草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (7): 167-178.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020551
袁英良1(), 唐丹1(
), 鲁英1, 冉桂霞2, 郭艳芹1
Corresponding author. E-mail: 104794739@qq.com基金资助:
Ying-liang YUAN1(), Dan TANG1(
), Ying LU1, Gui-xia RAN2, Yan-qin GUO1
旨在探讨适合吉林地区麦后复种饲用油菜与燕麦混合播种方案。试验以单播油菜(15 kg·hm-2)和燕麦(220 kg·hm-2)为对照组,按照播种量占单独播种量50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、100%的比例进行组合混播,以A~F顺序标记燕麦播种率,以1~6顺序标记油菜播种率,设定3次重复,共计108个试验小区。播种后分别在油菜抽薹期、盛花期、结荚期取样,对作物的生产性能进行评价,并采用灰色系统理论对结果进行分析。结果表明:抽薹期试验组干草产量范围是3999.89~5367.28 kg DM·hm-2,粗蛋白质含量范围是10.16%~13.99%,中性洗涤纤维含量范围是49.88%~64.51%,酸性洗涤纤维含量范围是36.88%~41.52%。盛花期试验组干草产量范围是5102.35~6453.52 kg DM·hm-2,粗蛋白质含量范围是11.28%~16.01%,中性洗涤纤维含量范围是57.99%~69.37%,酸性洗涤纤维含量范围是33.88%~48.80%。结荚期试验组干草产量范围是5737.16~6988.16 kg DM·hm-2,粗蛋白质含量范围是9.25%~13.12%,中性洗涤纤维含量范围是57.10%~68.88%,酸性洗涤纤维含量范围是32.99%~41.01%。表明混播处理C1在油菜抽薹期和盛花期的综合评价最高,干草产量分别为5281.23及6152.52 kg DM·hm-2。混播处理C2在结荚期综合评价最优,干草产量为6988.16 kg DM·hm-2。
袁英良, 唐丹, 鲁英, 冉桂霞, 郭艳芹. 吉林地区麦后复种饲用油菜与燕麦混播效应研究[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(7): 167-178.
Ying-liang YUAN, Dan TANG, Ying LU, Gui-xia RAN, Yan-qin GUO. An investigation of multiple crop planting options when following wheat with mixed-cropped forage rape and oats in the Jilin area of northeast China[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(7): 167-178.
pH | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (%) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) | 铵态氮 Ammonium nitrogen (mg·kg-1) |
7.15 | 17.25 | 0.10 | 22.11 | 165.62 | 1.64 |
表1 试验地土壤基础概略养分
Table 1 The quality of experimental soil
pH | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (%) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) | 铵态氮 Ammonium nitrogen (mg·kg-1) |
7.15 | 17.25 | 0.10 | 22.11 | 165.62 | 1.64 |
处理 Treatments | 饲用油菜 Forage rape (%) | 燕麦 Oat (%) | 饲用油菜播种量 Forage rape sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 燕麦播种量 Oat sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 处理 Treatments | 饲用油菜 Forage rape (%) | 燕麦 Oat (%) | 饲用油菜播种量 Forage rape sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 燕麦播种量 Oat sowing rate (kg·hm-2) |
A1 | 50 | 50 | 7.5 | 110 | D2 | 60 | 80 | 9.0 | 176 |
A2 | 60 | 50 | 9.0 | 110 | D3 | 70 | 80 | 10.5 | 176 |
A3 | 70 | 50 | 10.5 | 110 | D4 | 80 | 80 | 12.0 | 176 |
A4 | 80 | 50 | 12.0 | 110 | D5 | 90 | 80 | 13.5 | 176 |
A5 | 90 | 50 | 13.5 | 110 | D6 | 100 | 80 | 15.0 | 176 |
A6 | 100 | 50 | 15.0 | 110 | E1 | 50 | 90 | 7.5 | 198 |
B1 | 50 | 60 | 7.5 | 132 | E2 | 60 | 90 | 9.0 | 198 |
B2 | 60 | 60 | 9.0 | 132 | E3 | 70 | 90 | 10.5 | 198 |
B3 | 70 | 60 | 10.5 | 132 | E4 | 80 | 90 | 12.0 | 198 |
B4 | 80 | 60 | 12.0 | 132 | E5 | 90 | 90 | 13.5 | 198 |
B5 | 90 | 60 | 13.5 | 132 | E6 | 100 | 90 | 15.0 | 198 |
B6 | 100 | 60 | 15.0 | 132 | F1 | 50 | 100 | 7.5 | 220 |
C1 | 50 | 70 | 7.5 | 154 | F2 | 60 | 100 | 9.0 | 220 |
C2 | 60 | 70 | 9.0 | 154 | F3 | 70 | 100 | 10.5 | 220 |
C3 | 70 | 70 | 10.5 | 154 | F4 | 80 | 100 | 12.0 | 220 |
C4 | 80 | 70 | 12.0 | 154 | F5 | 90 | 100 | 13.5 | 220 |
C5 | 90 | 70 | 13.5 | 154 | F6 | 100 | 100 | 15.0 | 220 |
C6 | 100 | 70 | 15.0 | 154 | CKA | 100 | 0 | 15.0 | 0 |
D1 | 50 | 80 | 7.5 | 176 | CKB | 0 | 100 | 0 | 220 |
表2 试验设计方案
Table 2 Design of the experimental
处理 Treatments | 饲用油菜 Forage rape (%) | 燕麦 Oat (%) | 饲用油菜播种量 Forage rape sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 燕麦播种量 Oat sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 处理 Treatments | 饲用油菜 Forage rape (%) | 燕麦 Oat (%) | 饲用油菜播种量 Forage rape sowing rate (kg·hm-2) | 燕麦播种量 Oat sowing rate (kg·hm-2) |
A1 | 50 | 50 | 7.5 | 110 | D2 | 60 | 80 | 9.0 | 176 |
A2 | 60 | 50 | 9.0 | 110 | D3 | 70 | 80 | 10.5 | 176 |
A3 | 70 | 50 | 10.5 | 110 | D4 | 80 | 80 | 12.0 | 176 |
A4 | 80 | 50 | 12.0 | 110 | D5 | 90 | 80 | 13.5 | 176 |
A5 | 90 | 50 | 13.5 | 110 | D6 | 100 | 80 | 15.0 | 176 |
A6 | 100 | 50 | 15.0 | 110 | E1 | 50 | 90 | 7.5 | 198 |
