草业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 13-25.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2021391
秦格霞1(), 吴静1(
), 李纯斌1, 沈帅杰2, 李怀海1, 杨道涵1, 焦美榕1, 祁琦1
Corresponding author. E-mail: wujing@gsau.edu.cn基金资助:
Ge-xia QIN1(), Jing WU1(
), Chun-bin LI1, Shuai-jie SHEN2, Huai-hai LI1, Dao-han YANG1, Mei-rong JIAO1, Qi QI1
Jing WU
以C为驱动的WOFOST作物生长模型是基于作物生理生态过程,综合考虑了CO2、土壤、气候等因素对产量的胁迫作用,因此,对WOFOST模型参数进行本地化和优化便可实现时间连续且高精度的草地生物量监测。为探讨WOFOST参数敏感性分析结果在不同草地类型覆盖区表现出的不确定性问题,在天祝藏族自治县不同草地覆盖区选择了4个站点,利用气象数据、草地实测数据及土壤数据,基于扩展傅里叶幅度敏感性检验法(EFAST)研究潜在水平(指保证营养元素和水分为最佳供应,草地地上生物量仅由辐射、温度和作物特性决定)和水分限制水平(假设营养元素的供给仍然是最佳的, 但需考虑土壤有效水分对蒸发和草地生物量的影响)下WOFOST模型在不同草地类型覆盖区的全局敏感性参数和优化模型模拟精度。结果表明潜在生产水平下草地地上生物量(AGB)的敏感参数有比叶面积(SLATB)、单叶片CO2的初始光能利用率(EFFTB)、最大光合速率(AMAXTB)、根相对维持呼吸速率(RMR)、总干物质占根和叶的比例(FRTB和FLTB),水分限制条件下的敏感参数有SLATB、AMAXTB、RMR和FLTB。不同生产水平下叶面积指数(LAI)的敏感参数一致,从出苗到出苗后60 d主要受到SLATB、FLTB和FRTB的影响,出苗后60~200 d的敏感性参数为FLTB、FRTB、SLATB和漫射可见光的消光系数(KDIFTB),LAI开始下降后受到KDIFTB的敏感性增强。其中,山地草甸AGB的模拟值与观测值模拟精度最高,R2=0.94、RMSE=11.71 g·m-2,高寒草甸模拟精度最低,R2=0.83、RMSE=32.68 g·m-2。温性荒漠草原LAI的模拟值与观测值模拟精度最高,R2=0.96、RMSE=0.02,温性草原模拟精度最低,R2=0.66、RMSE=0.38。敏感性分析方法在WOFOST模型中的应用减少了人为主观因素的影响,极大地缩短了调参时间,对获取时间连续的草地生长监测方法选择提供参考。
秦格霞, 吴静, 李纯斌, 沈帅杰, 李怀海, 杨道涵, 焦美榕, 祁琦. 不同草地类型WOFOST模型参数敏感性分析[J]. 草业学报, 2022, 31(5): 13-25.
Ge-xia QIN, Jing WU, Chun-bin LI, Shuai-jie SHEN, Huai-hai LI, Dao-han YANG, Mei-rong JIAO, Qi QI. Sensitivity analysis of WOFOST model crop parameters in different grassland types[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2022, 31(5): 13-25.
图1 天祝藏族自治县草地类型及野外实测点分布该图基于国家测绘地理信息局标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2016) 1549号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。The drawing is based on the standard map with drawing approval No. GS (2016)1549 downloaded from the standard map service website of the State Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, and the base map is not modified.
Fig.1 Spatial distribution of grassland types and field sites in Tianzhu Zangzu Autonomous County
参数Parameter | 参数范围 Range of parameter in WOFOST |
作物初始的干物质重量Initial total crop dry weight (TDWI) | 87~161 |
出苗时叶面积指数Leaf area index at emergence (LAIEM) | 0.10185~0.14650 |
叶面积指数最大相对增长速率Maximum relative increase in LAI (RGRLAI) | 0.007151~0.008326 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB0.5 (DVS=0.5)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
叶片在35 ℃时的生命周期Life span of leaves growing at 35 ℃ (SPAN) | 25.17~30.43 |
叶龄下限温度Lower threshold temperature for aging of leaves (TBASE) | -3~3 |
漫射可见光的消光系数Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [KDIFTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.45~0.56 |
漫射可见光的消光系数Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [KDIFTB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.45~0.56 |
单叶片光能利用率Light-use efficiency of single leaf [EFFTB0 (T=0 ℃)] | 0.405~0.455 |
单叶片光能利用率Light-use efficiency of single leaf [EFFTB40 (T=40 ℃)] | 0.405 ~ 0.455 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB0 (DVS=0.0)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB1 (DVS=1.0)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB1.3 (DVS=1.3)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 4.032~4.928 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率衰减因子Reduction factor of AMAX [TMPFTB0 (T=0 ℃)] | 0.009~0.011 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率衰减因子Reduction factor of AMAX [TMPFTB10 (T=10 ℃)] | 0.44~0.56 |
叶片同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into leaves (CVL) | 0.6165~0.7535 |
贮藏器官同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into storage organ (CVO) | 0.6381~0.7799 |
根同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into roots (CVR) | 0.6246~0.7634 |
茎同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into stems (CVS) | 0.5958~0.7282 |
温度每升高10 °C,呼吸速率相对增加Relative increase in respiration rate per 10 °C temperature increase (Q10) | 1.8~2.2 |
叶片相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of leaves (RML) | 0.027~0.033 |
贮藏器官相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of storage organ (RMO) | 0.009~0.011 |
根相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of roots (RMR) | 0.0135~0.0165 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.45~0.55 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.4 (DVS=0.4)] | 0.153~0.187 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.7 (DVS=0.7)] | 0.063~0.077 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.9 (DVS=0.9)] | 0.027~0.033 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.62~0.78 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.25 (DVS=0.25)] | 0.53~0.75 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.5 (DVS=0.5)] | 0.45~0.55 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.646 (DVS=0.646)] | 0.27~0.33 |
