草业学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 93-103.DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2022410
宫珂(), 靳瑰丽(
), 刘文昊, 马建, 刘智彪, 李嘉欣, 李莹
E-mail: jguili@126.com基金资助:
Ke GONG(), Gui-li JIN(
), Wen-hao LIU, Jian MA, Zhi-biao LIU, Jia-xin LI, Ying LI
Gui-li JIN
宫珂, 靳瑰丽, 刘文昊, 马建, 刘智彪, 李嘉欣, 李莹. 模拟增温对无芒雀麦生长特性的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2023, 32(9): 93-103.
Ke GONG, Gui-li JIN, Wen-hao LIU, Jian MA, Zhi-biao LIU, Jia-xin LI, Ying LI. Effects of simulated warming on growth characteristics of Bromus inermis[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(9): 93-103.
处理 Treatment | 顶边长度 The length of the top side (m) | 底边长度 The length of the bottom side (m) | 高度 Height (m) | 增温效果Effect of warming (℃) | |
5 cm土层5 cm soil layer | 10 cm土层10 cm soil layer | ||||
W1 | 0.65 | 0.90 | 0.80 | 2.09 | 1.46 |
W2 | 0.40 | 0.65 | 0.45 | 2.63 | 1.84 |
表1 增温设置规格及增温效果
Table 1 Temperature increase specifications and effect
处理 Treatment | 顶边长度 The length of the top side (m) | 底边长度 The length of the bottom side (m) | 高度 Height (m) | 增温效果Effect of warming (℃) | |
5 cm土层5 cm soil layer | 10 cm土层10 cm soil layer | ||||
W1 | 0.65 | 0.90 | 0.80 | 2.09 | 1.46 |
W2 | 0.40 | 0.65 | 0.45 | 2.63 | 1.84 |
图2 野外模拟增温对种子发芽特征的影响不同小写字母表示处理间具有显著差异(P<0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters represent the significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). The same below.
Fig.2 Effects of field simulated warming on seed emergence characteristics
图3 野外模拟增温对发芽率与发芽势、发芽速率关系的影响
Fig.3 Effect of field simulated warming on the relationship between emergence percent, emergence energy and emergence rate
处理 Treatment | 生殖生长Reproductive growth | 营养生长Vegetative growth | ||||
生殖投入 Reproductive investment (%) | 生殖生长比率 Reproductive growth ratio (%) | 千粒重 Thousand seed weight (g) | 根冠比 Radicle biomass/seedling biomass | 营养投入 Nutrient investment (%) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | |
CK | 5.39±0.48a | 26.63±3.06b | 0.378±0.013a | 1.20±0.12ab | 94.61±0.49a | 69.60±3.49ab |
W1 | 5.44±0.61a | 15.12±0.71a | 0.371±0.064a | 0.70±0.09a | 94.56±0.61a | 75.80±4.44b |
W2 | 7.65±1.17a | 27.53±2.57b | 0.455±0.023a | 1.25±0.22b | 92.34±1.17a | 65.59±3.42a |
表2 繁殖生长指标在模拟增温处理下的差异
Table 2 Differences of reproductive growth indexes under simulated warming treatment
处理 Treatment | 生殖生长Reproductive growth | 营养生长Vegetative growth | ||||
生殖投入 Reproductive investment (%) | 生殖生长比率 Reproductive growth ratio (%) | 千粒重 Thousand seed weight (g) | 根冠比 Radicle biomass/seedling biomass | 营养投入 Nutrient investment (%) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | |
CK | 5.39±0.48a | 26.63±3.06b | 0.378±0.013a | 1.20±0.12ab | 94.61±0.49a | 69.60±3.49ab |
W1 | 5.44±0.61a | 15.12±0.71a | 0.371±0.064a | 0.70±0.09a | 94.56±0.61a | 75.80±4.44b |
W2 | 7.65±1.17a | 27.53±2.57b | 0.455±0.023a | 1.25±0.22b | 92.34±1.17a | 65.59±3.42a |
图6 增温影响无芒雀麦不同生长阶段生长指标的通径分析数字为因变量与自变量间的回归系数,实线代表正效应影响,虚线代表负效应影响;*代表P<0.05;**代表P<0.01;线段粗细代表系数大小。The number is the regression coefficient between the dependent and independent variables, the solid line represents significant impact, and the dotted line represents insignificant impact. * represents P<0.05; ** represents P<0.01; The thickness of the line segment represents the size of the coefficient. RL/SL: 根苗比Radicle length/seedling length; RB/SB: 根冠比Radicle biomass/seedling biomass.
Fig.6 Path analysis of the influence of warming on growth indexes of B. inermis at different growth stages
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