B1 | 50 | 60 | 7.5 | 132 | E2 | 60 | 90 | 9.0 | 198 |
B2 | 60 | 60 | 9.0 | 132 | E3 | 70 | 90 | 10.5 | 198 |
B3 | 70 | 60 | 10.5 | 132 | E4 | 80 | 90 | 12.0 | 198 |
B4 | 80 | 60 | 12.0 | 132 | E5 | 90 | 90 | 13.5 | 198 |
B5 | 90 | 60 | 13.5 | 132 | E6 | 100 | 90 | 15.0 | 198 |
B6 | 100 | 60 | 15.0 | 132 | F1 | 50 | 100 | 7.5 | 220 |
C1 | 50 | 70 | 7.5 | 154 | F2 | 60 | 100 | 9.0 | 220 |
C2 | 60 | 70 | 9.0 | 154 | F3 | 70 | 100 | 10.5 | 220 |
C3 | 70 | 70 | 10.5 | 154 | F4 | 80 | 100 | 12.0 | 220 |
C4 | 80 | 70 | 12.0 | 154 | F5 | 90 | 100 | 13.5 | 220 |
C5 | 90 | 70 | 13.5 | 154 | F6 | 100 | 100 | 15.0 | 220 |
C6 | 100 | 70 | 15.0 | 154 | CKA | 100 | 0 | 15.0 | 0 |
D1 | 50 | 80 | 7.5 | 176 | CKB | 0 | 100 | 0 | 220 |
处理 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 4519.20±298.21k | 11.78±0.91f | 2.54±0.10c | 6.86±0.01b | 53.26±2.51cd | 31.93±3.28cd |
A2 | 4770.15±288.26h | 11.99±0.96ef | 2.52±0.11c | 6.82±0.03b | 52.18±1.43cd | 29.34±5.87d |
A3 | 5020.02±182.32ef | 13.20±0.52cd | 2.47±0.48c | 6.80±0.05b | 52.06±1.31cd | 28.99±6.22d |
A4 | 5259.83±219.36c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.46±0.18c | 6.78±0.07b | 51.05±0.30cd | 28.69±6.52d |
A5 | 5262.42±475.21c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.44±0.10c | 6.73±0.12b | 50.36±0.39d | 27.81±7.40d |
A6 | 5243.35±371.92c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.32±0.02c | 6.72±0.13b | 49.88±0.87d | 26.88±8.33d |
B1 | 4911.71±469.35fg | 12.72±0.04de | 2.62±0.08bc | 6.89±0.04b | 57.58±3.21bc | 32.15±3.06cd |
B2 | 5332.86±471.28b | 14.42±1.74ab | 2.53±0.22c | 6.83±0.02b | 55.77±5.02bc | 36.54±1.33bc |
B3 | 5514.54±580.26a | 13.95±1.27ab | 2.49±0.02c | 6.82±0.03b | 54.15±3.40cd | 35.63±0.42bc |
B4 | 5367.28±399.36b | 13.99±1.31ab | 2.47±0.29c | 6.80±0.05b | 52.96±2.21cd | 34.36±0.85c |
B5 | 5269.32±712.55c | 13.72±1.04bc | 2.46±0.12c | 6.79±0.06b | 51.68±0.93cd | 33.51±1.70c |
B6 | 5220.28±621.03cd | 13.57±0.89bc | 2.38±0.05c | 6.75±0.10b | 51.22±0.47cd | 31.58±3.63cd |
C1 | 5281.23±512.47c | 13.58±0.91bc | 2.77±0.02bc | 6.92±0.07b | 60.85±3.28b | 35.41±0.20bc |
C2 | 5321.81±430.25bc | 13.05±0.37cd | 2.65±0.17bc | 6.82±0.03b | 55.99±4.28bc | 37.45±2.24bc |
C3 | 5232.62±412.35cd | 13.71±1.03bc | 2.62±0.12bc | 6.80±0.05b | 53.27±2.52cd | 36.78±1.57bc |
C4 | 5146.66±402.68d | 13.38±0.71c | 2.57±0.02c | 6.77±0.08b | 51.88±1.13cd | 35.49±0.28bc |
C5 | 5056.19±482.35e | 13.15±0.47cd | 2.52±0.09c | 6.75±0.10b | 64.51±3.89ab | 34.82±0.39bc |
C6 | 4955.59±395.68f | 12.86±0.18d | 2.48±0.02c | 6.72±0.13b | 50.87±0.12cd | 32.82±2.39cd |
D1 | 5126.05±412.08de | 13.18±0.50cd | 2.79±0.16bc | 6.96±0.11ab | 62.18±4.28ab | 36.89±1.68bc |
D2 | 5287.43±512.08c | 13.76±1.08bc | 2.68±0.22bc | 6.83±0.02b | 56.21±2.05bc | 38.16±2.95bc |
D3 | 5247.26±410.21c | 13.66±0.98bc | 2.65±0.05bc | 6.81±0.04b | 54.18±3.43cd | 37.61±2.40bc |
D4 | 5136.53±312.58de | 13.33±0.65cd | 2.61±0.08bc | 6.79±0.06b | 52.42±1.67cd | 36.71±1.50bc |
D5 | 5046.06±368.95ef | 13.10±0.42cd | 2.58±0.05c | 6.75±0.10b | 52.41±1.66cd | 35.81±0.60bc |
D6 | 4996.11±412.38ef | 13.06±0.38cd | 2.50±0.05c | 6.80±0.05b | 51.31±0.56cd | 33.57±1.64c |
E1 | 5056.19±481.02e | 13.15±0.47cd | 2.82±0.14bc | 7.06±0.21ab | 63.25±4.69ab | 38.69±2.36b |
E2 | 4945.81±321.89fg | 12.91±0.23cd | 2.71±0.11bc | 6.87±0.02b | 57.69±4.94bc | 39.41±4.20ab |
E3 | 4865.47±289.68g | 12.73±0.05d | 2.69±0.14bc | 6.86±0.01b | 55.52±4.77c | 38.57±3.36b |
E4 | 4714.57±385.64hi | 12.31±0.38e | 2.65±0.02bc | 6.85±0.01b | 53.71±2.96cd | 37.42±2.21bc |
E5 | 4664.27±521.39i | 12.16±0.52ef | 2.62±0.19bc | 6.84±0.01b | 53.66±2.91cd | 36.48±1.27bc |
E6 | 4573.84±402.36jk | 11.92±0.76ef | 2.58±0.01c | 6.83±0.02b | 52.44±1.69cd | 34.88±0.33bc |
F1 | 4462.37±301.24k | 11.39±1.29f | 3.08±0.08ab | 7.11±0.26ab | 51.11±0.36cd | 39.56±4.35ab |
F2 | 4251.39±247.63l | 10.87±1.81gh | 2.89±0.13b | 7.05±0.20ab | 59.91±3.29bc | 40.82±4.83ab |
