草业学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 19-32.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2023097
韩其飞1,2(), 尹龙1, 李超凡1(
), 张润钢1, 王文彪3, 崔正南3
E-mail: lcf@nuist.edu.cn基金资助:
Qi-fei HAN1,2(), Long YIN1, Chao-fan LI1(
), Run-gang ZHANG1, Wen-biao WANG3, Zheng-nan CUI3
Chao-fan LI
在全球气候变化的背景下,干旱半干旱区草地作为陆地生态系统中重要且非常脆弱的组分之一,显现出一系列生态问题。探究气候变化及人类活动对于该区草地生态系统净初级生产力(NPP)的影响,对于合理利用自然资源,保持农牧业可持续发展具有重要的意义。施肥作为促进作物生长的一种方式,合理施肥也可以提高退化草地的NPP。基于此,本研究拟以天山北坡沿海拔梯度分布的4种草地类型:高山草甸(AM)、中山森林草甸(MMFM)、低山干草原(LMDG)和平原荒漠草原(PDG)为研究对象,基于反硝化-分解模型(DNDC)分析该区典型草地生态系统净初级生产力对施加不同氮肥的响应,并揭示施肥阈值及最优施肥方式。结果表明:1)适度氮肥添加促进了各个类型草地生态系统NPP的增长,但草地NPP对施肥量的响应存在阈值,且不存在适用于4种草地类型的统一最优施肥方式。LMDG草地生态系统对施氮肥的响应最敏感。2)PDG草地NPP达到最大的施肥方式为一年分两次施加100 kg·hm-2硝酸盐,NPP的最大值为68.72 g C·m-2·a-1。LMDG草地NPP最大的施肥方式为一年分两次施加尿素260 kg·hm-2,NPP的最大值为263.28 g C·m-2·a-1。MMFM草地生态系统达到NPP最大的施肥方式为一年一次施尿素80 kg·hm-2,NPP的最大值为171.22 g C·m-2·a-1。无水氨作为在AM草地中反应最好的氮肥,以最小的施肥量(60 kg·hm-2)达到了NPP的最大值(114.62 g C·m-2·a-1)。3)通过蒙特卡洛不确定分析的结果显示,施肥时间对PDG和LMDG的影响更为明显,施肥量波动对LMDG和MMFM的影响较其他两种草地更为明显。
韩其飞, 尹龙, 李超凡, 张润钢, 王文彪, 崔正南. 天山北坡典型草地施肥阈值及不确定性分析[J]. 草业学报, 2024, 33(1): 19-32.
Qi-fei HAN, Long YIN, Chao-fan LI, Run-gang ZHANG, Wen-biao WANG, Zheng-nan CUI. Nitrogen fertilizer threshold and uncertainty analysis of typical grassland on the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(1): 19-32.
图1 天山北坡草地类型PDG: 平原荒漠草原Plain desert grassland; LMDG: 低山干草原Low mountain dry grassland; MMFM: 中山森林草甸Mid-mountain forest meadow; AM: 高山草甸Alpine meadow. 下同The same below.
Fig.1 Typical grassland on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains
图3 4种草地类型对不同施肥措施的响应NPP: 净初级生产力Net primary productivity. 下同The same below.
Fig.3 Responses of different grassland types to varied fertilization measures
草地类型 Grassland types | 施肥阈值Nitrogen fertilizer threshold (kg·hm-2) | |||||||||
尿素Urea | 无水氨Anhydrous ammonia | 碳酸氢铵Ammonium bicarbonate | 硝酸盐Nitrate | 铵Ammonium | ||||||
T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | |
PDG | 60 | 100 | 60 | 60 | 20 | 60 | 40 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
LMDG | 160 | 260 | 120 | 160 | 100 | 160 | 100 | 160 | 100 | 160 |
MMFM | 80 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 60 | 80 | 60 | 80 | 60 | 100 |
AM | 80 | 120 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 120 | 60 | 120 | 100 | 120 |
表1 不同草地类型氮肥阈值
Table 1 Nitrogen fertilizer threshold for different grassland types
草地类型 Grassland types | 施肥阈值Nitrogen fertilizer threshold (kg·hm-2) | |||||||||
尿素Urea | 无水氨Anhydrous ammonia | 碳酸氢铵Ammonium bicarbonate | 硝酸盐Nitrate | 铵Ammonium | ||||||
T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | T1 | T2 | |
PDG | 60 | 100 | 60 | 60 | 20 | 60 | 40 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
LMDG | 160 | 260 | 120 | 160 | 100 | 160 | 100 | 160 | 100 | 160 |
MMFM | 80 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 60 | 80 | 60 | 80 | 60 | 100 |
AM | 80 | 120 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 120 | 60 | 120 | 100 | 120 |
施肥阈值 Fertilization threshold (kg·hm-2) | 氮肥类型 Nitrogen fertilizer type | 研究区 Study area | 草地类型/草种 Grassland type/grass species | 参考文献 References |
60 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 河北省张家口市北部坝上高原区Bashang grasslands district, north of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province | 主要牧草为羊草The main forage is Leymus chinensis | [ |
