Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 84-105.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023492
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Shi-jun BAI1,2,3(), Jun-qiao LI1,2,3(
), Xin LIU1,2,3, Bo-wen LYU1,2,3
Jun-qiao LI
Shi-jun BAI, Jun-qiao LI, Xin LIU, Bo-wen LYU. Phylogeography of Potentilla anserina distributed across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(11): 84-105.
编号 Code | 采集地 Locality | 经度 Longitude (°, E) | 纬度 Latitude (°, N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 采集数 Collection number (No.) |
P1 | 青海化隆Hualong, Qinghai | 102.070718 | 36.178380 | 2696 | 22 |
P2 | 青海泽库Zeku, Qinghai | 101.480690 | 35.012647 | 3625 | 28 |
P3 | 甘肃碌曲Luqu, Gansu | 102.763742 | 34.818995 | 2972 | 24 |
P4 | 西藏察雅Chaya, Tibet | 97.057961 | 30.661889 | 4366 | 15 |
P5 | 西藏八宿Basu, Tibet | 96.791225 | 29.469206 | 3913 | 11 |
P6 | 西藏左贡Zuogong, Tibet | 97.915733 | 29.674744 | 3997 | 17 |
P7 | 西藏芒康Mangkang, Tibet | 98.585117 | 29.600331 | 3812 | 25 |
P8 | 云南香格里拉Shangri-La, Yunnan | 99.666918 | 27.872883 | 3267 | 20 |
P9 | 西藏安多Anduo, Tibet | 91.514772 | 31.407749 | 4598 | 25 |
P10 | 西藏比如Biru, Tibet | 93.417949 | 31.286509 | 3909 | 26 |
P11 | 西藏浪卡子Langkazi, Tibet | 90.237586 | 28.594107 | 4443 | 28 |
P12 | 西藏措美Cuomei, Tibet | 91.354391 | 28.420479 | 4632 | 18 |
P13 | 西藏墨竹工卡Mozhugongka, Tibet | 91.468976 | 29.483856 | 3861 | 29 |
P14 | 西藏工布江达Gongbujiangda, Tibet | 92.311319 | 29.526900 | 4212 | 25 |
P15 | 西藏林芝Linzhi, Tibet | 94.315592 | 29.337848 | 3195 | 28 |
P16 | 青海玛沁Maqin, Qinghai | 100.071899 | 34.514712 | 4077 | 31 |
P17 | 四川若尔盖Ruoergai, Sichuan | 102.949780 | 33.831093 | 3463 | 30 |
P18 | 四川松潘Songpan, Sichuan | 103.677603 | 32.744826 | 3689 | 30 |
P19 | 四川康定Kangding, Sichuan | 101.674269 | 30.086797 | 3681 | 30 |
P20 | 四川理塘Litang, Sichuan | 100.407019 | 30.069332 | 4080 | 30 |
P21 | 四川炉霍Luhuo, Sichuan | 100.715031 | 31.453404 | 3205 | 30 |
P22 | 西藏南木林Nanmulin, Tibet | 89.098847 | 29.454476 | 3868 | 19 |
P23 | 西藏拉孜Lazi, Tibet | 88.050680 | 29.159374 | 4169 | 30 |
P24 | 青海称多Chengduo, Qinghai | 97.231267 | 33.529197 | 4321 | 25 |
P25 | 青海囊谦Nangqian, Qinghai | 96.598172 | 31.927747 | 4083 | 30 |
P26 | 青海久治Jiuzhi, Qinghai | 101.430119 | 33.409655 | 3677 | 30 |
P27 | 青海都兰Dulan, Qinghai | 97.797869 | 36.062486 | 3003 | 20 |
P28 | 青海门源Menyuan, Qinghai | 101.418701 | 37.643461 | 3398 | 30 |
P29 | 青海祁连Qilian, Qinghai | 100.192005 | 38.110367 | 3238 | 13 |
P30 | 西藏申扎Shenzha, Tibet | 88.687078 | 31.066350 | 4811 | 11 |
Table 1 Populations sampling information of P. anserina
编号 Code | 采集地 Locality | 经度 Longitude (°, E) | 纬度 Latitude (°, N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 采集数 Collection number (No.) |
P1 | 青海化隆Hualong, Qinghai | 102.070718 | 36.178380 | 2696 | 22 |
P2 | 青海泽库Zeku, Qinghai | 101.480690 | 35.012647 | 3625 | 28 |
P3 | 甘肃碌曲Luqu, Gansu | 102.763742 | 34.818995 | 2972 | 24 |
P4 | 西藏察雅Chaya, Tibet | 97.057961 | 30.661889 | 4366 | 15 |
P5 | 西藏八宿Basu, Tibet | 96.791225 | 29.469206 | 3913 | 11 |
P6 | 西藏左贡Zuogong, Tibet | 97.915733 | 29.674744 | 3997 | 17 |
P7 | 西藏芒康Mangkang, Tibet | 98.585117 | 29.600331 | 3812 | 25 |
P8 | 云南香格里拉Shangri-La, Yunnan | 99.666918 | 27.872883 | 3267 | 20 |