F3 | 4201.09±345.28lm | 10.73±1.95gh | 2.78±0.28bc | 6.88±0.03b | 57.25±5.14bc | 41.52±3.21ab |
F4 | 4150.79±398.25m | 10.59±1.02gh | 2.72±0.07bc | 6.86±0.01b | 56.46±5.71bc | 38.42±3.21b |
F5 | 4100.49±410.21m | 10.45±1.32h | 2.70±0.13bc | 6.85±0.01b | 55.71±4.96c | 37.97±2.76bc |
F6 | 3999.89±258.36n | 10.16±0.52h | 2.65±0.03bc | 6.85±0.01b | 53.81±3.06cd | 35.71±0.50bc |
CKA | 3951.32±251.32n | 14.51±1.53a | 1.38±0.65d | 6.71±0.14b | 47.28±3.47d | 26.31±8.90d |
CKB | 3882.23±247.36n | 7.27±0.36i | 3.25±0.06a | 7.25±0.40a | 66.21±4.71a | 43.21±4.89a |
表3 饲用油菜与燕麦混播下抽薹期生产性能
Table 3 Production performance of mixed cropping of forage rape and oat at bolting stage
处理 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 4519.20±298.21k | 11.78±0.91f | 2.54±0.10c | 6.86±0.01b | 53.26±2.51cd | 31.93±3.28cd |
A2 | 4770.15±288.26h | 11.99±0.96ef | 2.52±0.11c | 6.82±0.03b | 52.18±1.43cd | 29.34±5.87d |
A3 | 5020.02±182.32ef | 13.20±0.52cd | 2.47±0.48c | 6.80±0.05b | 52.06±1.31cd | 28.99±6.22d |
A4 | 5259.83±219.36c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.46±0.18c | 6.78±0.07b | 51.05±0.30cd | 28.69±6.52d |
A5 | 5262.42±475.21c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.44±0.10c | 6.73±0.12b | 50.36±0.39d | 27.81±7.40d |
A6 | 5243.35±371.92c | 13.91±1.23b | 2.32±0.02c | 6.72±0.13b | 49.88±0.87d | 26.88±8.33d |
B1 | 4911.71±469.35fg | 12.72±0.04de | 2.62±0.08bc | 6.89±0.04b | 57.58±3.21bc | 32.15±3.06cd |
B2 | 5332.86±471.28b | 14.42±1.74ab | 2.53±0.22c | 6.83±0.02b | 55.77±5.02bc | 36.54±1.33bc |
B3 | 5514.54±580.26a | 13.95±1.27ab | 2.49±0.02c | 6.82±0.03b | 54.15±3.40cd | 35.63±0.42bc |
B4 | 5367.28±399.36b | 13.99±1.31ab | 2.47±0.29c | 6.80±0.05b | 52.96±2.21cd | 34.36±0.85c |
B5 | 5269.32±712.55c | 13.72±1.04bc | 2.46±0.12c | 6.79±0.06b | 51.68±0.93cd | 33.51±1.70c |
B6 | 5220.28±621.03cd | 13.57±0.89bc | 2.38±0.05c | 6.75±0.10b | 51.22±0.47cd | 31.58±3.63cd |
C1 | 5281.23±512.47c | 13.58±0.91bc | 2.77±0.02bc | 6.92±0.07b | 60.85±3.28b | 35.41±0.20bc |
C2 | 5321.81±430.25bc | 13.05±0.37cd | 2.65±0.17bc | 6.82±0.03b | 55.99±4.28bc | 37.45±2.24bc |
C3 | 5232.62±412.35cd | 13.71±1.03bc | 2.62±0.12bc | 6.80±0.05b | 53.27±2.52cd | 36.78±1.57bc |
C4 | 5146.66±402.68d | 13.38±0.71c | 2.57±0.02c | 6.77±0.08b | 51.88±1.13cd | 35.49±0.28bc |
C5 | 5056.19±482.35e | 13.15±0.47cd | 2.52±0.09c | 6.75±0.10b | 64.51±3.89ab | 34.82±0.39bc |
C6 | 4955.59±395.68f | 12.86±0.18d | 2.48±0.02c | 6.72±0.13b | 50.87±0.12cd | 32.82±2.39cd |
D1 | 5126.05±412.08de | 13.18±0.50cd | 2.79±0.16bc | 6.96±0.11ab | 62.18±4.28ab | 36.89±1.68bc |
D2 | 5287.43±512.08c | 13.76±1.08bc | 2.68±0.22bc | 6.83±0.02b | 56.21±2.05bc | 38.16±2.95bc |
D3 | 5247.26±410.21c | 13.66±0.98bc | 2.65±0.05bc | 6.81±0.04b | 54.18±3.43cd | 37.61±2.40bc |
D4 | 5136.53±312.58de | 13.33±0.65cd | 2.61±0.08bc | 6.79±0.06b | 52.42±1.67cd | 36.71±1.50bc |
D5 | 5046.06±368.95ef | 13.10±0.42cd | 2.58±0.05c | 6.75±0.10b | 52.41±1.66cd | 35.81±0.60bc |
D6 | 4996.11±412.38ef | 13.06±0.38cd | 2.50±0.05c | 6.80±0.05b | 51.31±0.56cd | 33.57±1.64c |
E1 | 5056.19±481.02e | 13.15±0.47cd | 2.82±0.14bc | 7.06±0.21ab | 63.25±4.69ab | 38.69±2.36b |
E2 | 4945.81±321.89fg | 12.91±0.23cd | 2.71±0.11bc | 6.87±0.02b | 57.69±4.94bc | 39.41±4.20ab |
E3 | 4865.47±289.68g | 12.73±0.05d | 2.69±0.14bc | 6.86±0.01b | 55.52±4.77c | 38.57±3.36b |
E4 | 4714.57±385.64hi | 12.31±0.38e | 2.65±0.02bc | 6.85±0.01b | 53.71±2.96cd | 37.42±2.21bc |
E5 | 4664.27±521.39i | 12.16±0.52ef | 2.62±0.19bc | 6.84±0.01b | 53.66±2.91cd | 36.48±1.27bc |
E6 | 4573.84±402.36jk | 11.92±0.76ef | 2.58±0.01c | 6.83±0.02b | 52.44±1.69cd | 34.88±0.33bc |
F1 | 4462.37±301.24k | 11.39±1.29f | 3.08±0.08ab | 7.11±0.26ab | 51.11±0.36cd | 39.56±4.35ab |
F2 | 4251.39±247.63l | 10.87±1.81gh | 2.89±0.13b | 7.05±0.20ab | 59.91±3.29bc | 40.82±4.83ab |
F3 | 4201.09±345.28lm | 10.73±1.95gh | 2.78±0.28bc | 6.88±0.03b | 57.25±5.14bc | 41.52±3.21ab |