水分胁迫对叶片的最大相对死亡率Maximum relative death rate of leaves due to water stress (PERDL) | 0.27~0.33 |
根的相对死亡率Relative death rate of roots [RDRRTB1.5 (DVS=1.5)] | 0.018~0.022 |
根的相对死亡率Relative death rate of roots [RDRRTB2.0 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.018~0.022 |
茎的相对死亡率Relative death rate of stems [RDRSTB1.5 (DVS=1.5)] | 0.018~0.022 |
茎的相对死亡率Relative death rate of stems [RDRSTB2.0 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.018~0.022 |
初始根深Initial rooting depth (RDI) | 2~10 |
最大日生根深度增加量Maximum daily increase in rooting depth (RRI) | 0~1.12 |
最大根深Maximum rooting depth (RDMCR) | 30.5~107.5 |
表1 WOFOST模型参数的取值范围
Table 1 Range of input parameters in WOFOST
参数Parameter | 参数范围 Range of parameter in WOFOST |
作物初始的干物质重量Initial total crop dry weight (TDWI) | 87~161 |
出苗时叶面积指数Leaf area index at emergence (LAIEM) | 0.10185~0.14650 |
叶面积指数最大相对增长速率Maximum relative increase in LAI (RGRLAI) | 0.007151~0.008326 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB0.5 (DVS=0.5)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
比叶面积Specific leaf area [SLATB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.001008~0.002532 |
叶片在35 ℃时的生命周期Life span of leaves growing at 35 ℃ (SPAN) | 25.17~30.43 |
叶龄下限温度Lower threshold temperature for aging of leaves (TBASE) | -3~3 |
漫射可见光的消光系数Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [KDIFTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.45~0.56 |
漫射可见光的消光系数Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [KDIFTB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.45~0.56 |
单叶片光能利用率Light-use efficiency of single leaf [EFFTB0 (T=0 ℃)] | 0.405~0.455 |
单叶片光能利用率Light-use efficiency of single leaf [EFFTB40 (T=40 ℃)] | 0.405 ~ 0.455 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB0 (DVS=0.0)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB1 (DVS=1.0)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB1.3 (DVS=1.3)] | 18.247~40.413 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率Maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate [AMAXTB2 (DVS=2.0)] | 4.032~4.928 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率衰减因子Reduction factor of AMAX [TMPFTB0 (T=0 ℃)] | 0.009~0.011 |
最大二氧化碳同化速率衰减因子Reduction factor of AMAX [TMPFTB10 (T=10 ℃)] | 0.44~0.56 |
叶片同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into leaves (CVL) | 0.6165~0.7535 |
贮藏器官同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into storage organ (CVO) | 0.6381~0.7799 |
根同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into roots (CVR) | 0.6246~0.7634 |
茎同化物转化效率Efficiency of conversion into stems (CVS) | 0.5958~0.7282 |
温度每升高10 °C,呼吸速率相对增加Relative increase in respiration rate per 10 °C temperature increase (Q10) | 1.8~2.2 |
叶片相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of leaves (RML) | 0.027~0.033 |
贮藏器官相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of storage organ (RMO) | 0.009~0.011 |
根相对维持呼吸速率Relative maintenance respiration rate of roots (RMR) | 0.0135~0.0165 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.45~0.55 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.4 (DVS=0.4)] | 0.153~0.187 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.7 (DVS=0.7)] | 0.063~0.077 |
总干物质占根系的比例Fraction of total dry matter to roots [FRTB0.9 (DVS=0.9)] | 0.027~0.033 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0 (DVS=0)] | 0.62~0.78 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.25 (DVS=0.25)] | 0.53~0.75 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.5 (DVS=0.5)] | 0.45~0.55 |
地上干物质到叶片的比例Fraction of aboveground dry matter to leaves [FLTB0.646 (DVS=0.646)] | 0.27~0.33 |
水分胁迫对叶片的最大相对死亡率Maximum relative death rate of leaves due to water stress (PERDL) | 0.27~0.33 |
根的相对死亡率Relative death rate of roots [RDRRTB1.5 (DVS=1.5)] | 0.018~0.022 |
根的相对死亡率Relative death rate of roots [RDRRTB2.0 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.018~0.022 |
茎的相对死亡率Relative death rate of stems [RDRSTB1.5 (DVS=1.5)] | 0.018~0.022 |
茎的相对死亡率Relative death rate of stems [RDRSTB2.0 (DVS=2.0)] | 0.018~0.022 |
初始根深Initial rooting depth (RDI) | 2~10 |
最大日生根深度增加量Maximum daily increase in rooting depth (RRI) | 0~1.12 |
最大根深Maximum rooting depth (RDMCR) | 30.5~107.5 |
图3 草地地上生物量敏感性指数总敏感性指数在0.05以下的参数没有在图中显示。Parameters whose total sensitivity index of biomass was less than 0.05 are not shown in the figure. SM: 山地草甸Slope meadow; AM: 高寒草甸Alpine meadow; WS: 温性草原Warm steppe; TDS: 温性荒漠草原Temperate desert steppe. 下同The same below.
Fig.3 The sensitivity index of parameters of AGB
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