P9 | 西藏安多Anduo, Tibet | 91.514772 | 31.407749 | 4598 | 25 |
P10 | 西藏比如Biru, Tibet | 93.417949 | 31.286509 | 3909 | 26 |
P11 | 西藏浪卡子Langkazi, Tibet | 90.237586 | 28.594107 | 4443 | 28 |
P12 | 西藏措美Cuomei, Tibet | 91.354391 | 28.420479 | 4632 | 18 |
P13 | 西藏墨竹工卡Mozhugongka, Tibet | 91.468976 | 29.483856 | 3861 | 29 |
P14 | 西藏工布江达Gongbujiangda, Tibet | 92.311319 | 29.526900 | 4212 | 25 |
P15 | 西藏林芝Linzhi, Tibet | 94.315592 | 29.337848 | 3195 | 28 |
P16 | 青海玛沁Maqin, Qinghai | 100.071899 | 34.514712 | 4077 | 31 |
P17 | 四川若尔盖Ruoergai, Sichuan | 102.949780 | 33.831093 | 3463 | 30 |
P18 | 四川松潘Songpan, Sichuan | 103.677603 | 32.744826 | 3689 | 30 |
P19 | 四川康定Kangding, Sichuan | 101.674269 | 30.086797 | 3681 | 30 |
P20 | 四川理塘Litang, Sichuan | 100.407019 | 30.069332 | 4080 | 30 |
P21 | 四川炉霍Luhuo, Sichuan | 100.715031 | 31.453404 | 3205 | 30 |
P22 | 西藏南木林Nanmulin, Tibet | 89.098847 | 29.454476 | 3868 | 19 |
P23 | 西藏拉孜Lazi, Tibet | 88.050680 | 29.159374 | 4169 | 30 |
P24 | 青海称多Chengduo, Qinghai | 97.231267 | 33.529197 | 4321 | 25 |
P25 | 青海囊谦Nangqian, Qinghai | 96.598172 | 31.927747 | 4083 | 30 |
P26 | 青海久治Jiuzhi, Qinghai | 101.430119 | 33.409655 | 3677 | 30 |
P27 | 青海都兰Dulan, Qinghai | 97.797869 | 36.062486 | 3003 | 20 |
P28 | 青海门源Menyuan, Qinghai | 101.418701 | 37.643461 | 3398 | 30 |
P29 | 青海祁连Qilian, Qinghai | 100.192005 | 38.110367 | 3238 | 13 |
P30 | 西藏申扎Shenzha, Tibet | 88.687078 | 31.066350 | 4811 | 11 |
片段名称 Name of fragments | 引物名称 Primers name | 引物序列 Sequences of primers (5'-3') | PCR 反应程序 PCR reaction procedures |
ITS | 18S | AGGAGAAGT CGTAACAAG | 94 ℃预变性10 min;94 ℃变性1 min、52 ℃退火50 s、72 ℃延伸1 min,30个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。Pre-denaturation at 94 ℃ for 10 min; Denaturation at 94 ℃ for 1 min, annealing at 52 ℃ for 50 s, reach at 72 ℃ for 1 min, 30 circulates; Reach at 72 ℃ for 10 min. |
trnL-trnF | trnL | AAGAAAAGGC GGAACGACCT | 94 ℃预变性10 min;94 ℃变性1 min、52 ℃退火50 s、72 ℃延伸1 min,32个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。Pre-denaturation at 94 ℃ for 10 min; Denaturation at 94 ℃ for 1 min, annealing at 52 ℃ for 50 s, reach at 72 ℃ for 1 min, 32 circulates; Reach at 72 ℃ for 10 min. |
Table 2 PCR primer information and reaction procedure
片段名称 Name of fragments | 引物名称 Primers name | 引物序列 Sequences of primers (5'-3') | PCR 反应程序 PCR reaction procedures |
ITS | 18S | AGGAGAAGT CGTAACAAG | 94 ℃预变性10 min;94 ℃变性1 min、52 ℃退火50 s、72 ℃延伸1 min,30个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。Pre-denaturation at 94 ℃ for 10 min; Denaturation at 94 ℃ for 1 min, annealing at 52 ℃ for 50 s, reach at 72 ℃ for 1 min, 30 circulates; Reach at 72 ℃ for 10 min. |
trnL-trnF | trnL | AAGAAAAGGC GGAACGACCT | 94 ℃预变性10 min;94 ℃变性1 min、52 ℃退火50 s、72 ℃延伸1 min,32个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。Pre-denaturation at 94 ℃ for 10 min; Denaturation at 94 ℃ for 1 min, annealing at 52 ℃ for 50 s, reach at 72 ℃ for 1 min, 32 circulates; Reach at 72 ℃ for 10 min. |
居群 Population | 个体数 Number of individuals | 遗传多样性 Genetic diversity (h) | 核苷酸多样性Nucleotide diversity (π) | 单倍型种类 Haplotype species (Hd) | 单倍型组成(个体数) Haplotype composition (Number of individuals) |
P1 | 17 | 0.7647 | 0.019448 | 7 | M1(2);M2(1);M3(8);M4(3);M5(1);M6(1);M7(1) |
P2 | 30 | 0.6828 | 0.013674 | 4 | M1(12);M3(12);M4(3);M7(3) |