F4 | 4150.79±398.25m | 10.59±1.02gh | 2.72±0.07bc | 6.86±0.01b | 56.46±5.71bc | 38.42±3.21b |
F5 | 4100.49±410.21m | 10.45±1.32h | 2.70±0.13bc | 6.85±0.01b | 55.71±4.96c | 37.97±2.76bc |
F6 | 3999.89±258.36n | 10.16±0.52h | 2.65±0.03bc | 6.85±0.01b | 53.81±3.06cd | 35.71±0.50bc |
CKA | 3951.32±251.32n | 14.51±1.53a | 1.38±0.65d | 6.71±0.14b | 47.28±3.47d | 26.31±8.90d |
CKB | 3882.23±247.36n | 7.27±0.36i | 3.25±0.06a | 7.25±0.40a | 66.21±4.71a | 43.21±4.89a |
处理组 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 5252.59±498.21i | 13.80±0.28de | 2.79±0.10c | 6.25±0.02a | 60.72±1.89c | 41.25±1.84bc |
A2 | 5552.75±288.26g | 13.31±0.77e | 2.77±0.13c | 6.23±0.01a | 59.73±2.88c | 40.52±2.57c |
A3 | 5853.47±182.32e | 14.65±0.57cd | 2.72±0.54c | 6.20±0.03a | 59.71±2.90c | 39.52±3.57c |
A4 | 6153.25±519.36cd | 15.44±1.36b | 2.71±0.21c | 6.17±0.06a | 59.68±2.93c | 38.79±4.30cd |
A5 | 6453.52±785.21a | 15.45±1.37b | 2.68±0.12c | 6.15±0.08a | 59.65±2.96c | 38.52±4.57cd |
A6 | 6273.35±471.92bc | 15.46±1.38b | 2.55±1.43c | 6.12±0.11a | 59.61±3.00c | 33.88±9.21d |
B1 | 5702.57±469.35f | 14.11±0.03d | 2.88±0.08bc | 6.25±0.02a | 65.64±3.03bc | 44.23±1.14bc |
B2 | 6002.75±571.25de | 15.48±1.40b | 2.78±0.25c | 6.24±0.01a | 63.58±0.97bc | 43.29±0.20bc |
B3 | 6122.85±452.26cd | 16.01±1.93ab | 2.74±0.03c | 6.23±0.01a | 61.73±0.88bc | 42.85±0.24bc |
B4 | 6303.02±489.36b | 15.53±1.45b | 2.72±0.33c | 6.22±0.01a | 60.37±2.24c | 41.99±0.11bc |
B5 | 6242.95±512.55bc | 15.22±1.14bc | 2.71±0.14c | 6.20±0.03a | 58.92±3.69c | 40.88±2.21bc |
B6 | 6194.91±421.03c | 15.06±0.98bc | 2.62±0.07c | 6.19±0.04a | 58.39±4.22c | 38.53±4.56cd |
C1 | 6152.52±612.15cd | 15.05±0.99bc | 3.05±0.03bc | 6.27±0.04a | 69.37±1.69ab | 44.96±1.87ab |
C2 | 6407.91±520.25b | 14.49±0.41cd | 2.92±0.20bc | 6.25±0.02a | 63.83±1.22bc | 44.05±0.96bc |
C3 | 6198.11±412.58c | 15.23±1.15bc | 2.88±0.12bc | 6.24±0.01a | 60.73±1.88c | 43.85±0.76bc |
C4 | 6152.95±602.65cd | 14.85±0.77c | 2.83±0.01bc | 6.23±0.01a | 59.14±3.47c | 42.89±0.20bc |
C5 | 6014.91±462.53d | 15.59±0.51b | 2.77±0.11c | 6.23±0.01a | 58.27±4.34c | 41.57±1.52bc |
C6 | 5978.88±421.68de | 14.28±0.21d | 2.73±0.01c | 6.21±0.02a | 57.99±4.49c | 39.21±3.88c |
D1 | 6077.85±612.05d | 14.63±0.55cd | 3.07±0.17bc | 6.31±0.08a | 70.89±4.27a | 45.01±1.92ab |
D2 | 6002.75±516.08de | 15.27±1.19bc | 2.95±0.23bc | 6.26±0.03a | 64.08±1.47bc | 44.91±1.82ab |
D3 | 5912.75±412.21e | 15.17±1.09bc | 2.92±0.07bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.77±0.84bc | 44.68±1.59b |
D4 | 5882.84±382.59e | 14.80±0.72c | 2.87±0.10bc | 6.25±0.02a | 59.76±2.85c | 43.52±0.43bc |
D5 | 5867.75±378.95e | 14.54±0.46cd | 2.84±0.07bc | 6.24±0.01a | 59.75±2.86c | 42.62±0.47bc |
D6 | 5717.78±412.38f | 14.49±0.41cd | 2.75±0.07c | 6.22±0.01a | 58.49±4.12c | 40.96±2.13bc |
E1 | 5477.51±481.02gh | 14.59±0.51cd | 3.39±0.08ab | 6.28±0.05a | 72.01±5.40a | 47.20±2.11ab |
E2 | 5385.95±321.89h | 14.33±0.25cd | 2.98±0.11bc | 6.27±0.04a | 65.77±3.16b | 46.52±3.43ab |
E3 | 5321.42±429.68hi | 14.13±0.04d | 2.96±0.14bc | 6.26±0.03a | 63.29±0.68bc | 45.31±2.22ab |
E4 | 5267.46±385.64hi | 13.65±0.43de | 2.92±0.03bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.23±1.38bc | 44.86±1.77ab |
E5 | 5207.35±521.93i | 13.50±0.58e | 2.88±0.22bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.17±1.44bc | 44.51±1.42bc |
E6 | 5102.35±482.38j | 13.23±0.85e | 2.84±0.02bc | 6.24±0.01a | 59.78±2.83c | 42.55±0.54bc |
F1 | 5387.56±301.24h | 12.64±1.44f | 3.10±0.14b | 6.27±0.04a | 71.09±4.39a | 48.80±4.02a |
F2 | 5378.57±347.63h | 12.07±2.01g | 3.18±0.13ab | 6.29±0.06a | 68.30±2.76ab | 47.69±3.87ab |
F3 | 5365.03±325.21h | 11.91±2.17g | 3.06±0.30bc | 6.27±0.04a | 65.27±2.66bc | 46.58±1.58ab |
F4 | 5207.58±308.25i | 11.75±2.32gh | 2.99±0.07bc | 6.26±0.03a | 64.36±1.75bc | 45.92±2.83ab |
F5 | 5162.54±423.12ij | 11.59±2.49gh | 2.97±0.13bc | 6.25±0.02a | 63.51±0.90bc | 45.12±2.03ab |