260 | 尿素Urea (N≥46.4%) | 伊犁新垦区建植混播人工草地Establishment of mixed planting artificial grassland in Yili new reclamation area | 百脉根+扁穗冰草+新麦草+无芒雀麦Lotus corniculatus+Agropyron cristatum+Psathyrostachys juncea+Bromus inermis | [ |
225 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 青藏高原的中东部、玉树州东部的称多县Chindu county in the east of Yushu Prefecture and the east of Qinghai Tibet plateau | 冬季草场Winter grassland | [ |
150 | 磷酸二铵Diammonium phosphate (N 18%) | 三江源国家自然保护区Sanjiangyuan national nature reserve | 早熟禾人工草地Poa pratensis artificial grassland | [ |
126 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 东祁连山金强河流域的甘肃农业大学天祝高山草原生态系统试验站Tianzhu alpine grassland ecosystem experimental station of Gansu Agricultural University in Jinqiang river basin of east Qilian mountains | 嵩草草甸和高寒灌丛草甸、燕麦Kobresia meadows and alpine shrub meadows, Avena sativa | [ |
132 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 青海省大武镇Dawu town, Qinghai province | 高寒嵩草草甸Alpine Kobresia meadow | [ |
240 | 颗粒状尿素 Granular urea (N 46%) | 吉林省松原市长岭县东北师范大学草地科学研究所实验站Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Changling county, Songyuan city, Jilin province | 松嫩平原西南部自然草地、羊草Natural grassland in the southwest of Songnen Plain, L. chinensis | [ |
225 | 硫酸钾复合肥(总养分含量 ≥45%,其 中 N∶P2O5∶K2O 为1∶1∶1)Potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (total nutrient content ≥45%, in which N∶P2O5∶K2O is 1∶1∶1) | 四川省红原县瓦切乡四川省草原科学研究院试验站Experimental station of Sichuan Academy of Grassland Sciences, Waqie township, Hongyuan county, Sichuan province | 高寒改良草地Alpine improved grassland | [ |
420 | 尿素Urea (N 40%) | 青海省海北藏族自治州海晏县境内哈勒景乡永丰村的冬春围栏草地Fenced grassland in winter and spring in Yongfeng village, Halejing township, Haiyan county, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai province | 山地草原类天然草场Natural mountain grassland | [ |
300 | 速效氮肥尿素Quick acting nitrogen fertilizer urea | 江西现代牧业科技园百草园基地(江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所)Jiangxi Sericulture and Tea Research Institute | 以狗牙根、雀稗、车前草为主的杂类草草地A mixed grass grassland mainly composed of Cynodon dactylon,Paspalum thunbergii and Plantago depressa | [ |
179 | 硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate | 大庆市学伟大街两侧绿化带草坪内In the green belt lawn on both sides of Xuewei street, Daqing city | 早熟禾P. pratensis | [ |
50 | 尿素Urea | 内蒙古锡林浩特市锡林河流域的退化典型草原Degenerated typical grassland in Xilin river basin, Xilinhot city, Inner Mongolia | 禾本科植物占绝对优势,克氏针茅为建群优势种Poaceae plants account for absolute advantage, Stipa krylovii is the dominant species for group building | [ |
120 | 尿素Urea | 宁夏盐池县城西滩试验田Xitan experimental field in Yanchi county, Ningxia | 羊草L. chinensis | [ |
300 | 尿素Urea | 三江源区高寒草甸Alpine meadow in Sanjiangyuan district | 高山嵩草杂类草甸,主要优势牧草是高山嵩草Alpine meadow, with the main dominant species being Kobresia pygmaea | [ |
表2 基于文献综述的不同草地类型施肥阈值
Table 2 Fertilization threshold for different grassland types based on literature review
施肥阈值 Fertilization threshold (kg·hm-2) | 氮肥类型 Nitrogen fertilizer type | 研究区 Study area | 草地类型/草种 Grassland type/grass species | 参考文献 References |
60 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 河北省张家口市北部坝上高原区Bashang grasslands district, north of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province | 主要牧草为羊草The main forage is Leymus chinensis | [ |
260 | 尿素Urea (N≥46.4%) | 伊犁新垦区建植混播人工草地Establishment of mixed planting artificial grassland in Yili new reclamation area | 百脉根+扁穗冰草+新麦草+无芒雀麦Lotus corniculatus+Agropyron cristatum+Psathyrostachys juncea+Bromus inermis | [ |