P3 | 17 | 0.6250 | 0.002262 | 4 | M1(9);M4(1);M8(1);M9(6) |
P4 | 11 | 0.8182 | 0.002797 | 5 | M1(3);M4(2);M5(1);M9(4);M10(1) |
P5 | 37 | 0.4399 | 0.000702 | 4 | M1(7);M4(27);M5(1);M8(2) |
P6 | 16 | 0.8333 | 0.024964 | 5 | M1(3);M4(2);M6(3);M11(5);M12(3) |
P7 | 20 | 0.7000 | 0.034853 | 3 | M1(7);M3(7);M11(6) |
P8 | 16 | 0.4500 | 0.018146 | 5 | M1(12);M3(1);M6(1);M11(1);M13(1) |
P9 | 25 | 0.7267 | 0.013210 | 7 | M1(12);M3(4);M4(5);M7(1);M11(1);M14(1);M15(1) |
P10 | 22 | 0.4372 | 0.002765 | 3 | M1(5);M3(1);M4(16) |
P11 | 20 | 0.7053 | 0.014960 | 6 | M3(5);M4(2);M5(10);M16(1);M17(1);M18(1) |
P12 | 18 | 0.8497 | 0.025551 | 10 | M1(2);M3(7);M4(1);M5(1);M8(2);M16(1);M19(1);M20(1);M21(1);M22(1) |
P13 | 24 | 0.6739 | 0.014432 | 5 | M3(12);M4(7);M20(1);M23(3);M24(1) |
P14 | 22 | 0.7446 | 0.013573 | 6 | M1(2);M3(2);M4(9);M8(1);M23(7);M25(1) |
P15 | 20 | 0.6895 | 0.010815 | 7 | M1(1);M3(11);M4(1);M8(3);M23(2);M26(1);M27(1) |
P16 | 24 | 0.6304 | 0.006351 | 4 | M1(7);M3(3);M4(13);M5(1) |
P17 | 27 | 0.3960 | 0.005912 | 5 | M1(21);M3(2);M4(2);M28(1);M29(1) |
P18 | 24 | 0.6123 | 0.008381 | 4 | M1(5);M3(4);M25(14);M30(1) |
P19 | 17 | 0.5074 | 0.001757 | 5 | M1(12);M4(1);M25(2);M31(1);M32(1) |
P20 | 27 | 0.7037 | 0.011067 | 6 | M1(14);M3(3);M4(4);M30(2);M33(3);M34(1) |
P21 | 14 | 0.8132 | 0.014235 | 6 | M1(2);M3(4);M4(5);M30(1);M33(1);M35(1) |
P22 | 12 | 0.6667 | 0.017032 | 5 | M3(7);M7(1);M20(1);M38(1);M39(2) |
P23 | 18 | 0.7255 | 0.007721 | 4 | M3(7);M7(6);M20(1);M33(4) |
P24 | 18 | 0.4641 | 0.000746 | 3 | M1(3);M4(13);M5(2) |
P25 | 18 | 0.5294 | 0.000870 | 4 | M1(4);M4(12);M25(1);M40(1) |
P26 | 28 | 0.5000 | 0.011802 | 3 | M1(18);M3(9);M4(1) |
P27 | 18 | 0.4510 | 0.000710 | 3 | M6(13);M11(4);M12(1) |
P28 | 26 | 0.6769 | 0.031005 | 5 | M1(12);M3(3);M4(1);M6(1);M11(9) |
P29 | 9 | 0.9444 | 0.035906 | 7 | M1(2);M3(2);M4(1);M6(1);M11(1);M12(1);M36(1) |
P30 | 8 | 0.4286 | 0.002536 | 2 | M4(2);M37(6) |
总计Overall | 603 | 0.8217 | 0.010641 |
Table 3 Haplotypes composition, genetic diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) of the trnL-trnF fragment of P. anserina in the 30 populations
居群 Population | 个体数 Number of individuals | 遗传多样性 Genetic diversity (h) | 核苷酸多样性Nucleotide diversity (π) | 单倍型种类 Haplotype species (Hd) | 单倍型组成(个体数) Haplotype composition (Number of individuals) |
P1 | 17 | 0.7647 | 0.019448 | 7 | M1(2);M2(1);M3(8);M4(3);M5(1);M6(1);M7(1) |
P2 | 30 | 0.6828 | 0.013674 | 4 | M1(12);M3(12);M4(3);M7(3) |
P3 | 17 | 0.6250 | 0.002262 | 4 | M1(9);M4(1);M8(1);M9(6) |
P4 | 11 | 0.8182 | 0.002797 | 5 | M1(3);M4(2);M5(1);M9(4);M10(1) |
P5 | 37 | 0.4399 | 0.000702 | 4 | M1(7);M4(27);M5(1);M8(2) |
P6 | 16 | 0.8333 | 0.024964 | 5 | M1(3);M4(2);M6(3);M11(5);M12(3) |
P7 | 20 | 0.7000 | 0.034853 | 3 | M1(7);M3(7);M11(6) |
P8 | 16 | 0.4500 | 0.018146 | 5 | M1(12);M3(1);M6(1);M11(1);M13(1) |
P9 | 25 | 0.7267 | 0.013210 | 7 | M1(12);M3(4);M4(5);M7(1);M11(1);M14(1);M15(1) |
P10 | 22 | 0.4372 | 0.002765 | 3 | M1(5);M3(1);M4(16) |
P11 | 20 | 0.7053 | 0.014960 | 6 | M3(5);M4(2);M5(10);M16(1);M17(1);M18(1) |
P12 | 18 | 0.8497 | 0.025551 | 10 | M1(2);M3(7);M4(1);M5(1);M8(2);M16(1);M19(1);M20(1);M21(1);M22(1) |
P13 | 24 | 0.6739 | 0.014432 | 5 | M3(12);M4(7);M20(1);M23(3);M24(1) |