F6 | 4991.51±458.35k | 11.28±2.81h | 2.92±0.02bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.34±1.27bc | 43.57±0.48bc |
CKA | 4920.22±452.36kl | 16.25±2.17a | 1.42±0.60d | 5.98±0.01a | 58.12±4.62c | 37.52±5.57cd |
CKB | 4863.11±587.81l | 7.90±1.58i | 3.45±0.06a | 6.32±0.09a | 72.14±4.69a | 48.82±3.69a |
表4 饲用油菜与燕麦混播下盛花期生产性能
Table 4 Production performance of mixed cropping of forage rape and oats at full bloom stage
处理组 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 5252.59±498.21i | 13.80±0.28de | 2.79±0.10c | 6.25±0.02a | 60.72±1.89c | 41.25±1.84bc |
A2 | 5552.75±288.26g | 13.31±0.77e | 2.77±0.13c | 6.23±0.01a | 59.73±2.88c | 40.52±2.57c |
A3 | 5853.47±182.32e | 14.65±0.57cd | 2.72±0.54c | 6.20±0.03a | 59.71±2.90c | 39.52±3.57c |
A4 | 6153.25±519.36cd | 15.44±1.36b | 2.71±0.21c | 6.17±0.06a | 59.68±2.93c | 38.79±4.30cd |
A5 | 6453.52±785.21a | 15.45±1.37b | 2.68±0.12c | 6.15±0.08a | 59.65±2.96c | 38.52±4.57cd |
A6 | 6273.35±471.92bc | 15.46±1.38b | 2.55±1.43c | 6.12±0.11a | 59.61±3.00c | 33.88±9.21d |
B1 | 5702.57±469.35f | 14.11±0.03d | 2.88±0.08bc | 6.25±0.02a | 65.64±3.03bc | 44.23±1.14bc |
B2 | 6002.75±571.25de | 15.48±1.40b | 2.78±0.25c | 6.24±0.01a | 63.58±0.97bc | 43.29±0.20bc |
B3 | 6122.85±452.26cd | 16.01±1.93ab | 2.74±0.03c | 6.23±0.01a | 61.73±0.88bc | 42.85±0.24bc |
B4 | 6303.02±489.36b | 15.53±1.45b | 2.72±0.33c | 6.22±0.01a | 60.37±2.24c | 41.99±0.11bc |
B5 | 6242.95±512.55bc | 15.22±1.14bc | 2.71±0.14c | 6.20±0.03a | 58.92±3.69c | 40.88±2.21bc |
B6 | 6194.91±421.03c | 15.06±0.98bc | 2.62±0.07c | 6.19±0.04a | 58.39±4.22c | 38.53±4.56cd |
C1 | 6152.52±612.15cd | 15.05±0.99bc | 3.05±0.03bc | 6.27±0.04a | 69.37±1.69ab | 44.96±1.87ab |
C2 | 6407.91±520.25b | 14.49±0.41cd | 2.92±0.20bc | 6.25±0.02a | 63.83±1.22bc | 44.05±0.96bc |
C3 | 6198.11±412.58c | 15.23±1.15bc | 2.88±0.12bc | 6.24±0.01a | 60.73±1.88c | 43.85±0.76bc |
C4 | 6152.95±602.65cd | 14.85±0.77c | 2.83±0.01bc | 6.23±0.01a | 59.14±3.47c | 42.89±0.20bc |
C5 | 6014.91±462.53d | 15.59±0.51b | 2.77±0.11c | 6.23±0.01a | 58.27±4.34c | 41.57±1.52bc |
C6 | 5978.88±421.68de | 14.28±0.21d | 2.73±0.01c | 6.21±0.02a | 57.99±4.49c | 39.21±3.88c |
D1 | 6077.85±612.05d | 14.63±0.55cd | 3.07±0.17bc | 6.31±0.08a | 70.89±4.27a | 45.01±1.92ab |
D2 | 6002.75±516.08de | 15.27±1.19bc | 2.95±0.23bc | 6.26±0.03a | 64.08±1.47bc | 44.91±1.82ab |
D3 | 5912.75±412.21e | 15.17±1.09bc | 2.92±0.07bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.77±0.84bc | 44.68±1.59b |
D4 | 5882.84±382.59e | 14.80±0.72c | 2.87±0.10bc | 6.25±0.02a | 59.76±2.85c | 43.52±0.43bc |
D5 | 5867.75±378.95e | 14.54±0.46cd | 2.84±0.07bc | 6.24±0.01a | 59.75±2.86c | 42.62±0.47bc |
D6 | 5717.78±412.38f | 14.49±0.41cd | 2.75±0.07c | 6.22±0.01a | 58.49±4.12c | 40.96±2.13bc |
E1 | 5477.51±481.02gh | 14.59±0.51cd | 3.39±0.08ab | 6.28±0.05a | 72.01±5.40a | 47.20±2.11ab |
E2 | 5385.95±321.89h | 14.33±0.25cd | 2.98±0.11bc | 6.27±0.04a | 65.77±3.16b | 46.52±3.43ab |
E3 | 5321.42±429.68hi | 14.13±0.04d | 2.96±0.14bc | 6.26±0.03a | 63.29±0.68bc | 45.31±2.22ab |
E4 | 5267.46±385.64hi | 13.65±0.43de | 2.92±0.03bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.23±1.38bc | 44.86±1.77ab |
E5 | 5207.35±521.93i | 13.50±0.58e | 2.88±0.22bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.17±1.44bc | 44.51±1.42bc |
E6 | 5102.35±482.38j | 13.23±0.85e | 2.84±0.02bc | 6.24±0.01a | 59.78±2.83c | 42.55±0.54bc |
F1 | 5387.56±301.24h | 12.64±1.44f | 3.10±0.14b | 6.27±0.04a | 71.09±4.39a | 48.80±4.02a |
F2 | 5378.57±347.63h | 12.07±2.01g | 3.18±0.13ab | 6.29±0.06a | 68.30±2.76ab | 47.69±3.87ab |
F3 | 5365.03±325.21h | 11.91±2.17g | 3.06±0.30bc | 6.27±0.04a | 65.27±2.66bc | 46.58±1.58ab |
F4 | 5207.58±308.25i | 11.75±2.32gh | 2.99±0.07bc | 6.26±0.03a | 64.36±1.75bc | 45.92±2.83ab |
F5 | 5162.54±423.12ij | 11.59±2.49gh | 2.97±0.13bc | 6.25±0.02a | 63.51±0.90bc | 45.12±2.03ab |
F6 | 4991.51±458.35k | 11.28±2.81h | 2.92±0.02bc | 6.25±0.02a | 61.34±1.27bc | 43.57±0.48bc |
