Acta Prataculturae Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 80-93.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2024093
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Wen-qi CAI1(), Shu-xia LI1,2,3(
), Xiao-tong WANG1, Wen-xue SONG1, Xu-xia MA1, Xiao-mei MA1, Xiao-hong LI1, Xin-yao DAI1
Shu-xia LI
Wen-qi CAI, Shu-xia LI, Xiao-tong WANG, Wen-xue SONG, Xu-xia MA, Xiao-mei MA, Xiao-hong LI, Xin-yao DAI. Effects of interaction between exogenous melatonin and ethylene on the growth and physiological characteristics of Medicago sativa seedlings under salt stress[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2025, 34(1): 80-93.
Fig.2 Effects of different concentrations of melatonin (MT) and ethephon (ETH) on fresh weight and relative conductivity of alfalfa seedlings under salt stress
Fig.3 Effects of different concentrations of melatonin (MT) and ethephon (ETH) on the photosynthetic pigment content of alfalfa seedlings under salt stress
Fig.4 Effects of melatonin (MT) and ethephon (ETH) interaction on phenotype, plant height, leaf area and fresh weight of alfalfa seedlings under salt stress
Fig.6 Effects of melatonin (MT) and ethephon (ETH) interaction on relative conductivity and malondialdehyde content in alfalfa seedlings under salt stress
项目Item | CK | S | S+MT | S+ETH | S+MT+ETH |
Na+ (mg·g-1) | 19.01±0.58d | 76.32±2.76a | 52.01±0.40b | 49.60±1.75b | 34.48±1.09c |
K+ (mg·g-1) | 42.03±0.96a | 29.22±1.24d | 32.64±1.25cd | 36.69±0.72bc | 39.99±0.29ab |
K+/Na+ | 2.22±0.11a | 0.40±0.02c | 0.59±0.04c | 0.69±0.07bc | 1.27±0.28b |
Table 1 Effects of melatonin (MT) and ethephon (ETH) interaction on Na+ and K+ content in alfalfa seedlings under salt stress
项目Item | CK | S | S+MT | S+ETH | S+MT+ETH |
Na+ (mg·g-1) | 19.01±0.58d | 76.32±2.76a | 52.01±0.40b | 49.60±1.75b | 34.48±1.09c |
K+ (mg·g-1) | 42.03±0.96a | 29.22±1.24d | 32.64±1.25cd | 36.69±0.72bc | 39.99±0.29ab |
K+/Na+ | 2.22±0.11a | 0.40±0.02c | 0.59±0.04c | 0.69±0.07bc | 1.27±0.28b |
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