P14 | 22 | 0.7446 | 0.013573 | 6 | M1(2);M3(2);M4(9);M8(1);M23(7);M25(1) |
P15 | 20 | 0.6895 | 0.010815 | 7 | M1(1);M3(11);M4(1);M8(3);M23(2);M26(1);M27(1) |
P16 | 24 | 0.6304 | 0.006351 | 4 | M1(7);M3(3);M4(13);M5(1) |
P17 | 27 | 0.3960 | 0.005912 | 5 | M1(21);M3(2);M4(2);M28(1);M29(1) |
P18 | 24 | 0.6123 | 0.008381 | 4 | M1(5);M3(4);M25(14);M30(1) |
P19 | 17 | 0.5074 | 0.001757 | 5 | M1(12);M4(1);M25(2);M31(1);M32(1) |
P20 | 27 | 0.7037 | 0.011067 | 6 | M1(14);M3(3);M4(4);M30(2);M33(3);M34(1) |
P21 | 14 | 0.8132 | 0.014235 | 6 | M1(2);M3(4);M4(5);M30(1);M33(1);M35(1) |
P22 | 12 | 0.6667 | 0.017032 | 5 | M3(7);M7(1);M20(1);M38(1);M39(2) |
P23 | 18 | 0.7255 | 0.007721 | 4 | M3(7);M7(6);M20(1);M33(4) |
P24 | 18 | 0.4641 | 0.000746 | 3 | M1(3);M4(13);M5(2) |
P25 | 18 | 0.5294 | 0.000870 | 4 | M1(4);M4(12);M25(1);M40(1) |
P26 | 28 | 0.5000 | 0.011802 | 3 | M1(18);M3(9);M4(1) |
P27 | 18 | 0.4510 | 0.000710 | 3 | M6(13);M11(4);M12(1) |
P28 | 26 | 0.6769 | 0.031005 | 5 | M1(12);M3(3);M4(1);M6(1);M11(9) |
P29 | 9 | 0.9444 | 0.035906 | 7 | M1(2);M3(2);M4(1);M6(1);M11(1);M12(1);M36(1) |
P30 | 8 | 0.4286 | 0.002536 | 2 | M4(2);M37(6) |
总计Overall | 603 | 0.8217 | 0.010641 |
居群 Population | 个体数 Number of individuals | 遗传多样性 Genetic diversity (h) | 核苷酸多样性Nucleotide diversity (π) | 单倍型种类 Haplotype species (Hd) | 单倍型组成(个体数) Haplotype composition (Number of individuals) |
P1 | 34 | 0.7380 | 0.002867 | 8 | H1(12);H2(13);H3(2);H4(1);H5(2);H6(2);H7(1);H8(1) |
P2 | 58 | 0.7550 | 0.004208 | 10 | H7(1);H9(5);H10(23);H11(16);H12(7);H13(1);H14(1);H15(1);H16(1);H17(2) |
P3 | 46 | 0.8918 | 0.006707 | 17 | H2(1);H3(2);H9(2);H10(12);H11(8);H12(5);H15(2);H17(3);H18(1);H19(2); H20(2);H21(1);H22(1);H23(1);H24(1);H25(1);H26(1) |
P4 | 24 | 0.7319 | 0.002501 | 6 | H9(1);H10(9);H11(9);H12(1);H19(2);H20(2) |
P5 | 78 | 0.8591 | 0.003594 | 20 | H9(8);H10(21);H11(18);H12(2);H15(2);H17(1);H27(2);H28(1);H29(2);H30(1); H31(7);H32(1);H33(1);H34(2);H35(4);H36(1);H37(1);H38(1);H39(1);H40(1) |
P6 | 30 | 0.7816 | 0.003028 | 7 | H10(5);H11(11);H12(8);H15(2);H41(1);H42(2);H43(1) |
P7 | 46 | 0.7227 | 0.002434 | 6 | H9(3);H10(17);H11(16);H12(8);H44(1);H45(1) |
P8 | 16 | 0.5417 | 0.001108 | 3 | H46(10);H47(5);H48(1) |
P9 | 48 | 0.7261 | 0.001797 | 8 | H9(15);H10(20);H11(3);H12(5);H42(1);H49(2);H50(1);H51(1) |
P10 | 50 | 0.6196 | 0.001623 | 9 | H9(6);H10(30);H11(5);H12(1);H15(4);H19(1);H20(1);H50(1);H52(1) |
P11 | 52 | 0.7278 | 0.002189 | 8 | H9(10);H10(21);H11(15);H19(1);H20(1);H53(2);H54(1);H55(1) |
P12 | 36 | 0.7317 | 0.001983 | 6 | H9(9);H10(13);H11(11);H19(1);H20(1);H56(1) |
P13 | 54 | 0.7261 | 0.002297 | 8 | H9(14);H10(21);H11(14);H25(1);H56(1);H57(1);H58(1);H59(1) |
P14 | 48 | 0.7181 | 0.001760 | 7 | H9(18);H10(16);H11(10);H29(1);H53(1);H60(1);H61(1) |
P15 | 46 | 0.7034 | 0.002335 | 5 | H9(12);H10(17);H11(15);H62(1);H63(1) |
P16 | 44 | 0.8161 | 0.005701 | 17 | H1(1);H4(1);H9(2);H10(18);H11(6);H12(3);H14(1);H15(2);H17(1);H19(1); H25(1);H43(1);H61(2);H67(1);H79(1);H102(1);H128(1) |
P17 | 56 | 0.6818 | 0.001985 | 5 | H9(5);H10(25);H11(19);H12(4);H15(3) |
P18 | 56 | 0.8344 | 0.007679 | 17 | H1(3);H2(1);H3(1);H9(5);H10(20);H11(10);H12(1);H14(3);H15(1);H25(1); H61(1);H64(1);H65(1);H66(2);H67(3);H68(1);H69(1) |