CKA | 4920.22±452.36kl | 16.25±2.17a | 1.42±0.60d | 5.98±0.01a | 58.12±4.62c | 37.52±5.57cd |
CKB | 4863.11±587.81l | 7.90±1.58i | 3.45±0.06a | 6.32±0.09a | 72.14±4.69a | 48.82±3.69a |
处理组 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 5854.41±358.25j | 10.72±0.89ef | 3.07±0.07cd | 6.32±0.23c | 59.50±1.66bc | 35.48±1.56bc |
A2 | 6189.42±521.93h | 10.91±0.70e | 3.05±0.09cd | 6.30±0.25c | 58.54±2.62c | 34.58±2.46bc |
A3 | 6524.85±607.35ef | 12.01±0.40d | 2.99±0.15cd | 6.28±0.27c | 58.52±2.64c | 33.28±3.76c |
A4 | 6860.27±814.25c | 12.66±1.05bc | 2.98±0.16cd | 6.26±0.29c | 58.49±2.67c | 32.99±4.05c |
A5 | 6961.44±569.38ab | 12.66±1.04bc | 2.95±0.19cd | 6.23±0.32c | 58.46±2.70c | 32.11±4.93c |
A6 | 6928.52±857.35ab | 12.66±1.05bc | 2.81±0.33d | 6.21±0.34c | 58.42±2.74c | 31.59±5.45c |
B1 | 6354.11±478.68g | 11.57±0.04de | 3.17±0.03c | 6.45±0.10bc | 64.33±3.17b | 38.04±1.02b |
B2 | 6555.24±513.38ef | 12.69±1.08bc | 3.06±0.08cd | 6.43±0.12bc | 62.31±1.15bc | 37.23±0.19bc |
B3 | 6756.48±841.91d | 12.73±1.12bc | 3.01±0.13cd | 6.42±0.13bc | 60.50±0.66bc | 36.85±0.19bc |
B4 | 6689.40±471.25de | 12.48±0.87cd | 2.99±0.15cd | 6.43±0.12bc | 59.17±1.99c | 36.11±0.93bc |
B5 | 6488.16±748.69f | 13.12±1.51b | 2.98±0.16cd | 6.45±0.09bc | 57.74±3.42c | 35.16±1.88bc |
B6 | 6421.08±558.21fg | 12.35±0.74cd | 2.88±0.26cd | 6.52±0.03b | 57.22±3.94c | 33.13±3.91c |
C1 | 6854.21±679.34cd | 12.34±0.73cd | 3.35±0.21bc | 6.68±0.13b | 66.35±4.18ab | 38.67±1.63ab |
C2 | 6988.16±998.21a | 11.88±0.27d | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.52±0.03b | 62.55±1.39bc | 37.88±0.84b |
C3 | 6871.08±789.36b | 12.48±0.87cd | 3.17±0.03c | 6.75±0.20ab | 59.51±1.65bc | 37.71±0.67bc |
C4 | 6754.34±714.25d | 12.18±0.57cd | 3.11±0.03cd | 6.56±0.01b | 57.96±3.20c | 36.89±0.15bc |
C5 | 6619.84±681.24e | 11.96±0.35d | 3.05±0.09cd | 6.58±0.03b | 57.10±4.06c | 35.75±1.29bc |
C6 | 6604.25±597.17e | 11.70±0.09d | 3.00±0.14cd | 6.59±0.04b | 56.83±4.33c | 33.72±3.32c |
D1 | 6754.01±685.92d | 12.00±0.39d | 3.38±0.24bc | 6.71±0.16ab | 67.59±3.84ab | 38.70±1.66ab |
D2 | 6589.98±498.79ef | 12.52±0.91c | 3.24±0.10bc | 6.56±0.01b | 62.80±1.64bc | 38.62±1.58ab |
D3 | 6490.52±541.28f | 12.43±0.82cd | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.59±0.04b | 60.53±0.63bc | 38.42±1.38ab |
D4 | 6441.05±598.65fg | 12.13±0.52cd | 3.16±0.02c | 6.63±0.08b | 58.56±2.60c | 37.43±0.39bc |
D5 | 6322.32±498.32g | 11.92±0.31d | 3.12±0.02c | 6.65±0.10b | 58.55±2.61c | 36.65±0.39bc |
D6 | 6138.16±602.34h | 11.88±0.27d | 3.03±0.11cd | 6.66±0.11b | 57.32±3.84c | 35.22±1.82bc |
E1 | 6454.82±812.05fg | 11.96±0.35d | 3.41±0.27bc | 6.72±0.17ab | 68.88±6.03ab | 40.59±2.74a |
E2 | 6740.64±596.58d | 11.75±0.14d | 3.28±0.14bc | 6.59±0.04b | 64.45±3.29b | 40.01±2.97ab |
E3 | 6325.02±512.41g | 11.58±0.85de | 3.25±0.11bc | 6.62±0.07b | 62.03±0.87bc | 38.97±1.93ab |
E4 | 6310.54±421.81g | 11.19±0.79e | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.68±0.13b | 60.01±1.16bc | 38.58±1.54ab |
E5 | 6222.32±485.64gh | 11.06±0.82e | 3.17±0.03c | 6.69±0.14ab | 59.95±1.21bc | 38.27±1.23b |
E6 | 6004.17±501.42i | 10.85±0.54ef | 3.12±0.02c | 6.71±0.16ab | 58.59±2.57c | 36.60±0.44bc |
F1 | 6309.31±408.71g | 10.36±1.03f | 3.73±0.59ab | 6.54±0.01b | 69.25±5.36ab | 41.97±2.03a |
F2 | 6392.64±682.57fg | 9.89±0.46fg | 3.50±0.36b | 6.73±0.18ab | 66.93±2.51ab | 41.01±1.96a |
F3 | 5992.74±367.39i | 9.76±0.30g | 3.36±0.22bc | 6.71±0.16ab | 63.96±2.80bc | 40.06±3.02a |
F4 | 5940.06±345.27ij | 9.63±0.14gh | 3.29±0.15bc | 6.70±0.15ab | 63.08±1.92bc | 39.49±2.45ab |
F5 | 5838.32±413.11j | 9.51±0.02gh | 3.27±0.13bc | 6.69±0.14ab | 62.24±1.08bc | 38.80±1.76ab |
F6 | 5737.16±406.35k | 9.25±0.33h | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.66±0.14b | 60.12±1.04bc | 37.47±0.43bc |
CKA | 5632.68±693.85l | 14.11±4.64a | 1.58±0.05e | 6.99±0.44a | 56.35±4.81c | 31.02±6.02c |
