草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 188-205.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022326
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
张浩(), 胡海英(
), 李惠霞, 贺海明, 马霜, 马风华, 宋柯辰
E-mail: haiying@nxu.edu.cn基金资助:
Hao ZHANG(), Hai-ying HU(
), Hui-xia LI, Hai-ming HE, Shuang MA, Feng-hua MA, Ke-chen SONG
Hai-ying HU
干旱是草地植物面对的最大威胁,对耐旱草地植物的研究将促进人们更好地理解植物对干旱适应性反应背后的调控机制。牛枝子是优质的多年生强旱生牧草,分布于广袤的荒漠草原地区。目前对牛枝子抗旱研究主要集中在渗透调节物质变化、功能基因序列分析,但其抗旱性的内在机制尚不清楚。本研究采用单因素控水试验,土壤水分含量为田间持水量的70%~80%设为对照组(CK),田间持水量的20%~30%为严重干旱胁迫组(Tr),处理4周后,开展牛枝子生物量分配、水分利用、渗透调节、根系分布等生理生化指标测定,同时采集叶片和幼根进行转录组测序分析。结果表明,干旱胁迫条件下,牛枝子通过增加脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性蛋白(SP)、可溶性糖(Ss)、K+等含量进行渗透调节来保持体内水分,增加同位素碳13(δ13C)和丙二醛(MDA)含量以提高水分利用效率和抗氧化能力,降低相对含水量(RWC)、胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、气孔导度(Cond),减少生物量,增加根冠比等响应干旱胁迫。通过RNA-Seq差异基因表达分析,在叶中发现4058个差异基因,在根中发现2172个差异基因,叶和根中共有差异基因744个。这些差异基因(DEG)能够对干旱做出积极(上调)或消极(下调)的反应。叶中上调差异基因主要富集在植物-病原体相互作用、植物激素信号转导,而下调差异基因主要富集在光合代谢包括碳固定、光合作用天线蛋白合成、光合过程产物代谢。在根中上调差异基因主要富集在精氨酸与脯氨酸代谢、内质网中的蛋白质加工,下调差异基因主要富集在淀粉和蔗糖代谢、异黄酮生物合成、类黄酮生物合成。在牛枝子叶中差异表达的转录因子主要有AP2/ERF-ERF、NAC、bHLH、WRKY、C2H2,根中主要有 HSF、MYB、AP2/ERF-ERF、WRKY。其中bHLH特异性下调表达,HSF特异性上调表达。根与叶中的吡咯啉-5-羧酸还原酶(P5CR)、脯氨酸亚氨肽酶(PLD)、脯氨酸-4-羟化酶(P4H)均上调表达,脯氨酸脱氢酶(ProDH)下调表达将产生更多的脯氨酸与4-羟基-脯氨酸,叶中天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)的上调产生更多4-羟基-酮戊二酸,增强了牛枝子渗透调节能力,保证了牛枝子对水分的吸收利用。因此,牛枝子主要通过调控与激素信号转导、渗透调节、气体交换相关的差异基因表达,参与各项生理代谢活动以响应严重干旱胁迫。
张浩, 胡海英, 李惠霞, 贺海明, 马霜, 马风华, 宋柯辰. 荒漠草原优势植物牛枝子对干旱胁迫的生理响应与转录组分析[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(7): 188-205.
Hao ZHANG, Hai-ying HU, Hui-xia LI, Hai-ming HE, Shuang MA, Feng-hua MA, Ke-chen SONG. Physiological response and transcriptome analysis of the desert steppe dominant plant Lespedeza potaninii to drought stress[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(7): 188-205.
