草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 124-134.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020357
佟莉蓉(1976-),女,江苏邳州人,副教授。E-mail: tlr122500@126.com基金资助:
Li-rong TONG(), Shun-gang NI(
), Ya-nan ZHOU, Juan WANG, Fang-shan XIA
在原来的达乌里胡枝子种子包衣配方研究基础上,选用杀菌剂(多菌灵,50%可湿性粉剂)、保水剂(SAP,高吸水性树脂)、填充材料(玉米秸秆粉)等包衣材料对“晋农1号”达乌里胡枝子种子进行包衣,研究不同配方对达乌里胡枝子种子发芽和出苗的影响。试验结果显示,药种比1∶60的多菌灵可以有效解决种子萌发时发霉腐烂、失去种子活力的问题;以不同浓度的SAP作为包衣配方中的保水剂,其中以5%的SAP效果最佳,该浓度下有效地保持住了水分,且各项萌发指标最高,种子活力最强,同时在温室出苗试验中有较高的出苗率、成苗率及出苗数/成苗数,表现出较好的出苗特性;在包衣配方中加入不同粗细程度的玉米秸秆粉,其中细级玉米秸秆粉(过75 μm孔径)有较好的萌发状况,并且促进了幼苗生物量的累积。最后将包衣后的种子进行质量检验,研究发现,制成的包衣种子千粒重为裸种的2.3倍,种球直径接近裸种的2倍,并且有较高的含籽率、单籽率和合格率,更适合工业生产和机械播种。
佟莉蓉, 倪顺刚, 周亚楠, 王娟, 夏方山. 不同种衣剂配方对达乌里胡枝子种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(2): 124-134.
Li-rong TONG, Shun-gang NI, Ya-nan ZHOU, Juan WANG, Fang-shan XIA. Effects of different seed coating formulations on seed germination and seedling growth of Lespedeza davurica[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(2): 124-134.
图3 不同药种比的多菌灵对达乌里胡枝子种子萌发腐烂程度的影响
Fig.3 Effect of carbendazim of different carbendazim to seed ratio on the number of rot seeds in germination of L. davurica
图4 包衣配方中不同浓度保水剂对达乌里胡枝子种子萌发的影响
Fig. 4 Effect of different concentration of water-holding agent in coating formulations on seed germination of L. davurica
处理 Treatment | 出苗时间 Emergence time (d) | 出苗率 Emergence rate (%) | 成苗率 Seedling rate (%) | 成苗数/出苗数 Seedling/emergence |
CK | 2 | 66.33±0.88d | 62.33±0.88d | 93.98±0.86b |
SAP0 | 4 | 75.33±0.88c | 73.67±0.88c | 97.85±1.13a |
SAP1 | 4 | 85.00±2.03b | 83.00±1.20b | 97.64±0.70a |
SAP2 | 4 | 87.67±0.88a | 87.33±0.88a | 99.62±0.38a |
SAP3 | 4 | 86.33±0.88ab | 84.67±0.88ab | 98.08±0.76a |
SAP4 | 4 | 82.33±0.33b | 81.33±0.33b | 98.78±0.02a |
表1 包衣配方中不同浓度保水剂对达乌里胡枝子出苗的影响
Table 1 Effect of different concentration of water-holding agent in coating formulations on the emergence of seedling of L. davurica
处理 Treatment | 出苗时间 Emergence time (d) | 出苗率 Emergence rate (%) | 成苗率 Seedling rate (%) | 成苗数/出苗数 Seedling/emergence |
CK | 2 | 66.33±0.88d | 62.33±0.88d | 93.98±0.86b |
SAP0 | 4 | 75.33±0.88c | 73.67±0.88c | 97.85±1.13a |
SAP1 | 4 | 85.00±2.03b | 83.00±1.20b | 97.64±0.70a |
SAP2 | 4 | 87.67±0.88a | 87.33±0.88a | 99.62±0.38a |
SAP3 | 4 | 86.33±0.88ab | 84.67±0.88ab | 98.08±0.76a |
SAP4 | 4 | 82.33±0.33b | 81.33±0.33b | 98.78±0.02a |
图5 包衣配方中不同力度的玉米秸秆粉对达乌里胡枝子种子萌发的影响
Fig.5 Effect of silage corn straw powder with different thickness degree in coating formulations on seed germination of L. davurica
处理 Treatment | 根长 Root length (mm) | 鲜重 Fresh weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 14.22±0.63a | 0.91±0.02b |
C0 | 15.96±1.06a | 1.09±0.03ab |
C1 | 16.36±0.45a | 1.24±0.13a |
C2 | 16.21±0.50a | 1.22±0.11a |
C3 | 16.10±0.23a | 1.18±0.10ab |
表2 包衣配方中不同力度的玉米秸秆粉对达乌里胡枝子幼苗根长及鲜重的影响
Table 2 Effects of silage corn straw powder with different thickness degree in coating formulations on the root length and fresh weight of coating seed of L. davurica
处理 Treatment | 根长 Root length (mm) | 鲜重 Fresh weight (g·plant-1) |
CK | 14.22±0.63a | 0.91±0.02b |
C0 | 15.96±1.06a | 1.09±0.03ab |
C1 | 16.36±0.45a | 1.24±0.13a |
C2 | 16.21±0.50a | 1.22±0.11a |
C3 | 16.10±0.23a | 1.18±0.10ab |
图6 不同包衣处理对达乌里胡枝子种子的千粒重及种球直径的影响CK表示裸种处理;G1表示包衣配方未加入玉米秸秆粉;G2表示包衣配方加入玉米秸秆粉,下同。CK: Naked seeds treatment;G1: No silage corn straw powder treatment in coating formulations;G2: Silage corn straw powder treatment in coating formulations, the same below.
Fig.6 Effect of different coating treatment on the 1000-kernel weight and coating seed diameter of seed of L. davurica
图8 不同包衣处理对达乌里胡枝子种子的含籽率、单籽率及合格率的影响
Fig.8 Effect of different coating treatment on containing seed rate, single seed rate and qualification rate of L. davurica
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