P19 | 46 | 0.7072 | 0.002314 | 9 | H9(3);H10(22);H11(12);H12(2);H15(1);H61(2);H70(1);H71(1);H72(2) |
P20 | 54 | 0.7959 | 0.003749 | 15 | H9(2);H10(20);H11(14);H12(1);H15(1);H19(3);H20(4);H29(2);H30(1);H47(1); H52(1);H73(1);H74(1);H75(1);H76(1) |
P21 | 156 | 0.8078 | 0.003330 | 21 | H3(1);H9(20);H10(51);H11(34);H12(24);H15(2);H25(1);H49(1);H61(3); H72(6);H76(1);H77(1);H78(1);H79(1);H80(1);H81(1);H82(1);H83(3);H84(1);H85(1);H86(1) |
P22 | 32 | 0.7359 | 0.002034 | 5 | H9(9);H10(12);H11(8);H125(2);H126(1) |
P23 | 32 | 0.6290 | 0.001344 | 5 | H9(13);H10(15);H11(2);H29(1);H53(1) |
P24 | 48 | 0.7660 | 0.002506 | 6 | H9(5);H10(11);H11(13);H12(16);H15(2);H127(1) |
P25 | 22 | 0.7143 | 0.002165 | 5 | H9(1);H10(10);H11(6);H12(4);H15(1) |
P26 | 52 | 0.7677 | 0.002383 | 6 | H9(4);H10(17);H11(15);H12(11);H15(4);H43(1) |
P27 | 66 | 0.8601 | 0.004209 | 21 | H1(6);H2(18);H3(1);H5(1);H11(1);H12(1);H14(2);H87(16);H88(3);H89(1);H90(2);H91(1);H92(2);H93(1);H94(1);H95(1);H96(1);H97(4);H98(1);H99(1);H100(1) |
P28 | 56 | 0.9565 | 0.012402 | 34 | H1(1);H2(3);H3(1);H4(1);H7(3);H8(2);H9(1);H10(8);H11(8);H12(3); H16(1);H19(1);H20(1);H24(1);H25(1);H29(1);H33(1);H66(1);H67(1);H92(1);H101(1);H102(1);H103(2);H104(1);H105(1);H106(1);H107(1);H108(1);H109(1); H110(1);H111(1);H112(1);H113(1);H114(1) |
P29 | 24 | 0.9819 | 0.012142 | 19 | H1(2);H3(2);H6(1);H12(1);H13(1);H14(2);H15(1);H24(2);H65(1);H87(2); H92(1);H99(1);H115(1);H116(1);H117(1);H118(1);H119(1);H120(1);H121(1) |
P30 | 18 | 0.8693 | 0.003152 | 8 | H9(4);H10(2);H11(1);H12(3);H72(5);H122(1);H123(1);H124(1) |
总计 Overall | 1428 | 0.8168 | 0.003584 |
Table 4 Haplotypes composition, genetic diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) of the ITS fragments of P. anserina in the 30 populations
居群 Population | 个体数 Number of individuals | 遗传多样性 Genetic diversity (h) | 核苷酸多样性Nucleotide diversity (π) | 单倍型种类 Haplotype species (Hd) | 单倍型组成(个体数) Haplotype composition (Number of individuals) |
P1 | 34 | 0.7380 | 0.002867 | 8 | H1(12);H2(13);H3(2);H4(1);H5(2);H6(2);H7(1);H8(1) |
P2 | 58 | 0.7550 | 0.004208 | 10 | H7(1);H9(5);H10(23);H11(16);H12(7);H13(1);H14(1);H15(1);H16(1);H17(2) |
P3 | 46 | 0.8918 | 0.006707 | 17 | H2(1);H3(2);H9(2);H10(12);H11(8);H12(5);H15(2);H17(3);H18(1);H19(2); H20(2);H21(1);H22(1);H23(1);H24(1);H25(1);H26(1) |
P4 | 24 | 0.7319 | 0.002501 | 6 | H9(1);H10(9);H11(9);H12(1);H19(2);H20(2) |
P5 | 78 | 0.8591 | 0.003594 | 20 | H9(8);H10(21);H11(18);H12(2);H15(2);H17(1);H27(2);H28(1);H29(2);H30(1); H31(7);H32(1);H33(1);H34(2);H35(4);H36(1);H37(1);H38(1);H39(1);H40(1) |
P6 | 30 | 0.7816 | 0.003028 | 7 | H10(5);H11(11);H12(8);H15(2);H41(1);H42(2);H43(1) |
P7 | 46 | 0.7227 | 0.002434 | 6 | H9(3);H10(17);H11(16);H12(8);H44(1);H45(1) |
P8 | 16 | 0.5417 | 0.001108 | 3 | H46(10);H47(5);H48(1) |
P9 | 48 | 0.7261 | 0.001797 | 8 | H9(15);H10(20);H11(3);H12(5);H42(1);H49(2);H50(1);H51(1) |
P10 | 50 | 0.6196 | 0.001623 | 9 | H9(6);H10(30);H11(5);H12(1);H15(4);H19(1);H20(1);H50(1);H52(1) |
P11 | 52 | 0.7278 | 0.002189 | 8 | H9(10);H10(21);H11(15);H19(1);H20(1);H53(2);H54(1);H55(1) |
P12 | 36 | 0.7317 | 0.001983 | 6 | H9(9);H10(13);H11(11);H19(1);H20(1);H56(1) |
P13 | 54 | 0.7261 | 0.002297 | 8 | H9(14);H10(21);H11(14);H25(1);H56(1);H57(1);H58(1);H59(1) |
