草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 160-170.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023104
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
李庭伦1(), 李一亨1, 余慧1, 江再莉2, 唐立涛1, 王长庭1, 胡雷1(
Corresponding author. E-mail: hl007873@163.com基金资助:
Ting-lun LI1(), Yi-heng LI1, Hui YU1, Zai-li JIANG2, Li-tao TANG1, Chang-ting WANG1, Lei HU1(
Lei HU
本研究通过模拟铅卤钙钛矿泄漏导致的不同铅(Pb)胁迫梯度(0, 36, 72, 130, 170和260 mg·kg-1),监测高寒草甸优质牧草垂穗披碱草幼苗生长情况,重点分析Pb胁迫对垂穗披碱草幼苗Pb富集能力和耐受能力的影响。结果表明:1)垂穗披碱草的出苗率并未受到Pb胁迫梯度的显著影响,但出苗速率和出苗持续时间随Pb胁迫增加而显著降低;2)Pb胁迫显著抑制垂穗披碱草幼苗高度,但单株幼苗生物量则表现为浓度效应,小于72 mg·kg-1 Pb浓度作用不显著,大于72 mg·kg-1时表现为抑制作用,在260 mg·kg-1时无法萌发;3)垂穗披碱草幼苗的Pb富集能力显著降低,Pb耐受范围为68.42~205.94 mg·kg-1;4)结构方程模型表明,铅卤钙钛矿泄漏导致的Pb胁迫通过降低土壤pH和增加硝态氮含量改变垂穗披碱草幼苗生长情况,进而影响其Pb富集能力和耐受范围。土壤pH值和硝态氮含量是影响垂穗披碱草幼苗生长的重要因子,在铅卤钙钛矿泄漏情境下可以通过提高土壤pH增加其Pb耐受能力。
李庭伦, 李一亨, 余慧, 江再莉, 唐立涛, 王长庭, 胡雷. 铅卤钙钛矿泄漏对垂穗披碱草幼苗生长的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(12): 160-170.
Ting-lun LI, Yi-heng LI, Hui YU, Zai-li JIANG, Li-tao TANG, Chang-ting WANG, Lei HU. Effects of the lead halide perovskite on the seedling growth of Elymus nutans[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(12): 160-170.
铅浓度 Pb concentration (mg·kg-1) | 出苗率 Emergence ratio (%) | 出苗时滞 Emergence delay (d) | 出苗速率 Emergence rate (No.·d-1) | 出苗持续时间 Emergence duration (d) |
0 | 16.0±3.16a | 3.6±0.49b | 0.321±0.068a | 10.8±3.87a |
36 | 16.4±1.72a | 4.0±0.00ab | 0.319±0.041a | 7.0±2.53b |
72 | 19.2±3.44a | 3.4±0.49b | 0.292±0.053ab | 8.2±1.33ab |
130 | 14.4±2.40a | 4.2±0.75ab | 0.188±0.033ab | 8.2±1.60ab |
170 | 13.2±1.20a | 4.6±0.49a | 0.159±0.010b | 6.4±0.49b |
表1 不同铅浓度对垂穗披碱草出苗情况的影响
Table 1 The effects of Pb gradients on the seedlings emergence of E.nutans
铅浓度 Pb concentration (mg·kg-1) | 出苗率 Emergence ratio (%) | 出苗时滞 Emergence delay (d) | 出苗速率 Emergence rate (No.·d-1) | 出苗持续时间 Emergence duration (d) |
0 | 16.0±3.16a | 3.6±0.49b | 0.321±0.068a | 10.8±3.87a |
36 | 16.4±1.72a | 4.0±0.00ab | 0.319±0.041a | 7.0±2.53b |
72 | 19.2±3.44a | 3.4±0.49b | 0.292±0.053ab | 8.2±1.33ab |
130 | 14.4±2.40a | 4.2±0.75ab | 0.188±0.033ab | 8.2±1.60ab |
170 | 13.2±1.20a | 4.6±0.49a | 0.159±0.010b | 6.4±0.49b |
图1 不同铅浓度梯度处理下垂穗披碱草幼苗高度和生物量的变化不同小写字母表示不同铅浓度处理之间差异显著 (P<0.05),下同。Different lowercases indicate the significant differences among the different Pb concentration (P<0.05), the same below.
