草业学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 53-62.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2020351
Corresponding author. E-mail: anyuan@sjtu.edu.cn基金资助:
Ru-yue WANG(), Shi-li YUAN, Wu-wu WEN, Peng ZHOU, Yuan AN(
Yuan AN
为了探究磷对铝胁迫下紫花苜蓿幼苗生长和生理特征的影响,分别用不含和含200 μmol·L-1磷(P)、100 μmol·L-1铝(Al)、200 μmol·L-1 P+100 μmol·L-1 Al的简易 [Ca(NO3)2]营养液(pH=4.5)处理铝敏感紫花苜蓿品种‘Wl440’幼苗。结果表明,在铝处理中添加磷后,苜蓿幼苗根系和叶片中的铝含量分别比铝处理降低81.53%和61.47%,苜蓿幼苗的根长和根系活力显著提高,叶片电导率和丙二醛(MDA)含量显著下降;光合生理得到明显改善,与铝处理相比,磷添加处理幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量、蒸腾速率、气孔导度和光合速率明显提高,光系统Ⅱ和光系统I的电子传递速率增加;磷添加处理明显提高了铝胁迫苜蓿根系的草酸和苹果酸含量,体内有机酸螯合铝离子的能力增强,光合能力提高。因此,磷能够通过增加根系有机酸含量,改善铝胁迫苜蓿光合系统,从而缓解苜蓿铝毒害。
王如月, 袁世力, 文武武, 周鹏, 安渊. 磷对铝胁迫紫花苜蓿幼苗根系生长和生理特征的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2021, 30(10): 53-62.
Ru-yue WANG, Shi-li YUAN, Wu-wu WEN, Peng ZHOU, Yuan AN. Effects of phosphorus on root growth and photosynthetic physiology of alfalfa seedlings under aluminum stress[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021, 30(10): 53-62.
图1 磷对铝胁迫紫花苜蓿根系生长和活力的影响同一测定时间不同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),下同。The different letters in the same day indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level, the same below.
Fig. 1 Effects of phosphorus on root length and activity of alfalfa under aluminum stress
指标 Index | 处理 Treatments | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a | CK | 1.19±0.13a | 1.22±0.06a | 1.27±0.09a |
P | 1.23±0.08a | 1.20±0.08a | 1.30±0.14a | |
Al | 1.05±0.13a | 1.04±0.04b | 1.04±0.05b | |
Al+P | 1.11±0.03a | 1.16±0.10ab | 1.22±0.05a | |
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b | CK | 0.38±0.04a | 0.41±0.02a | 0.42±0.04a |
P | 0.39±0.05a | 0.40±0.03a | 0.44±0.04a | |
Al | 0.36±0.02a | 0.34±0.03ab | 0.34±0.01ab | |
Al+P | 0.39±0.03a | 0.38±0.02a | 0.40±0.03a |
表 1 磷对铝胁迫紫花苜蓿叶绿素含量的影响
Table 1 Effect of phosphorus on chlorophyll content of alfalfa under aluminum stress (μg·g-1 FW)
指标 Index | 处理 Treatments | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a | CK | 1.19±0.13a | 1.22±0.06a | 1.27±0.09a |
P | 1.23±0.08a | 1.20±0.08a | 1.30±0.14a | |
Al | 1.05±0.13a | 1.04±0.04b | 1.04±0.05b | |
Al+P | 1.11±0.03a | 1.16±0.10ab | 1.22±0.05a | |
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b | CK | 0.38±0.04a | 0.41±0.02a | 0.42±0.04a |
P | 0.39±0.05a | 0.40±0.03a | 0.44±0.04a | |
Al | 0.36±0.02a | 0.34±0.03ab | 0.34±0.01ab | |
Al+P | 0.39±0.03a | 0.38±0.02a | 0.40±0.03a |
光合参数 Photosynthetic parameter | 处理 Treatment | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
蒸腾速率 Transpiration rate (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 2.79±0.20a | 2.65±0.22a | 2.63±0.09a |
P | 2.55±0.53b | 2.70±0.05a | 2.66±0.07a | |
Al | 2.10±0.02c | 2.25±0.10c | 2.10±0.18c | |
Al+P | 2.39±0.02b | 2.54±0.15b | 2.37±0.14b | |
气孔导度 Stomatal conductance (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 63.17±4.49a | 63.54±5.27a | 55.23±2.00a |
P | 58.01±12.20ab | 64.61±1.24a | 55.92±1.41a | |
Al | 47.68±1.38c | 53.84±2.57c | 43.30±3.67c | |
Al+P | 52.20±0.39b | 59.01±3.48b | 48.75±2.81b | |