P14 | 48 | 0.7181 | 0.001760 | 7 | H9(18);H10(16);H11(10);H29(1);H53(1);H60(1);H61(1) |
P15 | 46 | 0.7034 | 0.002335 | 5 | H9(12);H10(17);H11(15);H62(1);H63(1) |
P16 | 44 | 0.8161 | 0.005701 | 17 | H1(1);H4(1);H9(2);H10(18);H11(6);H12(3);H14(1);H15(2);H17(1);H19(1); H25(1);H43(1);H61(2);H67(1);H79(1);H102(1);H128(1) |
P17 | 56 | 0.6818 | 0.001985 | 5 | H9(5);H10(25);H11(19);H12(4);H15(3) |
P18 | 56 | 0.8344 | 0.007679 | 17 | H1(3);H2(1);H3(1);H9(5);H10(20);H11(10);H12(1);H14(3);H15(1);H25(1); H61(1);H64(1);H65(1);H66(2);H67(3);H68(1);H69(1) |
P19 | 46 | 0.7072 | 0.002314 | 9 | H9(3);H10(22);H11(12);H12(2);H15(1);H61(2);H70(1);H71(1);H72(2) |
P20 | 54 | 0.7959 | 0.003749 | 15 | H9(2);H10(20);H11(14);H12(1);H15(1);H19(3);H20(4);H29(2);H30(1);H47(1); H52(1);H73(1);H74(1);H75(1);H76(1) |
P21 | 156 | 0.8078 | 0.003330 | 21 | H3(1);H9(20);H10(51);H11(34);H12(24);H15(2);H25(1);H49(1);H61(3); H72(6);H76(1);H77(1);H78(1);H79(1);H80(1);H81(1);H82(1);H83(3);H84(1);H85(1);H86(1) |
P22 | 32 | 0.7359 | 0.002034 | 5 | H9(9);H10(12);H11(8);H125(2);H126(1) |
P23 | 32 | 0.6290 | 0.001344 | 5 | H9(13);H10(15);H11(2);H29(1);H53(1) |
P24 | 48 | 0.7660 | 0.002506 | 6 | H9(5);H10(11);H11(13);H12(16);H15(2);H127(1) |
P25 | 22 | 0.7143 | 0.002165 | 5 | H9(1);H10(10);H11(6);H12(4);H15(1) |
P26 | 52 | 0.7677 | 0.002383 | 6 | H9(4);H10(17);H11(15);H12(11);H15(4);H43(1) |
P27 | 66 | 0.8601 | 0.004209 | 21 | H1(6);H2(18);H3(1);H5(1);H11(1);H12(1);H14(2);H87(16);H88(3);H89(1);H90(2);H91(1);H92(2);H93(1);H94(1);H95(1);H96(1);H97(4);H98(1);H99(1);H100(1) |
P28 | 56 | 0.9565 | 0.012402 | 34 | H1(1);H2(3);H3(1);H4(1);H7(3);H8(2);H9(1);H10(8);H11(8);H12(3); H16(1);H19(1);H20(1);H24(1);H25(1);H29(1);H33(1);H66(1);H67(1);H92(1);H101(1);H102(1);H103(2);H104(1);H105(1);H106(1);H107(1);H108(1);H109(1); H110(1);H111(1);H112(1);H113(1);H114(1) |
P29 | 24 | 0.9819 | 0.012142 | 19 | H1(2);H3(2);H6(1);H12(1);H13(1);H14(2);H15(1);H24(2);H65(1);H87(2); H92(1);H99(1);H115(1);H116(1);H117(1);H118(1);H119(1);H120(1);H121(1) |
P30 | 18 | 0.8693 | 0.003152 | 8 | H9(4);H10(2);H11(1);H12(3);H72(5);H122(1);H123(1);H124(1) |
总计 Overall | 1428 | 0.8168 | 0.003584 |
类群 Population groups | cpDNA trnL-trnF | ITS | ||||||
HS (P值P-value) | HT (P值P-value) | GST (P值P-value) | NST (P值P-value) | HS (P值P-value) | HT (P值P-value) | GST (P值P-value) | NST (P值P-value) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.628 (0.0501) | 0.822 (0.0441) | 0.235 (0.0678) | 0.465 (0.1930)** | 0.823 (0.0296) | 0.907 (0.0334) | 0.092 (0.0284) | 0.227 (0.0250) |
横断山脉组 HM group | 0.626 (0.0518) | 0.793 (0.0367) | 0.211 (0.0395) | 0.358 (0.0706)** | 0.739 (0.0259) | 0.819 (0.0350) | 0.098 (0.0678) | 0.607 (0.2090)** |
藏南谷地组 ST group | 0.665 (0.0419) | 0.867 (0.0218) | 0.234 (0.0594) | 0.307 (0.1057) | 0.719 (0.0213) | 0.748 (0.0300) | 0.038 (0.0133) | 0.050 (P>0.05) |
所有类群 All populations | 0.640 (0.0270) | 0.849 (0.0197) | 0.246 (0.0319) | 0.417 (0.0953)** | 0.763 (0.0172) | 0.844 (0.0245) | 0.096 (0.0258) | 0.522 (0.1020)** |
Table 5 Genetic diversity analysis of cpDNA trnL-rnF fragments and ITS fragments of P. anserine
类群 Population groups | cpDNA trnL-trnF | ITS | ||||||
