±6.78b | 19.85±2.93cd | |
CA1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.28±0.09i | 22.22±0.05e | 46.08±0.26g | 23.49±0.35a |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.00±1.43c | 28.23±0.33abc | 57.50±1.45cd | 22.50±2.99b | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 16.62±0.43f | 28.05±0.37de | 57.69±0.88c | 15.99±0.11d | |
平均值 Mean | 15.63±1.06de | 26.17±2.97ef | 53.76±5.82d | 20.66±3.84b | |
WJ1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 18.00±0.11c | 24.60±0.09d | 50.65±0.09d | 21.75±0.15d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 13.25±0.07d | 27.61±0.25cde | 57.90±0.36bcd | 25.02±0.34a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.28±0.46b | 29.44±0.51bc | 60.29±0.90b | 16.79±0.11b | |
平均值 Mean | 16.84±2.76c | 27.21±2.14cd | 56.28±4.37b | 21.19±3.59ab | |
ZG1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.98±0.11g | 22.51±0.01e | 47.54±0.26f | 23.19±0.32a |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.21±1.51c | 28.53±0.32ab | 57.24±1.25cd | 22.40±2.89b | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 16.78±0.45f | 28.85±0.37cde | 57.88±0.89c | 15.87±0.12d | |
平均值 Mean | 15.51±1.20de | 26.24±2.87ef | 53.56±5.74d | 20.64±3.85b | |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.04±0.09g | 22.55±0.04e | 46.35±0.53g | 22.70±0.21b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 17.76±0.55a | 28.18±0.71abc | 61.11±2.06a | 19.82±0.16cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.23±0.22ef | 28.81±0.50cde | 57.38±1.07c | 17.62±0.17a | |
平均值 Mean | 17.01±0.82c | 26.51±3.02e | 54.94±6.75c | 20.05±2.21c | |
安第斯 Andes | 第1茬 1st cutting | 18.35±0.08b | 24.83±0.13cd | 49.33±0.12e | 20.67±0.07e |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 17.12±0.13ab | 27.26±0.15de | 57.68±1.15cd | 19.07±0.14d | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.86±0.14ab | 31.25±0.46a | 59.21±0.05bc | 17.47±0.29a | |
平均值 Mean | 18.44±1.19a | 27.78±2.82b | 55.41±4.64c | 19.07±1.40e | |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.22±0.04ef | 26.24±0.42a | 54.78±0.45b | 20.22±0.40f |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.29±0.33c | 27.80±0.60bcd | 57.51±1.33cd | 21.35±0.09bc | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 15.90±0.21g | 29.88±0.38b | 58.73±0.73bc | 16.93±0.25b | |
平均值 Mean | 15.80±0.46d | 27.97±1.64ab | 57.01±1.92b | 19.50±2.00cde | |
杰威 Splendor | 第1茬 1st cutting | 17.93±0.12c | 24.58±0.10d | 50.78±0.09d | 21.54±0.18d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 13.18±0.08d | 27.52±0.18cde | 58.12±0.32bcd | 25.35±0.32a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.32±0.45b | 30.25±0.54b | 61.12±0.95b | 16.53±0.20b | |
平均值 Mean | 16.75±2.74c | 27.08±2.25cd | 55.86±4.17b | 21.14±3.25ab | |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.60±0.13h | 25.19±0.08b | 49.94±0.45e | 21.42±0.11d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 12.48±0.16d | 26.99±0.33e | 52.97±0.84e | 26.04±0.14a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.76±0.15de | 28.89±0.40cd | 57.70±1.34c | 17.53±0.15a | |
平均值 Mean | 15.28±2.31e | 27.02±1.62d | 53.53±3.48d | 21.67±3.69a |