叶Leaf | 根Root | ||
基因 Gene ID | 引物序列 Primer sequences (5′→3′) | 基因 Gene ID | 引物序列 Primer sequences (5′→3′) |
表1 牛枝子差异基因引物序列
Table 1 Differential gene primer sequences of L. potaninii
叶Leaf | 根Root | ||
基因 Gene ID | 引物序列 Primer sequences (5′→3′) | 基因 Gene ID | 引物序列 Primer sequences (5′→3′) |
指标Index | 对照CK | 处理Tr | F检验F-test | P |
总根长Total root length (cm) | 1265.98±24.87a | 933.40±6.64b | 166.87 | 0.00 |
总根表面积Total root area (cm2) | 230.64±44.39a | 92.15±2.97b | 9.69 | 0.04 |
总根体积Total root volume (cm3) | 1.98±0.16a | 0.81±0.04b | 51.15 | 0.00 |
根尖数Root tips number | 3702.00±329.57a | 2578.00±64.73b | 11.20 | 0.03 |
根分枝数Root forks number | 4309.67±127.96a | 3384.33±240.77b | 14.69 | 0.02 |
根生物量Root biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.40±0.10a | 1.32±0.24a | 0.27 | 0.63 |
茎生物量Stem biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.50±0.16a | 1.16±0.12b | 8.61 | 0.04 |
叶生物量Leaf biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.39±0.06a | 1.27±0.24a | 0.76 | 0.43 |
根冠比Root-shoot ratio | 0.48±0.02b | 0.54±0.02a | 10.13 | 0.03 |
表2 干旱胁迫对牛枝子根系特征及器官生物量的影响
Table 2 Effects of drought stress on the root characteristics and organ biomass of L. potaninii
指标Index | 对照CK | 处理Tr | F检验F-test | P |
总根长Total root length (cm) | 1265.98±24.87a | 933.40±6.64b | 166.87 | 0.00 |
总根表面积Total root area (cm2) | 230.64±44.39a | 92.15±2.97b | 9.69 | 0.04 |
总根体积Total root volume (cm3) | 1.98±0.16a | 0.81±0.04b | 51.15 | 0.00 |
根尖数Root tips number | 3702.00±329.57a | 2578.00±64.73b | 11.20 | 0.03 |
根分枝数Root forks number | 4309.67±127.96a | 3384.33±240.77b | 14.69 | 0.02 |
根生物量Root biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.40±0.10a | 1.32±0.24a | 0.27 | 0.63 |
茎生物量Stem biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.50±0.16a | 1.16±0.12b | 8.61 | 0.04 |
叶生物量Leaf biomass (g·plant-1) | 1.39±0.06a | 1.27±0.24a | 0.76 | 0.43 |
根冠比Root-shoot ratio | 0.48±0.02b | 0.54±0.02a | 10.13 | 0.03 |
图1 干旱胁迫下牛枝子生理生化指标的变化不同小写字母表示不同处理下差异显著(P<0.05)。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences under different treatments (P<0.05).
Fig.1 Changes of physiological and biochemical indexes of L. potaninii under drought stress
样品名称 Sample | 基本数据 Base number | GC占比 GC content (%) | Q20 (%) | Q30 (%) | 过滤后的数据 Clean reads | 映射读取 Mapped reads | 映射比率 Mapped ratio (%) | |
CK | L1 | 6186621368 | 44.54 | 98.60 | 95.43 | 20723703 | 12840214 | 61.96 |
L2 | 6234665288 | 45.00 | 98.58 | 95.41 | 20868074 | 12951855 | 62.07 | |
L3 | 6225191496 | 44.71 | 98.47 | 95.09 | 20846238 | 12614651 | 60.51 | |
R1 | 5786751212 | 43.89 | 98.25 | 94.59 | 19357392 | 11709354 | 60.49 | |
R2 | 6370728902 | 43.86 | 98.08 | 94.12 | 21294316 | 13130824 | 61.66 | |
R3 | 6138978110 | 44.20 | 98.34 | 94.85 | 20547009 | 12650760 | 61.57 | |
Tr | L1 | 6225600476 | 44.79 | 98.49 | 95.15 | 20816470 | 12764270 | 61.32 |
L2 | 5816270068 | 44.10 | 98.56 | 95.34 | 19465715 | 11695609 | 60.08 | |