光合速率 Photosynthetic rate (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 12.77±0.83ab | 14.70±0.54a | 14.11±0.74a |
P | 12.26±0.44b | 14.73±0.14a | 14.56±0.52a | |
Al | 8.52±0.61c | 8.87±0.21c | 8.82±0.63b | |
Al+P | 9.58±0.46c | 10.74±0.94b | 9.46±0.54b | |
胞间CO2浓度 Intercellular CO2 concentration (ppm) | CK | 314.80±16.63bc | 276.27±14.80c | 278.36±11.25c |
P | 306.03±13.64c | 284.27±11.96c | 295.51±9.61c | |
Al | 350.82±9.59a | 340.97±16.08a | 350.28±10.19a | |
Al+P | 318.40±13.89bc | 314.03±15.81b | 316.91±17.23b |
表 2 磷对铝胁迫紫花苜蓿光合参数的影响
Table 2 Effects of phosphorus on photosynthetic parameters of alfalfa under aluminum stress
光合参数 Photosynthetic parameter | 处理 Treatment | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
蒸腾速率 Transpiration rate (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 2.79±0.20a | 2.65±0.22a | 2.63±0.09a |
P | 2.55±0.53b | 2.70±0.05a | 2.66±0.07a | |
Al | 2.10±0.02c | 2.25±0.10c | 2.10±0.18c | |
Al+P | 2.39±0.02b | 2.54±0.15b | 2.37±0.14b | |
气孔导度 Stomatal conductance (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 63.17±4.49a | 63.54±5.27a | 55.23±2.00a |
P | 58.01±12.20ab | 64.61±1.24a | 55.92±1.41a | |
Al | 47.68±1.38c | 53.84±2.57c | 43.30±3.67c | |
Al+P | 52.20±0.39b | 59.01±3.48b | 48.75±2.81b | |
光合速率 Photosynthetic rate (mmol·m-2·s-1) | CK | 12.77±0.83ab | 14.70±0.54a | 14.11±0.74a |
P | 12.26±0.44b | 14.73±0.14a | 14.56±0.52a | |
Al | 8.52±0.61c | 8.87±0.21c | 8.82±0.63b | |
Al+P | 9.58±0.46c | 10.74±0.94b | 9.46±0.54b | |
胞间CO2浓度 Intercellular CO2 concentration (ppm) | CK | 314.80±16.63bc | 276.27±14.80c | 278.36±11.25c |
P | 306.03±13.64c | 284.27±11.96c | 295.51±9.61c | |
Al | 350.82±9.59a | 340.97±16.08a | 350.28±10.19a | |
Al+P | 318.40±13.89bc | 314.03±15.81b | 316.91±17.23b |
参数 Parameter | PSII | PSI | ||||||
CK | P | Al | Al+P | CK | P | Al | Al+P | |
快速光曲线斜率α | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.11 | 0.09 | 0.39 | 0.39 | 0.45 | 0.42 |
潜在最大相对电子传递效率rETRmax | 15.29 | 18.20 | 7.94 | 11.12 | 101.53 | 92.72 | 71.05 | 80.05 |
半饱和光强Ik | 125.35 | 79.54 | 124.80 | 142.44 | 257.96 | 239.00 | 158.17 | 191.39 |
表 3 紫花苜蓿光系统Ⅱ和光系统Ⅰ快速光曲线拟合参数
Table 3 Fitting parameter of fast light curve of photosystem Ⅱ and I in Al-stressed alfalfa
参数 Parameter | PSII | PSI | ||||||
CK | P | Al | Al+P | CK | P | Al | Al+P | |
快速光曲线斜率α | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.11 | 0.09 | 0.39 | 0.39 | 0.45 | 0.42 |
潜在最大相对电子传递效率rETRmax | 15.29 | 18.20 | 7.94 | 11.12 | 101.53 | 92.72 | 71.05 | 80.05 |
半饱和光强Ik | 125.35 | 79.54 | 124.80 | 142.44 | 257.96 | 239.00 | 158.17 | 191.39 |
有机酸 Organic acid | 处理 Treatments | 处理时间 Treatment time | |||
3 h | 6 h | 12 h | 24 h | ||
草酸 Oxalic acid | CK | 0.057±0.008b | 0.062±0.007c | 0.059±0.003c | 0.061±0.000c |
P | 0.051±0.005b | 0.056±0.001c | 0.066±0.006c | 0.067±0.003c | |
Al | 0.088±0.007a | 0.239±0.007a | 0.342±0.005a | 0.457±0.006a | |
Al+P | 0.064±0.007b | 0.174±0.001b | 0.272±0.007b | 0.328±0.004b | |
柠檬酸 Citric acid | CK | 0.031±0.004c | 0.041±0.010c | 0.045±0.008c | 0.044±0.010c |