表4 供试材料营养成分
Table 4 The nutrient contents of the tested materials (%)
品种(系) Varieties | 刈割茬次 Mowing stubble | 粗蛋白 Crude protein | 酸性洗涤纤维 Acid detergent fiber | 中性洗涤纤维 Neutral detergent fiber | 可溶性碳水化合物 Water soluble carbohydrates |
JG1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.38±0.10e | 22.29±0.12e | 45.65±0.35g | 22.28±0.32c |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 14.94±0.06c | 28.01±0.09abc | 56.86±0.43d | 20.59±0.10cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 18.57±0.35c | 27.97±0.22e | 57.79±0.40c | 15.53±0.14e | |
平均值 Mean | 16.63±1.59c | 26.09±2.85f | 53.43±5.86d | 19.47±3.05cde | |
GB | 第1茬 1st cutting | 19.88±0.08a | 25.15±0.10bc | 56.20±0.57a | 19.03±0.08g |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.47±0.37b | 28.43±0.61ab | 59.69±0.58ab | 16.50±0.18e | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 18.22±0.65cd | 28.70±0.74cde | 58.62±1.94bc | 16.33±0.20c | |
平均值 Mean | 18.19±1.52a | 27.42±1.78c | 58.17±1.87a | 17.29±1.31f | |
DC2 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.53±0.07h | 25.99±0.31a | 52.63±0.46c | 22.75±0.05b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.51±0.12b | 28.74±0.08a | 59.33±0.57abc | 19.17±0.24d | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 20.16±0.27a | 30.24±0.45b | 59.09±1.13bc | 15.89±0.12d | |
平均值 Mean | 17.40±2.12b | 28.32±1.89a | 57.02±3.36b | 19.27±2.98de | |
CG21 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.97±0.20d | 24.96±0.17bc | 47.60±0.44f | 23.08±0.22b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 16.48±0.23b | 28.44±0.32ab | 58.68±0.45bcd | 20.11±0.42cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.40±0.49e | 31.15±0.35a | 62.66±1.05a | 16.36±0.33c | |
平均值 Mean | 16.95±0.49c | 28.18±2.70a | 56.31±6.78b | 19.85±2.93cd | |
CA1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.28±0.09i | 22.22±0.05e | 46.08±0.26g | 23.49±0.35a |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.00±1.43c | 28.23±0.33abc | 57.50±1.45cd | 22.50±2.99b | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 16.62±0.43f | 28.05±0.37de | 57.69±0.88c | 15.99±0.11d | |
平均值 Mean | 15.63±1.06de | 26.17±2.97ef | 53.76±5.82d | 20.66±3.84b | |
WJ1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 18.00±0.11c | 24.60±0.09d | 50.65±0.09d | 21.75±0.15d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 13.25±0.07d | 27.61±0.25cde | 57.90±0.36bcd | 25.02±0.34a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.28±0.46b | 29.44±0.51bc | 60.29±0.90b | 16.79±0.11b | |
平均值 Mean | 16.84±2.76c | 27.21±2.14cd | 56.28±4.37b | 21.19±3.59ab | |
ZG1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.98±0.11g | 22.51±0.01e | 47.54±0.26f | 23.19±0.32a |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.21±1.51c | 28.53±0.32ab | 57.24±1.25cd | 22.40±2.89b | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 16.78±0.45f | 28.85±0.37cde | 57.88±0.89c | 15.87±0.12d | |