HS (P值P-value) | HT (P值P-value) | GST (P值P-value) | NST (P值P-value) | HS (P值P-value) | HT (P值P-value) | GST (P值P-value) | NST (P值P-value) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.628 (0.0501) | 0.822 (0.0441) | 0.235 (0.0678) | 0.465 (0.1930)** | 0.823 (0.0296) | 0.907 (0.0334) | 0.092 (0.0284) | 0.227 (0.0250) |
横断山脉组 HM group | 0.626 (0.0518) | 0.793 (0.0367) | 0.211 (0.0395) | 0.358 (0.0706)** | 0.739 (0.0259) | 0.819 (0.0350) | 0.098 (0.0678) | 0.607 (0.2090)** |
藏南谷地组 ST group | 0.665 (0.0419) | 0.867 (0.0218) | 0.234 (0.0594) | 0.307 (0.1057) | 0.719 (0.0213) | 0.748 (0.0300) | 0.038 (0.0133) | 0.050 (P>0.05) |
所有类群 All populations | 0.640 (0.0270) | 0.849 (0.0197) | 0.246 (0.0319) | 0.417 (0.0953)** | 0.763 (0.0172) | 0.844 (0.0245) | 0.096 (0.0258) | 0.522 (0.1020)** |
组别 Group | 变异来源 Source of variation | cpDNA trnL-trnF | ITS | ||
变异百分比Percentage of variation (%) | 群体间分化指数 Fixation index (FST) | 变异百分比 Percentage of variation (%) | 群体间分化指数 Fixation index (FST) | ||
总组别 Overall group | 居群间Among populations | 40.31 | 0.40313** | 45.91 | 0.45911** |
居群内Within populations | 59.69 | 54.09 | |||
青海高原组 QP group | 居群间Among populations | 46.33 | 0.46333** | 49.74 | 0.49739** |
居群内Within populations | 53.67 | 50.26 | |||
横断山脉组 HM group | 居群间Among populations | 35.16 | 0.35160** | 33.36 | 0.33357** |
居群内Within populations | 64.84 | 66.64 | |||
藏南谷地组 ST group | 居群间Among populations | 27.08 | 0.27075** | 4.15 | 0.04148** |
居群内Within populations | 72.92 | 95.85 |
Table 6 Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on cpDNA trnL-trnF and ITS dataset from P. anserina
组别 Group | 变异来源 Source of variation | cpDNA trnL-trnF | ITS | ||
变异百分比Percentage of variation (%) | 群体间分化指数 Fixation index (FST) | 变异百分比 Percentage of variation (%) | 群体间分化指数 Fixation index (FST) | ||
总组别 Overall group | 居群间Among populations | 40.31 | 0.40313** | 45.91 | 0.45911** |
居群内Within populations | 59.69 | 54.09 | |||
青海高原组 QP group | 居群间Among populations | 46.33 | 0.46333** | 49.74 | 0.49739** |
居群内Within populations | 53.67 | 50.26 | |||
横断山脉组 HM group | 居群间Among populations | 35.16 | 0.35160** | 33.36 | 0.33357** |
居群内Within populations | 64.84 | 66.64 | |||
藏南谷地组 ST group | 居群间Among populations | 27.08 | 0.27075** | 4.15 | 0.04148** |
居群内Within populations | 72.92 | 95.85 |
组别 Groups | 中性检验Neutrality tests | 错配分布Mismatch distribution | ||||
Tajima’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu’s FS (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s F (P值 P-value) | SSD (P值 P-value) | HRag (P值 P-value) | |
总组别 Overall group | 0.11976 | 5.72410 | -1.14153 | -1.38361 | 0.00926 | 0.02950 |
(0.56557) | (0.81313) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.03133)* | (0.07433) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.54005 | 19.44008 | 0.22999 | 0.40698 | 0.04831 | 0.07662 |
(0.74500) | (0.98600) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.31100) | (0.50200) | |
横断山脉组 HM group | -0.64632 | 6.90646 | -1.73049 | -1.58040 | 0.03810 | 0.07003 |
(0.30000) | (0.92400) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.52900) | (0.65600) | |
藏南谷地组 ST group | -2.04300 | 4.00364 | -4.51770 | -4.32336 | 0.04989 | 0.06099 |
(0.00100)** | (0.86500) | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.19200) | (0.49400) |