225 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 青藏高原的中东部、玉树州东部的称多县Chindu county in the east of Yushu Prefecture and the east of Qinghai Tibet plateau | 冬季草场Winter grassland | [ |
150 | 磷酸二铵Diammonium phosphate (N 18%) | 三江源国家自然保护区Sanjiangyuan national nature reserve | 早熟禾人工草地Poa pratensis artificial grassland | [ |
126 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 东祁连山金强河流域的甘肃农业大学天祝高山草原生态系统试验站Tianzhu alpine grassland ecosystem experimental station of Gansu Agricultural University in Jinqiang river basin of east Qilian mountains | 嵩草草甸和高寒灌丛草甸、燕麦Kobresia meadows and alpine shrub meadows, Avena sativa | [ |
132 | 尿素Urea (N 46%) | 青海省大武镇Dawu town, Qinghai province | 高寒嵩草草甸Alpine Kobresia meadow | [ |
240 | 颗粒状尿素 Granular urea (N 46%) | 吉林省松原市长岭县东北师范大学草地科学研究所实验站Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Changling county, Songyuan city, Jilin province | 松嫩平原西南部自然草地、羊草Natural grassland in the southwest of Songnen Plain, L. chinensis | [ |
225 | 硫酸钾复合肥(总养分含量 ≥45%,其 中 N∶P2O5∶K2O 为1∶1∶1)Potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (total nutrient content ≥45%, in which N∶P2O5∶K2O is 1∶1∶1) | 四川省红原县瓦切乡四川省草原科学研究院试验站Experimental station of Sichuan Academy of Grassland Sciences, Waqie township, Hongyuan county, Sichuan province | 高寒改良草地Alpine improved grassland | [ |
420 | 尿素Urea (N 40%) | 青海省海北藏族自治州海晏县境内哈勒景乡永丰村的冬春围栏草地Fenced grassland in winter and spring in Yongfeng village, Halejing township, Haiyan county, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai province | 山地草原类天然草场Natural mountain grassland | [ |
300 | 速效氮肥尿素Quick acting nitrogen fertilizer urea | 江西现代牧业科技园百草园基地(江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所)Jiangxi Sericulture and Tea Research Institute | 以狗牙根、雀稗、车前草为主的杂类草草地A mixed grass grassland mainly composed of Cynodon dactylon,Paspalum thunbergii and Plantago depressa | [ |
179 | 硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate | 大庆市学伟大街两侧绿化带草坪内In the green belt lawn on both sides of Xuewei street, Daqing city | 早熟禾P. pratensis | [ |
50 | 尿素Urea | 内蒙古锡林浩特市锡林河流域的退化典型草原Degenerated typical grassland in Xilin river basin, Xilinhot city, Inner Mongolia | 禾本科植物占绝对优势,克氏针茅为建群优势种Poaceae plants account for absolute advantage, Stipa krylovii is the dominant species for group building | [ |
120 | 尿素Urea | 宁夏盐池县城西滩试验田Xitan experimental field in Yanchi county, Ningxia | 羊草L. chinensis | [ |
300 | 尿素Urea | 三江源区高寒草甸Alpine meadow in Sanjiangyuan district | 高山嵩草杂类草甸,主要优势牧草是高山嵩草Alpine meadow, with the main dominant species being Kobresia pygmaea | [ |
草地类型 Grassland types | NPP峰值 NPP peak value (g C·m-2·a-1) | 达到峰值的施肥方式 Optimal fertilization methods |
PDG | 68.72 | 硝酸盐/一年两施Nitrate/fertilize twice a year |
LMDG | 263.28 | 尿素/一年两施Urea/fertilize twice a year |
MMFM | 171.22 | 尿素/一年一施Urea/fertilize once a year |
AM | 114.62 | 无水氨/一年一施Anhydrous ammonia/fertilize once a year |
表3 不同草地类型最优施肥方式
Table 3 Optimal fertilization methods for different grassland types
草地类型 Grassland types | NPP峰值 NPP peak value (g C·m-2·a-1) | 达到峰值的施肥方式 Optimal fertilization methods |
PDG | 68.72 | 硝酸盐/一年两施Nitrate/fertilize twice a year |
LMDG | 263.28 | 尿素/一年两施Urea/fertilize twice a year |
MMFM | 171.22 | 尿素/一年一施Urea/fertilize once a year |
AM | 114.62 | 无水氨/一年一施Anhydrous ammonia/fertilize once a year |
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