Fig.1 Changes in height and biomass of E. nutans seedling with Pb concentration gradients
铅浓度 Pb concentration (mg·kg-1) | 土壤pH Soil pH | NH4+-N含量 NH4+-N content (mg·kg-1) | NO3--N含量 NO3--N content (mg·kg-1) | 全碳含量 Total carbon content (g·kg-1) |
0 | 8.48±0.06a | 0.97±0.23a | 3.97±1.27b | 11.93±0.49ab |
36 | 8.40±0.03ab | 0.73±0.03a | 5.97±0.66ab | 11.97±0.01ab |
72 | 8.43±0.01ab | 1.07±0.20a | 5.80±0.17ab | 11.27±0.02b |
130 | 8.39±0.03ab | 1.41±0.83a | 6.71±0.41ab | 11.50±0.06ab |
170 | 8.31±0.01b | 0.57±0.05a | 7.62±1.67a | 12.37±0.01a |
表2 不同铅浓度梯度土壤理化性质
Table 2 Soil physicochemical properties with different Pb concentration gradients
铅浓度 Pb concentration (mg·kg-1) | 土壤pH Soil pH | NH4+-N含量 NH4+-N content (mg·kg-1) | NO3--N含量 NO3--N content (mg·kg-1) | 全碳含量 Total carbon content (g·kg-1) |
0 | 8.48±0.06a | 0.97±0.23a | 3.97±1.27b | 11.93±0.49ab |
36 | 8.40±0.03ab | 0.73±0.03a | 5.97±0.66ab | 11.97±0.01ab |
72 | 8.43±0.01ab | 1.07±0.20a | 5.80±0.17ab | 11.27±0.02b |
130 | 8.39±0.03ab | 1.41±0.83a | 6.71±0.41ab | 11.50±0.06ab |
170 | 8.31±0.01b | 0.57±0.05a | 7.62±1.67a | 12.37±0.01a |
图 4 土壤理化性质和垂穗披碱草幼苗性状的Pearson相关性分析*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001.
Fig.4 The Pearson correlation analysis among soil physicochemical properties and seedling characteristics of E. nutans
图5 铅浓度对垂穗披碱草幼苗生长情况的SEM分析比较拟合指数/自由度Compare the fit index/free degree (CFI/DF)=0.343, 拟合优度指标Goodness of fit index (GFI)=0.930, 渐进误差均方根Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)<0.001, P=0.993.实线表示路径显著(P<0.05),虚线表示路径不显著(P>0.05) The solid lines indicated the significant effects (P<0.05), and the dotted lines indicated the insignificant effects (P>0.05).
Fig.5 The SEM analysis for the seedling growth of E. nutans affected by Pb concentration gradients
变量 Variables | 铅胁迫Pb concentration | 硝态氮 NO3--N | 土壤pH Soil pH | 幼苗生长 Seedling growth | 铅耐受能力Pb tolerance index | 出苗时滞 Emergence delay | 出苗持续时间 Emergence duration |
硝态氮NO3--N | 0.529 | ||||||
土壤pH Soil pH | -0.601 | -0.467 | |||||
幼苗生长Seedling growth | -0.847 | -0.255 | |||||
铅耐受能力Pb tolerance index | -0.847 | -0.255 | 0.999 | ||||
出苗时滞Emergence delay | 0.262 | 0.079 | -0.309 | ||||
出苗持续时间Emergence duration | -0.558 | -0.168 | 0.659 | ||||
出苗速率Emergence rate | -0.793 | -0.238 | 0.936 | -0.177 | |||
生物量耐受指数BTI | -0.821 | -0.090 | 0.472 | 0.851 | 0.851 | ||
高度耐受指数HTI | -0.765 | -0.160 | -0.245 | 1.000 | 0.853 | 0.341 | |
铅富集能力Pb accumulation | -0.510 | -0.037 | -0.405 | 0.889 | 0.294 |
表3 不同变量的综合影响系数
Table 3 The standardized total effects of the variables
变量 Variables | 铅胁迫Pb concentration | 硝态氮 NO3--N | 土壤pH Soil pH | 幼苗生长 Seedling growth | 铅耐受能力Pb tolerance index | 出苗时滞 Emergence delay | 出苗持续时间 Emergence duration |
硝态氮NO3--N | 0.529 | ||||||
土壤pH Soil pH | -0.601 | -0.467 | |||||
幼苗生长Seedling growth | -0.847 | -0.255 | |||||
铅耐受能力Pb tolerance index | -0.847 | -0.255 | 0.999 | ||||
出苗时滞Emergence delay | 0.262 | 0.079 | -0.309 | ||||
出苗持续时间Emergence duration | -0.558 | -0.168 | 0.659 | ||||
出苗速率Emergence rate | -0.793 | -0.238 | 0.936 | -0.177 | |||
生物量耐受指数BTI | -0.821 | -0.090 | 0.472 | 0.851 | 0.851 | ||
高度耐受指数HTI | -0.765 | -0.160 | -0.245 | 1.000 | 0.853 | 0.341 | |
铅富集能力Pb accumulation | -0.510 | -0.037 | -0.405 | 0.889 | 0.294 |
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