L3 | 6358918316 | 44.00 | 98.55 | 95.32 | 21287781 | 12910160 | 60.65 | |
R1 | 5959686196 | 44.03 | 98.50 | 95.26 | 19944009 | 12394261 | 62.15 | |
R2 | 6326554166 | 44.16 | 98.54 | 95.38 | 21198666 | 13124275 | 61.91 | |
R3 | 6560622132 | 43.93 | 98.68 | 96.02 | 21970365 | 13775359 | 62.70 |
表3 牛枝子不同器官及不同处理测序组装数据
Table 3 Sequencing and assembly data of different organs and different treatments of L. potaninii
样品名称 Sample | 基本数据 Base number | GC占比 GC content (%) | Q20 (%) | Q30 (%) | 过滤后的数据 Clean reads | 映射读取 Mapped reads | 映射比率 Mapped ratio (%) | |
CK | L1 | 6186621368 | 44.54 | 98.60 | 95.43 | 20723703 | 12840214 | 61.96 |
L2 | 6234665288 | 45.00 | 98.58 | 95.41 | 20868074 | 12951855 | 62.07 | |
L3 | 6225191496 | 44.71 | 98.47 | 95.09 | 20846238 | 12614651 | 60.51 | |
R1 | 5786751212 | 43.89 | 98.25 | 94.59 | 19357392 | 11709354 | 60.49 | |
R2 | 6370728902 | 43.86 | 98.08 | 94.12 | 21294316 | 13130824 | 61.66 | |
R3 | 6138978110 | 44.20 | 98.34 | 94.85 | 20547009 | 12650760 | 61.57 | |
Tr | L1 | 6225600476 | 44.79 | 98.49 | 95.15 | 20816470 | 12764270 | 61.32 |
L2 | 5816270068 | 44.10 | 98.56 | 95.34 | 19465715 | 11695609 | 60.08 | |
L3 | 6358918316 | 44.00 | 98.55 | 95.32 | 21287781 | 12910160 | 60.65 | |
R1 | 5959686196 | 44.03 | 98.50 | 95.26 | 19944009 | 12394261 | 62.15 | |
R2 | 6326554166 | 44.16 | 98.54 | 95.38 | 21198666 | 13124275 | 61.91 | |
R3 | 6560622132 | 43.93 | 98.68 | 96.02 | 21970365 | 13775359 | 62.70 |
图2 实时荧光定量PCR验证RNA-Seq数据a: 对RNA-Seq数据和qRT-PCR数据进行线性相关分析; b: 上调差异基因RNA-Seq的表达量与qRT-PCR的相对表达量; c: 下调差异基因RNA-Seq的表达量与qRT-PCR的相对表达量。a: Linear correlation analysis of RNA-Seq data and qRT-PCR data; b: Up-regulation of differential gene RNA-Seq FRKM and relative expression level of qRT-PCR; c: Down-regulation of differential gene RNA-Seq FRKM and relative expression level of qRT-PCR. FPKM: Fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments.
Fig.2 Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR validation RNA-seq data
图3 干旱胁迫下根和叶片中差异基因表达分析a: CKRvsTrR和CKLvsTRL差异基因火山图。黑点代表对干旱胁迫没有响应的基因,上调与下调基因分别用红点与绿点表示。b: 维恩图中显示了叶与根中上调与下调基因具有的相同差异基因的数量 。a: Differential gene volcano map of the CKRvsTrR and CKLvsTRL. Black dots represent genes that do not respond to drought stress, up-regulated and down-regulated genes are indicated by red and green dots respectively. b: The Venn diagram shows the number of identical differential genes in leaves and roots that have up- and down-regulated genes.
Fig.3 Analysis of differential gene expression in leaf and root under drought treatment
图4 牛枝子叶和根中响应干旱胁迫的差异基因GO富集分析a: 叶中上调与下调差异基因GO富集分析; b: 根中上调与下调差异基因GO富集分析; 将过程注释到分子功能、细胞成分、生物过程。a: GO enrichment analysis of up-regulated and down-regulated differentially genes in leaf; b: GO enrichment analysis of up- and down-regulated differential genes in root. Annotate processes to molecular function, cellular component, biological process.