CKB | 5527.36±802.34m | 8.20±0.11i | 3.80±0.66a | 5.89±0.66d | 69.36±5.02a | 42.39±3.69a |
表5 饲用油菜与燕麦混播下结荚期生产性能
Table 5 Production performance of mixed cropping of forage rape and oat at pod setting stage
处理组 Treatments | 干草产量 Hay yield (kg DM·hm-2) | 粗蛋白 CP (%) | 粗脂肪 EE (%) | 粗灰分 Ash (%) | 中性洗涤纤维 NDF (%) | 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF (%) |
A1 | 5854.41±358.25j | 10.72±0.89ef | 3.07±0.07cd | 6.32±0.23c | 59.50±1.66bc | 35.48±1.56bc |
A2 | 6189.42±521.93h | 10.91±0.70e | 3.05±0.09cd | 6.30±0.25c | 58.54±2.62c | 34.58±2.46bc |
A3 | 6524.85±607.35ef | 12.01±0.40d | 2.99±0.15cd | 6.28±0.27c | 58.52±2.64c | 33.28±3.76c |
A4 | 6860.27±814.25c | 12.66±1.05bc | 2.98±0.16cd | 6.26±0.29c | 58.49±2.67c | 32.99±4.05c |
A5 | 6961.44±569.38ab | 12.66±1.04bc | 2.95±0.19cd | 6.23±0.32c | 58.46±2.70c | 32.11±4.93c |
A6 | 6928.52±857.35ab | 12.66±1.05bc | 2.81±0.33d | 6.21±0.34c | 58.42±2.74c | 31.59±5.45c |
B1 | 6354.11±478.68g | 11.57±0.04de | 3.17±0.03c | 6.45±0.10bc | 64.33±3.17b | 38.04±1.02b |
B2 | 6555.24±513.38ef | 12.69±1.08bc | 3.06±0.08cd | 6.43±0.12bc | 62.31±1.15bc | 37.23±0.19bc |
B3 | 6756.48±841.91d | 12.73±1.12bc | 3.01±0.13cd | 6.42±0.13bc | 60.50±0.66bc | 36.85±0.19bc |
B4 | 6689.40±471.25de | 12.48±0.87cd | 2.99±0.15cd | 6.43±0.12bc | 59.17±1.99c | 36.11±0.93bc |
B5 | 6488.16±748.69f | 13.12±1.51b | 2.98±0.16cd | 6.45±0.09bc | 57.74±3.42c | 35.16±1.88bc |
B6 | 6421.08±558.21fg | 12.35±0.74cd | 2.88±0.26cd | 6.52±0.03b | 57.22±3.94c | 33.13±3.91c |
C1 | 6854.21±679.34cd | 12.34±0.73cd | 3.35±0.21bc | 6.68±0.13b | 66.35±4.18ab | 38.67±1.63ab |
C2 | 6988.16±998.21a | 11.88±0.27d | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.52±0.03b | 62.55±1.39bc | 37.88±0.84b |
C3 | 6871.08±789.36b | 12.48±0.87cd | 3.17±0.03c | 6.75±0.20ab | 59.51±1.65bc | 37.71±0.67bc |
C4 | 6754.34±714.25d | 12.18±0.57cd | 3.11±0.03cd | 6.56±0.01b | 57.96±3.20c | 36.89±0.15bc |
C5 | 6619.84±681.24e | 11.96±0.35d | 3.05±0.09cd | 6.58±0.03b | 57.10±4.06c | 35.75±1.29bc |
C6 | 6604.25±597.17e | 11.70±0.09d | 3.00±0.14cd | 6.59±0.04b | 56.83±4.33c | 33.72±3.32c |
D1 | 6754.01±685.92d | 12.00±0.39d | 3.38±0.24bc | 6.71±0.16ab | 67.59±3.84ab | 38.70±1.66ab |
D2 | 6589.98±498.79ef | 12.52±0.91c | 3.24±0.10bc | 6.56±0.01b | 62.80±1.64bc | 38.62±1.58ab |
D3 | 6490.52±541.28f | 12.43±0.82cd | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.59±0.04b | 60.53±0.63bc | 38.42±1.38ab |
D4 | 6441.05±598.65fg | 12.13±0.52cd | 3.16±0.02c | 6.63±0.08b | 58.56±2.60c | 37.43±0.39bc |
D5 | 6322.32±498.32g | 11.92±0.31d | 3.12±0.02c | 6.65±0.10b | 58.55±2.61c | 36.65±0.39bc |
D6 | 6138.16±602.34h | 11.88±0.27d | 3.03±0.11cd | 6.66±0.11b | 57.32±3.84c | 35.22±1.82bc |
E1 | 6454.82±812.05fg | 11.96±0.35d | 3.41±0.27bc | 6.72±0.17ab | 68.88±6.03ab | 40.59±2.74a |
E2 | 6740.64±596.58d | 11.75±0.14d | 3.28±0.14bc | 6.59±0.04b | 64.45±3.29b | 40.01±2.97ab |
E3 | 6325.02±512.41g | 11.58±0.85de | 3.25±0.11bc | 6.62±0.07b | 62.03±0.87bc | 38.97±1.93ab |
E4 | 6310.54±421.81g | 11.19±0.79e | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.68±0.13b | 60.01±1.16bc | 38.58±1.54ab |
E5 | 6222.32±485.64gh | 11.06±0.82e | 3.17±0.03c | 6.69±0.14ab | 59.95±1.21bc | 38.27±1.23b |
E6 | 6004.17±501.42i | 10.85±0.54ef | 3.12±0.02c | 6.71±0.16ab | 58.59±2.57c | 36.60±0.44bc |
F1 | 6309.31±408.71g | 10.36±1.03f | 3.73±0.59ab | 6.54±0.01b | 69.25±5.36ab | 41.97±2.03a |
F2 | 6392.64±682.57fg | 9.89±0.46fg | 3.50±0.36b | 6.73±0.18ab | 66.93±2.51ab | 41.01±1.96a |
F3 | 5992.74±367.39i | 9.76±0.30g | 3.36±0.22bc | 6.71±0.16ab | 63.96±2.80bc | 40.06±3.02a |
F4 | 5940.06±345.27ij | 9.63±0.14gh | 3.29±0.15bc | 6.70±0.15ab | 63.08±1.92bc | 39.49±2.45ab |
F5 | 5838.32±413.11j | 9.51±0.02gh | 3.27±0.13bc | 6.69±0.14ab | 62.24±1.08bc | 38.80±1.76ab |
F6 | 5737.16±406.35k | 9.25±0.33h | 3.21±0.07bc | 6.66±0.14b | 60.12±1.04bc | 37.47±0.43bc |
CKA | 5632.68±693.85l | 14.11±4.64a | 1.58±0.05e | 6.99±0.44a | 56.35±4.81c | 31.02±6.02c |