P | 0.033±0.009c | 0.038±0.010c | 0.038±0.010c | 0.045±0.008c | |
Al | 0.075±0.007a | 0.137±0.009a | 0.232±0.004a | 0.286±0.010a | |
Al+P | 0.063±0.001b | 0.119±0.010b | 0.210±0.008b | 0.250±0.009b |
表 4 磷对铝胁迫紫花苜蓿根系有机酸分泌量的影响
Table 4 Effect of P on organic acid secretion of alfalfa under aluminum stress (mg·mL-1)
有机酸 Organic acid | 处理 Treatments | 处理时间 Treatment time | |||
3 h | 6 h | 12 h | 24 h | ||
草酸 Oxalic acid | CK | 0.057±0.008b | 0.062±0.007c | 0.059±0.003c | 0.061±0.000c |
P | 0.051±0.005b | 0.056±0.001c | 0.066±0.006c | 0.067±0.003c | |
Al | 0.088±0.007a | 0.239±0.007a | 0.342±0.005a | 0.457±0.006a | |
Al+P | 0.064±0.007b | 0.174±0.001b | 0.272±0.007b | 0.328±0.004b | |
柠檬酸 Citric acid | CK | 0.031±0.004c | 0.041±0.010c | 0.045±0.008c | 0.044±0.010c |
P | 0.033±0.009c | 0.038±0.010c | 0.038±0.010c | 0.045±0.008c | |
Al | 0.075±0.007a | 0.137±0.009a | 0.232±0.004a | 0.286±0.010a | |
Al+P | 0.063±0.001b | 0.119±0.010b | 0.210±0.008b | 0.250±0.009b |
有机酸 Organic acid | 处理 Treatments | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
草酸 Oxalic acid | CK | 4.260±0.070a | 4.360±0.090a | 4.310±0.250a |
P | 3.810±0.120b | 4.090±0.070b | 4.250±0.160a | |
Al | 2.700±0.230d | 2.470±0.420d | 2.640±0.310c | |
Al+P | 3.230±0.150c | 2.650±0.320c | 3.240±0.160b | |
苹果酸 Malic acid | CK | 0.764±0.030a | 0.610±0.045a | 0.528±0.076ab |
P | 0.467±0.023c | 0.532±0.030a | 0.555±0.050a | |
Al | 0.419±0.039c | 0.390±0.121b | 0.100±0.067c | |
Al+P | 0.598±0.027b | 0.410±0.104ab | 0.384±0.115b | |
柠檬酸 Citric acid | CK | 0.419±0.035a | 0.493±0.107a | 0.421±0.176a |
P | 0.363±0.006ab | 0.470±0.008a | 0.411±0.109a | |
Al | 0.331±0.016b | 0.344±0.021b | 0.246±0.011a | |
Al+P | 0.319±0.044b | 0.426±0.031ab | 0.246±0.012a | |
琥珀酸 Succinic acid | CK | 0.261±0.015a | 0.281±0.013a | 0.276±0.011a |
P | 0.221±0.010b | 0.251±0.010b | 0.249±0.010a | |
Al | 0.216±0.011bc | 0.221±0.005c | 0.230±0.009a | |
Al+P | 0.189±0.019c | 0.261±0.004b | 0.228±0.053a |
表 5 磷对铝胁迫下紫花苜蓿根系有机酸含量的影响
Table 5 Effect of P on organic acid content in alfalfa under aluminum stress (mg·mL-1)
有机酸 Organic acid | 处理 Treatments | 处理天数 Days after treatment | ||
3 d | 7 d | 10 d | ||
草酸 Oxalic acid | CK | 4.260±0.070a | 4.360±0.090a | 4.310±0.250a |
P | 3.810±0.120b | 4.090±0.070b | 4.250±0.160a | |
Al | 2.700±0.230d | 2.470±0.420d | 2.640±0.310c | |
Al+P | 3.230±0.150c | 2.650±0.320c | 3.240±0.160b | |
苹果酸 Malic acid | CK | 0.764±0.030a | 0.610±0.045a | 0.528±0.076ab |
P | 0.467±0.023c | 0.532±0.030a | 0.555±0.050a | |
Al | 0.419±0.039c | 0.390±0.121b | 0.100±0.067c | |
Al+P | 0.598±0.027b | 0.410±0.104ab | 0.384±0.115b | |
柠檬酸 Citric acid | CK | 0.419±0.035a | 0.493±0.107a | 0.421±0.176a |
P | 0.363±0.006ab | 0.470±0.008a | 0.411±0.109a | |
Al | 0.331±0.016b | 0.344±0.021b | 0.246±0.011a | |
Al+P | 0.319±0.044b | 0.426±0.031ab | 0.246±0.012a | |
琥珀酸 Succinic acid | CK | 0.261±0.015a | 0.281±0.013a | 0.276±0.011a |
P | 0.221±0.010b | 0.251±0.010b | 0.249±0.010a | |
Al | 0.216±0.011bc | 0.221±0.005c | 0.230±0.009a | |
Al+P | 0.189±0.019c | 0.261±0.004b | 0.228±0.053a |
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