Fig.4 GO enrichment analysis of differential genes in response to drought stress in leaf and root of L. potaninii
图5 牛枝子叶和根中响应干旱胁迫的差异基因KEGG富集分析富集路径沿y轴列出,x轴表示富集因子。红色代表高Q值,而蓝色代表低Q值。Enrichment paths are listed along the y-axis, the x-axis represents enrichment factors. Red represents high Q-values, while blue represents low Q-values.
Fig.5 KEGG enrichment analysis of differential genes in response to drought stress in leaf and roots of L. potaninii
组别Group | 代谢通路Metabolic pathway | 数量Count | 上调Up | 下调Down |
对照叶vs处理叶CKLvsTrL | 植物-病原体相互作用Plant-pathogen interaction | 175 | 117 | 58 |
植物激素信号转导Plant hormone signal transduction | 68 | 68 | 0 | |
内质网上蛋白质加工Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum | 59 | 54 | 5 | |
淀粉与蔗糖代谢Starch and sucrose metabolism | 50 | 50 | 0 | |
碳代谢Carbon metabolism | 118 | 19 | 99 | |
光合作用-天线蛋白Photosynthesis-antenna proteins | 40 | 0 | 40 | |
光合作用Photosynthesis | 48 | 2 | 46 | |
光合生物中的碳固定Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms | 49 | 4 | 45 | |
氨基酸生物合成Biosynthesis of amino acids | 88 | 28 | 60 | |
对照根vs处理根CKRvsTrR | 精氨酸与脯氨酸代谢Arginine and proline metabolism | 28 | 21 | 7 |
内质网上蛋白质加工Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum | 41 | 30 | 11 | |
糖酵解/糖异生Glycolysis/ | 27 | 25 | 2 | |
植物-病原体相互作用Plant-pathogen interaction | 93 | 7 | 86 | |
MAPK信号通路MAPK signaling pathway | 71 | 14 | 57 | |
淀粉与蔗糖代谢Starch and sucrose metabolism | 70 | 24 | 46 | |
异黄酮生物合成Isoflavonoid biosynthesis | 11 | 1 | 10 |
表4 牛枝子叶与根差异基因KEGG显著富集通路
Table 4 KEGG pathway was significantly enriched in differential genes of leaf and root of L. potaninii
组别Group | 代谢通路Metabolic pathway | 数量Count | 上调Up | 下调Down |
对照叶vs处理叶CKLvsTrL | 植物-病原体相互作用Plant-pathogen interaction | 175 | 117 | 58 |
植物激素信号转导Plant hormone signal transduction | 68 | 68 | 0 | |
内质网上蛋白质加工Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum | 59 | 54 | 5 | |
淀粉与蔗糖代谢Starch and sucrose metabolism | 50 | 50 | 0 | |
碳代谢Carbon metabolism | 118 | 19 | 99 | |
光合作用-天线蛋白Photosynthesis-antenna proteins | 40 | 0 | 40 | |
光合作用Photosynthesis | 48 | 2 | 46 | |
光合生物中的碳固定Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms | 49 | 4 | 45 | |
氨基酸生物合成Biosynthesis of amino acids | 88 | 28 | 60 | |
对照根vs处理根CKRvsTrR | 精氨酸与脯氨酸代谢Arginine and proline metabolism | 28 | 21 | 7 |
内质网上蛋白质加工Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum | 41 | 30 | 11 | |
糖酵解/糖异生Glycolysis/ | 27 | 25 | 2 | |
植物-病原体相互作用Plant-pathogen interaction | 93 | 7 | 86 | |
MAPK信号通路MAPK signaling pathway | 71 | 14 | 57 | |
淀粉与蔗糖代谢Starch and sucrose metabolism | 70 | 24 | 46 | |
异黄酮生物合成Isoflavonoid biosynthesis | 11 | 1 | 10 |
图6 牛枝子差异基因转录因子数量统计a: 叶; b: 根。横坐标表示分配给特定家族的基因数量;纵坐标表示转录因子类型。a: Leaf; b: Root; The horizontal axis represents the number of genes assigned to a particular family; The vertical axis represents the transcription factor type.
Fig.6 Quantitative statistics of differential gene transcription factors in L. potaninii
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