CKB | 5527.36±802.34m | 8.20±0.11i | 3.80±0.66a | 5.89±0.66d | 69.36±5.02a | 42.39±3.69a |
处理组 Treatments | 抽薹期Bolting stage | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 结荚期Pod setting stage | |||
关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | 关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | 关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | |
A1 | 0.466 | 31 | 0.443 | 35 | 0.462 | 31 |
A2 | 0.461 | 32 | 0.443 | 36 | 0.477 | 30 |
A3 | 0.521 | 25 | 0.561 | 21 | 0.430 | 34 |
A4 | 0.561 | 15 | 0.551 | 23 | 0.554 | 16 |
A5 | 0.601 | 11 | 0.623 | 11 | 0.589 | 12 |
A6 | 0.539 | 21 | 0.583 | 15 | 0.535 | 21 |
B1 | 0.581 | 13 | 0.603 | 13 | 0.577 | 13 |
B2 | 0.632 | 8 | 0.654 | 8 | 0.628 | 8 |
B3 | 0.657 | 6 | 0.713 | 2 | 0.659 | 5 |
B4 | 0.605 | 10 | 0.634 | 9 | 0.608 | 9 |
B5 | 0.548 | 18 | 0.570 | 18 | 0.687 | 2 |
B6 | 0.529 | 23 | 0.543 | 25 | 0.525 | 23 |
C1 | 0.701 | 1 | 0.723 | 1 | 0.653 | 6 |
C2 | 0.663 | 5 | 0.685 | 5 | 0.697 | 1 |
C3 | 0.648 | 7 | 0.679 | 6 | 0.644 | 7 |
C4 | 0.593 | 12 | 0.627 | 10 | 0.597 | 11 |
C5 | 0.558 | 16 | 0.580 | 16 | 0.557 | 15 |
C6 | 0.519 | 26 | 0.541 | 26 | 0.508 | 27 |
D1 | 0.685 | 3 | 0.696 | 4 | 0.681 | 3 |
D2 | 0.674 | 4 | 0.707 | 3 | 0.670 | 4 |
D3 | 0.612 | 9 | 0.615 | 12 | 0.601 | 10 |
D4 | 0.543 | 19 | 0.563 | 20 | 0.521 | 24 |
D5 | 0.541 | 20 | 0.534 | 27 | 0.497 | 28 |
D6 | 0.512 | 27 | 0.670 | 7 | 0.515 | 26 |
E1 | 0.691 | 2 | 0.594 | 14 | 0.544 | 18 |
E2 | 0.572 | 14 | 0.573 | 17 | 0.568 | 14 |
E3 | 0.525 | 24 | 0.547 | 24 | 0.539 | 19 |
E4 | 0.501 | 28 | 0.553 | 22 | 0.537 | 20 |
E5 | 0.481 | 30 | 0.523 | 28 | 0.457 | 32 |
E6 | 0.434 | 34 | 0.503 | 30 | 0.517 | 25 |
F1 | 0.551 | 17 | 0.456 | 34 | 0.547 | 17 |
F2 | 0.531 | 22 | 0.488 | 31 | 0.527 | 22 |
F3 | 0.492 | 29 | 0.514 | 29 | 0.488 | 29 |
F4 | 0.452 | 33 | 0.474 | 33 | 0.448 | 33 |
F5 | 0.421 | 35 | 0.565 | 19 | 0.417 | 35 |
F6 | 0.418 | 36 | 0.483 | 32 | 0.417 | 36 |
表6 不同生育期和混播下的综合评分情况
Table 6 Comprehensive score of different stages and mixed cropping
处理组 Treatments | 抽薹期Bolting stage | 盛花期Full flowering stage | 结荚期Pod setting stage | |||
关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | 关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | 关联系数 Correlation coefficient | 关联序 Correlation order | |
A1 | 0.466 | 31 | 0.443 | 35 | 0.462 | 31 |
A2 | 0.461 | 32 | 0.443 | 36 | 0.477 | 30 |
A3 | 0.521 | 25 | 0.561 | 21 | 0.430 | 34 |
A4 | 0.561 | 15 | 0.551 | 23 | 0.554 | 16 |
A5 | 0.601 | 11 | 0.623 | 11 | 0.589 | 12 |
A6 | 0.539 | 21 | 0.583 | 15 | 0.535 | 21 |
B1 | 0.581 | 13 | 0.603 | 13 | 0.577 | 13 |
B2 | 0.632 | 8 | 0.654 | 8 | 0.628 | 8 |
B3 | 0.657 | 6 | 0.713 | 2 | 0.659 | 5 |
B4 | 0.605 | 10 | 0.634 | 9 | 0.608 | 9 |
B5 | 0.548 | 18 | 0.570 | 18 | 0.687 | 2 |
B6 | 0.529 | 23 | 0.543 | 25 | 0.525 | 23 |
C1 | 0.701 | 1 | 0.723 | 1 | 0.653 | 6 |
C2 | 0.663 | 5 | 0.685 | 5 | 0.697 | 1 |
C3 | 0.648 | 7 | 0.679 | 6 | 0.644 | 7 |
C4 | 0.593 | 12 | 0.627 | 10 | 0.597 | 11 |
C5 | 0.558 | 16 | 0.580 | 16 | 0.557 | 15 |
C6 | 0.519 | 26 | 0.541 | 26 | 0.508 | 27 |
D1 | 0.685 | 3 | 0.696 | 4 | 0.681 | 3 |
D2 | 0.674 | 4 | 0.707 | 3 | 0.670 | 4 |
D3 | 0.612 | 9 | 0.615 | 12 | 0.601 | 10 |
D4 | 0.543 | 19 | 0.563 | 20 | 0.521 | 24 |
D5 | 0.541 | 20 | 0.534 | 27 | 0.497 | 28 |
D6 | 0.512 | 27 | 0.670 | 7 | 0.515 | 26 |
E1 | 0.691 | 2 | 0.594 | 14 | 0.544 | 18 |
E2 | 0.572 | 14 | 0.573 | 17 | 0.568 | 14 |
E3 | 0.525 | 24 | 0.547 | 24 | 0.539 | 19 |
E4 | 0.501 | 28 | 0.553 | 22 | 0.537 | 20 |
E5 | 0.481 | 30 | 0.523 | 28 | 0.457 | 32 |
E6 | 0.434 | 34 | 0.503 | 30 | 0.517 | 25 |
F1 | 0.551 | 17 | 0.456 | 34 | 0.547 | 17 |
F2 | 0.531 | 22 | 0.488 | 31 | 0.527 | 22 |
F3 | 0.492 | 29 | 0.514 | 29 | 0.488 | 29 |
F4 | 0.452 | 33 | 0.474 | 33 | 0.448 | 33 |
F5 | 0.421 | 35 | 0.565 | 19 | 0.417 | 35 |
F6 | 0.418 | 36 | 0.483 | 32 | 0.417 | 36 |
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