Table 7 Neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analysis for cpDNA trnL-trnF fragments of P. anserina
组别 Groups | 中性检验Neutrality tests | 错配分布Mismatch distribution | ||||
Tajima’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu’s FS (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s F (P值 P-value) | SSD (P值 P-value) | HRag (P值 P-value) | |
总组别 Overall group | 0.11976 | 5.72410 | -1.14153 | -1.38361 | 0.00926 | 0.02950 |
(0.56557) | (0.81313) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.03133)* | (0.07433) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.54005 | 19.44008 | 0.22999 | 0.40698 | 0.04831 | 0.07662 |
(0.74500) | (0.98600) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.31100) | (0.50200) | |
横断山脉组 HM group | -0.64632 | 6.90646 | -1.73049 | -1.58040 | 0.03810 | 0.07003 |
(0.30000) | (0.92400) | (P>0.10) | (P>0.10) | (0.52900) | (0.65600) | |
藏南谷地组 ST group | -2.04300 | 4.00364 | -4.51770 | -4.32336 | 0.04989 | 0.06099 |
(0.00100)** | (0.86500) | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.19200) | (0.49400) |
组别 Groups | 中性检验Neutrality tests | 错配分布Mismatch distribution | ||||
Tajima’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu’s FS (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s FS (P值 P-value) | SSD (P值 P-value) | HRag (P值 P-value) | |
总组别 Overall group | -1.31350 | -24.78898 | -6.78954 | -5.02878 | 0.01943 | 0.03285 |
(0.04000)* | (0.00300)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.15900) | (0.44600) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.42414 | -24.45324 | -4.56846 | -3.08924 | 0.03085 | 0.02126 |
(0.66800) | (0.00000)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.20000) | (0.92000) | |
横断山脉组 HM group | -1.93781 | -26.94711 | -3.60133 | -3.27625 | 0.00566 | 0.08246 |
(0.00100)** | (0.00000)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.00000)** | (0.00000)** | |
藏南谷地组 ST group | -1.93781 | -26.94711 | -2.98723 | -3.09026 | 0.00565 | 0.08246 |
(0.00000)** | (0.00000)** | (P<0.05)* | (P<0.02)** | (0.00000)** | (0.00000)** |
Table 8 Neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analysis for ITS fragments of P. anserina
组别 Groups | 中性检验Neutrality tests | 错配分布Mismatch distribution | ||||
Tajima’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu’s FS (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s D (P值 P-value) | Fu and Li’s FS (P值 P-value) | SSD (P值 P-value) | HRag (P值 P-value) | |
总组别 Overall group | -1.31350 | -24.78898 | -6.78954 | -5.02878 | 0.01943 | 0.03285 |
(0.04000)* | (0.00300)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.15900) | (0.44600) | |
青海高原组 QP group | 0.42414 | -24.45324 | -4.56846 | -3.08924 | 0.03085 | 0.02126 |
(0.66800) | (0.00000)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.20000) | (0.92000) | |
横断山脉组 HM group | -1.93781 | -26.94711 | -3.60133 | -3.27625 | 0.00566 | 0.08246 |
(0.00100)** | (0.00000)** | (P<0.02)** | (P<0.02)** | (0.00000)** | (0.00000)** | |
藏南谷地组 ST group | -1.93781 | -26.94711 | -2.98723 | -3.09026 | 0.00565 | 0.08246 |
(0.00000)** | (0.00000)** | (P<0.05)* | (P<0.02)** | (0.00000)** | (0.00000)** |
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