平均值 Mean | 15.51±1.20de | 26.24±2.87ef | 53.56±5.74d | 20.64±3.85b | |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.04±0.09g | 22.55±0.04e | 46.35±0.53g | 22.70±0.21b |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 17.76±0.55a | 28.18±0.71abc | 61.11±2.06a | 19.82±0.16cd | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.23±0.22ef | 28.81±0.50cde | 57.38±1.07c | 17.62±0.17a | |
平均值 Mean | 17.01±0.82c | 26.51±3.02e | 54.94±6.75c | 20.05±2.21c | |
安第斯 Andes | 第1茬 1st cutting | 18.35±0.08b | 24.83±0.13cd | 49.33±0.12e | 20.67±0.07e |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 17.12±0.13ab | 27.26±0.15de | 57.68±1.15cd | 19.07±0.14d | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.86±0.14ab | 31.25±0.46a | 59.21±0.05bc | 17.47±0.29a | |
平均值 Mean | 18.44±1.19a | 27.78±2.82b | 55.41±4.64c | 19.07±1.40e | |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 16.22±0.04ef | 26.24±0.42a | 54.78±0.45b | 20.22±0.40f |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 15.29±0.33c | 27.80±0.60bcd | 57.51±1.33cd | 21.35±0.09bc | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 15.90±0.21g | 29.88±0.38b | 58.73±0.73bc | 16.93±0.25b | |
平均值 Mean | 15.80±0.46d | 27.97±1.64ab | 57.01±1.92b | 19.50±2.00cde | |
杰威 Splendor | 第1茬 1st cutting | 17.93±0.12c | 24.58±0.10d | 50.78±0.09d | 21.54±0.18d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 13.18±0.08d | 27.52±0.18cde | 58.12±0.32bcd | 25.35±0.32a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 19.32±0.45b | 30.25±0.54b | 61.12±0.95b | 16.53±0.20b | |
平均值 Mean | 16.75±2.74c | 27.08±2.25cd | 55.86±4.17b | 21.14±3.25ab | |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 第1茬 1st cutting | 15.60±0.13h | 25.19±0.08b | 49.94±0.45e | 21.42±0.11d |
第2茬 2nd cutting | 12.48±0.16d | 26.99±0.33e | 52.97±0.84e | 26.04±0.14a | |
第3茬 3rd cutting | 17.76±0.15de | 28.89±0.40cd | 57.70±1.34c | 17.53±0.15a | |
平均值 Mean | 15.28±2.31e | 27.02±1.62d | 53.53±3.48d | 21.67±3.69a |
品种(系) Varieties | 等权关联度 Grey correlative | 排序 Rank | 加权关联度 Weighted grey correlative | 排序 Rank |
JG1 | 0.7888 | 2 | 0.8209 | 1 |
GB | 0.7657 | 4 | 0.7743 | 4 |
DC2 | 0.7921 | 1 | 0.7852 | 3 |
CG21 | 0.6746 | 10 | 0.6899 | 11 |
CA1 | 0.7817 | 3 | 0.8056 | 2 |
WJ1 | 0.6884 | 9 | 0.7136 | 9 |
ZG1 | 0.7523 | 5 | 0.7626 | 6 |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 0.7417 | 6 | 0.7697 | 5 |
安第斯 Andes | 0.7067 | 8 | 0.7180 | 8 |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 0.6252 | 12 | 0.6452 | 12 |
杰威 Splendor | 0.7091 | 7 | 0.7201 | 7 |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 0.6691 | 11 | 0.6921 | 10 |
表5 参试品种关联度排序
Table 5 Correlation degree ranking of tested varieties (lines)
品种(系) Varieties | 等权关联度 Grey correlative | 排序 Rank | 加权关联度 Weighted grey correlative | 排序 Rank |
JG1 | 0.7888 | 2 | 0.8209 | 1 |
GB | 0.7657 | 4 | 0.7743 | 4 |
DC2 | 0.7921 | 1 | 0.7852 | 3 |
CG21 | 0.6746 | 10 | 0.6899 | 11 |
CA1 | 0.7817 | 3 | 0.8056 | 2 |
WJ1 | 0.6884 | 9 | 0.7136 | 9 |
ZG1 | 0.7523 | 5 | 0.7626 | 6 |
川农2号 Chuannong No.2 | 0.7417 | 6 | 0.7697 | 5 |
安第斯 Andes | 0.7067 | 8 | 0.7180 | 8 |
安格斯1号 Angus No.1 | 0.6252 | 12 | 0.6452 | 12 |
杰威 Splendor | 0.7091 | 7 | 0.7201 | 7 |
川农1号 Chuannong No.1 | 0.6691 | 11 | 0.6921 | 10 |
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